Desired: Loving An Alpha Male (7 page)

It’s blowing my mind the way my body is reacting to this woman’s touch. I’m on fire with the anticipation of her skin coming in contact with mine.  I don’t care where she touches me; fuck, I just want to be around her so she can. I’m losing my mind with just the slightest gasp of breath that she takes when I touch her and how her eyes feel like they can see through my soul.  I don’t know anything about this woman, but shit I want to.

“Can I have you?” she asked softly, and yup I’m fucking hooked.

My body shuddered as I tried to gain control; I was failing miserably. “Baby, you’re not nearly ready for me.  I don’t want to hurt you. And the way I’m feeling, I might rip you in half.”

She smiled, then wrapped her legs around my waist.  She wiggled, and the tip of my dick was touching her pussy. The wetness from her warmth coated me as she brushed me along her sensitive bud. She had no idea the sensation she was causing.  She closed her eyes and arched her back, giving herself to me, encouraging me to get lost in her. When she moaned the most erotic sound I’ve ever heard, she fucking undid me.  I couldn’t stop if I wanted to; I slipped into her wetness as slow as I could and moaned as her tightness smothered me.

“Wait a second… Please,” she whispered, and I obeyed.

She looked in my eyes and I hers. I said to her because I didn’t know what else to say at this moment, “Drake Lincoln… Thirty-three, born and raised in Philly. I love all things Philly, except cheesesteaks and those fucking Rocky movies. I have a brother and sister who I fucking hate and parents that I don’t speak to. ”

She smiled at me and grabbed my ears again… God, why do I love when she does that? “Georgia Sayers… Thirty, born in Baltimore, but currently I live in Miami. I love to eat, hate to work out, and I have no parents.”

I couldn’t help but mimic her expression. “It’s very nice to meet you, Georgia.”

“You too, Draaake,” she replied, barely able to speak my name as I started stroking her long, slow… Just as I knew she liked.














Chapter 6

Okay, so I needed to pause,
, just to let what I’d just done a few hours ago resonate.


I was sitting there stunned in silence for numerous reasons. First being, I just had unprotected sex with a man that I barely knew. I wasn’t even thinking when I attacked him. That is so unlike me but oh my goodness the way he kissed me and spoke to me had me on fire.  My lips quivered and throbbed with a deep need that it seemed my body felt only he could quench.  The need for him came over me, and I needed - no, I desired - to feel his hard body on top of me.  I wanted to feel him inside me, claiming me. And, hell, I longed to feel his touch, his lips all over me, and he didn’t disappoint. 

He came inside me multiple times, and I didn’t stop him.  He tried to pull out, but I gripped him tight and wouldn’t let him go.  He was making my body convulse and cry out in ways no one has ever managed to do, and that astounded me.

I reached for the picked over fruit from my plate as I sat across from Drake on my patio off my room.  Drake, which, by the way, his name fits him so well, had just told me everything that happened last night. Which is the second reason why I’m stunned. Just when he described the man that tried to kidnap me, I remembered the name he gave me… Julio.

Excitement radiated from him as he reached for his phone.  He instantly started talking freely and adamantly as if I wasn’t in the room. He was so comfortable and open with me it scared and shocked me all at once. So I tried to take my mind off his conversation and looked out onto the ocean. These past few days had been crazy, to say the least. Hell, this week had been insane. But I really needed to make a decision on where my life was going to go from there.

The moment I got home what the hell was I going to do? My life was completely wrapped up in Gavin and now suddenly it wasn’t.  School was out for the summer, and I didn’t make plans to work that summer because I was going to come home a married woman.  We had a home to find, and I would’ve been completely busy being Mrs. Gavin Diego. Instead, I’m going home to unanswered questions, embarrassment, and humiliation. The thought of being with Gavin was a stretch for me in the beginning of our relationship.  I second-guessed us from the moment we met. But Gavin showed me how much he cared about me, how much he wanted me.  So I figured, finally this was it; I’ve finally found someone to love me for me.

Oh, how I was I wrong.             

I glanced over at Drake again and thought about the short time I’ve known him. This man had managed to spark more emotion from me than Gavin had, and we were together for years. Could that be the reason why he cheated on me, because in reality I wasn’t sexy enough for him because I wasn’t desirable?  If that’s the case though, what am I doing different now than what I normally do? Why is this man still here next to me with so much promise of passion in his eyes? What does he see in me that Gavin doesn’t?


