Read Destined for the Alpha Online

Authors: Winifred Lacroix

Destined for the Alpha (10 page)

She didn't know exactly what she was to prepare herself against but she felt him slice her wrist open and turn her hand over, blood splattering all over the floor, she hissed in pain, tears streaming down her face. She felt almost full of emotion, like her chest was about to burst, all of them, pain, sadness, stress, fear blended together and overwhelmed her. "Blood requested" Leo and Theo said together

Her mouth moved without her mind registering it "Blood freely given"

The floor began to glow, as if the dawn sun was beneath her feet and filled up the room

"vlos belbaunin, joros emplaniilid" they intoned together in almost an otherworldly voice and she was beginning to feel dizzy, she felt power rush through her as the floor glowed brighter and then suddenly with a flash of light, the room was filled with forest. Trees were at every wall, the floor was no longer marble but branches and moss, it seemed like hundreds of years had passed and the forest reclaimed the room, there was a soft glow from all the leaves, as if they were covered in lightening bugs.

Peter ran over and grabbed her "what have you done?! My Catherine, you're bleeding!"

"Helian blood is far more powerful than the books foretold. It’s not typical for the forest to actually react to the sacrifice..." Leo remarked looking around the room

"It helped that it was an offering, my brother." Theo replied and set the dagger on the altar, grabbing her hand that he had sliced open

"I'm ah-" she blinked to stay awake "a little tired, the room is spinning Peter…"

The werewolf growled in frustration and picked her up in his arms. "Stupid girl, stupid stupid girl." Peter pressed his forehead to hers and she strained to focus.

Leo placed a dusty pink peony in her injured hand, the petals felt like velvet and she frowned as she watched her blood soak through the flower "for healing." the blue sage nodded and she smiled weakly "don't let go."

"Let them free please," her voice was tired, her eyelids were heavy as she looked over at the four adults who stood in confusion, bewilderment, and fear of what they had just witnessed.

"As you wish Catherine" the green sage lifted her uninjured hand to his lips and kissed her fingers gently, Leo repeated the gesture "You are welcome here any time you wish."

"So you can take more of her blood?" Ivan cut in "Let's go alpha."

They same procession that walked in walked back out, the sages waving them off at the door. Shawn rolled his eyes as he pushed the four caught sacrifices away from the group of wolves, laughing as he watched them back slowly away from their kidnappers until they finally broke into sprints, like wild deer until they disappeared out into the woods.

The last words Catherine uttered were a celebratory "I did it" before she passed out from blood loss.

Chapter 6

When she woke up she looked down at her injured hand, the peony had wilted into a brownish red, but her cuts were completely gone. She was light headed and felt a warmth on her other side, John was sleeping in the chair and dawn filtered in through the partially drawn curtains, the light hitting his black hair so it shone and his features soft and innocent, like a child. They had made it back into the room at the compound. She turned over to see Peter still dressed in his hunting robe lying on his stomach his face buried in her hair, his features contorted in pain as he slept next to his alpha female. Her limbs felt heavy but she stroked his hair, hoping to get him to relax next to her, he shifted in bed and inhaled deeply. She had made Peter worry, her whole clan worry, but she had also saved the lives of a few innocents.

Peter stirred at her touches, he groaned her name and rolled over away from her on his side. His hair falling over his face to obscure his features, his brown eyes half open as he looked over at his mate, who wore nothing but the blanket that had accentuated her features. She took time to examine him, the small scars that came with being a wolf, the strong muscles that came with being wild. Peter was dirty from the hunt last night, and she could see streaks of blood on his skin. It was hers, and she instinctively knew it. He grabbed her hand without speaking. The one that held the wilted flower, and began to lick it. His flat tongue raking against her flesh. He was apologizing, he was healing her. She felt a shock of desire each time he licked her, as if his tongue was somewhere other than her hand, but she watched him, entranced with how much care he had for her. After a minute she let out a small whimper and his eyes looked up to lock with hers. She blushed, was she too loud?

