Read Depravity Online

Authors: Ian Woodhead

Depravity (18 page)

He gladly responded, feeling his orgasm coursing through him. David buried his scream in her hair as he came. She held him inside her, while he gently kissed between her shoulder blades.

“Do you feeling any better now, darling?” she purred. Anna pushed him over, then climbed out of bed. She returned a moment later and snuggled up against him, her fingers once more finding his penis. “Are you going to tell me why you're still awake, David?”

He shrugged. “I was asleep. Just woke up that's all.” He curled his fingers over her hand. “Don't stop that.”

“So it's nothing to do about Alistair then?”

“No, of course not.”

Her hand slid out of David's fingers and moved up to his chest. “You really are crap at lying, honey.”

He sighed heavily and cursed his rampant libido. Now he'd have to listen to her running off at the mouth again. David placed his bottom lip between his teeth and prepared himself for the onslaught. It wouldn't be that bad, the sound of her voice might even lull him back to sleep. He grinned, so glad that his beautiful wife couldn't read his mind.

“I just don't want you to worry about him, darling.”

“I'm not worried.”

“That fact that you're not snoring away, proves that you are. It's not just that either. You've been like a caged tiger ever since we got here, David. “Just look at what you said to that poor boy at breakfast time. You know the one whose friend drives the jeep.”

“Yeah, I'll admit, that was a bit uncalled for.”

“Just a bit?”

“Okay, a lot. Look, I'll apologise to him in the morning.” She wasn't wrong there. Now that he'd discovered those lads were an item, it's more likely that he was just admiring her jewellery, as opposed to checking out Anna's tits, which was his original assessment.

Her hand moved back down to his crotch. “Good boy. Now close those gorgeous eyes of yours, honey and go back to sleep.”

David didn't need her softly spoken command to do as her bidding. His eyes were already closed. He snuggled up tighter against her warm body, as her gentle and constant rhythm propelled his mind back into the land of nod.

The black sails swallowed the light from the pale moon, its iridescent shimmer throwing back bands of dull red light. The harsh wind pushed the sails rigid, even though there was no wind. The ocean currents threatened to tear the ship apart, to break the deck to matchwood. It rocked and rolled, yet beyond the black horizon, calmness reigned. Waves crashed against the side, he heard muffled cries, he had to help!

David's eyes shot open, just as the bed head smashed against the wall behind him. He stared into the terrified face of his wife, her face just inches from his. His sleep addled brain struggling to make sense of the confusing sounds and images assaulting his brain. David lifted his hand, only to find it snapping back to the side of the bed. The bed head hit the wall again.

“What the fuck?” he gasped.

He tried to lift his head only to find he could only move up a couple of inches, it was then when the dull light seeping through the heavy curtain revealed that Anna had been gagged with a sock stuffed into her mouth and secured with parcel tape. The bed continued to rock back and forward. Fat tears fell from her cheeks onto his chest.

“Anna! Oh God, what is happening?” David jerked at both his hands, he swung his head to the side, finding the reason for his incapacity. Someone had cuffed his wrist to the metal bed frame, it was at this moment when his shrieking mind threw off the last of his heavy sleep. There was somebody else in the room.

Anne's head was pushed into his stomach and a leering, sweat-covered face looked over. David found himself glaring at the hotel owner, and the vile dirty bastard was fucking his Anna! “I'll kill you!” yelled David, frantically tugging at the hand cuffs, trying to block out the wet sounds of the man's front smacking into his wife's rear.

“Oh, so you finally woke up. Look, David, please hush a moment, I've nearly finished.” He gripped the woman's hips and thrust against Anna. The bed head hit the wall again.

He growled in anguish, David's mind dropped into neutral as a red rage took over.

The man above them grabbed Anna's hair and brought up her face then slammed it into his guts.

“I told you to shut your hole, David! You'll do as you're told or fucking regret it.” Her leaned over his wife's shaking body. “Unless you want me to do your son next? Is that what you want, David? You want to gaze into the frightened eyes of tiny Alistair while I slam my very hard penis into his arsehole?” He pushed again, a quiet grunt leaving his mouth. “Your lovely wife was already rather moist when I took her. Either she was playing with herself while you slept or you two had sex.”

“Please, don't do this.”

“Little Alistair won't be wet until I rip through all those delicate muscles in there. That'll be just great. Warm blood's a great lubricant.”

David put his bottom lip between his lips again, he stared into Anna's tear filled eyes, so wishing she could read his mind now. “I love you,” he mouthed.

After another few more thrusts, the hotel owner let out a deep groan, he
his nails into her flesh and slammed his hips against her bottom and held it there. “Oh God, that was a good one. I never realised before how an audience makes the experience much more satisfying.” He pulled himself out, picked up David's shirt and wiped himself on the material. “This is so weird you know, David. See, the ones that own me said I should kill you first, make it quick, get it over with.” He walked around the side of the bed, his fingers trailing across Anna's flesh. “They said you were dangerous, a bad boy. A bad boy with a damaged soul. Your wife makes me wet, and you make them wet.”

“Let me go,” whispered David. “Please let me go and I promise we'll go away, we won't tell anyone about this. Just don't hurt Anna or my son.”

“You're my packet of custard creams, David. Something to savour until the last.”

The hotel owner jerked his head towards the door. “What was that?” He ran around the bed and raced over to the door. “Shit,” he growled. That's just what I need. He pulled open the door and looked down both sides of the corridor before bending over. “I can't trust that woman to do anything right.”

David watched the man leave the room. He pulled at the cuffs again, refusing to believe he would die like this. “We'll get out of here!” he hissed. “We're going to get out of this and then I'm going to destroy that cunt for doing this.” He lifted his head as far as he could and spotted the man's trousers lying on the floor, next to Anna's feet. “Listen to me, honey. I need you to move your left foot a little to the side. Push your toes under the clothes and lift your leg. Can you do that for me?”

