Destiny Calls (19 page)

Read Destiny Calls Online

Authors: Lydia Michaels

Tags: #Romance

“What—what’s happening here?”

“I’m kissing you.”

His hand tightened on her hip, pressing into much softer flesh, and he released the lobe of her ear and kissed his way down her neck. Chills stretched across her shoulders and her nipples pebbled. “Um, I can see that. Why?”

“Because you taste good.”

Was it wrong that having a perfect stranger lick her and tell her she tasted good made her wet? Dear lord, she was a sad case. She should tell him to stop. She wasn’t like that with men. She needed an emotional connection with a man if she intended to get anything out of it. She knew nothing about Cain other than the fact that he was hot, Amish, and—
—really good with his mouth.



“Yeah?” she was quickly losing control of her willpower. His hard length pressed through her clothing, and she recalled how much she preferred a real man to the hidden toys she had become accustomed to. His weight upon her body was so delicious. Why had she not taken a booty call in so long? Maybe then she wouldn’t be considering it an okay idea to fool around with a perfect stranger at the moment.

“Be quiet.”

He licked the swell of her breast seeping past the loose collar of her shirt. “Okay,” she agreed feebly.

Cain pressed one strong knee against her thigh and used it to spread her legs farther apart.
Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap!
Things were heating up really fast.

His hips pressed into hers and the long heavy length of him was evident through her thin yoga pants. His mouth moved back up the side of her throat, kissed along her jaw, and then he licked at her beauty mark just before his mouth pressed down onto hers.

Her eyes fluttered shut as he pressed his tongue past her lips and moaned. “Kiss me back, Destiny.”

Cautiously, she moved her tongue. His mouth was warm and soft and tasted oh so very sweet. Once she kissed him back, he groaned and ground his length harder into the cradle of her hips. Her body responded in kind, but it wasn’t until the moment the kiss intensified that something deep inside of her jolted to life.

He took over the kiss, coaxing her to meet each thrust of his tongue as it probed deep into the cavern of her mouth. Her body grew restless. She gripped his hair in her hands and bit at his soft, devastating mouth. He took her aggression as a challenge and twisted his mouth over hers, demanding more and more of her.

There was something different about the way he kissed her. This was no simple mating of mouths and lips. No, he possessed her mouth. A thrill chased up her spine when he slid his hand roughly under her hair and cupped the back of her head, holding her to him. His lips were firm over hers, and she reveled in his open display of desire for her.

His hands pulled at the tie of her shirt just above her shoulder, and she had a moment of panic. She quickly opened her eyes to make sure the lights were still off. Naked was great so long as it was disguised in darkness. The room was still dark. She shut her eyes and stretched into his hold.

“God, woman, you taste good.” His mouth quickly worked its way to her exposed shoulder. His hands held her by her hips as his thumbs massaged the soft flesh there. Her curves didn’t seem so abundant in the hands of a man built like Cain. He held her in a way that would appear affectionate, but there was a force behind his touch, a sort of power, as if he were holding her in place. Her body reveled in the awareness of his control.

He suddenly pulled his mouth from her heated flesh and sat back. He roughly took her by the hips and centered her on the bed. Leaning back on his heels he smiled down at her, his pearly teeth contrasting in the shadowed moonlight. It wasn’t fair for a man to be so beautiful. Staring up at his exquisiteness, dappled in silver pools scattered by the moon, almost made her stomach hurt.

He was just so perfect, his dark hair tumbling over his forehead, those silvery blue eyes practically glowing in the darkness, the hard line of his jaw covered in a day’s worth of growth. If only a fifth of his perfection had been graced on her, she would have been happy.

“Let’s get rid of this, shall we?” His hands went to the waist of her shirt and slowly tugged it up over her belly. Alarm bells sounded in her mind.


He stilled.

“I…” What could she say? There was no way she was taking off her clothes in front of a man that looked like him. She was so turned on she couldn’t even comprehend how novel having such an impressive man kissing her was, yet she wasn’t too far gone to realize this was probably a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Somewhere in the past five minutes, she had decided she was going to have sex with this man. Amish or not, she owed it to women everywhere to fuck him if she had the chance. But at the same time, she was terrified he would see her far-from-perfect body and suddenly lose his erection or look at her with disgust.

“Do you want to stop?” he practically growled.

“No,” she quickly assured him as she searched her mind for a way to have mind-blowing sex without getting fully naked.

“Then what?” She could hear the urgency in his voice.

“I want to sleep with you, it’s just…”

“Destiny, I want you. I won’t take what you’re not willing to give, however. If you want to stop, then you need to let me know before this goes any further. Do you want to stop?”

Her heart was racing so fast she feared it would pound out of her chest. “I don’t want to stop,” she admitted.

“Then I’m in charge.”

As if he said the magic password, a part of her opened up, and all her self-conscious barriers went tumbling down. Her body lifted as he peeled her shirt over her shoulders. She braced herself as he took inventory of her body.

In the blue light of the moon, his nostrils flared. Cain leaned forward and cupped her breasts in warm, hard hands. “
are incredible,” he said as his thumbs teased the tips through the lace of her bra.

“I hate them. They’re too big.”

He looked at her sharply and glowered. “They are perfect. You would look silly with little breasts.”

The thin veneer of pride she held for her body chipped at his words. She would look silly because she was chubby. She considered rolling away from him and replacing her clothes, but the next thing she knew he was peeling her pants over her hips and down her legs. She shut her eyes, not wanting to see his look of disappointment.

