Read Deserve Online

Authors: C.C. Snow

Deserve (14 page)

She sits up straight, her weight shifting on my thigh,
causing my groin to tighten, and stares at me with wide eyes. Pink washes over
her cheeks. “What are you saying?”

“I can’t stop thinking about the night of the party, when we
kissed. Have you thought about that night?” I ask.

Instead of answering my question, she scrutinizes my face
and says carefully, “I thought you said it was a mistake.” Her breath hitches.

The echo of my thoughtless words, uttered in her soft voice,
is like a slap—a well-deserved one—to my face. I close my eyes in
remorse and press my forehead against hers. “I’m sorry. I panicked…” All the
reasons I should stay away from her reprise in my head, but I thrust them away.
“The reasons don’t matter now. Are you…do you feel anything...”
Shit! I sound like a stuttering teenager
asking a girl out for the first time.
“Are you interested?”

Caution creeps into her eyes. “Interested in what, exactly?”

I bite back a groan of frustration. Everything about this
conversation is a first for me. I’ve never had to talk about my intentions
before. Usually, it’s only about sex and no discussion is necessary before the
main event, but everything is different with Maggie. I’m not looking for a
purely physical relationship with her; she deserves more than that, but I also
can’t make her promises I can’t keep.

I search for the right words and when I find them, they come
out haltingly. “I want to give this…” I swivel a finger between us. “A shot.”
The last four weeks of having no contact with her have been…difficult. Lonely.

She tilts her head, her gaze demanding more.

My throat dry, I continue, “I love spending time with you,
but I want more than friendship.” I trace her jawline with my thumb and my eyes
drop to her parted lips. “I’m very attracted to you and I want to explore the
chemistry between us. Beyond that, I have to be honest and say I don’t know.
This is all new to me. I know you believe in love and I don’t know if I can
ever offer that to you.”

Mentally, I make a face.
a fucking irresistible offer, you bastard. Yes, place your bets on an
emotionally stunted loser who’ll likely break your heart.

I plow on. “I’m not sure I’m capable of feeling love and I
can’t promise you Happily Ever After, but I do care about you and will do my
best to not hurt you. I understand if that’s a deal breaker for you.” I wait
for her reaction, my body tense.

“What do you mean, this is new to you? I know you’ve had
many girlfriends.”

“Maggie, they weren’t really girlfriends.” At her skeptical
look, I amend, “Yes, I dated them, but we always had an implicit agreement that
it was purely physical. That’s not what I want with you.”

Tugging on a curl, she licks her bottom lip and I have to
suppress a groan at the innocent, yet provocative gesture. “So would we be in a

God yes.
we’ll be exclusive.”

To my shock and relief, she says shyly, “Yes, I’m

I grin. “No shit?”

At her nod, I swoop down and take her lips. She makes a whimper
at the back of her throat and wraps her arms around my neck. My tongue slips
inside and she tastes as good as I remember.

No better. Much better because I know she’s mine.

I groan when our tongues slide together, wetly and urgently.
She sucks on the tip of my tongue like it’s her favorite treat and all of my
blood rushes south. She turns to straddle me and clasps the back of my head,
pulling me closer. I smooth my hand along her supple calf and thighs until I
encounter the edge of her panties. My fingertips slide under the fabric, pressing
into her soft flesh. Spearing my other hand into her hair to grip her head, I
eat at her lips hungrily, greedily. No less ravenous, she twists her head and
makes the sexiest little moan at the back of her throat.

That sound is like a match to accelerant. All rational
thought is incinerated in its wake and what is left is raw need.

Pressing on her lower back, I settle her weight on my
pelvis. My cock is on a mission and he unerringly finds her heat through the
barriers of my sweats and her panties.

Maggie’s knees tighten around my waist and she raises her
hips so that the length of my dick presses directly into her slit. I can’t
remember when I’ve ever been so hard. Tearing my mouth away, I suck in a
mouthful of air. I grit my teeth against the urge to pull down my sweats, push
aside her panties and sink into her sweet pussy without any preliminaries.

She tugs on the hem of my t-shirt and starts to drag it over
my torso. I take over and throw it on the floor. Her hands roam over my chest,
fingers grazing and pressing into sensitive spots. Her thumbs brush across my
nipples and I close my eyes against the desire pumping through my veins.

