Deciding Love (20 page)

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Authors: Janelle Stalder

Shoot. I had forgotten where we were. Kyle chuckled when I grimaced.

“What about you?” I asked, motioning to his straining arousal.

“I’ll survive,” he said with a grin.

My heart instantly picked up speed. As though he could hear it, he shook his head, his grin stretching. “Insatiable, Miss. Morgan,” he teased. “Get your mind out of the gutter and focus on washing up.”

I signed in disappointment, earning another chuckle and a quick peck on the lips.










That’s what it felt like. Having a naked Chloe in my arms, the feel of her beneath my hands, her taste in my mouth - I had never wanted to leave that shower.

Which is exactly why I forced myself to. Being so close to her was too much temptation, especially considering I was rock hard and aching. But knowing Chloe was a virgin, and after everything that had happened the night before, I knew her needs had to come before mine. When we finally made love, it wasn’t going to be in a shower. I wanted her in a bed, and so delirious with desire that she could barely see straight. I’d only managed to get her half way to the point where I wanted her. Although, the memory of how glazed over her eyes had been after her orgasm made me think maybe she’d been more than halfway.

I smiled to myself, pulling on a pair of pants. I had to ignore the sound of the shower before I said fuck it, and went back in there. Maybe I should leave the room. Probably a good idea, I decided.

Setting out some sweatpants and a t-shirt for her, I headed downstairs to get some coffee brewing. Part way down I paused, one of my previous thoughts slamming through me again.

Did I honestly just think, when we make
? What the hell was going on with me? Make love? The whole notion was foreign to me. And yet, thinking of
Chloe didn’t sit well with me - at all.

Shaking my head, I descended the rest of the way and walked into the kitchen to see Cat sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal.

“Morning,” I said, going straight for the coffee maker. When she didn’t answer I looked over to see her looking at me with narrowed eyes.


“Who are you, and what have you done with my brother?”

I laughed. “What does that mean?”

She gave me a baffled look. “The Kyle Briggs I know only communicates in monosyllables in the mornings, or simply grunts.”

“Sorry,” I said with a shrug, turning back to focus on how many scoops of coffee I was making. “I take back my greeting.”

“Why are you so happy? What’s gotten into you?”

I couldn’t help but smile, which I’m sure she took notice of. “You’re being ridiculous.”

“Uh huh, if you say so.”

As if on cue, Chloe walked in then, looking adorable in my shirt and pants, which were clearly too big for her. Actually, she looked downright edible. Suddenly I couldn’t have cared less about caffeine. All I wanted to do was scoop her up and bring her back to my bed. Now that I knew what hid beneath those clothes, it was going to be hard not to keep her naked around me at all times.

I was addicted.

She gave me a hesitant smile, tugging at the t-shirt. I knew Cat was watching, so I probably should have played it cool. But then I thought, fuck it. I wasn’t going to hide my feelings for her from anyone. If we were going to do this then we were going to do this.

Crossing the distance between us, I held her face gently, relieved to see her cheek looked normal again, and then leaned down to kiss her long and slow. Her little hands reached out to grip my waist, as though she’d fall without my support. When I pulled back, she blinked open hazed eyes. I smiled, loving that look.

Her answering smile was much more relaxed and I realized her nervousness before was because of me. She didn’t know if I would act differently around other people. Now I was even happier I’d decided to kiss her.

Sending her a quick wink, I turned back to the coffee. Chloe started toward the table where my sister sat with her mouth hanging open.

“Uh...did I miss something?”

Chloe let out a chuckle. “It’s a long story.”

“Are you wearing his clothes?”

I looked over to give Cat a warning look. “Like she said, it’s a long story.”

Cat looked between us. “Would one of you care to explain?”

Chloe took a deep breath before getting into the events of the night before. I leaned against the counter, my teeth clenching together as she talked to Cat. I hadn’t heard the entire story, and it was only making me want to give little Jax another visit.

Cat seemed just as pissed. She stood, pacing back and forth in her fuzzy Cookie Monster slippers.

“I’m going to kill him,” she said firmly. “You should have called me.”

“I’m sorry,” Chloe said. “I didn’t want you getting involved.”

“I’m your best friend, it’s my job to get involved when it comes to things like this. I’m going to crush his testicles.”

I flinched. “Easy, kitty,” I said.

“Easy? Don’t easy me!”

Pouring her a cup, I brought it to Chloe, who looked distressed by my sister’s reaction.

Massaging her neck, I stood behind her, giving my sister a stern look. “You need to relax. It’s over and Chloe doesn’t need to relive it all again because you’re pissed.”

Cat paused, her eyes going to Chloe, and then filling with regret.

“Sorry, Chlo,” she said, sitting back down.

“It’s okay,” she replied. I could feel her start to relax more beneath my hand.

“So it took this to get you two to happen, huh?” Cat said, motioning between us.

Chloe stiffened again and I had to sigh. My sister needed a god damn filter.

“Does it bother you?” Chloe asked. My hand paused. Did she care if it did? Because I didn’t. My sister could suck it up if she had a problem. Not that I expected her to.

Proving me right, Cat waved her off, sitting back in her seat. “I knew this was bound to happen since the first moment you two met. I’m surprised it took this long.” Her gaze moved to me. “Of course, some people are blind, stubborn morons sometimes.”

“Watch it,” I said, although I couldn’t stop my lips from twitching.


