Desire and a Bottle of Merlot: (Like Sisters Series Book 5) Chick Lit: A Romantic Comedy (22 page)

Tina got comfortable, kicking off her shoes again. She sank into the cushy, corduroy couch. Popup footrests were built into each end. Dan picked a sultry blues CD and sat down next to Tina near the center of the sofa. He reached for the glasses, handing her one. She watched him sip his wine, fascinated. “Who are you, Dan? What’s your story? Are you running away from something or somebody?”

Dan’s lips curled up into a smile. “Nope. What you see is what you get. I’ve got nothing in my closet except clothes. I’ll be honest, Tina. I thought you had secrets, something that caused you to be withdrawn around men, aloof, even angry in a way.”

She held her glass of Merlot by the stem, turning it, as she thought about her response. She took a sip and reached for his hand. “I did, but I’m getting over it, and I have you to thank. You’re helping me, little by little.”

“I’m happy to help you with anything. Here’s the boring, short version of my life if you want to hear it.” He looked into her eyes, waiting for the okay.

She nodded.

“I moved to Albany because of a woman. Her name was Emily, and we were together for a few years. She thought marriage was on the horizon, but I didn’t. The feelings weren’t there. I couldn’t put either of us through that just because a certain amount of time had passed. I broke off our relationship, but it took a few years before I moved back here. My business was doing well in Albany, but I had to make a decision. Either I would stay there or sell the business and move back home. You know what my decision was.”

“I’m glad you didn’t lead her on, and I’m glad you came back here. Meeting you has done wonders for my state of mind. I’ve decided to check my attitude at the door from now on and be more positive about people, men in particular.”

The last sip of wine warmed her throat as it slid down. Dan set both their glasses on the coffee table and took Tina in his arms. She felt the muscles in his biceps flex as he pulled her close. Dan searched her warm mouth with his hungry lips, and she responded eagerly, almost feeling dizzy with lust. She’d had no idea how much she desired a man until her eyes locked on Dan that day at Amelia’s seven weeks earlier, and now she was in his arms, and the desire she felt made every inch of her body ache for more.

“I have real feelings for you, Tina, and I’m anxious to see where this goes. I hope that doesn’t scare you away.”

“I’m feeling pretty good about us too. Let’s have one more glass of wine, then I should get to bed… alone. It’s almost midnight.” Her mouth curved upward into a smile. “Tomorrow is going to be a huge day.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

The birds sang prettier, the sky was bluer, the sun glowed brighter, and the clouds were definitely whiter. Blublocker sunglasses couldn’t make this day look any better. Saturday finally arrived in a marvelous fashion, with Mia and Sasha enjoying their own personal high-on-life moment. Mia’s headpiece draped down the center of her back, nearly touching the floor, and was secured to her updo hairstyle with a tiara. Sasha, since her hair was short, wore soft waves covered with a Juliette-capped, pearl-encrusted headpiece. Both women were breathtakingly beautiful. They sat on the swivel chairs at Hair Brained, squirming impatiently while the bridesmaids, mothers of the brides, and little Alisa were glammed up by Westchester County’s finest stylists. No other appointments were scheduled for that day—Hair Brained was closed to the public for the wedding. Everyone who worked at the salon was invited anyway. The men spent the morning sprucing up at a downtown classic. John’s Custom Cuts was a small, old-school barbershop that had been in the same location for nearly thirty years. There was even a striped barber pole by the front door.

The entire wedding party was back at the Victorian by noon. The wedding itself would take place at two o’clock, followed by plenty of merriment until the reception dinner. After the chairs and tables were moved down to the lawn, the five-piece band would set up in one corner of the deck. With any luck, all hell would break loose with dancing and carrying on. They would indeed be two weddings nobody in Tarrytown would soon forget.

Vic, Tina, and Karen made sure everything was checked off the list with the caterers. There were plenty of tables, the decorations looked perfect, and the minister and soloists were going to be prompt. With everything accounted for, they took the stairs two by two, reaching the triage area of the master suite and guest room. Dresses hung from every available hook, and makeup areas were stationed in Sasha’s bathroom and the vanity table in the guest bedroom.

Vic scolded Sasha for fidgeting while she was trying to apply a straight line with the eyeliner pencil. “Hold still, for crap’s sake.”

“I would if you wouldn’t jam the pencil into my eyeball.”

“Shush, and don’t move. Just think, you’ll be walking down the aisle in an hour, but you can’t forget your dad this time.”

