DeLeina, Maya - Veil of Seduction [Ambrose Heights Vampires 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (54 page)

“As much as I would love to, we can’t. Vampires have to be very careful in this weather. If we get struck by lightning, it can erase our abilities.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that. I figured we were impervious. No wonder you were panicked.”

“Yes, very panicked. I’ve never witnessed it myself, but the damage from lightning strikes has been documented throughout our kind’s existence. Some cases were mild, losing a bit of smell or hearing capabilities. And some were extensive, losing all inborn abilities known. I don’t want to take that chance, especially not with you. But…”

“But what?” Anya asked suspiciously.

“But we can
here in the cave.”

“My thoughts exactly. My god, are we obsessed!” Anya laughed as Steffan laid her down on the blanket.

Steffan’s mouth captured hers, and he kissed her deliciously. Her toes curled in her boots.

It was their branded kiss, never too familiar and never less than amazing. Kissing him each time was unlike the last time and different from the first time. Like nothing she had ever felt before, she couldn’t describe it in adequate words. If anything, it was like a drug, completely enrapturing, and she lost herself each time in its purity, intimacy, and consumption. She loved the way he would zero in on her thickly fleshed bottom lip, delicately creating suction, nibbling, and cunningly adding the massage of his tongue. She never wanted it to end.

“I can’t stop kissing you,” Steffan said fervently between the kisses and his attempt to catch his breath. He unzipped Anya’s jacket slowly.

“Then don’t.” Anya cupped his face and lifted to seize his mouth. He moaned into her kiss as he fisted her hair in his hands.

“Steffan, kiss me all over,” demanded Anya.

Steffan slid down the column of her neck, leaving a wet trace of his hot kisses. He buried himself in the crevice of her neck, taking in her scent and sinking his teeth deep into her flesh.

Anya moaned in ecstasy. “Oh yes! Steffan!” She reached down and found Steffan’s buttocks. With two hands firmly situated, she pushed down on him, motioning him to grind into her.

Steffan released her neck, sealing her wound and gasping for air. His eyes were red, full of deep-seated passion, as droplets of Anya’s blood fell from his fangs.

In one quick movement, Steffan was suddenly on his back.

Anya was on top, grinding against his cock as she took her turn in sinking her teeth deep into the crevice of his neck. Anya had a feeling that Steffan wasn’t used to a woman being in the dominant role. But, she felt his rigidness slowly relax under her control and he allowed her do as she pleased.

Then, Steffan’s eyes flew open.

In all the time Anya drank from him, she managed to undo his belt and release him from the confines of his briefs. She wrapped her sweet hands around his engorged shaft, sliding up and down and teasing his moistened tip.

Steffan released a moan as Anya settled deeper in their vampire kiss.

Anya sealed the wound and looked down at Steffan.

* * * *

Anya was the epitome of sexiness.

Her eyes burned red, her rain-soaked mane wildly framing her face as she panted like an animal. One eyebrow shot up as her long tongue darted out, slowly liking her lips in a full circle to capture any remnants of blood.

“Damn, you are one sexy vampire, woman!”

Just as she was about to devour Steffan’s body, Anya stopped in a flash.

Her head darted to the entrance, seeking and evaluating. Her eyes abruptly morphed into crimson.

“He is here, Steffan!”

“What! Ryan? He followed us?”

“I don’t think he followed us. I think he was here before us.” Anya paused to concentrate deeper. “Yes he came up to the peak on the last cog train. I thought I felt something earlier, but it kept fading. I should’ve said something, but I just wasn’t sure of myself. I’m still trying to figure out my abilities. He is close now. He knows we’re here.”

“How in the hell did he know we were here?”

“Do some vampires have a sensing ability?”

“Yes, it’s the early stages of the tracking ability.”

“Then that is what he has. He can shield and sense. He was on the opposite side of the peak when he suddenly changed course, sensing we were here.”

“But it’s been documented that sensing abilities are typically only tied to—” Steffan stopped short.

“Mates.” Anya finished his thought. “Steffan, that can’t be the only link. Vampires must have the ability to sense regardless of mate match or not. I am not drawn to him. I am yours. You are mine. Maybe the bloodline report didn’t correctly document the ability.”

Steffan nodded. “It’s possible. So where is he? Is he alone again?”

“Yes. He’s alone. I just can’t tell exactly where he is. Everything looks the same.”

Steffan tucked himself back into his pants and moved to the entrance of the cave. He carefully scanned the surroundings. A lightning bolt crashed down just a few feet from the opening, forcing him to retreat back in the cave.

“Anya, stay behind me!”

Anya clung to Steffan as she zipped up her jacket. “I’m scared, Steffan.”

“I won’t let him hurt you. And he can’t hurt me. What we have to worry about is this lightning!”

