Destined (Vampire Awakenings) (11 page)

Read Destined (Vampire Awakenings) Online

Authors: Brenda K. Davies

   “You look tired Stefan, why don’t you take a break?” Jess’s voice dripped with so much ice that it was able to tear Isabelle’s gaze away from

   Apprehension filled her as she turned slowly to look at Jess. Her gaze was focused on Stefan, but the amusement was gone as
stared at him with narrowed eyes and a locked jaw. T
hen she glanced at Isabelle, Jess’s
eyes flash
brightly with malice before she turned back to him. Isabelle bit into her lip as she took a step to the side, eager to get away from all of them.

   “I have to get the laundry,” she said quickly, desperate to escape.

   “Why don’t you wait, I’m sure that Jess will help you,” Stefan said coldly.

   “I offered, but Isabelle sa
id that she didn’t need my help,

Jess replied sweetly.

   Isabelle’s mouth gaped open in disbelief as she spun back around. Jess was smiling sweetly up at Stefan, batting her lashes as if she were the most innocent thing in the world. Exasperation blazed to life in Isabelle as her eyes narrowed and her hands fisted at her sides. “The hell I did!” she snapped, unable to keep her temper under control for a moment longer. It usually took a lot to truly annoy her, but when she did blow, she could put Mount
to shame with the force of her explosion. Jess’s lie, on top of everything else that was going on, was the final straw.

in surprise as he tried to suppress a smile of amusement. It was quit
obvious to him that the teddy
bear Doug had described was gone, and the grizzly bear had leapt forward. He had seen her sister subtly tell her to keep her mouth shut before, and had felt Isabelle trying to control her anger at Jess, but it seemed as if her control had snapped. The fire in her eyes, and her rigid stance, were both fetching and interesting.

   “Of course I did,” Jess lied easily.

   Stefan found his amusement fading as she persisted in the lie. Vicky and Abby leapt to their feet, pushing at Isabelle. Her jaw clenched tightly and her nostrils flared as she took a deep breath to try and calm herself. “Come on
, we’ll help you,” Vicky said softly, pulling at her arm.

    Isabelle shrugged them angrily off, determined to bring Jess’s lie to the forefront, and wipe that smirk off of her face. “Mom,” Abby whispered so softly that Stefan barely heard her, and he knew that Jess and Delia did

   Isabelle closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she struggled for control. She longed to lash out at Jess, to put her in her place, but she couldn’t. She just couldn’t do anything to hurt her mother. Jess wasn’t worth it. She turned quickly on her heel, determined to put as much distance between herself, and Jess, as possible.

   “See that proves that I’m right,” Jess said victoriously.

   Stefan’s anger continued to mount as he turned back to her. She smiled seductively up at him as she leaned victoriously back in the chair, stretching her arms behind her head in a gesture meant to make her breasts more alluring. She failed miserably. “We both know that you’re lying.”

   Her eyes narrowed as she leaned forward in the chair, her blatant attempt at seduction forgotten. “You would believe her over me?” she demanded haughtily.

   He smiled coldly as he nodded. “Yes, I do.” He didn’t wait for her reply as he turned and headed back to the house, her anger beat against his back as he moved swiftly across the ground.      









   Stefan leaned back in his chair, casually surveying the group of people surrounding him. The dining room was exceptionally large, but it seemed minuscule with everyone crammed into it. Ethan, Ian, Aiden, and Doug were sitting on the left side of the large, mahogany table, casually sprawled in their chairs. Mike sat across from him at the head of the table while David, Jack, and Jess took up the right side.

  Jess’s hand rested lightly on his thigh as she teasingly rubbed his leg, drifting toward his crotch and then back down again, her earlier ire at him
seemed to have been forgotten. He seized hold of her hand
, and for the fifth time, dropped it back down. Even if she wasn’t still mad about what had happened earlier, he was, and he was also more than a little disgusted with her. She shot him an angry look, but he turned his attention away from her as he listened to Ethan argue with Aiden, and Ian, over the best way to finish off the last bathroom in the new house.

   “You’re not going to be living there!” Ethan announced.

   “We will when we come home for vacations!” Aiden snapped.

   “Why are you guys even arguing about this? You know that Isabelle is going to be the one that decides what color til
e you use. Otherwise
you’ll never hear the end of it!” Mike interrupted.

   The two sides scowled at each other, but they quit squabbling over blue verses green. “Where is Isabelle?” Doug asked, suddenly noticing that she wasn’t present.

   Stefan had been wondering the same exact thing. “Finishing the laundry,” Ethan answered

   “We really are going to
like a girl,” Jack muttered

his room looks pretty good, and it smells like lemon
, instead of flowers” David defended
. “Did you know that those curtains were blue?”

   “I’d forgotten,” Doug replied laughingly.

   “It is nice to have the place clean again, but if my laundry comes back smelling like flowers, or perfume, I am not going to be happy,” Jack said.

   “Trust me Jack, perfume won’t help you.”

   Stefan’s gaze darted to the doorway as Isabelle swept in. A red bandanna was wrapped around her thick hair
strands of it had straggled free to curl around her exquisite face. Her high cheekbones, delicate chin, and small nose were now free of dirt to reveal the creamy perfection of her porcelain skin.