I lean back and keep my eyes on her gorgeous face. The
primitive male in me purrs in approval. Her eyes are hooded with desire and her
lips are red and swollen from my kisses. Her chest is moving up and down,
drawing my attention to her tight nipples poking against the soft tee.

Placing my hands at the top of her thighs, I slowly start to
stroke upwards, lifting the material of the t-shirt pooling around my wrists.
Her skin feels soft and delicate, almost too delicate for my rough, calloused touch,
but I am beyond caring, especially when those sexy noises start streaming out
of her mouth.

I watch, mesmerized, as her
are revealed. It’s plain and white, but the unadorned, cotton underwear looks
more erotic to me than the sheerest lace and satin on any other woman. Underneath
the fabric, I can make out a small dark triangle. I ghost my fingers over her
mound and she feels soft and warm. Flipping my hand, I cup her between her legs
and I groan at how wet she is. She’s soaked through the cotton panel and I feel
knowing I’m the cause. I can’t resist
pressing the tips of my fingers through the material until I feel her soft

“Sean,” she moans and rolls her hips so my fingers enter
even deeper. The sound of my name on her lips makes my cock throb hungrily and
I feel my control slipping.
If I sink
into her right now, she would feel so soft and tight on my cock

But the need to see all of her pretty body is also spurring
me on. If my dick weren’t so painfully hard, I would have smiled at her huff of
protest when I remove my hand.

Impatiently I pull her t-shirt past her narrow waist and
torso. Her skin is pale and flawless.
I get distracted by her
perfectly round tits
, but luckily my hands work independently and
somehow manage to drag her shirt over her head. She’s fucking gorgeous. My
palms cup her breasts and her nipples tighten into hard points. They are the
exact shade of the inside of her soft lips. I abrade the nubs with my thumbs
and she pushes eagerly into my touch.

“So soft and beautiful.” I pluck the tips between my fingers
and bend down to run my tongue over the small splash of freckles at the top of
her breasts. When I’ve licked every one, I circle her nipple before sucking it
into my mouth. I hum as her sweetness bursts onto my tongue.

Maggie’s hands grab my biceps and her fingers clench
convulsively. “Sean, I need you! Please!”

I ignore her plea because of course I have to taste her
other bud. Switching sides, I lick and suck, savoring the way her cries are
escalating. She tilts her pelvis and her damp heat destroys my concentration.

I squeeze her hip to hold her still and she yelps in pain.

“Shit!” I instantly pick her up around the waist, set her
away from me, and throw myself in the opposite direction. Back pressed against
the arm of the couch, I mutter, “I’m such a dumb fuck.”

In my lust-induced frenzy, I had completely forgotten about
her injuries. I squeeze my eyes shut in remorse. She’s been through hell and
back tonight and I can’t even keep my libido in check. “I’m sorry, Maggie.”

“Don’t be! I want this. I want your touch to be the one I
feel when I close my eyes,” she whispers fiercely and the sofa dips next to me.
Soft lips press firmly against my mouth.

“Maggie…” I mumble against her mouth in weak protest, but
she ignores me. My inner voice yells at me to stop, but when her hand clasps my
cock, my mind empties. When she swings her leg over my body and straddles me,
placing her pussy over my shaft, one thought comes zinging back in.

Must have her.

Chapter Fourteen

I know the moment Sean stops thinking and gives in.

He breaks the kiss, his eyes glittering with need, and
murmurs, “Fuck it.” Swinging me into his arms, he runs up the stairs, taking
them two at a time.

I take the opportunity to explore the layers of muscles on
his chest. There’s a small, incredibly soft, pelt of hair covering his sternum
and I can’t stop petting it. The gauze on my hand dampens the textures, but his
incredible heat seeps through to my bones. Remembering his earlier reaction to
my touch, I stroke my fingertips along the hard plane of his
until I reach his flat, brown nipple again. I watch in
fascination as it tightens into a hard nub. A small groan rumbles from his
chest and he picks up speed.

