DeLeina, Maya - Veil of Seduction [Ambrose Heights Vampires 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (35 page)

“You own Zen Grooves? I love that place!”

own Zen Grooves. You are a part of all of this now. You can choose what you would like to be involved in or if you want to start something new. If I could interject my feelings on the subject though, I would much rather have you away from the club scene when I’m not there. Call me protective and overbearing, but it’s just something I would like my mate not to be a part of.”

“I get it. I know what you’re saying,” Anya responded. She shook her head.

“Hmm…I guess there is much more to get used to in sharing this life with myself and my family—more than just becoming immortal.”

Anya sighed. “Right now, I am focused on only our ride here. So which one are we taking? Is it the shiny, red one or the one in the back that looks like a bat?”

Steffan’s eyes followed where Anya was pointing, to the Ducati then to his black metallic Versys.

“Anya, have you ever ridden before?” Steffan laughed at her childlike enthusiasm.


“I’m curious. Why did you pick those boys there?” Steffan asked as he examined her clothing, zipped her up, and made any other necessary adjustments.

“Well, they’re sexy. They look like they go very fast. They look like they would be the most thrilling to ride.”

“Actually, those are not very comfortable of a ride for a passenger. And they’re not a very good choice for our ride to the peak of a mountain.”

“Oh.” A look of disappointment washed over her face.

“No. This is your first ride, and it’s important that you feel comfortable. This will be the best choice for our ride up to the peak. Trust me, your butt, back, and arm muscles will thank me in the end,” Steffan said as he patted the seat of his silver-and-gray Vulcan 2000 Classic LT.

“Hmm, why does it sound like you’re using the motorcycles for an analogy to men?”

“Because I see it all the time. Women go for the sexy first, not thinking about reliability, joy, or comfort in the long run.”

“Ahhh. Well then, Steffan, you would make a perfect bike. You’re sleek and sexy on the outside and oh so comfortable to ride!”

“Now I like your analogy!” Steffan laughed. “Look, I’ll make you a deal, after your turning, I’ll teach you to ride one of your fast boys there.”

“Deal! By the way, I said that one over there looked like a bat—”

Steffan interrupted Anya’s question as he already saw it formed in her mind. “No, we do not turn into bats. We do have the ability to fly and manifest, but we only do this during snowstorms so we won’t be detected.”

“You will teach me this?”

“Of course. But, first things first. Let’s teach you about being my copilot on this bike. We need to go over a few things to keep you safe.”

“Safe? How much safer can I be riding with an immortal?”

“But you are mortal. It would be the death of me if something happened to you.”

Anya nodded.

“Let’s start with hand signals. This means left turn, right turn, and stop,” Steffan said as he demonstrated the signal. “You’ll have to pay attention to the road to see when stops are coming up and which direction it looks like I am going to turn. I’ll also squeeze your shins on the side that I intend to turn in advance so you know.”

“Okay. Stop, right turn, left turn. Got it.” Anya motioned the signals.

“You’re now an extension of the bike. Taking corners will require some doing. It’s important that you stay in-line with me.” Steffan hopped on the bike. “Get on, I’ll show you what I mean.”

Anya settled in her seat behind Steffan.

“First, squeeze your knees into my hips so you can feel my movements.”

Anya squeezed in response. “That’s not a problem.”

Steffan smiled. “Now, imagine there’s a line at each of our shoulders and keep them together. When I take turns, look over my shoulder in the direction of the turn. That is, if I’m taking a left turn, look over my left shoulder.” Steffan simulated the left turn motion, and Anya listened to his directions and responded with the correct movements. “You may have the sensation that you might fall off or tip over, but trust in my movements and the handling of the bike. Don’t try to compensate by keeping your body perpendicular to the road, and do not lean opposite of me. Follow my movements.”

“Got it,” Anya said.

“If at any time, you want me to slow down, tap my back twice, gently.”

Anya tapped his back twice in response.

“Yup, just like that.”

“Roger,” Anya said as she dismounted the bike, followed by Steffan.

“Make sure you never shift your weight or make sudden moves and always keep your feet on the foot rests, even if we’re stopped, to keep the bike in balance,” Steffan said as Anya nodded in response.

Steffan mentally went over things in his head to see if he had left anything out. “And brace yourself when I’m coming to a stop. Your head will have the natural tendency to move forward, so for the sake of our heads, try not to bang our helmets together. For the sake of your ass, when we go over potholes or big bumps, stand on the foot rest with your knees slightly bent and allow them to absorb the shock. I’ll do my—”

“Good god man, can’t we just ride already?” Anya blurted as she interrupted Steffan from his long, drawn-out speech.

Steffan laughed as he reached for Anya’s helmet and fixed it on her head, adjusting the chin straps, “Yes ma’am!”

Steffan wrapped up a blanket and tucked it into one side of the saddlebag. On the opposite side, he placed a silver, cylindrical object in the bag followed by another larger blanket. He straddled the bike and started the engine. He reached behind and tapped the seat to motion Anya to straddle the bike. He tilted his head sideways to communicate with Anya. “Hold on to my waist and enjoy the ride. I’ll do a couple of spins down the street so you can get comfortable with the feel.”