A barrage of sexual images flashed through his mind, images of what he would like to do to that lithe body, and what he would like
it to do to him. Jess’s stroking hand had been doing nothing to get him aroused, but now blood suddenly rushed to his groin, causing him to harden painfully. He shifted uncomfortably a
grit his teeth against the lust that filled him.

   “There are times when I wish that I hadn’t had a hand in raising you,” Jack mumbled

   “Trust me Jack, so do I,

she replied laughingly

   She smiled
t him as she ruffled his dark hair. Jack scowled at her as he fixed his hair
softly. Isabelle grabbed the chair from the corner and shooed Jack over to wedge it between him and Mike, purposely keeping her gaze away from Stefan and Jess. Try as she might to ignore him, she was still acutely aware of his presence, and the aura of power that he radiated. His gaze burned into her as she settled into the chair, ignoring the
of her heart, and the heat that suddenly flooded her.

   “The tile in the bathroom is going to be a light rose, and the counters are going to be emerald green,” she told them as she settled into her seat.

   “Oh Isabelle!” Ian moaned.

   “Don’t oh Isabelle me, mom and I already ordered them, and they should be here tomorrow,” she retorted as she fiercely returned the dark scowls her brothers gave her.

   “It’s so girly
!” Aiden complained.

   “You’ll be at school most of the year!”
she shot back.

   “Yeah, but I don’t want to get sick every time I come home.”

Isabelle rolled her eyes as she folded her arms fiercely over her chest.
“Just make sure
you clean up after yourself
when you do

   Ian slapped Ethan
on the back. “Sure you don’t want to change your mind and come to
with us?”
he inquired with a bright smile.

   Ethan just shook his head. “At least I
can decide my room and bathroom,

he mumbled.

   “Well actually...”
Isabelle started.

   “Don’t even think about it!”
Ethan interrupted fiercely.

   Isabelle smiled sweetly at him as she chuckled softly. “Who’s going out tonight?”

   “We are!” Ian and Aiden

   “Jack and I are going too,” David said. “What do you need?”

   She turned toward him, her eyes involuntarily flicking toward Stefan. He held her gaze for a
moment, in which she was certain that the air literally sizzled with electricity, before she tore her gaze away. “I just need some cleaning supplies, and other stuff.” She was amazed that her voice sounded completely normal.

   David nodded and leaned back in his chair. “No problem, make a list.”

   “Thanks.” She stood abruptly, fighting the urge to flee from the room. “The last load should be done. You guys will be glad to know you won’t have to buy new clothes this week, you’ll actually have clean ones.”

   “I like buying new clothes!” Jack yelled at her quickly retreating back.

   “You’d better fold them nicely!” Ian taunted.

   “Go to hell Ian!” she
from the hall.

   “I’m going to be living there on school breaks!”
he shot back.

   “You keep it up and you’ll be living there a lot sooner!”

   “You keep it up and you’re going to wake up to a bed full of snakes,” Ethan told him
, smiling brightly

   Ian shuddered and leaned back in his seat. “Snakes?” Jess asked in surprise.

   “Yeah, snakes,” Ethan
shivered as he made a face

   “What are you talking about?” Jess demanded.

   They exchanged amused glances that caused Stefan’s curiosity to be peaked. “Ian, Ethan, and Isabelle got into a fight when she was what?” Mike asked.

   “Fifteen,” Ethan answered.

   “Ian was thirteen, and Ethan was seventeen. I don’t remember what it all started over.”

   “Ethan dared me to take all her clothes and throw them out the window,” Ian recalled
, a small smile on his face as his eyes took on a distant gleam

o he did,” Ethan said with a bright grin. “She threw a fit. To get even with us she put rubbing alcohol in my aftershave bottle, and threw all of Ian’s clothes into the lake.”

   Stefan leaned forward, a small smile curving his mouth as he listened to the story. They all wore amused grins, their eyes twinkl
mischievously. They picked up the story where one left off with the easy rhythm that only people who know each other
well could
. “So, of course we put pink hair dye in her leave in conditioner. You know, the one that women leave in for over an hour or so,” Ian said happily.

   “You should have seen her!” Jack cried laughingly. “Her hair was this muddled pink color, but her scalp was hot pink!”

   “That was a good one!” Mike cried. “They took pictures of her the minute that she walked out of the bathroom. The look on her face was priceless. We all had a good laugh that night.”

   “Yeah, after you grounded us,” Ethan muttered.

   They exchanged knowing grins as Ian leaned forward, his blue eyes twinkling merrily. “So then, let

s just say, it was all out war. She put super glue in my shampoo. I had to cut it all off
in order
to get my hands free, and then it took another week to get all the hair off the palms of my hands. She crept into our room the next night and
Ethan’s eyebrows
, taking them off completely

   Stefan had to stifle a laugh as he found his amusement growing by the second. He had a clear mental image of a teenage Isabelle creeping silently into her brother’s room with the intent of burning his eyebrows off. “That’s awful!” Jess
her hand flying to her mouth.

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