Desires Unleashed (8 page)

Read Desires Unleashed Online

Authors: D N Simmons

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance, #Fiction, #Horror, #Erotica, #Occult & Supernatural

His forest-green eyes peered into the chocolate brown of her own. She felt his aura pelting her, making a heat rise from between her legs. She fought the urge to squirm in her seat. She could smell his cologne, as if he needed any. She was willing to bet he was just as good in bed as he looked
and that was saying a lot!
She had the desire to press her hand to her chest, and in a exaggerated southern belle accent, say “Why sir, I'm just a southern belle and we southern gals don't do things like- ooooohh, Oh My!' She mentally shook her head. She wanted to focus on what he was saying to her, even though it was proving to be more difficult with each passing second.

“Did you hear what I said?” Darian asked, humor hidden in his smile. He knew damn well she had not heard a word he'd said; it was just how he planned it. She didn't need to hear what he was saying. She only needed to know that he was paying her attention, that she had his favor for the evening. She should be so blessed.

“Oh, yeah...urn...,” She took a deep breath and let it out.
This was bad.
“No. I'm sorry, I didn't catch the...urn...last thing you said.” She was hoping he would not think badly of her.
Nothing was worse than being condemned as an airhead.
Well, there were worse things, but at this point airhead was the one she was worried about. He had obviously called her into his luxurious office for a reason.

From the rumors she heard circulating around the club, no one got to see the owner's office unless they were getting fired or a special promotion. She was hoping it was the latter.

Darian's chuckle vibrated deep in his throat. He decided to cut to the chase. “What I said was-congratulations, Miss Balfour. If you decide to take the job, you will be the new assistant day manager of
Desires Unleashed.
So what do you say; yea or nay?” He gazed at her thrilled expression for a moment. Placing her file on his desk, he moved to kneel in front of her. Her breath was caught in her throat. It was true what she had heard about how beautiful the owner was supposed to be. She knew all of the vampires she saw on a nightly basis were obviously picked by another vampire for their lovely features. Even though she'd had sexual thoughts about those vampires working at the club, something had always held her back. She continued to stare at Darian. She had never seen a man so gorgeous he left her speechless. Annette wanted to run her fingers through his long, black, flowing waves, wanted to see if his hair was as silky and soft as it looked. She wanted to trace her fingertips along his jaw line and feel the tight muscles there. She wanted to lean forward, take hold of his face and tilt it up to hers, look deeply into his deep forest green eyes and press her lips to the soft, warm flesh of his lips. Annette wanted to feel him inside her-she wanted all of him! She could feel a burning from deep inside of her, feeling it rush to her head like lava!

Darian smiled. He should be ashamed of himself, he thought. He could not help that he was born with a gift and what effect that gift had on others. Without waiting for her consent, he trailed his fingertips in a wavy motion up her calves, working his way slowly to her thighs. Never taking his gaze from hers, he caressed her thighs, massaging the firm flesh. Leaning forward, he parted her legs, kissing very softly on the inside of her thighs from one side to the other, working his way up. His hand slid under her skirt and found her lace thong panties. Taking hold of them, he slowly slid them down past her thighs and calves.

She raised her feet so Darian could pull the panties off. He tossed them on his desk, and began his tender kisses again on her inner thighs. He could smell the seductive scent of her passion rising and feel the heat pulsating from between her legs. He inched forward and blew a long, slow breath over her quivering labia. She felt her muscles constrict as his breath tickled her delicate, soft flesh. Darian's face inched closer until he heard Xavier's soft footsteps approaching. He withdrew as his door opened.

“Ahhh, I see you're interviewing the new assistant manager! Should I leave you alone to finish going over” Xavier asked as he stood in the open doorway. Darian was slightly disappointed that he had been interrupted during a sexual conquest.

“Give me a minute,” Darian said to Xavier as he rose to his feet. Darian settled his gaze on Annette. He didn't need to entrance her, he hadn't needed to entrance any of his lovers. He didn't like influencing people to have sex with him. He felt it was cheating. He was more than confident that he could have anyone he wanted with just a little charm. He had not been mistaken.

