Deep Penetration; Alien Breeders I (13 page)

Read Deep Penetration; Alien Breeders I Online

Authors: Stacey St. James

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #sex, #bdsm, #alien, #futuristic, #slave, #sex slave, #breeders, #sci fi, #toys, #anunnaki, #rough sex, #penetration, #breed, #forced seduction, #deep penetration, #alien breeder, #alien toys, #multilple heroes

* * * *

It startled Emerald when the door
opened and the Android that had been set to guard her entered and
approached her where she sat in one of the large chairs in the
lounging area of Tariq’s quarters. He knelt in front of her and
indicated that she was to extend her foot. Reluctance instantly
slithered through her but riding it was the unwelcome certainty
that wrestling for possession of her foot wouldn’t go well for her.
That certainty increased to uneasiness when he lifted his head and
met her gaze when she failed to comply immediately.

Regardless of what they’d told her,
there was intelligence in his eyes and determination, not the dead
look of a thing that had no life of its own beyond the mechanics
that powered it.

Swallowing against the sudden dryness
in her mouth, she shifted her weight from her legs and held out the
foot he’d tapped with his hand.

His gaze skimmed the length of her leg
and focused for a handful of seconds at the juncture of her thighs,
just long enough to increase the sense that he was far more than a
machine but not long enough to solidly confirm that suspicion. Her
heart fluttered, but she couldn’t decide if it was from anxiety, a
flare of hope, or a combination of both and a purely physical
reaction to his interest—or what appeared to be

You aren’t Koryn’s
assistant, Roth,” she murmured when he settled her heel on his hard
knee and began to unwind the bandaging on her foot. “What’s your

As closely as she watched him she
couldn’t see that he’d heard her let alone understood, and yet she
still felt like he had.

With calm deliberation, he completely
removed the bandage, dropped it to the floor and examined her foot
with his gaze.

They said you weren’t …
real, that you were a machine and that you hadn’t been programmed
to understand my language,” she said tentatively when he lifted her
foot to study the bright pink new skin where here blisters had
been. “Your hands feel real to me.”

He flicked a brief look at her face at
that. His dark, tawny brows drew together over the bridge of his
nose as he returned his gaze to her foot. He hesitated. After a
long moment, he stroked the new skin lightly with the ball of his
thumb, as if he was testing it, though it almost seemed more like
he was trying to soothe the angry color.

There was nothing detached or
unfeeling about his touch. Emerald refused to believe that she
could react the way she had if it was. “It isn’t as if they talk to
me or would listen to me, you know. We’re lower life forms as far
they’re concerned.”

He curled his fingers around her ankle
and lifted her foot. Instead of settling it on the chair, however,
he moved her leg to one side before he released it. She might have
thought there was no motive behind it except that his gaze once
more traveled her thigh to the lips of her sex—which he’d exposed
very deliberately to his view by that move—lingering a second
longer than before. Again, she felt an uncomfortable flutter, this
time in both her chest and her lower belly.

He flicked a look upward at her face.
“I am Aeon,” he said, his voice sounding rusty, almost harsh.
“Tariq’s man. You will not fare well among the Anunnaki if you
cannot learn to accept your place.”

Anger flickered through her as he took
her other foot and guided it to rest on his knee. “You didn’t have
to, though, did you? They created you as a … machine, so you have
no feelings.”

His face hardened, but he focused on
unwrapping the bandages on her foot.

It’s curious to me,
though …. If you’re nothing but a machine and have no feelings I
can’t help but wonder why you have any interest in studying my

Dark color tinged his cheeks, but
there was grim amusement in his eyes when he flicked a look at her.
“I have an interest in keeping my dick. I have no need for one to
serve Tariq.”

