Read Deadly Obsession Online

Authors: Kristine Cayne

Tags: #Romance, #Deadly Vices Book 1

Deadly Obsession (50 page)

Nic lay down on his side, tugging a cushion under his arm. “This feels so right. Why did it take us so long to admit our feelings for each other?”

Vivian’s lips twitched. “Well, you did have all those other women.” Lauren fought the twinge of jealousy that stirred in her gut.

“It’s a good thing they’re gone, then.” When Vivian grinned but didn’t say anything, Nic cocked his head and smiled like he knew a secret. “You didn’t have anything to do with that, did you,

Hearing Nic’s question, Lauren tensed and gripped the arms of her chair. This was the first step. If Vivian admitted to stalking him, maybe she’d admit to killing Summer, too.

Vivian’s eyes opened wide and she put a hand to her chest. “

“I know how you are.” He trailed a finger along her arm. “You can be a real lioness when you want something.” He met her gaze. “And you want me.”

She opened her mouth as if to say something, then clamped it shut.

“Come on, Viv. I won’t be mad.” He inched closer to her. “They were using me. If you helped get rid of them, you did me a huge favor.”

Vivian averted her gaze. “I might have sent a few messages.”

“And photos?” When she nodded, Nic picked up another strawberry and coated it in whipped cream. As he placed it in her mouth, he smiled. “Sweet, Vivian. I owe you for that.”

“You aren’t even a little angry I got rid of

Lauren resisted shouting her name at the monitor. Good thing too, because Vivian would probably have heard her through the floor.

Nic shook his head. “Did you send her the curly haired Barbie too?”

“It looked a lot like her, didn’t it?”

“The dog tags clinched it.”

Vivian threw her head back and laughed.

“You should have seen her face when I opened the box.” He laughed along with her. “As they say in that credit card commercial: priceless.”

Lauren leaned forward to see the screen more clearly. Nic’s eyes shone with what looked like genuine happiness. To all appearances, he was having a grand old time at her expense. She took a deep breath.
It isn’t real

“What about the woman at the footprint ceremony? Was she part of this?”

“I looked into it. She was just a crazy fan.”

Lauren shuddered, thinking how close the woman had come to being killed.

Nic pushed himself into a sitting position and leaned forward so only a few inches separated him from Vivian. “You have no idea how cherished I feel knowing you did all this for me.”

“I have gone, and will continue to go, to great lengths to protect you.”

Grinning, Nic pretended to roar like a lion while Vivian purred in return. Lauren was seriously starting to feel sick.

“And NicsBitch. Did you get rid of her, too? She knew exactly where I was all the time.”

Vivian laughed. “How innocent you are, my sweet Nic.
was NicsBitch.”

Nic drew back a little, his brow furrowed in confusion. “It was you?”

“I put a tracking app on your phone that let me keep tabs on you. That way, if you needed me, I could intervene quickly.”

“But why did you post my location on the Internet?”

She lowered her chin and lifted her eyes up to his, a slight smile playing with her lips. “I only did that when you needed a little reminder.”


“Of who you belong to.”

Lauren’s mind reeled. Vivian had used the internet postings to punish Nic whenever she’d felt he was getting out of line.

Nic put his hand behind Vivian’s head and lowered her to the blanket. “I don’t need any reminders now. I belong to you.” His mouth descended on hers. She moaned and arched into him. Nic’s expression turned fierce as he tore her blouse open, sending the few remaining buttons flying across the room. His hand slid up her stomach and cupped her breast, massaging it.

“I knew you’d understand my message.”

His eyes heavy with desire, he said, “
You’re mine, only mine
. Even now, thinking about it makes me hot.”

“You didn’t mind the blood?”

“You know what the sight of it does to me.” His gaze locked with hers, penetrating. “But I understand now. It was a promise, wasn’t it?”

“A blood oath,” she murmured. A chill ran up Lauren’s spine.

Nic took Vivian’s mouth again. To Lauren, Vivian looked like she had eight arms. Within seconds, she’d ripped off Nic’s shirt and her hands were on the snap of his jeans.

How far would Nic have to go?

Lauren sighed in relief when Nic pulled back onto his knees. “I want to see you in that teddy. All of you.” He pulled her skirt down her legs. “But keep the heels,” he added as he kissed her ankle.

