Desires Unleashed (14 page)

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Authors: D N Simmons

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance, #Fiction, #Horror, #Erotica, #Occult & Supernatural

“Darling, I know you want to stay here forever, but we can't,” Darian said. Elise looked at him sadly. He was right. She had to get back to Sergio who would, no doubt, be combing the club for her. Reluctantly, she rose from Darian's lap. Both of them shivered slightly as Darian slid smoothly out of her. She pulled down her skirt as he put himself away, fastening his pants. He could still smell the sex in the air, and on their skin. The smell enticed him.

Retrieving her black sheer shirt and bra from the floor, she snapped the bra back into place and pulled the shirt over her head. Darian reached over, picked up his black shirt, pulled it on, buttoning the shirt with quickness and ease. She plucked her leather coat from the chair beside Darian's and pulled it on, smiling at him as he watched her dress. Darian's gaze darted toward the arena just as the seven-foot tall giant was brought to his knees by a five-foot-seven Asian male who was brandishing a large sword called a kodachi.

“Hmm, so tonight's just full of surprises,” Darian whispered to himself. He knew Elise could hear him, but that didn't matter.

“I hope I was one of those surprises?” she asked playfully, but serious at the same time. Darian looked up at her, smiled and nodded.

“Always, my dear. Shall I escort you upstairs?” he asked as he rose from his seat. As she held out her hand, he took it, placing it gently on his forearm as they headed for the elevator. He was hoping he might catch the last match of the night, but he wasn't counting on it. Like he had said, the night was full of surprises. They reached the top level, walked off the elevator and entered the hallway. Darian turned to her with a puzzled expression. He had realized this before and wanted to mention it at first sight of Elise in his private box but never got around to asking, now was the time.

“Elise, how did you get to the arena?” he asked as they headed for the dance club.

Elise smiled. “Now if I tell you, then I won't have any secrets, and a girl's got to have her little secrets, or didn't you know that my darling bloodsucker?” She pinched his chin lightly between her finger and thumb. Darian smiled, but was slightly annoyed. He had an idea of who let her in, that is, she was let in. He hoped she hadn't gotten in by breaking through his security system. Nevertheless, he would have to have a long discussion with Xavier.

Entering the huge dance area, they were confronted by Sergio, who looked positively livid at the sight of Darian. He walked over to Elise and held out his hand. Elise became stubborn, refusing to take it. Darian released her hand, directing it toward Sergio's. She seemed slightly disappointed. She didn't answer to any man, so why was Darian putting her in Sergio's care? The two men stared at each other. Sergio's gray eyes bore deeply into Darian's forest green eyes. The auras of the men were rising, filling the little space between them, almost stifling.

“I'll only say this once. Stay the fuck away from her, Darian. She's mine. I've sat by long enough and watched you use her over the past six months and I'll stand for it no longer,” Sergio said, his words squeezed through his gritted teeth. His anger thickening his Italian accent. Elise was taken aback, she was also upset that he would dare try to claim her. She was queen of the Pride. She answered to no one.

“I beg your pardon?! Sergio, I think we've had this discussion before, I will not be treated like a piece of meat-” she said, but Sergio cut her off.

“You treat yourself like a piece of meat.” His teeth still gnashing together. He never rook his gaze away from Darian. It angered him even more to know they'd had sex. It wasn't supposed to be this way. Never this way. “If you can't get control of yourself, then I'll do it for you. You need to take responsibility for the Pride. You're not doing that, instead you
with this dead son of a bitch and I can't stand it.”

Darian smiled. He had to admit, he liked Sergio. He had guts among other things. Darian could respect anyone who took the initiative to set things in their favor. Those were the people who controlled the world, who would see to it that the world would be created as they saw fit and would accept nothing less. However, he would only stand to be threatened and insulted for so long before he would have to act. He respected Sergio, understood his situation but he was a master vampire, and this leopard standing in front of him needed to understand that.