He smiled against her skin, she could feel his sharp teeth on the palm of her hand. When he was with her, he looked truly happy, no longer the gruff alpha of the pack, but a man who deeply cared for her. He began to kiss his way up the milky white skin of her arm. Each kiss seemed to increase the ache between her legs and all she could do was hold her breath. It was the warm feeling that she got when she was with Peter, the warm sickly sweet feeling that turned into a desperate need to be with him, to be under him, to please him. When his lips finally hit the sensitive scar on her shoulder she gasped.

It was nirvana. She whimpered and tried to roll away, it was too much. Her body was tensing up by such a small gesture. He must know what her scar made her body do. His tongue dragged over the sensitive skin of his mark, causing her to whimper and arch her body upwards, squeezing her legs together because she didn’t want him to know how wet she was, how ready she was, how much she needed him.

He wrapped one arm around her waist before settling himself between her legs, heat radiating off of him, or perhaps it was her own. She looked up at him and found him watching her, studying every inch of her, and even though she felt a blush rising up on her cheeks, she couldn’t help but be embarrassed by her alpha.

His calloused hand brushed her hair away from her face, and then he ran it down the column of her throat, followed by her exposed chest, trailing fire down her body. His touches made her writhe beneath him and when she opened her mouth to say his name, to beg for him, but instead he covered her mouth with his hand.

She felt him nudge her legs further apart, exposing her wetness to the cold morning air. She ached for him. She needed him. He was her alpha and she needed to prove that she was his mate. He unfastened his ceremonial hunting robes and it fluttered to the bed, but her eyes did not watch it fall, they were instead trained on his eyes. His desire for her was so evident; it was a mixture of longing, and something else. She could get lost in it. He leaned over her body, pulling her up against his. Peter’s hot breath in her ear, and all she could do was shiver in anticipation.

He claimed her with one swift thrust, her whole body jerking as he seated himself to the hilt inside of her waiting body. She was meant for him, she took all of him easily, closing her eyes as the pain of having such a large member in her almost burned. Catherine whimpered against his hand, and he hushed her. He was so large it was always painful, and yet it seemed to make the ache inside of her ebb, turning it into electric ecstasy. “Mine.” he growled in her ear, her whole body jerking in response to the word. His voice dripped sex, and she was sure that the growls he made against her ear were enough to push her over the edge.

Peter began to thrust in and out of her slowly, afraid to hurt her, but unable to refrain from being the animal he was in bed. Her body swayed with his, his strong arm keeping her in place against him. She was fragile, but she was his.

Each thrust made her whimper and moan, his cock brushing against the spot inside of her that made her insides coil and her toes curl. She could say nothing; she could do nothing but enjoy him. Her whole body thrummed from desire. His pace began to pick up, each thrust bottoming out inside of her, her moans and squeaks turning into panted pleas muffled by his hand. She was sure she was going to explode, her fingers twisting the sheets underneath her as she felt him get harder inside of her. She wanted him; she wanted all of him to fill her. To make this unbearable need go away. His panting turns into growls in her ear, his teeth nipping at her throat. She whimpered and turned her head away hoping to expose more skin to him.

That small gesture made his breath hitch and finally she felt him drag his tongue down her skin, the cool air hitting her wet skin in contrast with how hot her body was. She was going to explode in his arms, she was going to die with him on top of her, and finally, like a prayer, she heard her name on his lips, against her skin, the hard cock thrust into her, his dirty fingers curling into her skin, pressing her head back so that she could only lay still as he filled her with his seed, his large cock throbbing and thrusting in and out of her like a frenzy drove her over the edge. Pleasure erupting from her as she writhed underneath him, her whole body fighting to get away from him, the sensation was too much; his skin against hers was too much contact. She couldn’t handle any more of her alpha, but as she twisted around underneath him, her alpha held her still, his breathing heavy in her ear as she felt wave after wave of pleasure flow throughout her body, her nerve endings on fire.