After breakfast I stole Chloe away from Cat, slinging her over my shoulder as I made a beeline for my room. Cat called out a complaint in the background, but I ignored her. Having to sit there and watch Chloe laugh while wearing my clothes had pushed my patience to its limits.

Slamming the door shut behind me, I dropped her onto my mattress. She let out a puff of breath, her eyes wide, but not fearful or pissed. No, my girl was excited, watching my every move to see what I’d do next.

Letting a slow grin stretch across my face, I leaned down and gripped the hem of her shirt, pausing.

“Lift your arms,” I said.

A blush stole across her cheeks as she did what I said. Pulling the fabric over her head, I let out a low groan when I saw she wasn’t wearing a bra. She had the prettiest breasts. My mouth literally watered just from looking at them.

Crawling up the bed, I smiled again at the audible increase of her breath.

“You should smile more,” she said as I forced her to lay back, covering her body with mine.

“I smile,” I said, dropping a kiss to her shoulder.

Another hitch in her breath. She responded so well, increasing my own excitement.

“Not enough,” she said as her hands gripped my biceps.

I kissed up her neck, pulling back to look down at her. “You make me smile.”

Her lips pouted and it took everything in me not to bite them.

“You always looked miserable around me,” she argued.

“That’s because I wanted you and couldn’t have you,” I replied honestly.

That confused pout was still there - it needed to go. Sucking her bottom lip into my mouth, and then the top, I swept my tongue inside her sweet mouth.

Kissing Chloe was like nothing else I’d ever experienced. I could only imagine what it would be like when I was finally inside her. I’d never thought one person could be so different from all the others. But Chloe was. Everything was better with her than it was with any of the other girls I had hooked up with in the past. How had I’d gone so long without this?

Her hips rotated beneath mine, rubbing against my aching cock. I growled into her mouth, my entire body shaking with restraint.

“Kyle,” she whimpered against my mouth.

Leaning my forehead against hers, I inhaled deeply.

“I want you so bad,” I said. “But I don’t want to rush things.”

“Please, Kyle,” she said, gripping my shoulders. “I’ve already waited for you for too long.”

Christ, she didn’t make this easy. I was really trying to be the good guy here. The last thing I wanted was for Chloe to think all I wanted was sex from her.

There were other things I could do for her, and I was looking forward to them just as much as I was looking forward to being deep inside her.

“I’ll make you feel good,” I promised her.


Around three I drove a very pleased Chloe to her house. We’d spent the afternoon in bed, exploring each other’s bodies. I’d tasted, touched, kissed every inch of her body. And she’d returned the favor.

Chloe’s lips wrapped around me had nearly made me lose control instantly. I’d gritted my teeth as she’d worked me to the brink of sanity. It had left me feeling boneless for the first time in my life. I’d always been satisfied after being with a girl, but I’d be ready to get up and leave right after.

With Chloe, all I could do was tug her lithe body up against mine, and bask in the feelings washing over me. I would have kept her there all day and night if I could, but her mother was alone and had called to see if she’d be there for supper.

Plus I had a shift at the shop, so eventually we got dressed again and headed out. Colt’s car sat in the driveway when we pulled up. He got out, his eyes scrutinizing us as we walked up.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, staking my claim. Most people were terrified of Colt Morgan. Not me. He was a good fighter and had a mean temper, but the same could be said for me. It’s why we were friends. Same with Rannon. Neither of us were scared of the others, all of us alpha personalities.

If he had a problem with me being with his sister, he had better say it now, because I wasn’t going to let him ruin this. I might have been concerned about his reaction before, but now that I knew how different it was with her, I wasn’t going to let his feelings get in the way.

Chloe, on the other hand, felt stiff as a board within my arm. She seemed terrified of what he’d say. I almost wanted to laugh at her.

“Colt,” I greeted, meeting his eyes directly.

His narrowed. “Briggs,” he said slowly. He looked at Chloe. “How are you doing today?”

“Better,” she said with a nod.

“Your mom said you slept at Cat’s,” he said, glancing between us.

“If you have a problem, say it now, man,” I said, done with his silent questions.

“I don’t have a problem,” he said, surprising me. “So long as you realize Jax isn’t the only one who can be taught a lesson if Chloe gets hurt.”

“I’m not going to hurt her,” I said.

We stared at each other in that male way where you silently size up the other guy. Finally Colt nodded.

“Okay, well I’m going to head in to see Mom,” Chloe said. “Are you coming in?” She asked Colt.

He shook his head. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I have some other running around to do.”

“Okay.” She turned to me. “Talk to you later?”

It pissed me off that it was a question, as if she thought once we separated this would all be over.

“Yes, I’ll call you when I’m done at the shop,” I said, leaning in to kiss her lightly on the lips. As much as I didn’t care if Colt liked this development or not, that didn’t mean I was going to rub his face in it by making out with his sister right in front of him. I had more respect for him than that.

We both watched Chloe walk away until she disappeared into the house. Colt turned back to me, the two of us mirroring each other with our hands shoved in our pockets, shoulders stiff.

“She’s not like the others, Briggs,” he said

“I know that more than you can even comprehend,” I said.

He paused for a moment, regarding me seriously. “Good,” he finally said. “I’ll see you around then.”

I got back in the car feeling a bit better about all this. Because as much as I told myself I wasn’t going to screw this up, there was still a part of me that was terrified I would. Knowing Colt approved helped, because that meant he saw something in me that convinced him this really was different. I just prayed we were right, because hurting Chloe could quite possibly destroy me.






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