“Sergio, I do not make the decisions for Elise, she has decided to share my bed. Perhaps you need to change your approach to make yourself more appealing to the lady. Whatever the case, do not come into my establishment and threaten or insult me. I do not take kindly to insults, to say the very least. Now, if you two are going to continue to argue, please do so elsewhere.” He looked at Elise. “Elise, I will see you later.” At that, he turned and headed back down the long hallway.

Sergio reflected on Darian's warning. He didn't like Darian, but there was something about him that he had to respect. The power emanating from him was almost suffocating. He knew he could never go toe to toe with Darian but he was still willing to fight for his queen. He looked at Elise. He couldn't read the expression on her face, there were too many emotions being played out. He guessed one of them was sadness and he knew why. Darian didn't try to fight for her, didn't try to defend her honor. He hoped it was an eye opener for her. He hoped it showed her the truth. To Darian, she was just a piece of ass and nothing more.

“Elise, I apologize for my actions, I was rude. Come on, let's go home. We need to talk, we really do. Please, let's not argue tonight. Let's just talk, talk about us and our Pride, the important things.” Sergio took Elise's hand as he led her, without resistance, out of the club. It was early in the morning, only two hours before sunrise. They climbed into Sergio's sports car and drove home.


drian crept as softly and slowly as possible into Warren's bedroom. He hoped he could climb into the bed before Warren woke up to stop him. Adrian took off his thick royal blue bathrobe, pulled back the black linen covers and slid in beside Warren who smelled his scent and woke up groggy but alert enough to know that he was no longer alone.

“What the hell are you doing?” he asked as he looked over his shoulder at Adrian, who was smiling as he slid closer to him.

“What does it look like I'm doing? I'm getting closer to you so that we can have sex,” Adrian said, smiling devilishly as he ran his fingers down Warren's spine. Warren shivered slightly and moved away from him. He sat up in the bed and looked at Adrian, who was resting his head on his arm, watching him. Adrian's beautiful silver eyes sparkled in the soft early morning light, a wonderful gift from his father at conception. Warren wanted to kiss his soft, full lips. He wanted to feel Adrian's tongue enter his mouth. He wanted to run his hands along that smooth caramel colored skin.

“Look, Adrian, we aren't together anymore, remember?” “Look, Warren, we never officially broke up, remember?” Adrian asked sarcastically.

“Adrian, yes, we did and we can't do this. We should just remain friends and Pack brothers because we both know neither of us wants to be the bottom boy in this relationship. Besides, you're too fucking controlling! That shit gets on my nerves.” Warren stated as he reached to turn on the light. Adrian stopped him, grabbing his arm and bringing it back down to his side.

“We can both be versatile, I'm willing to let you top me. We can switch. Look, Warren I want you and I can smell that you want me, you've got this whole room filled with the scent of your desire. Let us satisfy each other.” He pressed his body closely to Warren. He could feel Warren's hardness against his thigh. Adrian could smell his own lust in the air mingled with that of Warren's. It had been two months since the last time that Warren had sex, which was a record for him. It would be a record for any of them. It wasn't like he was trying to start his own record, it was just that his job had kept him so busy lately. He didn't have time to date.

Warren looked into Adrian's stunningly handsome face, he felt himself leaning closer to those soft, full lips, losing his resolve. He closed his eyes and felt the softness of Adrian's flesh as their lips met in a passionate kiss. Adrian's hands slid around Warren and he pulled him on top. Their legs entangled as they kissed deeper. Adrian's hands caressed Warren's back, moving further down to massage the round, firm mounds of his buttocks as his hips ground into Warren's groin. Both of them moaned softly as their tongues danced in each other's mouths.

Adrian rolled Warren over, licking his neck, trailing his soft, wet tongue down his chest. He sucked gently at first, on one nipple then the other. He increased the pressure of his lips as he pulled on the tender flesh, rubbing the nipple in his mouth, flicking the tip with his tongue. Warren jerked as he felt the sensations Adrian caused, making small gasps come from him at every delightful assault.

