Designing Woman (The Sloan Brothers Book 2) (28 page)

Now this.

He picked up the phone and tried again, but this time it didn’t even ring.  It went straight to voicemail and he began to worry.


Anton growled in response, grabbed his suit jacket from the back of his chair, and shoved his phone into the inside pocket.  He’d had enough of her selfish shit.  Making him and Chase worry was one thing.  Making Dorothy worry was something else entirely.

He moved quickly and arrived at his destination in less than three minutes.  He knocked on his brother’s office door and opened it without waiting for the okay.  Pierce was seated at his desk talking to Ayla who was seated in front of him.  Wait a minute.  Why was Ayla sitting in front of Pierce?  Melody had a Spring show in less than two months to get ready for.  What the fuck was going on?

He gave a nod to Pierce and turned to Ayla.

“Hey Ay’.  What are you doing here?  Don’t you have a show to get ready for?”

Ayla looked at him strangely and in a soft voice, she answered the question.

“Melody pulled out.  She told Sean and I that she was done until further notice.  She told us not to come back until she called us.  We assumed she’d taken a little vacation or something.  You know.  To clear her head.”

Anton groaned and leaned heavily on the doorjamb.  He did not want to be dealing with this.  Not now.  Not anymore.  He didn’t want to care, but he did.  He cared so much it kept him awake at night.

His focus was hot and centered on Ayla.  She began to fidget.

“So basically, nobody’s checked on Mel’ in almost ten days?”

“We tried to call, but...”

“It went to voicemail.  Yeah, yeah, I know.  I need your key.  I’m gonna go check on her just to make sure she’s okay.  If she doesn’t answer the door, I’ll need a way in.”

Ayla dug through her purse and brought out her keyring.

“I thought you had a key... oh.  Yeah.  Right.  Sorry Anton.”


Pierce watched as Anton took the key from Ayla and then kissed her on the cheek before thanking her.  He’d had some lengthy conversations with Anton since he’d severed contact with Melody.  He knew what this was costing him.  Emotionally, this would be a huge setback.  He tapped his pen on his desk and Anton looked his way.

“Want me to go?  I can check on her and call you later on.  I don’t mind Anton.  I can go now if you like.”

Anton pocketed the key and met his brother’s concerned eyes.

“Thanks Pierce but I’ve got this.  We’re bound to run into one another from time to time, I can’t avoid her forever.”

“It hasn’t even been two weeks yet.  I think you’re entitled to a little recovery time Anton.  I’m serious.  I don’t mind going over if you don’t want to.”

“I’m serious too.  I’ve got this, but thank-you.  It’s good to know that you’ve got my back.  I appreciate it.”

Pierce stood and hugged his brother.

“I’ll always have your back.  It’s part of the deal.”

Anton broke contact and pulled back.

“What deal?”

“The Sloan deal you moron.  Melody might be my friend, but you’re my brother.  Go, be careful, and call if you need me.”


Anton stepped from the building into the bitter chill of February in the city.  He looked up and couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen the sun.  He waited for his driver to maneuver the car to the curb and dash out to open his door.  As he slipped into the backseat, he thought about Costa Rica and the trip he and Deacon would be taking in a couple of weeks.  The trip was a gift from Mel’ and although he’d reluctantly accepted it, now he found himself looking forward to it.  He needed the time and more than that, he needed the distance.

He gave the driver the address and sat back to gather his courage.  Resolve was a much easier concept when you weren’t looking at the person that made your pulse race.  He prayed for strength and the will to walk away again.


He tried the bell first.  She didn’t answer and he wasn’t surprised.  He pressed the bell again.  Again, nothing.  Anton pulled the key out of his pocket, opened the door, and disarmed the alarm system.  He fought the urge to feel like he was finally home.  Instead he stood just inside the entrance to the living room and listened.

The house was too quiet.  He’d checked the monitor before he’d left and he knew she was here somewhere.  It was just after two o’clock in the afternoon.  She should be moving around doing things.  Work things or life things.  She should be doing something damn it.  Where was she?!


Anton ran down the hall to the bedroom she’d started using when she’d injured her foot.  The sheets were fresh and the bed was made.  There was no sign that she’d slept there recently.  He went to the closet and her clothes were gone.  The room was once again a guest room.

He walked to the foot of the stairs and looked up, the hair on the back of his neck standing at attention.  Something was wrong.  He started up the stairs, taking them two at a time.  All the while he hoped that he wasn’t too late to make it right.


Chapter Fourteen


One minute I was curled up in my little nest all warm and cozy and the next minute I was up in the corner of my room.  Where had all the empty water bottles come from?  There must have been at least a dozen of them crowded on my bedside table.  I’m never that messy.  I need to get those picked up soon.

The strangeness of my inner monologue hit me right about the time I saw Anton open the door and walk into the room.  Damn he looked good.  He always looked good.  Wait a minute.  Anton was there?  In my room?  What the hell was he doing in my room?  And while I was asking questions, why was I looking down at him?


Anton walked to the bed and saw a tuft of blonde hair poking out from under the covers.  He touched her shoulder and she didn’t move.  He shook her and called her name.  She still didn’t move.  He ripped the covers from her body and pulled her into his arms.

