Death and Deception (34 page)

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Authors: B. A. Steadman

He craned his head to the right, looking for Sally, and registered a wheelchair parked in the aisle before he realised it was Chas Lloyd, there with her parents. Mr Lloyd, a lay preacher, sang all the hymns with a lusty verve and prayed as loudly as the Vicar. Chas flicked Dan a swift glance, but dropped her head before he could acknowledge her. He didn’t mind her being there. It was good that she wanted to pay her respects. She would have her whole life to atone, poor kid.

Campbell Fox stood at least a head above everyone else in the church. He dabbed his eyes and blew his nose at each hymn and prayer, and Dan felt the clutch of shame round his heart once more. He would be a better policeman from now on. He would.

From behind him, he heard the sound of a small child arguing with its sibling, and the urgent, quiet shushing of a parent. He realised that Sally had brought her family, but positioned herself for a quick exit near the rear door if they became troublesome. For a moment, he felt a pang of envy for her normal family life.

Finally, his gaze came to rest on the shining gold head in the row in front of him. Claire Quick sensed that he was staring at her and looked round, giving him a small smile of sympathy. He had no idea why she had wanted to come to the funeral, but he was glad she had. He thought that maybe, if he was lucky and didn’t make a total tit of himself, she might agree to go out for a drink with him sometime. That thought carried him through the rest of the service.

The service continued until at last the coffin was slowly wheeled down the aisle towards the waiting hearse.

A ripple of soft sobs echoed around the church as the congregation stood to see him pass with his family trailing behind.

The wake was to be held in Ian’s favourite pub, The Barn Owl, but Dan wasn’t intending to go, he knew he wouldn’t be welcome.


With quiet insistence, Dan’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He lifted it out and put it to his ear as unobtrusively as he could. It was Sergeant White.


Dan watched Claire leaving the church. She turned, waved and gave him a little questioning smile.

‘Sir? Are you there?’

Dan waved back and, indicating the phone, shook his head and smiled, shoulders lifting into a shrug. Claire made a ‘call me’ gesture and his heart sang, as she walked out alone into the sunlight.

‘Yes, I’m here, Colin. What can I do for you?’

White sounded relieved. ‘Some idiot teenager is shooting at passers-by with an air rifle. Refusing to put down the weapon. Has your sick leave finished yet, and if so, could you come back to the station straightaway, as there doesn’t seem to be any bugger about?’




End of Book 1




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