Designated (Book 2): Designated Quarantined (11 page)

Read Designated (Book 2): Designated Quarantined Online

Authors: Ricky Cooper

Tags: #Zombie Apocalypse

May 2013

Colinson stared at Derek, the lines in his friend's face deep and dark, fatigue stitching itself across the field commander's visage like threads through a tapestry.

'I'm putting teams one through three on leave; four will take point with drone support elevated to level-four containment protocol. Kweku is heading up the overhaul of all the quadro-copter systems and the mini quads.'

Derek stayed mute, his mind blank as he fought to keep himself upright.

Colinson's level gaze left little room for negotiation; Derek simply nodded and made a weary and bedraggled march from David's office.


Heat scalded his skin; flakes of dead skin swirled in the water beneath him as he scraped at his reddening hide. The coarse weave of the double-sided sponge scraped away the layers of filth that coated the slowly scorching flesh. He ran the coarse lump of lifeless sea sponge over the dirt-encrusted slab of his abdomen, watching as the water swirled around his feet. Lumps of clotted blood fell as he leant forwards, his forearms pressing against the wall. The chill of the tiles bit into him as he let the water pound down upon him.

Tears burnt as he screwed his eyes shut, willing the images away but still they danced, piercing all in their wake as they cackled and tumbled across his mind. The screams of the dead and dying filled his mind as images of embittered souls poisoned beyond all recognition tore their fellow man limb from limb, bathing in their blood as they set upon them in a bid to satiate their lust for food.

Baker looked down at his closed fists, nails biting into his palm as he balled his hands ever tighter. He grunted in pain-fused anger, smashing the flats of his fists against the solid, unyielding wall in front of him. He beat his fists against it again and again, the lifeless slab of concrete and tiles reverberating with each violent blow.

Derek slumped, the pain sapping the life from his mind as it slowly began to eat away at the daemons that tormented him, their laughter fading as the pain flooded through him.

Baker's mind dropped into a silent vacuous well as two slim arms ensnared him, their bands of warmth sliding over the goose-plucked flesh of his body as a pair of pert breasts pressed against his back.

The water ran between them, sliding along their skin gently. She pulled him closer to her; Janet slowly caressed his slick glowing skin, slim petite hands running over Derek's chest as she leant her head against his back. The thumping of her soulmate's heart filled her as she drank in his warmth.

Baker turned, his hands sliding over her shoulders as she looked up at him. Water-drenched trails of her hair clung to his heat-flushed skin. As his hands grazed over her arms, Baker felt his heart flutter, his soul relishing the feel of her tender skin beneath the calloused and torn skin of his palms.

Slowly, with a tenderness he rarely showed, Derek traced his lips over hers. His eyes slid closed, her scent and taste filling all as he gently traced his fingers along her spine. His touch left a glowing trail of fire that spread through her, filling Janet with an irrepressible urge as Derek cupped her firm buttocks, lifting her from the tiled floor.

Janet's legs closed round him as she threw her weight against the warm pillar of strength clasped so closely to her loins. Her lips closed over his as they fell against the smooth, cold marble. Fevered tongues danced, their embrace all consuming, ever tightening as they held each other. Derek's fingers traced the crease of her backside as he felt himself grow, the warmth of her sex hot against his stomach as she ground herself against him.

The searing heat of her inner core seeped forth as she bosomed against him, her breathing drawing deep as she clutched at his flesh.

Breaking away, Baker traced a path down her neck, his teeth nipping at her skin as they joined; frantic panting filled the room as he felt Janet engulf him, her sex swallowing him whole as she tossed her head back.


Sparkling pearls of dancing light flew from her hair as Janet raised her pleasure-soaked face to the falling wall of water, heat bouncing over her closed eyelids as she felt Derek move within.

Her mouth opened, a strangled gasp leaving her as Derek lowered his mouth, the soft pink nub of her nipple caught between his lips as he thrust into her. His teeth tugged at the sensitive bud as he pushed himself ever deeper into Janet's wet, silken folds. She writhed as he moved within her, her core igniting as she felt Derek slip ever further into her very being.


Janet felt his fingers dig into the supple flesh of her buttocks as he speared into her. Janet gripped him, completely drawing him in as she tensed, squeezing his tender rod as he filled her once more.

Her legs slipped from around his waist as he released, her hands splayed against the wall as she turned. Janet's slim, toned legs spread as he entered her once more, her head dropped as she gasped, her voice lost in the deluge of pleasure as her breath heaved with every thrust. Derek clasped her hips in his hands, her buttocks slapping against him as he drove forth once more, driving himself deep into her embracing warmth.

The sound of their wet bodies colliding filled the space entirely. She screamed as Derek thrust forwards, driving himself into her entirely, his throbbing member delving deeper into her all-encompassing core. A growl slipped from deep within his throat as he drove into her, his body coiled like a spring, his buttocks tensing as his body burned with desire.

Janet shuddered in her climax, her silken folds clasping Derek's pulsing rod as her back arched, driving him over the edge. The growl pouring from him turned into a guttural roar as he released, sending his spreading warmth deep into her.


They sank to the floor, his member still encased in her warmth as they lay entwined. She slid off of him, her body rolling over the cold tiles as she curled in closer, resting her head against his chest as he kissed her wet hair.

'I love you, you know that.'