Vivian inhaled sharply as he rained little bites up her calf and kissed behind her knee.

“You’re so beautiful. I don’t know how I survived without you.”

She made little sounds of pleasure as his kisses moved further up her leg. “You never had to, Nic. Since you met me, you’ve never been alone.”

What did Vivian mean? Lauren turned to Jake and raised her brows in question.

“Kaden told me she planted cameras in the loft. They discovered them the day we left.”

Her stomach dropped as though she were on a roller coaster. “Where… where were they?”

“The cops found some in Nic’s bedroom and bathroom. There may have been others. I’m not sure.”

Lauren swallowed, fighting back waves of nausea. Vivian had watched as Nic showered. As she showered. As they’d showered
. Her cheeks flamed. Even worse, Vivian had been in Nic’s bed with them. She’d heard and seen everything they’d said, everything they’d done. Even her confession about her guilt over Todd’s death. “That fucking crazy
.” Lauren understood exactly how violated Nic felt. Because she felt the same way.

When she returned her attention to what was going on in the room below, she wished she hadn’t. Nic’s face was dangerously close to Vivian’s crotch. Lauren’s stomach heaved and she slapped a hand over her mouth, certain she was going to puke. How could Nic stand doing this when she could barely stand to watch? She wrenched off her headphones and pushed her chair back to get up, but Jake clamped his hand down on her arm. “Stay.” When she made no move to sit, he reminded her, “You promised him.”

He was right. She had promised. Against her better judgment, she plopped back into her seat and settled the headphones over her ears.

As she watched, Nic sat back on his heels, shoulders sagging. “Before we go any further, there’s something I have to tell you.”

Eyes wide and breathing in small pants, Vivian propped herself on her elbows. “What is it, darling?”

“It’s about Summer.” He let his head hang. “I went to her place once.”

“I know.” She smiled like a benevolent parent.

Nic shook his head and continued. “I let her do things to me.” Then he rushed to add, “But then I thought of you and you called. Thank God you called. And then I left.”

Her smile widened. “I was very proud of you that day.”

He blinked as if surprised. “You aren’t angry with me.”

“I was a little angry at her though. She knew better.”

“And when she drugged me? You must have been more than a little angry then.”

Lauren glanced at Jake and saw that he too was waiting on tenterhooks for Vivian’s reply. This could be it: the big confession.

When Vivian didn’t answer, Nic kissed her stomach, his tongue swirling around her navel through the holes in her lace teddy. “You can tell me anything.”

Beneath him, Vivian writhed and gripped his hair but still she remained silent.

“Do you know the worst part of what happened with Summer?” Nic asked. “I don’t know what she did to me while I was out of it.” He kissed his way up her stomach, and laved one of her nipples through the thin material.

“You’re right. That is the worst part.” Vivian pressed Nic’s head against her breast and arched her back. He sucked a nipple into his mouth but she pushed him away, and started tugging at her teddy. “Get this off me.”

Nic chuckled as if her impatience amused him. Slowly he undid one button then paused. “Why the hurry, sweetheart?” he teased.

“You know what I want, darling,” Vivian said. When she opened her legs wide, Lauren had to turn away.

“Tell you what,” she heard Nic say. The lightness in his tone brought her eyes back to the monitor. What was he up to? He picked up the bowl of whipped cream. “I’ll give you what you want, if…” He paused.


Nic scooped some whipped cream on his finger and positioned it directly above Vivian’s crotch but didn’t touch her. “If you answer a question for me.”

Vivian’s eyes were glued to his finger. Slowly, he brought it to his lips. Her gaze followed. His tongue slipped out and cleaned all the cream off in languorous licks. He sucked his finger into his mouth, then pulled it out with a popping sound. Vivian’s gaze locked on his. “Question?” she managed, although her voice sounded like she’d swallowed some cat fur.

“Did you have anything to do with Summer drugging me?”

Vivian looked genuinely shocked. “No! Of course not. I even tried to stop her.”

“How’s that?” he asked, his voice light as if he were making casual conversation. But it didn’t work.

Vivian eyed his finger pointedly. “You got your one question.” Nic sighed. “What’s the matter, darling? Did I upset you?”