“Mel’?  Mel’, wake up baby.  I need to talk to you.”

He began to shake her and that’s when he noticed how thin she was.  He put his cheek against her mouth and felt her rapid and shallow breathing.

He put her back on the bed and felt for a pulse.  It was there, but it was rapid and faint.

“Oh shit Melody!  Wake the fuck up Mel’!  You’re scaring me baby, wake up!”

He took her in his arms and stroked her hair away from her face while he cried tears of frustration and searched for his cell phone.  He needed to call for help, but he couldn’t bring himself to let her go.

He tapped “911” with one hand and held her close with the other.  He pulled her onto his lap to give her the warmth she was lacking, and that’s when he noticed how loose the ankle monitor had become.

His hands started shaking and he tucked her face against his neck.

“Baby please wake up and talk to me.  I love you Mel’.  I love you so much, please wake up and tell me that you can hear me.”


He loved me?  Still?  Huh.  I should probably talk to him before he freaks out completely.  He needs to go ahead and leave me alone.  I can’t imagine why he’s in my house, much less in my room, and why is he touching me like that?  Who the hell is he talking to?

Something happened and I felt a fog lift.  As my thoughts became clearer, I felt a hard pull and then I watched my body getting closer.  Weird kept getting weirder until I felt myself jump.  Anton must’ve felt it too, because he dropped the phone and held my face with his hands.



I felt so tired.  I knew I was weak, but until I had to make a concentrated effort to focus, I didn’t know how weak.  I’d been to the doctor earlier that morning, how had I gone downhill that quickly?

When I opened my eyes, his beautiful blue ones met mine full force.  I saw concern, relief and bone numbing fatigue.  His eyes were bloodshot and so tired, he had dark circles under them.

“Anton, you look like you need a nap.  Are you taking care of yourself?”

His eyes crinkled with his smile and he crushed me to his chest in relief.

“Baby, I’ve been so worried about you.  You’re not answering your phone and nobody’s heard from you in days.  What in the hell is going on?”

I kiss his neck and breathed deeply.  He smelled of the forest and Anton.  I closed my eyes hoping to memorize the scent.  He was so warm and inviting, I kissed his jaw, slowly making my way to his perfect lips.

He tilted his head slightly and touched the side of my face.  His voice was soft, his words thick and slow.

“What are you doing baby?”

“Taking advantage of you while I can.  You’ll be leaving me again soon.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Because it’s always you that leaves.”


He leaned back and stared at me.  I thought I should say something more, but elected instead to hold my tongue for a bit.  Besides, what else was there to say?


Anton lifted me in his arms and started for the bedroom door.  I put my arms around his neck and held on tight.  He was carrying me down the stairs when he kissed my forehead.

“Mel, when was the last time you ate something?”

“I had a cup-a-soup yesterday.  I’m eating when I get hungry.  I just haven’t been very hungry lately.”

He carried me to the breakfast bar and placed me on a stool.  He leaned around me and pulled an apple from a bowl on the counter.  He took a paring knife from the magnet rack, and started slicing off small chunks.  He ate one, and then offered me the next one.  It tasted so good, I finished it in two bites.  Back and forth we went until the apple was gone, then he reached for a banana.

“Mel’, an ambulance is going to be here any minute to take you to the hospital.”

“I don’t want to go to the hospital.”

I accepted the chunk of banana and popped it into my mouth.  He moved slowly to plant a soft kiss on my lips.  I leaned into him begging silently for more and he melded his lips against mine once more.  When he pulled back, he slid his nose along mine and sighed.

My eyes were still closed as I stored this moment for future reference.

“Mel’, open your eyes.”

When I did, he was right there.  I felt my heart jump start and my body begin to warm.  God I needed to keep it together.  I couldn’t start crying before he was gone or it would feel too much like the last time.

“Anton, why are you here?”

He tugged on my earlobe with his teeth before kissing the skin just beneath on my neck.  I shivered and he felt it.  I know because he put the knife down and stepped between my legs, pulling me closer.

“The official party line is that I was worried about you.  No one’s been able to reach you - including Dorothy - and people were starting to get worried.”

His lips were skimming my jaw line and I closed my eyes on a moan.

“You said that was the party line.  What’s the real reason you’re here?”

“I needed to kiss you.”

“That’s it?  You interrupted work to come and kiss me?”

“I haven’t kissed you in days.”

“You think I haven’t noticed?”

“I haven’t slept either.  At least you’ve been able to sleep.”


I pushed my lips against his and sucked his bottom lip between mine.  When I felt the tip of his tongue, I pulled his hair to bring him even closer.  He gripped my bottom and pulled me into him while the kiss turned hot and needy.

We couldn’t bear to break apart.  We were devouring one another, our hands were busy getting reacquainted with one another’s body.  If I was sleepy before, I was wide awake and buzzing now.  Who needed caffeine?  I had Anton.

At the sound of the heavy feet and equipment outside my door, Anton pulled back quickly and closed his eyes.

“Fuck.  It’s the ambulance.”

“Ambulance?  Babe, why did you call an ambulance?”