Anya nodded in response, and Steffan put on his helmet and zipped up his black jacket.

The garage door opened. The motorcycle pierced through the stillness of the calm night air.

Steffan shot a gloved thumbs-up in the air to see if Anya was ready. From the corner of his eye, he saw Anya shoot a thumbs-up in response.

Steffan pulled out of the garage slowly.

He made his way down the cobblestone driveway and picked up speed as he hit the residential street. He felt Anya cling tighter to his waist as he accelerated.

They rode up and down the street.

Anya flashed a big grin at Steffan as he stopped the bike and turned to look at her.

“You like the cruiser! I knew you would!” Steffan yelled over the roaring noise of the engine

“Very comfy. You were right! But I would still like to try the fast boys one day.”

Steffan nodded in response. “Ready, my love? You feel comfortable?”

“Ready!” Anya shot and enthusiastic thumbs-up.

* * * *

From the confines of their home, Eilian and Catrin were the first at the windows to see what all the commotion was outside.

“Anya said yes!” Eilian sighed in relief and turned to Catrin, smiling. They remained at the window, watching the two lovers enjoy their time together.

“For all of the happiness he has tried to create for the family, he deserves this happiness of his own,” Catrin said as she nodded in approval of Steffan and Anya’s union.

* * * *

Ryan’s head was buried between the legs of a beautiful brunette as he ravished her core. In the distance, he caught the low rumble of the motorcycle and released his hold on the woman.

“Hey! Come back here! You’re not finished,” screamed the woman in disappointment.

Ryan shot a hand at her without the courtesy of a single word or glance. He stepped to the window and watched as the motorcycle made its way down the street. The passenger got off the bike to unlock the keypad and manually entered the code to open the entry gates since the guards were off duty. Ryan’s sharp eyesight fixed on the passenger.

It was Anya. He looked at the driver. It was Steffan.

Ryan let out a low growl as he watched Steffan and Anya ride past the gates of Ambrose Heights.

“Hey, guy, we doing this or not?” said the woman, naked on Ryan’s leather chair, her legs spread over the arms of the chair.

Ryan turned from the window and walked slowly to his bed. He snapped his fingers, and the woman scurried off the recliner toward him in response. She kissed his bare chest and moved her way up to his mouth. He grabbed her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes.

He was ravenous with desire.

The woman was absolutely stunning with her long hair and piercing, gray eyes.

But she was not Anya.

He longed to feel Anya’s touch, to be consumed by her rapture. He closed his eyes tightly and saw images of Anya.

“Anya,” Ryan whispered in a ragged breath.

“What?” questioned the brunette.

Before she could voice a correction of her name, Ryan turned her around and bent her over the side of the bed. He entered from behind without care, grinding himself deep and fast inside her. She tried to adjust her position out of the need for comfort from his forceful demand on her. Ryan placed his hand on her back and held her down to the bed. “Don’t move,” he demanded. He kicked her legs farther apart and drove harder into her. His breath was sharp and fast. “Anya,” he shouted as he released inside her. His body shuddered.

“Christy. My name is Christy. I’m not Anya,” the woman said sternly as she adjusted to a sitting position on the bed.

“I know,” Ryan said as he held on to the side of the bed, trying to regain his normal breathing pattern. He walked to the closet and slipped on a pair of sleeping pants that hung on the back of the door.

“What, that’s it? You got what you wanted and nothing for me?”


“What? Are you serious?”

“You said it yourself. You’re not Anya.”

“You’re not going to be a gentleman and at least walk me to the car? And this placed is gated! I don’t even know the code!”

“The code is on the piece of paper next to your purse. Good night,” Ryan said coldly as he slipped under the covers of his bed and turned his back to Christy.

“You’re a fucking jerk!” The woman yelled as she collected clothes and belongings and slammed the bedroom door behind her.

* * * *

They rounded the bend, sharing the road with no one.

The moonlight glistened on the vast reservoir. The snow-covered peaks glowed against the backdrop of the darkened sky. Anya had never felt more in sync with anyone like she did with Steffan. She reacted effortlessly in her motions as he had taught her. Although the darkness hampered her ability to see the curvature of the road, she was able to anticipate his every movement, sense his gauge of the street. They rolled through the dense forest as it gave way to a stretch of what appeared to be a tree graveyard, the apparent victims of a devastating fire. Contorted, bare branches extended from the trunks, resembling skeletal fingers reaching for the skies. Deep contrasts of black charring and bleached bark dotted the landscape.

Further into their journey, the terrain altered dramatically. Paved road gave way to gravel. The path was laden with pinkish-red hues. They ascended above the lushness of the tree line, surrounded now by jagged rocks and gravelly earth that looked like the landscape of the moon. The canopy of stars was vibrant, no artificial light sources to dull their brilliancy. Even in the fading night sky, they sparkled like diamonds.

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