She managed a small nod.

“Good girl,” he said, watching her legs part. How long did they have before that fucking psycho realised that he'd just ran down the corridor without any pants on?

Anna pulled up her leg and dropped the other man's trousers on the bed. David suppressed a triumphant grin at the sound of something in those pockets rattling, it might not be the keys, that sound might just belong to some loose change. He looked fearfully at the open door, knowing time wasn't on their side. Use your head to push them up the bed, honey! Come on, hurry up, that fucker will be back any moment.”

She let out a muffled groan and gazed at him.

“Anna, come on!”

The woman nodded and did as he asked. The trousers edged closer to his head. As soon as he was able, David grabbed the material in his teeth and lifted his body as far as it could go before opening his mouth. A set of keys fell out of one of the pockets and onto his chest. “There we go,” he whispered. “Okay, push them over to my hand.”

She nodded again and used the tip of her nose to get the keys off his body and across to his fingers.

“We're nearly there, honey. Just another couple of inches!”

Anna lifted her head and gave him a tired smile. It was the last thing she ever did.

David screamed as a wooden bolt slammed into the side of his wife's head. The woman fell forwards, onto his stomach. He shook his head in disbelief, unwilling to believe this was really happening. Thick, dark red blood seeped out from around the bolt and dripped onto the top of his thigh.

“What did I tell you, Angela? Just look at that man's poor face. Unbelievable. So much distress caused and we haven't hurt a hair on his body.”

David turned his head, watching the hotel owner framed in the doorway. He cradled a crossbow in both hands. There was somebody else with him now, a blonde woman whom David had never seen before.

The man walked up to the foot of the bed. “That was quite impressive. Your will to survive is remarkable.” He reloaded the crossbow and aimed it at his face. “By the way, your son now belongs to us.”

“I'll see you in hell, you fucking bastard cun...”

Kevin Morris pulled the trigger. “Already been there,” he replied, giggling.


He sat in his favourite armchair, sipping the most expansive champagne in the hotel. On the table, next to him, the other glass was already empty. Kevin had no idea where Angela had gone. After she had gulped down hers, she'd demanded more, proclaiming it to be the best juice she'd ever tasted. She had marched off in a sulk when he'd refused. There was still a lot of work he needed to do with that one.

Kevin couldn't understand why he felt so despondent. Euphoria ought to be coursing through his veins. The great purge was over, he and the woman had cleared the hotel of guests. Sure, half the rooms now resembled explosions in red paint factories but that didn't matter. His cleaning materials would soon make short work of the mess.

Even adding in the time taken with his amusing distraction with the ex-soldier, it only took the pair of them just under one hour to kill every guest. With the exception of the little boy of course. He was down in his new home. Could he be the source of this apathy? Kevin admitted privately that it took a great deal of effort not to kill that kid. One look into those eyes brought back all that unrelenting agony that the spirit wearing Alistair's face put him through. If Angela hadn't been next to Kevin, he knew he wouldn't have been able to stop himself from throwing the little brat down those steps. That was another thing, why didn't he struggle?

He and the woman took Alistair away from his parents. They walked him past all the open doors, each one containing their recent butchery and yet he never said a single word. Alistair didn't even object when Kevin opened the cellar door. Like some good little sheep, the brat calmly made his way down the steps while Kevin closed and locked the door. No, that wasn't proper behaviour at all.

Kevin placed the now empty glass on the table and resisted pouring himself another one. If he denied her a refill then he couldn't have one himself, that would make him such a hypocrite. This felt like the calm before the storm, yet how could that be? Kevin had thought of everything, he'd left nothing to chance.

If he'd left nothing to chance, then why did that feeling persist? He stood up and walked over to the fireplace. More importantly, what was he supposed to do now? He had expected the spirits to be here by now, to tell both Kevin and Angela what they expected of them. No, something wasn't quite right, Kevin must have missed something, some small detail.

He looked up at the sound of clattering footsteps. It sounded like his new wife had finally found something to put on her feet. He vaguely wondered whose shoes she'd stolen. His guess was the soldier's pretty wife. Angela didn't look to happy when he explained his plan to her. Jealousy maybe? Kevin didn't see how, considering what she must have done to Mr Huge Penis, when she was still locked in that cellar.

He was going to go for Anna's shoes. If she had squeezed her feet into them he'd even pour her another glass of juice. It seemed like a fair deal.

The woman ran into his study, she didn't look at all happy. He bypassed her emotional looking features for a moment to see if he'd won his own bet. Kevin smiled to himself and reached for the champagne, people were so predictable.

“Kevin, we have guests at the door!”

He froze. “You've got to be fucking joking!” Kevin pushed past the woman and looked out of the window. “Fucking hell! Go upstairs, right now and shut every door. Once you've done that, I want you to stay up there until I say otherwise, do you understand?”

She nodded and looked down at the floor. “Yes, Kevin,” she replied meekly.

Kevin waited until she was safely out of the way before moving towards the front door. He put on his well-worn hotelier's face, and opened the door to two young women. Kevin liked the look of both of them. “Are you okay?”

“I'm so sorry about this,” said the blonde. “Our car just conked out right outside your hotel. No matter what I tried, the damn thing just won't start.”

He looked past the women's pretty little heads, at the very expensive grey range rover. Very nice indeed. “Oh, I'm so sorry! Where are my manners? Come in, the pair of you. Lord, you must be freezing. The phone is over there on the desk. The reception around here isn't that great though, I'm afraid.”

“Thank you,” said the blonde. She turned to her friend. “Look, I'll give Michael a call first, Fern. Just to tell him and your Trevor that we're both okay. The guys must be worried sick!”

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