Designed for Me: Book One of the Blue Building Chronicles (2 page)


The next morning, I’ve thought of a few more minor tweaks that need to be added to the design, so I head down to Cadence’s desk to let her know and maybe chat with her and Jessi for a bit before diving into my software world. I tap on the edge of her cubicle and she turns. She’s smiling, but today it seems… detached.


“Mornin’. Got a few more tweaks for you. The main issue is the layout of the on-screen keyboard. We’ll need to add a few keys, shuffle some of the others around, that sort of thing. Shouldn’t be too difficult.”


I didn’t fail to notice when her smile began to fade from her face. I’m concerned, now, that I’ve overstayed my welcome with her.


“Can’t you just fix that yourself?” she snaps out at me, then stares coldly, waiting for my answer.


Somewhat dumbfounded, it takes me a moment to respond.


“Uh… sure. I’ll do that,” I answer. “Have a good one, Cadence….”


I turn to go, still somewhat in shock at the way she’s just spoken to me.


I head upstairs and dive into my programming, trying to drown out the thoughts that are threatening to ruin me.


Did you
think she liked you?
they demand in a sneering, superior mental voice.


thought so, in fact, but I’ve been corrected.


* * * * * * * * * * * *


My phone vibrates as a new e-mail arrives. Still moody, even these few hours later, I snatch it up, swipe, and read the subject line from Cadence: “Revised keyboard”


Hey Frank -


Here’s the revised graphic you asked for. Sorry about earlier. We’re under a LOT of stress right now - didn’t mean to snap. :/


- Cadence


Thank God.


Whatever my delusions, at least she wasn’t
upset with
this time, or at least not with me personally.


Exhaling a breath of relief, I reply.


Cadence -


No problem, dear. I understand completely. Sorry to have been a pest.


- Frank


I try not to complain too much on Facebook, but every now and then, I just need to bitch.


I should NOT be sitting in this damned building at 12am with a couple of hours of work left for the night. Dammit dammit dammit.


Back to work. The demo for my billionaire benefactor is tomorrow, and I’ve still got quite a few tasks to accomplish before I can go home and pretend to sleep. I code.


And I code.


1:00 AM rolls around, and I think I hear the elevator ding on my floor. Probably just the security guard. I crank the music up in my headphones, pop a mint to keep me awake, and bear down on this last task for the evening. Someone touches my shoulder and I scream like a girl.


Then I see that it
a girl. It’s Cadence, in fact. What the hell is Cadence doing here at 1:00 AM?


I ask her as much.


Smiling rather tentatively, she answers, “Saw your Facebook post. Figured you might like a cup of coffee to finish the night?” then sets the cup of local coffee shop goodness on my desk.


“Thanks,” I say earnestly, “I could definitely use the break.”


Unwillingly, my eyes look her up and down. She’s wearing a simple white v-neck tee and a Bohemian, ruffled green skirt the color of old military camo. How can those skirts be so enveloping and yet hint so seductively at the curves beneath, so easily accessible?


Hoping I didn’t take as long as it felt like I took in my appraisal, I turn my chair and stand, but she doesn’t move. I end up standing mere inches away from her body, close enough to feel her warmth and staring down into those intense brown eyes.


“Uh…” I start, then she chuckles and takes a step back so I can exit the cube. My mind is racing. I want her badly, and I’m fairly certain she could have seen that in my face if she were blind. I haven’t moved, and I’ve forgotten why I stood to begin with.


She’s still staring up at me, one eyebrow arched ever so gently. I take a small step closer and begin to lean. She doesn’t move away.


It is all, of a sudden, too much, and I give up and hope for the best.


I take her head in both hands, wrapping my fingers into her thick, dark hair, and pull her to me. Our mouths meet, suddenly and sweetly. Our tongues dance together, quickly and firmly, in the shared space they now occupy.


Thank God I just had that mint
, I think, my mind ever ready with a distracting, pointless quip.


She presses herself as close to my body as she can, her warmth now an oven against my stiff limbs. I begin to relax into the moment. My mind has quit bothering me, and my body is enjoying the silence.


Without realizing it, I’m walking her towards the wall behind my cube, and now I’ve pressed her against it. Cadence raises her hands towards my face, but I take them and force them, too, against the wall, above her head. She is mine, and I’m not letting go.


Her chest is heaving, her breath ragged when we finally break for a moment. I’m afraid to open my eyes.


“I’ve wanted this since we met.”


“Me, too.”


And we’re kissing again, more feverishly, more frantically. She yanks her arms free and begins to push me backwards. I go, but not without her; I had no need to fear, as she comes willingly, in control now.


My legs bump against my chair. She pushes me down into it, then grins wickedly, hikes her skirts, and straddles me. I notice, for the first time it seems, that the chair has no arms. I am glad.


Now she grabs
head, leaning down to resume our passionate kissing. I can feel the heat between her thighs through my thick jeans which seem to be growing tighter. Much tighter.


She leans back and utters a fake exclamation of surprise, grinning even more widely as she now begins to rock her hips, grinding slowly but firmly into mine. She bites her lower lip, and I’m fairly certain I’ll rip the front of the pants if they don’t come off shortly.