I blinked and realized I’d been staring at Drake for Lord knows how long. I felt the heat rise from my neck to my face; thank goodness I’m dark. I diverted my eyes quickly and looked down at my shaking hands. “Did you forget my name already?” I asked him.

“No, I didn’t, but you seem to not respond to your name when I use it. Besides, I think you like when I call you baby.” I looked at him and saw that smile that seems to always light his face up.

I rolled my eyes but deep down, down in the pits of my soul, I feared he might be right. But that can’t be.  I’ve always hated when men call women those pet names like baby and sweetie. It drives me bananas. It’s a false sense of security and acceptance a man gives a woman. I mean, whoever told men that women take baby, honey and sweetie as words of endearment must have been really hard up for a man’s attention and acknowledgment. For years, I’d decided that’s not going to be me.  I wouldn’t let a man call me baby and sweetie and smile and grin in their faces, especially when they use the word freely for any other woman that walked by.

So while I’m frowning, thinking of all the things I just mentioned, there is one truth that I don’t want to admit…. I do actually like when he calls me baby and sweetheart… It’s something about the look in his eyes when he says it and the sound of his voice.  His voice gets all gritty, deep and full and oh-so-luscious… Yes, I think the sound of a man’s voice can be luscious. The right bass, deepness and inflections in a man’s voice can break you down and make you weak, vulnerable and under his complete control.

It can make your panties wet with desire the moment your name leaves his lips.

I sighed, looked back up at him and found him smirking at me. “Oh, what’s so funny, Lincoln?” The smirk suddenly disappeared and was replaced with furrowed brows and a darkening of his already dark eyes. Watching this transformation caused me to adapt his expression a minute ago. “Oh, it seems I’ve struck a nerve. You don’t like being called Lincoln, I take it.”

His jaw tightened as he kept his eyes facing the ocean. “No, I don’t mind being called that.  Not at all.”

I started to tease him more when he used his own deflection tactics and said, “What’s on your agenda today?”

I shrugged. “I don’t really have one.  I mean, I had planned on hanging by the beach, or going sightseeing, but considering what almost happened to me last night, I might just stay here in my room for the rest of my vacation.”

“Well, listen, I planned on doing some snorkeling or scuba diving, maybe even some parasailing today; you’re more than welcome to join me…”

I shook my head vehemently. “Oh, no, that’s sweet of you really, but I don’t think so.”

“Why not?”

“Huh, for one, I’m afraid of heights…”

Drake just shook his head. “Okay, I get the heights thing, but what do you have against scuba diving and snorkeling?”

I sat up straight and leaned in closer to him. “Um… first of all, there are sharks out there… And I know there is some statistic that says there is a one out of twenty chance that a black person can be bit by a shark… So how many white people have been attacked so far? I’m not becoming a statistic.”

He chuckled. “First of all, there is no such statistic out there. Secondly, the part of the ocean you would snorkel is safe.  You will not see any sharks.”

“Yeah and how do you know?” I folded my arms.

“Because I do it all the time. Besides, if you do see some, I’ll protect you. Come on. You have to at least give it a try. I promise you won’t regret it.”

I was so tempted. Really I was, but … I don’t know… Looking at his handsome face, sincerity dripping from his eyes, I just couldn’t shake that feeling of doubt. I didn’t want to make the same mistakes with him that I did with Gavin. I know you’re probably thinking I could just hang out with him, no strings attached.  Problem with that is… and this is embarrassing to admit but… I’m starting to really like him.

This is absurd.  I can’t like someone this much and barely know him. No; what I’m feeling is completely physical, and I just can’t handle that right now. So I said to him, shaking my head, “No, really. That’s okay.  You don’t have to waste your vacation with the likes of me. Really I’ll be fine.  But I would like to thank you for, you know, helping me out last night.  If it wasn’t for you, there’s no telling what could have happened. So I really appreciate it.”

Okay, so I didn’t mean to sound so dismissive, but I didn’t know what else to do. This Adonis of a badass spells nothing but trouble for me; I could taste it.  As a matter of fact, the overwhelming feeling to taste him is constantly threatening to consume me.

I moved my eyes from his face as he said to me, “So are you telling me you don’t want to hang out with me?”

Annoyance fueled me, and I darted my eyes back to his and rolled them. “Oh, come on, Lincoln. You really expect me to believe a man like you really wants to hang out with a woman like me?”

“What the fuck is wrong with hanging out with you?”

I stood. “Are you kidding me? Do you want me to spell it out for you?”

He stood. “Please do that shit because I’m so fucking lost right now.”

I stared up at him, watching that tension in his jaw expand to his shoulders and now his fists.