“Annette, why don't I see you in my office at...oh, let's say one o'clock?” he asked as he stroked her hair. Annette struggled to remember something. There was something she had to do after work. Just when she was going to tell herself to 'forget about it', she remembered.

“Oh, I can't! I'm meeting my friend after work. We're supposed to be celebrating her new job. Otherwise...,” she rose from her seat and ran her hands down Darian's chest. She had wanted to do that the moment she first laid eyes on him. It was all she thought it would be and more. He was firm and muscular under the soft, thin fabric of his black shirt. She could feel his muscles tightening under her touch. It was then she decided that Darian was the epitome of a sexy male.

Darian was set back, but not too disappointed. “Very well, perhaps tomorrow night then?” he asked as he took her hand and led her to the door. “Oh, and by the way, did you want the position?”

Annette remembered the reason she was called into his office in the first place. “Oh yeah-yes! Most definitely! Thank you, Sir,” she said excitedly.

Darian raised his hand in protest. “Please, when we are alone like this, call me Darian.” Annette blushed. She hoped it didn't show. She nodded. Darian saw this as a perfect opportunity to steal a kiss and seal the deal. He leaned forward slowly and brushed his lips against hers. He could feel her lean into him, into his kiss. Ah, it was a thrill he felt often. It was a thrill he sought. He pulled back and opened the door for her. Annette smiled and walked out of the office. Darian watched Annette swish down the hallway and smiled. He knew she was putting an extra little sway to her hips for his benefit and he was pleased. His gaze shifted to Xavier. He walked away, leaving the door open for Xavier to close when he entered the room.

“So you weren't going to share with me, were you?” Xavier teased, leaning against the door frame.

“I was trying to get a taste test. So why was I interrupted?” Darian asked, one eyebrow raised as he leaned against his desk, arms folded across his chest.

“Anthony's here, shall I bring him in?”

Darian's smiled returned. “Yes.” Xavier beckoned John inside the office. John had Anthony in his grip. The front of Anthony's white t-shirt was spotted with blood and his blue jeans were so faded, they looked to have been several years old. Anthony's hands were tied behind him, a black silk bag covered his entire head. Anthony stumbled into the room. John pressed hard on his shoulders, forcing him to his knees.

“Anthony, so nice of you to join us tonight,” Darian said as he walked toward the kneeling man. He snatched off the black bag, peering into Anthony's eyes. Darian ran his fingers through the other man's hair, grabbed a handful of the blonde locks and yanked his head upward, bringing Anthony's gaze to meet his. Anthony cried out at the pain shooting across his scalp as his hair was wrenched in Darian's powerful grip.

“Anthony, Anthony, Anthony, tonight just isn't your night, is it?” Darian asked as he ran a finger under Anthony's bloody nose. He raised his finger to his mouth and slowly sucked the blood away. His gaze drifted toward Xavier, who was already under the bloodlust. Xavier had not yet fed. He had been waiting patiently for Anthony's arrival. The smell of Anthony's blood in the air was making the wait unbearable. Xavier could taste the blood on his tongue and desperately wanted the real thing. He had control but his control was weaker when he was under the

“You should never have betrayed me, Anthony,” Darian was saying as he beckoned Xavier to come closer. “Goodbye.”

The horrifying truth finally dawned on Anthony. His death was inevitable. He mentally cursed himself for not booking town. He should have never tried to wait for her. He should have hightailed it out of the city on the fastest plane to Timbuktu. He should have never opened the door. He should have known they'd come for him. Now he was going to die. A spark in his brain told him to try to escape.

“NOOO!!!” Anthony screamed and tried to rise up from the floor, but John's strong hands held him in an iron grip. He couldn't move an inch, not even to struggle. He watched in horror as Xavier stood in front of him, then knelt down. He cringed when Xavier caressed his face, softly with both hands. Tears rolled down his cheeks. Xavier leaned forward and caught a teardrop on his tongue, savoring his fear. A low groan rumbled through Xavier's chest that was a mingling of pure hunger and lust.