As soon as we enter the room, I know it’s his bedroom by the
tantalizing scent. It acts like a potent aphrodisiac on my senses, making the
neediness and heat between my thighs almost unbearable.

Hurriedly, he places me on my back and stretches his body
over mine, putting his weight on his bent arms.

“I want you,” he mutters into my mouth and I whisper back,
“I want you, too.” I’ve waited forever to hear those words and my heart is
singing. This is about so much more than needing his touch to replace the
horrors of tonight.

Sean may believe he can’t fall in love, but I refuse to
believe it. In all the ways that count, he demonstrates that he has a huge
capacity to love. In time, he will realize how loving someone—loving
me—will make him stronger.

He crushes his lips against mine, pushing his tongue into my
mouth like he can’t get enough of me. The smokiness of the whiskey combines
with his unique male taste and I greedily drink him in.

He settles his weight between my thighs and I moan at how
hard he feels. His flat stomach feels like a slab of heated marble against my
soft belly. My God. Every inch of this man is a testament to the beauty of the
human body.

Wanting to feel him under my hands, I push against his
shoulders and he willingly rolls over. I sit on his hard thighs and let my
hands glide over the ridges and valleys of his chest before I move to his
abdomen to count each bump.

He is distracting me, hands caressing my outer thighs,
fingers slipping underneath the leg of my panties until they press into my ass

Is there such a thing
as a ten-pack?

Just to be sure, I run my fingers over his flesh again, but
when I reach the waistband of his sweats, I lose count. I push the elastic over
his waist and he helps me by raising his hips. Once his cock is free of the
fabric, I clasp it in my right hand. It is so deliciously hot and throbbing
that I have to—need to—stroke it to feel its silkiness. I’m tempted
to take off my bandages so I can feel him skin to skin, but Sean seems to enjoy
the different textures.

He throws his head back and groans loudly, emboldening me to
squeeze harder. My fingers don’t meet around his girth, but I solve my dilemma
by bringing my other hand into play. In the dark, my sense of touch is
heightened and I feel every raised vein under my sensitive fingertips. I find a
particularly erogenous spot below the crown of his cock that makes him spit out
a curse. Using the pads of my thumbs I rub harder and the foulest words spew
out of his mouth. Instead of offending me, they make me smile at the effect I
have on him. My sex is aching for relief, but I love the heady power of driving
him crazy.

Abruptly he pushes my hands away. “I can’t take any more.”
Gently he flips me onto my back. My sore shoulders twinge, but I bite back any
betraying noises of pain. The last thing I want to do is for him to act noble
and deny us something we both crave.

“Off,” he mutters. Hooking his fingers into my
, he slides them off my legs and crawls over me.
He strokes my wet core with two fingers. That single touch is enough for me to
feel the inexorable tightening in my belly. I have never felt so needy for a
man’s touch.

“Sean, please! I need you in me.” There is no embarrassment,
no self-consciousness. I’ve wanted him for too long. Waited for him for too long.

“Fuck. This is going to be hard and fast,” he warns and
notches his cockhead at my entrance. He’s thick. Thicker than the few guys I’ve
been with, but I’m more aroused than I could ever remember being. Despite his
words, he pushes into me slowly, stretching my walls with his hardness.

“Too slow!” I complain, greedy for more of him. My hands
press onto his lower hips, but he keeps his unhurried pace. I realize why when
I feel a twinge of discomfort as he reaches deeper than I thought possible.

I toss my head back and gasp at the incredible pressure, not
sure if I should weep for joy or fear. “Oh God!”

…it’s okay, angel. Just a
couple more inches.”

My eyes widen at the thought of taking more of him. “No…not
possible,” I say weakly.

He puts his forehead next to my head on the pillow and
chuckles. “I’m afraid so.” His hand moves between us and he starts to circle my
clit with his thumb.

“Oh…oh…” I raise my lower body into his touch and feel
something loosen inside my core. He must have felt it too because he pushes his
full length into me and I gasp at the painfully, wonderfully, full sensation.

“Jesus. You’re so damn tight.”

“Have you ever thought maybe you’re too damn big?” I retort,
trying to adjust to his size.