Adrian smiled as he watched Warren's facial expression change to that of rapture. He moved lower and lower, licking the fine, curly dark hair that trailed down to the waistband of Warren's boxer briefs then disappeared under the cloth. Adrian rose slightly to kiss the smooth skin of Warren's stomach, continuing to kiss his way further down as he pulled back the edge of Warren's underwear. Soft, dark brown hair sprang up from the waistband of the boxer briefs. Adrian swirled his tongue through the hair as Warren jerked, his body tensing the further Adrian's tongue traveled. Adrian pulled the underwear off completely, smiling down at Warren's circumcised erection. He leaned forward, flicking his tongue delicately, smiling as a spasm shot through Warren at his touch. He ran the tip of his tongue along the hardness, sending tremors throughout Warren's body. Warren's fingers gripped the black linen sheets tightly as Adrian teased his manhood.

“Please...” Warren begged breathlessly as he fought the urge to push Adrian further.

Adrian wrapped his fingers around the base, raising his head to look up at him. He loved the feel of the smooth, hot flesh he stroked lightly in his hold, squeezing slightly at the same time as his wrist and fingers worked the hardness of Warren's manhood.

“Please what? What is it you want me to do...exactly?” he asked teasingly. Warren looked down at Adrian's smiling face. He licked his lips to moisten them.

“You know full well what I want you to do.”

“Ahhh, no I don't. I think I need thorough instructions.” Adrian chuckled as he continued to slowly stroke the hardness in his hand. Warren moaned loudly, arching his back, his toes curling and his grip tightening on the sheets.

“I want your mouth on me now!” Warren panted. Adrian smiled and lowered his head slowly until his mouth covered Warren's entire length, His head bobbed up and down in a smooth, slow rhythm as he worked Warren over. Crying out as Adrian increased his speed, Warren's hips thrust forward to meet Adrian's mouth as it came downward on his shaft. Adrian could smell Warren's climax coming, he could hear his heartbeat increase. He pulled away, leaving Warren looking surprised and disappointed.

“Roll over,” Adrian instructed in his deep, masculine voice. He watched Warren gather enough of his senses to slide one leg around him and roll over onto his stomach, rising onto his knees, his buttocks poised upward. Adrian reached into the pocket of his bathrobe, pulling out a small packet. Warren watched over his shoulder as Adrian ripped the little packet with his incisor and squeezed the contents into his right palm. He worked his right hand over his own hardness, muscles twitching, causing his pectorals to jump at the pleasurable sensation of his hand on his own manhood. When he thought he was oiled up enough, he slid his hand over Warren's back, caressing his shoulders. He pressed his legs against Warren's drawn up knees.

“Relax,” he whispered into Warren's ear as he guided himself into him. He heard the other man cry out in a mingling of pleasure and pain as he passed the sensitive barrier. Adrian grunted in ecstasy the further he pushed into Warren.

Adrian continued to pump in and out of Warren in a smooth, languid movement. Both men moaned, caught in the vortex of pleasure. Warren's fingers clenched the sheets so tightly that his knuckles began turning white. Adrian slid his hand down Warren's arm, finding his hand and interlocking their fingers together. His other hand came up from underneath to grasp Warren's hardness, stroking the penis in time with his thrusts. Adrian kissed Warren's shoulder blade and spine. He planted soft kisses on the nape of Warren's neck. Warren pushed up to meet Adrian's thrusts each time. Their rhythm sped up. Increasing the pressure, Adrian didn't hold back as he drove himself faster and harder into Warren with an animal abandon. The strong scent of male arousal filled their nostrils. Warren loved the feel of Adrian's hardness gliding inside of him. Adrian closed his eyes tightly as he felt energy tingle throughout his body. It began to boil from between his legs, spreading through his limbs, then erupted from him. Throwing their heads back, they cried out as the culmination of their lovemaking rushed through their bodies. Adrian convulsed before collapsing on top of Warren, weak, barely able to catch his breath. They laid there trembling, panting, sweating, their eyes closed, fingers still locked together.

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