She nodded, strands of her flaxen hair clinging to his skin as she pulled him close, her emerald eyes locking with his as she gently kissed him. She rolled away from him, rising from the cold, water-drenched floor. A soft squeak flirted with his ears as he watched her slip slightly, his body tensing as he readied to catch her. Her backside swayed in front of him as she walked towards the misted glass panel door. She glanced over her shoulder, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes as she winked at him before disappearing through the swirling wall of steam.


He watched her go as he pushed himself into a sitting position, raising his face to the wall of water as it beat down upon him. He opened his mouth, feeling the hot droplets strike his tongue and teeth. His head dropped back against the tiles with a clunk, the mild flare of discomfort making him shiver. He pushed himself up from the floor as he spat out the lukewarm water. Running a hand through the briar that covered his lower jaw, he couldn't help but grin; even after the events of the previous twelve hours, she had still found it within her.

A chuckle left him as he reached for a towel; a thought striking him as it slithered across his mind. The images of a much younger woman clasped around his waist as they made love for the first time in the locker room of his old secondary school, the push button showers dancing to their rhythm as they let themselves drift on the currents of their adolescent desires.

Gemma Robinson. A smile tweaked Derek’s lips. She always was a bit more outgoing than the others at that school were. Shaking his head, he wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped from the bathroom.


Janet glanced up from the bed, her nubile body glistening with the silver glaze cast over her as moonlight streamed through the open window. She shivered as the soft kiss of the warm spring winds washed over her; a smile curled her lips as she crooked a finger, beckoning Derek to her. Fire danced in his eyes as he took in the winsome sight that lay upon his bed, the curves of her lithe form drawing him in as the towel fell from about his waist.

He crawled across the satin sheets as he made his way to her. Janet's eyes widened as she watched him, the muscles bunching and curling as he crept like a cat across her body. Her eyes traced every contour as she let her fingers wander across his sculpted form. She felt the pull of his chiselled body as she slid her hands down his back. Digging her nails into the firm flesh of his thighs, she smiled as he let out a short surprised gasp.


As their lips met once more, the spell was shattered as red lights danced over the monitor on the bedside cabinet, the plaintive wailing of their child cast asunder any chance of once more uniting as a couple.

Derek sank to the bed with a soft mirth-laced sigh. 'I guess twice was too much to ask for.' Janet traced her index finger over his abdomen, flicking the end of his diminishing erection, making him jump as she lifted her hand away.

'It's nice to know you can still stand ready when called though. I was beginning to think I would have to throw grenades at you for the rest of my life, just to get some attention.'

Derek snorted, laughter bubbling up from his stomach as he pulled on a pair of jockey shorts, the form-fitting boxers leaving little to the imagination.

'You get comfortable while I see what our darling bundle of joy wants.'

Derek moved towards the door; Janet watched his backside as she stretched, her toes curling as she let her body work itself loose. Derek watched her from the corner of his eye as she relaxed into the memory foam mattress, her nude form silhouetted against the light of the moon.

'Damn, I am lucky.'

His softly muttered comment drifted through the room as the door whispered shut. Janet smiled as she muttered a lilting reply to herself, sinking deeper into the sheets.


Derek lifted Maria from the cot, her tear-stained face flushed beetroot red as she continued to cry. Cradling her against his shoulder, he bounced slightly on the balls of his feet as he softly whispered, trying to calm his fretful daughter. Derek's mind cycled through all the possibilities as he continued to move about the small room, his fingers stroking the crown of her head as she continued to cry. Discarding one problem after another, his nose twitched, the scent of warm excrement pervading everything as he felt the heat radiate through his hand.

'Ah, should have really checked there first, hey sweetie?'

Padding across the room, he laid her down on the high-sided table, the pop studs on her baby grow snapping open as he pulled with one hand. Dropping his right to the drawer next to his hip, he pulled out a bottle of talcum powder and a clean nappy as he held Maria's legs up. With smooth practised movements, he discarded the soiled nappy, wrinkling his nose at the smell as he dropped it into the bin by his foot. The wipes were cold and damp to the touch as he lifted her bottom slightly, wiping away the dark brown smear covering her pink cheeks.

'How can one baby produce so much crap? What does your mother feed you when I ain't here?'

Maria wriggled at the sound of her father's voice, her still pink-tinged face crinkling as she yawned, the reason for her crying already forgotten as she gazed at the face above her. A soft burbling gurgle left her as she felt herself move. With a tender, practised motion, he wiped her clean, the soiled and stained wipes joining the nappy at the bottom of the bin as he slid the fresh nappy into place. A small white mist enveloped her nether regions as Derek peppered her bum and legs with a dusting of talcum powder, a soft sneeze drifting up from his daughter as she wrinkled her nose.

Lifting his child free from the confines of the table, he carried her drowsy, sleep-limp form to the cot; setting her down gently, the brush of his lips across her forehead made her stir as he whispered a soft goodnight. As he stood once more, he flicked his hand across the mobile perched over her, setting the mass of floating cartoon animals spinning as the lullaby filled the room.


The door to his bedroom clicked shut, the silent soft-close hinges dampening the sound to a dull clunk as the flat panel door connected with the frame. Stripping his boxers off, Derek tossed them onto the stool in front of Janet's vanity table and slid beneath the covers. A slightly irked smile tweaked his lips as he gazed at the softly snoring form of his wife, her legs tucked up as she curled into the duvet, pulling it tight around her as she slept. Derek slid into the bed, his arm snaking its way over Janet's soft, flat stomach, the rippled reminder of their daughter's recent entry into the world etched into her skin. His fingers traced the lines radiating over her sides, the soft yet jagged lines covering her like the claws of a tiger.

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