Again I have no need to fear. Cadence drops her hands to my belt, never taking her eyes off of mine as she expertly unbuckles it, then unbuttons my jeans and yanks the zipper swiftly and surely down.


I wrap my arms through hers and around her torso, then stand suddenly, lifting her tall frame with little effort. This time I think her surprise might be real; her widened eyes and lips now forming an “O” are a delight to behold.


She grabs on to my shoulders and lifts her hips, and I quickly drop my hands to my waistline, lowering my pants and boxer briefs to my knees as I sit back down. The brief rush of cool air against my cock, then the sudden heat radiating through her panties as we arrive back in our seated position are intensely pleasurable in themselves.


She closes her eyes briefly, lips parted in a sigh as she begins to rock again, ever so gently, against my newly-freed manhood. I lean forward to kiss her chest, just at the point of the “V” of her shirt, then lean back and lift her shirt over her head.


The bulge of her breasts, strained against the bra containing them, is almost more sensual than if she’d not been wearing a bra at all. I kiss along the top of them, dipping my tongue under and along the edge of the fabric, and she shivers.


When I stop, she attacks my mouth immediately with her own, kissing me furiously in a rather severe - but oh-so-delectable - counter to the gentle movements at our hips. I feel her dampening even as she grinds more fiercely. I reach around her to unclasp her bra, freeing those beautiful mountains. Her nipples harden instantly in the cool office air, and I lean down immediately to take first the left, then the right into my mouth, teasing her sensitive skin with my tongue, circling slowly.


With one hand holding the side of my face, she lifts her body up for a moment, then reaches down with the other hand and grabs me, pulls her panties aside, and places me just at her wet, hot entrance.


“Hold on…” I choke out. “Protection?”


“Good point,” Cadence answers, easing herself to a sitting position in my lap. I shake my head to clear the haze and grin while she fishes a condom from her purse on the desk, rips open the foil, and firmly rolls it onto me. I groan.


Then she’s back. She lifts her hips back over mine, locks her eyes on my own, and lowers herself onto me, hot and tight, slick as hell. Now
groans. I am in ecstasy.


Very, very slowly she begins lifting her body as she grasps me, then easing and lowering. Lift… and fall…. Again… and again….




“Shit! The elevator!” Cadence exclaims, eyes suddenly wide and alert with fear, all movement having ceased.


Gently but swiftly I stand up, lifting her once again, still inside her, her legs now wrapped tightly around my hips. I roll my chair back and begin to lower us to the ground, being as careful as I can…


And lose my balance, then hit the ground hard. I hiss, she giggles, but we’re down. I lay back and pull her down on top of me. We lie quietly for a moment. A short moment.


Cadence lifts herself onto her elbows, then gives me a look and a toothy grin that makes me leery and even more excited. Then she begins to move, with excruciating slowness, up and down, rolling and grinding her hips as she does.


I gasp, and she quickly clamps one hand over my mouth, ducking her head in silent laughter, but she doesn’t cease. Up and down… up and down… up and down…. I focus on anything but her warm, sweet body attacking mine so fiercely.


The thought of going to jail if we’re caught helps, but not much.


We hear footsteps approaching this section of cubes, but we’re well hidden. She pauses at the apex of her rise just as the steps stop at the end of our lane.


The steps turn and move away, and with a quiet sigh she resumes her riding more fiercely.


When I hear the door to the stairwell slam shut again, I move. I wrap one arm around her torso, clamping her to my chest, and pivot my body around on the other so that we end up in reversed position, me on top.


I glare down at her in mock outrage, her grin having never faltered for a moment, then begin my own attack.


I place one hand against her face and kiss her thoroughly, then thrust, and thrust again, each probe slow, but firm and deep. Now
gasps, her eyes rolling up, mouth parting, and she wraps her arms around my back, urging me on.


Her feet, cool against my fevered skin, rest gently against the backs of my thighs, moving with my body as I take hers.


“Don’t stop… God, don’t stop,” she moans. I comply.


She begins to clench around me, and I feel her peak coming with each gasping breath. Her eyes have squeezed shut, her fingernails digging firmly into my back in a delicious agony of pain and pleasure.


One thrust…


Two, harder…


Three, deeper…


Four, with every bit of strength left to me, and the world goes dark as I groan. In the same instant, she locks her most sacred place around mine, trapping me, demanding every ounce of my essence as she reaches her own climax with a sharp, piercing, and utterly wonderful sound in my ear.


A moment passes, or perhaps it’s an eternity. I kiss the side of her neck, and she shivers from her head to her toes, still resting on the backs of my legs. I feel her body, all of it, relax.


She turns to kiss me, our mouths rejoining, embracing sweetly, in no hurry now.


Another eternity later, I gently ease off of her and roll onto my back, panting. Once again I find myself seeking so awkwardly for something - anything - to say, and once again, Cadence saves me.


“Well… that was fun,” she says, her smile clear in her voice as we both stare up at the industrial, very boring ceiling.


“Yes. It was. Let’s have some more,” I answer, and turn to make good my promise.


The End


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