Chapter Six

Emerald eyed Tariq warily when he
entered the room some time later. She couldn’t see any sign of the
anger from earlier, but his expression and his manner were
purposeful enough that she felt a flicker of uneasiness as he
crossed the cabin and disappeared inside the small compartment
beside the facilities where he’d gotten the clothing he’d allowed
her to wear before. When he reappeared, he was carrying a
strap-like object that looked like a belt and Emerald felt her
uneasiness deepen even though he hadn’t once glanced in her
direction since he’d returned. Maybe because he seemed intent on
behaving as if she was invisible?

He sat down on the edge of his bunk.
“Come here, Emerald.”

Emerald sent him a startled look. He
was focused on removing his boots, though, and she almost managed
to convince herself she hadn’t heard him summon her.

She knew when he looked up and met her
gaze with a look of hard determination that she hadn’t misheard
him. He hadn’t ‘forgotten’ her refusal to answer his questions
earlier or decided to overlook it.

Her eyes widened as he stood up.
Contrary to her expectations, however, he didn’t stride across the
room to fetch her. He turned his attention to removing his

Realizing his intent instantly,
Emerald’s heart slammed against her chest wall so hard it knocked
the breath from her. She threw a glance toward the door, wondering
if she could reach it and escape before he could catch her. When
she dragged her gaze from the door, however, she discovered that
Tariq had seen her glance at the door.

You wouldn’t like the
consequences if you tried that,” he murmured pleasantly. “I might,
but I’m convinced you wouldn’t.”

A shiver skated down her

I’m fairly certain you
also won’t like it if I’m forced to repeat myself.”

Emerald swallowed with an effort, so
panicked by that time it took her a moment to realize what he was
referring to and several moments more to convince herself to
respond to the summons rather than try to flee. She chastised
herself for the impulse, which she knew would be futile and would
almost certainly result in discovering what he’d meant by his
veiled promise. She was a soldier, she reminded herself. Any woman
knew rape was almost inevitable if she was captured by the enemy.
She’d been trained to deal with it.

All she had to do was to make like a
dead fish, focus her mind away from whatever he did to her, and
endure with a pretense of indifference. If it didn’t completely
wreck his ‘mood’ it would certainly spare her a great deal of pain
and humiliation.

It still took all she could do to get
up from the chair and cross the room obediently. She didn’t think
she could’ve managed it then except that he sent her an impatient
look that she was afraid was her last warning.

Naked now, he sat down on the edge of
the bed as she approached with lagging feet and picked up the strap
he’d dropped on the bed when he undressed. She stopped when she was
just beyond his reach. She knew it was mistake, but she didn’t
think she could take another step without her knees

He was far more magnificent that she’d
dreamed possible, too beautifully perfect even for his nakedness to
seem obscene—and he seemed twice as big as he had before, which was
saying something when she almost felt as if she was in the presence
of giants any time she was close to either him or Koryn.

He lifted his free hand and summoned
her closer with the crook of a finger, pointing to floor between
his splayed legs. Trying not to notice the mammoth cock that went
with the mammoth everything else, Emerald locked her knees, lifted
her chin with as much defiance as she could muster, and

His eyes narrowed, his expression
growing harder. “Drop the sheet.”

Emerald had to command her fingers to
obey. The urge to clutch the sheet tighter was so strong she almost
thought he would have to peel her fingers loose if he wanted to
strip the sheet from her.

I’m not a very patient
man,” he said grimly.

Swallowing against a knot in her
throat that felt like her fist, Emerald released her hold on the
sheet, allowing it to drop to the floor. When it fell, he reached
for her. She might have fled in spite of her efforts to cling to
her training if she could’ve commanded her legs to move. She
couldn’t and she stumbled slightly when he grasped her hips and
drew her closer, flinching when he released the catch on the belt
and it fell open. To her surprise, rather than striking her with
it, he looped it around her and fastened it snuggly at her waist.
She stared at the belt and then met his gaze with utter confusion.
“What is it?” she asked, her voice emerging as a hoarse

It’s to prevent you from
achieving orgasm.”