“Shhhh, quiet. You'll die tonight, but you die as the chosen. Fear not, you are lucky to die by a vampire's kiss,” he whispered into Anthony's ear, repeating his most clichéd vampire quote. He began enforcing his silent command-coaxing Anthony to remain calm. Once Xavier felt the other man's muscles relax, he leaned closer to the pulsating artery underneath the smooth, soft skin of Anthony's neck. Xavier's mouth opened, fangs extending for the feeding. Anthony gasped, his back arching as Xavier's fangs broke through his skin. As Xavier began to feed, audible sucking noises filled the room. Low moans were coming from the two men, both enwrapped in pleasure, sharing this special union. Darian watched closely. He enjoyed watching the “vampire's kiss” in motion. He delighted in watching other people enjoying pleasure in all forms, even if it was their last moment of pleasure.

Anthony let out a long shivering moan. His body twitched once, then twice, falling limp as Xavier continued to feed, draining the body completely. He savored the warm, delicious, thick fluid as it filled his mouth, flowing down his throat. He could not, would not give this sensation up for anything in the world. He tilted his head slightly, widening his mouth to capture more of the blood that warmed him. It excited him, he could feel the warmth spread throughout his limbs. His body tingled as though little electric shocks where bursting over him. He had grown hard during the feeding, as all vampires do, and he felt his passions rise to the crest.

Xavier had to contain his disappointment when the blood stopped flowing. He forced himself away, letting Anthony's corpse slip from his hands. Xavier's head rolled back, eyes half open, mouth parted slightly, blood stained his fully shaped lips. He ran his hands down the length of his torso, past his stomach, to caress his groin. His body twitched as he massaged his penis. Darian smiled, waving John out of his office. John nodded and bent down to retrieve the lifeless body of Anthony. He threw the body over his shoulder and exited the room. Darian walked up to Xavier, peered into his gray eyes and smiled. He squatted beside Xavier, his arm encircling the other man's chest. He held him against his torso with his left arm, while his right hand slid up Xavier's chest to caress his throat. He grabbed Xavier's chin, held his face up to his. Darian's tongue darted out licking the spilt blood from Xavier's lips. Their tongues met, the two embracing in a passionate kiss. A low groan escaped from Xavier as Darian began to caress him. He slid a hand inside his shirt, fingers seeking the firm nipples and gently rolling the delicate flesh between his fingertips, sending shivers through Xavier's body. Darian's other hand slid further down to caress Xavier's crotch, massaging the hardness through the denim material. Ragged, panting moans filled the room as Xavier began to feel his climax.

All sensations stopped when Darian released him and rose from the floor.

Confused and disappointed, Xavier looked up, a questioning look on his face. “Why?”

Darian smiled, leaning down, whispered in Xavier's ear. “An eye for an eye, my beautiful
Tomorrow night, we'll share each other's passions, but not until then,” he teased seductively, walking out of the room, leaving Xavier unsatisfied, forced to subdue his lust.
Payback can sure be a bitch.
Xavier thought as he remembered interrupting Darian's seduction of Annette earlier.


ello? Who's calling?” Xander greeted the caller on the other end of the line, his deep British accent was smooth and crisp.

“Xander, this is Warren. I just got this new case and I think you'll want to see these pictures from the crime scene. It's some sick shit, let me tell you. Right now, I've never seen anything like it before.” He paused, “I know you'll want to see this; I'm in my car now. I'll be at your place in about...let's say, ten minutes.”

Xander could hear the anxiety in Warren's voice. He knew well enough when Warren was upset. “Very well. I'll be waiting for you when you arrive. It will be good to see you after all of these months. The Family will be overjoyed to see you again, especially Adrian,” Xander said with a smile. “I'll see you soon.” He hung up the telephone and sat back in his recliner. He enjoyed the comforts of the mortal world, that was one thing he couldn't deny.

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