“Anya!” Ryan’s deep bellow from above jolted Steffan and Anya.

“Oh my god! He’s insane!”

“Anya! Anya! Anya!”

Anya cried as Ryan continued to scream her name. Instinctively, she covered her ears with her hands.

“Was he obsessed or crazed like this in his human form?” Steffan asked frantically.

“No. I mean he obsessed over
, not me.”

“Fuck! He’s viewing you like an object. Anya, I don’t even think he has genuine feelings for you. I think he’s just preoccupied with the thought of taking you from me, like a trophy of sorts, to reduce my power in the family.”

“Now that sounds more like him.”

“Steffan! I know you’re hiding in there, in that the cave like a coward! Release your hold on Anya and come out. Let her see us side by side. Let her choose of her own free will!” Ryan demanded.

The lightning flashed, and the thunder rolled almost simultaneously. Steffan grabbed Anya and pulled her deeper into the cave.

“Don’t touch the walls! Stay close to the ground right here,” Steffan demanded as he moved to the entrance of the cave.

“Steffan, he’s not going to attempt to come in here.”

“How do you know that?”

“It’s a hunch. I think he’s looking for an elaborate spectacle. He wants
to come outside, on the tundra with him.”

“That’s too dangerous. I won’t risk that with you.”

“What other option do we have? He’s not going away.”

“Steffan!” Ryan screamed from above, his voice feral and sharp.

“What are we going to do?” Anya asked.

Steffan deliberated, assessing all of their options. There wasn’t much he could do.

“All right, we’re going out there.” Steffan looked over Anya. “Your jacket, take it off. There’s too much metal on it. Take off all of your jewelry and your belt.”

Anya hurried to free herself from the jacket and her belt and then removed her jewelry, watch, and ring.

Steffan spoke as he removed his belt from its loops and took off his bracelet and ring, “Listen to me. We need to stay as low to the ground as possible. The lightning usually strikes the tallest object since it’s the easiest path to take. We are going to be out on the tundra, so we’ll be the tallest objects out there.” Steffan paused, shaking his head. “Damnit, I wish there was another way!”

“Steffan, we have to go out there. He’ll do anything, smoke or burn us out of this cave. We’re like sitting ducks in here. Look, just tell me what I have to do.”

Steffan released a deep breath. “When we go out there, I want you to sit on your heels like this, on the ground.” Steffan positioned himself in the form he wanted Anya to take. “Once on the ground, try to tuck your head down. And spread out from me and Ryan. Our bodies shouldn’t be that close. If lightning hits me, I don’t want it to have the ability to jump to your body.”

“What about you? What are you going to do?”

“Fight him.”


“Yes, Anya. I need him to expend his energy so I can take over and get you out of here safely.”


“Anya. I was responsible for him since I was his maker. I never got to teach him about the methods vampires can be physically damaged or even die. Look at him! He is walking around out there with no care in the world about the lightning. Madeleine didn’t teach him anything.”

“No, Steffan. I can’t watch you two fight!”

“Look. I need to provoke him so he attacks me with all of his strength and energy. Once I can find a way to subdue him momentarily, I can focus on getting you off this mountain and away from him. That’s just the way it has to be, Anya. There’s no other way.”

“Then can you promise me you won’t get hurt?”

“Promise. Can you promise me something?”


“Be careful out there and do as I say.”


“I love you, Anya.”

“I love you.”


“Ready.” Anya nodded.

* * * *

The wind and rain thrashed against their skin, stinging them as they climbed up the rocks to the clearing. The tundra had a marked elevation from where they stood. Ryan loomed above them. He was situated at the very pinnacle, prominent and undeniable, his arms outstretched in a welcoming gesture. Behind him, the black sky lit up with spouts of evil energy. With each burst of brilliant sheets of light, the fury in the darkness was unveiled. Wicked clouds swirled about, like a wake of octopus ink released in the water.

“Anya, my beautiful wife! Come closer to your husband so I can see you better.”

A burst of electricity shot through the sky, this time a cloud-to-cloud bolt.

Steffan, I’m going to kill him. I feel the heat building in me.

Fight it, Anya. Fight it. You can overcome it. If it looks like he might hurt you, then and only then can you release it.

Why? Why can’t I just kill him and be done with it?

Because if you give in to the beast inside without provocation, your body will get accustomed to the feeling and you may turn feral…a rogue in its truest form.

“I am not your wife and you are not my husband!” Anya shouted in fury.

“He’s enthralling you, baby. That’s his secret power. He did it to me, too,” Ryan responded in a way that made Anya’s skin crawl.

“You discarded me like trash. Why do you even want me now?”

“I never discarded you. How could I have done that to a beauty like you? That’s his mind tricks on us. All lies.”

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