Classic rock kept the mood upstairs light and fun with all the women cackling like a flock of hens. Everyone knew, with Sasha’s pregnancy, how volatile she was. Keeping the atmosphere upbeat and lively would relieve any anxiety she might feel. Nobody wanted to redo her manicure because she’d gnawed her nails to the quick from nerves. When Vic and Tina finished Sasha and Mia’s makeup, they started on the mothers, finally finishing with applying each other’s makeup as well.

With a glance at the petite French porcelain clock on Sasha’s nightstand, Mia began stripping off her jeans and tee shirt. “Okay, ladies. It’s time to get this party started. You know the drill.” The cheerful expression she wore said it all: it was about damn time Mia got her happily ever after.

The dresses came off the hooks as a flurry of women spritzed perfume, rolled deodorant, and slipped on their beautiful dresses.

“Somebody has to help me,” Sasha cried out. “My belly and these enormous boobs are getting in my way. I can’t believe how big and jiggly my boobs are already. I look like a cow.” The pout popped out, and her fearful expression put everyone on full red alert.

“Honey, we’ve got this,” Tina said calmly. “First, you don’t look like a cow—you look stunning. Second, of course your boobs and belly are bigger. You have two precious babies depending on you to keep them snuggly safe until they’re ready to meet you, and the rest of the world. It’s all good, Sasha. Hold your head up high, and be the proud wife and mama to be.”

“Thank you, Tina, for saying that. Thank all of you for putting up with me. I know how neurotic I can get at times, especially now.” After inhaling deeply to calm her nerves, Sasha smiled widely. “Okay, I’m good. Somebody, please zip up this friggin’ dress.”

Ann was in charge of the “something old” for Mia. She wrapped a beautiful antique locket around Mia’s neck that had once belonged to her great-grandmother. The blue came from Tina. She handed Mia a pair of robin’s-egg-blue satin panties to wear under her dress.

“Are you serious right now?” Mia laughed. “These better be new.”

“No shit, Sherlock, but I’m not in charge of new, Vic is.”

Vic handed Mia a beautiful handkerchief with hand-embroidered edges. “Jam that sucker into the back of your bouquet. Nobody will see it, and you can dab your eyes if you start bawling. Make sure you only dab. If you mess up my makeup magic, I’ll kill you.”

“Thanks, sister. I’ll remember. I don’t feel like dying at your hands today—I have a pretty cool honeymoon coming up.” Mia chuckled.

The only thing left was something borrowed, and Karen was in charge of that. She opened a small velvet case that contained a pair of diamond earrings. “My mom gave me these when I graduated from college. I hope you like them.”

The tears of joy were contagious as the entire process started again with Sasha. Vic loaned her a pink bracelet made of Swarovski crystals as the borrowed item. Vic didn’t want to be in charge of blue since she didn’t own anything blue anyway. Karen gave Sasha a blue satin-and-lace garter. The old came from Alina—a gorgeous platinum filigree ring given to her from Gerard before they were engaged—and the new was from Tina. She gave Sasha a bottle of 2008 Merlot from Paradigm Winery.

“You can’t crack this puppy open until after the babies are born. Then it will be time to celebrate.”

With all the women and little Alisa dressed and ready to go, they had a moment alone to enjoy a group hug and air kisses before they started down the stairs.

“Okay, are we ready to do this?” Sasha asked with a smile that lit the room. She checked the clock for the final time—1:45. “Let’s go have a kick-ass wedding.”

They peeked out the side window in the kitchen, which overlooked the vineyard, wedding garden, and lawn.

“Oh my friggin’ God, there’s six thousand people outside,” Sasha whined. “And the guys are out there, too, looking hot as shit.” Both hands flew to her mouth in record speed. Vic grabbed one, and Tina grabbed the other.

“We’re going to do this just like we practiced last night. Everything will be okay. It’s not like you have to go first. We’ll already be up there, and if the kids can do this, you can, too. Just look into our eyes, Sasha, and you’ll be fine. Your dad will be by your side, and Josh will be anxiously waiting to make you his wife.”

“Okay, but I have to pee first.”

“Oh my God, hurry your ass up. The soloist is beginning to sing, and that’s our cue.”