Emerald stared at him blankly, trying
to ignore the muscles low in her belly that clenched in

He brought his knees together, caught
her waist and lifted her, settling her astride his knees. She
grabbed instinctively for his shoulders to keep from falling when
he spread his knees again, parting her thighs with the movement.
She almost lost her balance again when he lifted his hands to her
breasts, releasing her grip on his shoulders to cover them with her

His hands curled around her wrists.
She fought the tug of his hands until they tightened around her
wrists hard enough to make her flinch. To her surprise, the moment
she did, he released her wrists.

Move your hands …

She might have defied him if not for
the tone of his voice. It was so eloquent of repressed violence
that she knew she’d pushed him as far as he was willing to be
pushed. Reminding herself that she was supposed to pretend
indifference, not resist, she forced her hands down and settled
them on her thighs. With the best will in the world, she discovered
she absolutely couldn’t keep her hands down when he cupped her

He stared at her hands as they gripped
his wrists and then lifted his head to look at her speculatively
for a long moment. Uttering an irritated breath, he dropped his
hands to her waist, turned and dropped her onto the bed. Before she
could react, he followed her down. Catching both wrists and lifting
her arms above her head, he crossed her wrists and manacled them
with one hand and then pinned the lower part of her body by
planting one leg across her hips.

She looked up at him, wide eyed with
fear despite her best effort to calm herself, in spite of the chant
‘Dead fish! Dead fish!’ reverberating through her mind.

Satisfied that she couldn’t resist any
longer if she wanted to, he used his free hand to explore her
breasts. Emerald squeezed her eyes closed, trying to ignore the
feel of his hand on her breasts. No amount of chanting to herself
seemed to help. Her awareness of the sheer size of the man was so
acute she almost felt as if she was drowning in sensation. Her mind
swam with the explosion of synapses firing in her brain. Every hair
follicle on her body had leapt to attention and she could feel the
faintest of movements, even air currents stirred by his

His hand engulfed one breast and then
the other, squeezing lightly. He stroked his long fingers over them
and then downward across her ribs and then her belly. Her belly
quivered at his touch, the muscles in her sex spasming frantically.
When he returned his attention to her breasts, he ran a finger
lightly over each nipple until it stood erect and then plucked at
them over and over until she could feel them tighten to hard knots
and then the blood begin to pulse in them with jarring hardness.
Her eyelids flew open when she sensed him leaning closer, felt the
heat of his breath against her breasts.

Mesmerized, she watched his lips part
as he neared one tight peak, watched as he closed his lips around
it. Heated sensation flooded her on the instant, making her belly
quiver again, thawing the coldness that had invaded her with the
fear. He sucked the tight nub with a leisure that began to send a
steady stream of warmth through her, flicking at it with the tip of
his tongue. He lifted his head after a few moments, just enough to
allow him to trace the circumference of her nipple with the point
of his tongue and then sucked it into his mouth again, pulling on
it with the suction of his mouth.

Slowly, insidiously, her fear melted
away, replaced with utter confusion and leaving her defenseless.
The heat began to climb inside her far more rapidly the moment her
defenses began to crumble. The belated reminder to herself that she
should focus her mind on something else was useless to her by that
time. Her body had responded to his touch and no effort to ignore
it helped in the least. Pleasure had already given way to a
lethargic delirium by the time he decided to move to her other
breast and tease that nipple as he had the first.

The jolt that went through her the
moment he closed his mouth around it and sucked seared a path
straight to her womb. It clenched in a hard spasm but even the
brief pain barely slowed the tide of heat building inside of her to
an inferno.

She had no idea of when she’d ceased
to strain against his hold or when he’d released his grip on her
wrists. The first she even realized he had was when she felt his
fingers tangle in her hair and the tug as he tilted her head back.
Lifting away from her breast, he sucked at her throat, massaging
one breast with his free hand and then gliding it lightly across
her ribs to her belly. Her heart thundered frantically in her ears
as he cupped her mound and then parted the outer lips and stroked a
finger along her cleft.

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