His full-throated laugh fills the room and his shaking body
sends currents of pleasure through me. My body responds with a gush of wetness
and the fullness starts to feel good.
Very, very good.
I swing a leg over his lean hip and his laugh cuts off.

“That wasn’t a complaint, by the way,” I clarify in a
strangled voice and he starts to laugh again.

I try to pinch his side, but he’s so cut, my fingers can’t
grab a hold of his flesh. “Sean!”

Still chuckling, he kisses me until we’re both breathing
heavily. “I wasn’t complaining either,” he husks. “You feel amazing.”

“You do too,” I whisper and bring my other leg to his waist
so that my heels are digging into his ass cheeks.
hard-as-steel ass cheeks.
My hands roam over his back, lingering on his
flexing muscles.


That’s all the warning I get before he places his forearms
on either side of me and starts to move his hips, driving his cock in and out
of me.

He’s right. It’s hard and fast.

There’s no pain, but I feel each and every thrust deep
inside of me. His torso moves against my breasts, abrading my nipples, adding
to the assault on my senses. One second I start to feel the buildup in my belly
and the next, I’m crying out his name, my body wracked with the most incredible
orgasm of my life. I am blind and deaf to everything around me, all my focus on
the heated waves washing over me. All I can do is hang on for the wild ride. Coasting
on waves of bliss, it takes me a long time for me to come off my high.

On the fuzzy outskirts of my mind, I notice that Sean is
still hot and hard inside my sheath. I hear a soft whisper in my ear. “Again.”

“Huh?” My brain has lots its functionality.

“Again. I want you to come again.”

, I want
to say, but he leans down and sucks on my neck and the thought slips away. His
lips move to a new spot and then another, each pull on my flesh calling forth a
small moan.

His hand slides down my body until he reaches where we are
joined. His thumb swipes across my clit and I gasp at the burst of heat. “Not
possible,” I mutter in surprise.

Sean releases my flesh from his mouth and looks down at me.
His grin is a slash of white in the dark room. “I’m afraid so.” With those
taunting words, he swivels his hips and rubs my hot button at the same time. My
inner muscles tighten on his cock and he groans. My lips quirk in satisfaction,
but my smile disappears when his thumb moves faster.

This time, the buildup is languid and steady. His hips pulse
gently, only pulling a few inches of his shaft out of me before pushing back
into my channel. The ball in my core contracts so tightly, I start to thrash in

“Sean, please!” I beg and snake my hand between us.

“Yes!” He removes his hand. “Touch yourself. Make yourself

My fingers find my engorged clit. I rub gently at first, but
as Sean’s strokes lengthen, I increase my speed. Every muscle tenses until I’m
practically shaking.

He leans over me and nips at my lower lip. “Come, angel.

His command is all it takes for me to reach my peak. The
tension in my belly snaps and I moan helplessly as my sex contracts around his
length. My climax is softer, but no less powerful and I shudder with each inner

Sean pushes up on his arms and throws back his head. His rhythm
intensifies. A series of primal grunts pushes from his lips and then I feel his
warm release deep inside me. It feels sexy as hell to be so intimately
connected. Long minutes pass before he drops his chin to his chest and slowly
pulls out of me. The drag of his flesh yanks another little pulse out of my sex
and I shiver.

He drops to his side and pulls me against him. His chest
moves up and down as he tries to draw in air. “Fuck, we forgot protection.”

I press my forehead against his shoulder. “It’s okay. I’m
covered.” I squeeze my legs together, feeling
. I know it’s stupid. I’m a medical student and I should care
about being safe, but I can’t bring myself to regret what we shared. Besides, I
trust him completely.

Touching my hair lightly, he kisses my forehead. “I’m clean.
Haven’t had sex since
…” He pauses and chuckles. “It
doesn’t matter. I’m clean and I have always used a condom, but I should still
have protected you.”

,” I murmur, my eyes
drooping. I wish my shoulder wouldn’t hurt so I could turn on my side and press
against his hard body.


“Hmm…” I snuggle closer, loving how his voice vibrates
through my body. A soft blanket covers me, but it’s his body heat that warms

“You okay?”

“Um-hmm.” I feel…amazing. Safe. Warm. Happy.

“Night,” he whispers.

“Night. Love you.” I sigh and fall asleep.

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