She felt like a puddle underneath him, tired and sated, and complete. The completeness that came with your alpha filling you with himself. When he was sure that she was done making her small noises of pleasure he finally removed his hand from her mouth, kissing her lips. “You make the most beautiful face when you cum for me Cat” he whispered and collapsed beside her

She smiled at his compliment covering her mouth and trying to hide her giddiness, it was not long before the large werewolf was sleeping with her pulled tightly against him, and she eventually fell back asleep too listening to his steady breathing.

Chapter 7

Catherine woke up when the late morning sun was hitting her face and streaming in through the curtains. She looked over at the sleeping omega "John?" her voice came out in a raspy whisper.

The omega bolted upright and looked guilty "you're awake? You're okay!" he looked around and lowered his voice "are you okay?"

"Water" she rasped and as quick as he woke up he was gone into another room to fetch her water.

He came back with a copper pitcher and an ornate crystal cup. "You had lost so much blood," he whispered as he filled up the glass "We were so worried that you weren't going to wake, you're a Helian but still not a wolf, you should be more careful…" he handed her the glass and she sat up, her whole body was sore from the ritual, even if her cuts had healed.

A knock at the door made her spill water all over herself and a sudden shift in the bed signaled that Peter was now awake. "Don't move, Catherine,” he sounded irritated as John took the glass from her to refill her cup, Peter answered the door.

"Alpha Votkinsk, you're awake,” a female voice said on the other side of the door

"I am." He sounded in no mood to talk, Catherine noticed Ivan coming in from the bathroom fully dressed in jeans and a torn up shirt that had some faded band logo on it, his hair wet and still dripping on the floor

"Are you going to invite me in?" The female sounded irritated and she heard the door click shut.

Who was the woman in the hallway? Ivan sat down near her feet and rubbed her leg gently "I'm glad to see that your blood loss was not fatal, but you can't keep sacrificing yourself for everything with a heartbeat. If word gets out about you, we won't be able to protect you. Your blood is far more valuable than you realize."

"What do you mean?" She asked watching John take the glass and refill it.

"As a Helian your powers-"

Ivan was cut off as the door banged opened revealing a furious Peter and a voluptuous brunette in all black with red lipstick. Catherine jumped at the noise. "We will be there this afternoon, can no one leave her alone?"

"Until then, Peter." the female chimed and walked down the hallway, her heels clicking off the stone.

The door swung shut and Peter looked at the wood for a few seconds, his whole body tense with rage. Ivan stood up to say something but stood still next to the bed. "Peter?" Catherine asked quietly making the werewolf sigh.

"My Catherine," he walked over at sat on her bed. She hoped that this fit of rage wasn't also her fault, all she seemed to do was cause trouble for her clan. "We must go see the elders this afternoon, it seems word of your abilities has reached them from the sages"

Catherine collapsed back into the pillows and sighed, "I am tired of seeing people, and my whole body is just tired."

She felt tender lips against her own and closed her eyes, bringing her hand up against Peter's face, threading her tiny fingers up through her hair. Every motion it seemed took a little more out of her and eventually she let her hand drop back to the bed. Peter broke the kiss and then kissed her forehead. "John, get her some food." His voice was soft, as if not to disturb the small girl who was almost back asleep due to the exertion "She's anemic, useless omega, get her food!"

She heard John scamper out the door and felt Peter lay back down beside her "Your changing is not for another three weeks, you cannot keep using your powers or else you will not be able to change." Peter sighed, his voice held no venom as it did earlier. "Do not sacrifice yourself anymore, I'd rather spill my own blood than another drop of yours."

John came back twenty minutes later and shook her awake before beginning to feed her fruit patiently, slicing each apple with an ornate paring knife and handing it to her. Peter and Ivan had left while she was asleep, leaving her with the omega again. "We have never had a Helian in the compound before." He said as he fed her another slice of fruit "You're the topic of conversation for everyone who finds out, and word travels fast. Alpha had hoped to keep your arrival a secret because of this. He's spent a long time waiting for you."

"Because of what?"

"Your blood is almost as powerful as you are, all your powers however, are confined to your mates, to take your blood means it can be used for any purpose…" he trailed off as he buttered toast for her

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