She tried not to imagine her wide thighs or dimpled knees. She wished she had delicate little bones that could be detected beneath her flesh, but she didn’t. She was cushioned where she should have been firm and tight. Her body was shapely, definitely not saggy, but still, her curves were exaggerated on her short frame, and she would never be built the way society viewed beauty, at least not in this century.

His hands coasted back up her naked legs, and he groaned. “You, Destiny, are built just as a woman should be. These hips are made for a male to hold onto. You’re solid and strong, a woman capable of playing hard with a male and coming back for more.”

Her eyes opened, and she looked at his countenance, searching for signs of sarcasm, but found none. He was admiring her curves with an awed expression, and his hands mapped out each swell and dip.

“And your skin is so incredibly soft. I plan on tasting every square inch of it. I believe I’ll start right here,” he said as he undid the front clasp of her bra.

Her breasts came tumbling out, and he quickly bent to his feast. Destiny had never really gotten much pleasure from nipple play. While it excited her as a prelude to better things, her nipples weren’t very sensitive, and she found it difficult to get overly excited about them. The little bit of pleasure she gained from her breasts was usually lost as she focused on making all the right noises so not to hurt her partner’s feelings.

Cain licked and sucked on her breasts. The scrape of his rough jaw over her tender flesh was nice, but nowhere near orgasmic. She tried to make all the right sounds and move in all the right ways, but her arousal slowly began to lag. This was where she usually reminded herself why she avoided sex. She was almost impossible to please. Her breasts were unreceptive to gentle caresses, her orgasms were like some distant dream, and her partners always grew frustrated and insecure when they realized she wasn’t going to come.

Pretty soon he would start the perfunctory line of questions that squashed her arousal to a point beyond resuscitation.
Does that feel good? Should I push harder? Is that too much?

She needed lovers to be confident, and when they had to ask she only lost admiration for them. She would never tell anyone that, because
was far from perfect, but the truth was she could never fully surrender to a man who required her guidance. Just the thought of what would come next made her dry up.

She had the mental debate of whether or not to fake an orgasm. Most men couldn’t tell the difference, and if they could they were too polite to ask. Either that or they needed no extra attention drawn to the fact that they had failed at satisfying a women. Not that it was their fault. It was hers. She was broken.

When Cain pulled his mouth from her breasts and sat back she opened her eyes. He was frowning at her. She had the sudden fear that he knew she was losing interest. His eyes narrowed, and he pulled a deep breath in through his nose. Dear God, did she smell? She fought the urge to sniff herself.

“You do not like your breasts touched?”

His question caught her off guard and was a little too close to the truth. It unnerved her. Maybe she wasn’t such a good faker after all. “I like it.”


Her mouth opened and shut on another lie. What should she say? She didn’t want to hurt his feelings. If he was enjoying himself she didn’t mind. Maybe she should just thank him for what he had done so far and find her clothes. He probably was regretting waking her at this point. No one enjoyed a nonresponsive lover.

“Slide your brassiere all the way off.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “What?”

“You heard me.”

A normal woman would have bristled at the sharp command of his voice, but not her. Nope, Destiny’s heart fluttered at his authoritative tone. Yup, there was definitely something wrong with her. She sat up and pulled her bra down and off of her arms. She held it up for him to see then dropped it on the mattress.

He stared down at her coolly. “Place your arms above your head. Lace your fingers together and do not release them until I give you permission.”

She shut her eyes and tried to disguise the wave of pleasure that washed over her at his words. Obediently, she raised her arms and did as he instructed and cautiously cracked her lids to see what he was doing. He simply watched her for long seconds, maybe even minutes. It was unnerving, yet the longer he stared at her with that penetrating stare, a strange ball of fire built inside of her like a combustible atom of anticipation.

Finally he reached forward and trailed his finger between her breasts and over the high swells. Her breath was coming fast, not because of the way he touched her, but due to the way he looked at her. He was in total control, and she was happily at his mercy.

His fingers trailed over the creamy flesh, but never touched the darker tips. He came dangerously close to her areolas only to pull back again. His actions had her nipples tightening and practically straining toward his touch.

Destiny grew impatient and frustrated. Her heart was pounding, and once again her sex was throbbing. When he pulled his long finger near her nipple again, she arched her back and raised her shoulder trying to force the contact.

His hand flattened on her soft stomach and anchored her to the bed. “Did I say you could move?” Her throat went dry. She wasn’t sure what was happening here, but this was quickly climbing the scales as one of the hottest sexual experiences of her life.


Holy shit, he expected her to answer. She swallowed. “No.”

“No, what?”

“No, Cain.”

“Good girl. Now stay still.”

Her body twitched, mimicking the quivers that started prior to an orgasm. How was he getting her so close without even really touching her? She had never been this aroused by foreplay before. It was as though she was preparing to emotionally come. He was seducing her mind. She almost wanted to end it for the simple fact that she didn’t want to spoil the memory with an anticlimactic ending.

Her panties were wet to the point of being embarrassing. He continued to torment her breasts. Her flesh became so incredibly sensitized, his caress was practically unbearable. The instant his fingers unexpectedly clamped down hard on the protruding tips of her nipples, she cried out a hoarse sob of pleasure so unlike her she barely recognized her own voice. He held her flesh between the calloused tips of his work-roughened fingers, and tears stung her eyes. Sensations unlike anything she had ever experienced reached her nipples, and her uterus quivered and contracted.

“Take it,” he commanded in an authoritative, yet soothing voice. And she did.

When he finally released her nipples, the blood rushed to the sensitized tips, and his mouth fastened over her abused flesh while his other hand rolled the dark, distended tip of her other breast.

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