As I felt my erratic breathing take over, I knew he could sense my fury as well.  I mean shit, how hurtful could it be to make me explain why a man like him just doesn’t belong with a woman like me.

Drake, as if hearing my thoughts, shook his head, “Don’t you even fucking say that fucked up shit in your head.” 

I turned my back to him and walked over to the edge of the balcony.
Just take a deep breath and do what you need to Georgia

Without facing him again, I said, “As I said before, I definitely owe you for helping me last night. Really I do. And if there is any way I could pay you back, please let me know but… I’m fine now.  You can go about your business and go snorkel to your heart’s content and smoke lots of cigars until your lungs give out and find a hot young twenty-something to take back to your room.  There is no need to waste time on me.”

“Wow… that was uh… Yeah, that was some kind of fucked up shit to say to me.”

I turned around and crossed my arms, “How do you figure that?”

“Well, for one, I’ve admitted to you that you’ve been on my mind since the first night we slept together and you actually think I’m only here out of obligation for saving your sweet ass? Let me tell you something, sweetheart, I don’t do obligation.  If I didn’t give a shit about you, I wouldn’t be here, and I wouldn’t have said shit last night when that motherfucker was dragging you to his truck. I’m not that fucking honorable.” He walked toward me. “I’m not the kind of guy that wastes time doing shit just for the fucking hell of it either.  I’m asking to spend time with you because I fucking want to…”

“…Yeah, well I’m not the kind of girl that guys like you just hang out with so…”

He frowned lowering his voice in that gritty, deep way that is screwing with my head. “Baby, what kind of shit is that? Who the fuck has been filling your head with this bullshit?”

“It’s not bullshit.”

“Oh, yes the fuck it is, sweetheart.  You are by far the sexiest woman I’ve seen in a very long time. You’re fucking gorgeous as shit and sweet as fucking apple pie. Why wouldn’t I want to spend my time trying to figure out new ways to make you blush? And, baby, there is nothing else I want to do more than make you blush.”

Ho-ly shit…. Yup, another timeout…

Sorry, but no man has ever spoken to me like that… like ever… What the hell should I say? I turned my back to him again, gripped the railing and closed my eyes.  My head dropped to my chest as I took a few deep breaths. 
Sexy as shit? Really? Me?

Getting in my own head made me miss the moment when the space between our bodies disappeared. My breath quickened, and I felt my heart bullying my ribs to beat out of my chest. He placed both of his hands on the railing too, placing his arms on the outside of my body, caging me between the railing and him.

The body-scent radiating from him was making me lose my mind.  The closer he got the more shallow I breathed.

He sighed deeply and said, “I don’t know who’s been feeding you that shit you just insulted my ears with, but I don’t ever want to hear you say that around me again. You’re radiant day or night without any effort.  You make me want to be here, and that’s why I asked to spend time with you.”

God this man…

The hairs on my arms and neck reached out in anticipation of his touch, my chest constricted, waiting for me to finally let air inside. Please… someone help me… oh this man…

“Why don’t we make a deal,” he said close to my ear. “You clearly came down here alone with an agenda.  Let me help you with it.”

My throat went dry instantly. I cleared my throat and said hoarsely, “What do you mean?”

He leaned in closer and the moment his fingers brushed along my shoulder my body screamed, “YESSSSS!”

Drake moved my tank top strap slowly down and bent, brushing his lips on my shoulder.

“You want to forget whatever you’re running from.  You want to let go, be someone you’re not and maybe have a vacation fling, right?” His lips traveled slowly along my shoulder to where my shoulder and neck meet, his voice getting deeper, smoky, downright sinful and… “You want someone to fulfill your deepest desires and most intimate sexual fantasies, something that no one has ever been able to do for you.” I closed my eyes and gripped the railing as tight as I could to keep from dropping to the balcony.

He moved to my other shoulder, lightly grazing his lips there, slowly traveling up to my neck. “I can make you forget whatever shit you left at home.  I can help you escape, even if it’s only for a little while… Isn’t that what you want? Isn’t that what you’ve been craving for since you got here?”

I closed my eyes trying not to hear the voice inside my head screaming to say yes…

Oh…I want his hands on me, touching me, caressing me, claiming me… controlling me. I want to feel the power he yields over me by just the simplest of touches. I want… Oh God, yessssss! There it is!

His hand finally touched my stomach, moving my t-shirt up and placing his palm on my bare skin. He rubbed and caressed me as his lips and teeth gently stroked and nibbled on some of the most sensitive spots on my neck.

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