The guys lined up under the first arbor, waiting for the women to come outside. Ann and Alina were led to the front row of chairs by the usher. Josh and Aaron stood on either side of the minister, wearing grins they couldn’t wipe off their faces. Gerard and Tom stood behind the groomsmen, waiting for Sasha and Mia to make their appearances. The angelic voice of the soloist and guitar player echoed down Sunrise Avenue. One by one, Liz, Tina, Vic, and Karen took the arms of Matt, Jake, Max, and Mario and walked the long path under the ivy-covered arbors to the wedding garden. True to form, they all had tears streaming down their cheeks. J. J. and Liam followed, each carefully carrying a satin pillow holding a wedding ring.

Alisa dropped coral-colored rose petals from a white wicker basket on the path as she bravely walked toward the podium. Nobody was left other than the brides and their fathers.


Sasha and Mia stood together at the kitchen door, waiting for the cue of Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March.”

“This is it, sister. There’s no turning back.” Mia kissed Sasha and hugged her tightly. “I love you, Sasha.”

“I love you too, Mia. You’re truly my sister.” Sasha looked back and blew Mia a kiss as she walked out the door. “I’m out of here, babe. See you on the other side.”

Mia took the handkerchief out of her bouquet and dabbed her eyes. With a deep breath, she watched as Sasha took her father’s arm and they walked down the path together.
All right, here I go.
Mia crossed through the door and smiled at her father as she reached for his arm and followed Sasha down the path.

All the guests in attendance stood as both women passed by with their arms intertwined with their fathers’. Tears rolled down cheeks, and smiles brightened faces. Hands clapped, and familiar friends whooped and hollered, causing laughter to erupt from the crowd. The photographer caught every candid and sentimental shot, making the day as memorable as possible.


Aaron fidgeted nervously as he waited to see Mia appear through the final arbor on her way to the wedding garden. His lifelong dream was finally coming true. The woman he had loved since high school was now going to be his bride. He couldn’t contain his excitement as Sasha and Gerard walked through the last arbor. He knew Mia was right behind them. He was all in and for life. He could barely restrain himself. He laughed out loud with happiness. Mia was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life. He yelled out, “I’ve been waiting twenty years. Can’t you move any faster?” The crowd roared with laughter again.


Sasha and Josh recited their vows and exchanged rings. Sasha slid the size-ten ring on Josh’s finger, and it fit perfectly.
It’s kismet—my whole life is kismet.
Sasha giggled under her breath and gave Mia and Karen a teary-eyed grin. She knew they were thinking the same thing: they’d gotten lucky on Josh’s ring, and nobody was the wiser.

Mia and Aaron recited their vows of love to each other and exchanged rings. The two couples kissed as the crowd clapped and whistled their approval.


Morey’s and Bottoms Up had drinks on the house waiting for the wedding party. The group spent thirty minutes at each bar, with Dan joining Tina as her guest, before heading back to the Victorian. They would mingle with the guests before dinner then dance the night away when the band began at eight o’clock.

Tina and Dan rejoined each other after dinner since the entire wedding party was seated at the head table together. Jake and Matt gave heartfelt toasts and crazy stories about both couples. The caterers wheeled out a table covered in white linen, which held two enormous cakes waiting to be cut by the couples. Mia and Sasha threatened Aaron and Josh not to mess up their makeup with a face full of cake or they would have Vic and Tina to answer to, and that could get scary. After cake and coffee, Tom and Gerard took their daughters’ hands and led them to the dance floor in the center of the deck. A soft spotlight from the balcony lingered over the magical moment when both fathers and daughters danced the first dance of the evening together. After the newly married couples danced for the first time as husband and wife, two chairs were carried out to the center of the dance floor while the crowd watched from the sidelines. Mia sat in one and Sasha in the other. Josh and Aaron knelt next to each woman, peeking under their dresses, looking for the garters. The band began playing sexy stripper music as the deck, heaving with guests, cheered the guys on. The photographer was on it like a fly in honey, taking dozens of pictures and videos of the anticipated moment. With the garters off, the girls now had to throw their bouquets. Mia and Aaron made a point of throwing the garters and bouquets toward Tina and Dan. Tina leapt at the bouquet as it was flung through the air, knocking several women out of her way in the process. She was a woman on a mission, and nobody was going to get in her way. Dan caught the garter after Aaron literally threw it at him. He and Tina came together and danced a sultry slow dance, loving every second of it. Jennifer, from the salon, caught Sasha’s bouquet and danced with Scotty from Bottoms Up, a man she’d had a secret crush on for years.

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