“No.” He smiled ruefully. “I thought you’d want to tell me about all the things you did to protect me. Kind of like foreplay, you know?”

“Hearing this stuff turns you on?”

Nic flashed her a cocky smile. “Like nothing else.”

In seconds, Vivian was on her knees. “Let me see,” she urged, tugging on Nic’s zipper.

Nic laughed as he pretended to fall back, pulling Vivian on top of him. But that didn’t stop her. Her hand snaked down between them. Before she reached his groin, he rolled over, pinning her under him.

Lauren pushed back her chair, dropped the headphones, and glared at Jake when he tried to restrain her. “I have to stop this.”

“Why? He’s finally getting somewhere.”

She scowled at her bodyguard and shook his hand off her arm. “No, Jake. Vivian’s the only one getting somewhere and where she wants to get is in Nic’s pants.”

If Vivian saw her, maybe the shock would get her to talk. At least it would save Nic the humiliation of having to go further with this sick charade. But first, she had to get past Jake.

In a flash, she grabbed her mug of cold coffee and threw it in Jake’s face. Before he had a chance to react, she ran for the stairs.






The woman had a one-track mind.

Nic lay on top of Vivian, pinning her hands above her head so she’d stop trying to grab his dick. Since he couldn’t fake an erection, one touch and it would be game over.

A loud noise from above caught his attention and he pulled back.

“What’s that?” Vivian asked. “I hope it’s not that crazy friend of yours.”

“I’ll go see,” he said, pulling one of the blankets around her. “Put this on so you don’t get cold.”

“This is why I love you.”

Seeing her bright eyes, his heart twisted painfully. For the first time since she’d arrived at the ranch, he was seeing
, the woman who’d been his mentor, his confidante, and his friend for the past decade. What had happened to her that she’d lost herself? He dropped a tiny kiss on her lips and rose to his feet.

When he was still a couple steps away from the door, Lauren rounded the corner and ran into his chest. Automatically his arms went around her. She looked at him with pity in her eyes. His fiancée had apparently decided he needed rescuing. He dropped his arms as Vivian approached.

“My, my. Look what the cat dragged in,” she hissed. “Aren’t you supposed to be in New York?”

Lauren’s eyes darted between Nic and Vivian as if she didn’t know how to answer. Nic bit back a groan. How the hell was he going to get her out of here?

Ignoring Lauren, he put his arm at the small of Vivian’s back and led her to their makeshift bed. If he stayed between the two of them, Vivian wouldn’t be able to hurt Lauren. And right now, keeping Lauren safe was the only thing that mattered.

Vivian pulled the blanket more tightly around her shoulders, all trace of desire gone. Hatred flashed in her eyes and rang in her voice. “Why is she here?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well, get rid of her. Before I do.”

. Vivian wouldn’t buy his act unless he was hard on Lauren. Hell, he was so pissed, it wouldn’t be much of a stretch. He turned to face her. “What the fuck are you doing here? I told you when you left, that we were done. That I never wanted to see your lying face again.”

Lauren flinched. But when she straightened her spine, Nic knew he was in trouble. “I… I couldn’t stay away. I quit my job for you.”

Vivian’s mouth gaped.

“You shouldn’t have.” Nic shrugged and threw his arm around Vivian, pulling her against his side. “Viv and I belong together. You lost your chance.”

“I’d do anything for you.” She bit her lip. “I’m even willing to share.”

Vivian turned to Nic. “You see? I was right. She’s nothing but a whore.”

Lauren eyed Vivian up and down, and grimaced. “Come on, Vivian. You know you can’t handle a guy like Nic. You need someone like me to pick up the slack.”

All his blood dropped and pooled in his feet. She was playing a very dangerous game.

“Someone like you?” sputtered Vivian.

,” Lauren said, emphasizing the word.

Vivian lunged at her. “You little bitch!”

Lauren chuckled and jumped out of the way. “See?”

Nic tried to get between them. “Ladies. Let’s all calm down.”

Vivian shrugged and turned away. Nic felt a moment of relief when she picked up her skirt and slipped it on. He’d seen more than enough of her teddy. She jammed her arms into the sleeves of her blouse, tying it in a knot below her breasts. Finally she picked up her purse.

“Leaving so soon, dear?” Lauren asked, echoing Vivian’s mocking words.

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