He was arranging himself for comfort and straightening his clothing.

“I couldn’t wake you up Mel’!  You obviously haven’t eaten since we separated, and you scared the shit out of me girl!  All I could think about was losing you and I panicked.  I’m sorry.”

I grabbed his hand and threaded our fingers.  He looked at our joined hands and swallowed hard.


When the bell rang, he pulled me with him towards the door.  He looked at me as he reached for the doorknob.


“Fuck no.”



He opened the door and three large men stood there with a gurney.  I smiled and we stepped aside.

Anton tried to be diplomatic.

“Gentlemen, please come in.”

They followed us into the living room and when I turned around, I took a long look at the man with the clipboard.

“Hey!  I know you!  You rescued me that night in the park!”

He leaned forward and cocked his head.  Then I smiled.  His eyebrows shot up and he looked at Anton and winced.  I couldn’t help it I laughed.

“Carrie and the phoney husband!  I remember now!  How are you head wound?  You look good.”

“I’m better now, thanks.  Sorry to get you guys here for nothing.  I was sleeping so soundly he couldn’t wake me up and he panicked.  I only got out of the hospital a little over a week ago and we’re still a little jumpy I guess.  As you can see, I’m fine now.”

Clipboard guy was nodding in understanding, his cohorts looked bored.  He looked at Anton while he continued to talk to me.

“Are you sure you don’t want us to check you out while we’re here?  It wouldn’t be a problem.”

I waved my hand before putting my arm around Anton.

“I’m sure, but thanks.  I think my blood sugar was low.  I had some fruit and I’m much better now.  Plus, I gave up caffeine a week ago.  I feel like I’m catching up on all the sleep I’ve missed in the last ten years.”

That, he seemed to understand and he tossed his clipboard onto the gurney.

“I hear you sister.  Giving up that one is a bitch.”

He looked at his friends and jerked his head towards the door.

“Okay, well if you’re sure, I guess we’ll be leaving.  Keep an eye on that blood sugar and put on a little weight.  You look rougher than you did that night in the park.”

“I feel rougher sometimes, believe me.”


I felt Anton’s body go rigid against mine at my statement.  He released me so that I could walk them to the door, while he stayed in the living room.  When I returned, he was seated comfortably on the sofa, his arm draped along the back.  He’d taken off his jacket and his tie was loose.  The top two buttons of his shirt were undone, and he was looking at me.

I felt like I was fifteen and going on my first date.  His eyes penetrated the wall I had carefully begun to build and felt it starting to crack.

“Mel’ come here and sit down.  We need to talk.”


I have come to hate that phrase.  I’m sure there are worse things you can hear, but I couldn’t think of one at that moment.

I had a confirmed bachelor millionaire who happened to be my alpha and omega, seated on my sofa looking like he might want to stay awhile.  Under normal circumstances, I’d say all systems were go and I’d be planning breakfast for two for tomorrow morning.

These circumstances were anything but normal.  We’d caused each other immeasurable amounts of pain and he was right.  We did need to talk.


I sat down on the opposite end of the sofa and folded my legs up beneath me.  The ankle bracelet was turned the wrong way and I reached down to turn it so that it was facing out, instead of lying against the bone of my other ankle.  Once I was comfortable, I looked up to see Anton watching me closely.  His eyes gripped mine and I couldn’t look away.  I know the pain in his eyes mirrored the pain in mine and for once I wanted him to feel the full force of it.

“Why didn’t you let Chase take it off?”

His voice was rough with emotion and I had to swallow the lump of raw emotion before I answered.

“It meant a lot to you that I keep it on, so I did.”

“It meant nothing to me once I walked out that door.”

“Is that so?  If it meant so little, then why did you race to my rescue today?”

“I was worried about Dorothy.”

“Dorothy was fine.  You talked to her on the phone.  It was me you couldn’t reach.  Tell me something Anton.  How many times in the last week did you check the monitor to see where I was?”

His eyes were still glued to mine and the honesty between us was impressive.

“A few times I guess.  I lost track.  Why?”

“Just curious.  I didn’t want you to worry about me ever again.  I’ve caused you enough worry for one lifetime.  Staying home and keeping the bracelet on was the least I could do for you.”

“Too bad you didn’t come to that conclusion two weeks ago, we could have avoided everything that came after...”

“Maybe, maybe not.  At the risk of sounding like my sister, I have a theory about that.”

He gifted me with a smirk that reached his eyes and he looked deliciously naughty.  It made me miss him even more.  Something told me that if I scooted across the sofa and crawled into his lap, he’d let me.  He might even welcome me.  It was that damned “might” word that made me hesitate and hold myself in check.

“Tell me your theory baby.”

“You do know that every time you call me baby it makes it worse.”

“Makes what worse?”

“You’re going to make me spell out everything aren’t you?”

“I am, yes.  You see, I have a theory too and we’ll get to it.  First though, I want to know what my calling you baby has to do with anything.”


I looked at my lap and began to play with the hem of my shirt.  What did it matter?  When push came to shove, I was still talking to Anton and he was still walking out the same way he walked in.  These were quite likely the last moments I’d have his attention without interruptions or something to fight about.  The fighting was done.

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