Read Destiny's Captive Online

Authors: Beverly Jenkins

Destiny's Captive (22 page)

He found that news encouraging. Having a government contract would go a long way in adding not only stability but profits as well.

For the rest of the afternoon, he viewed the files that held pending orders, met some of the supervisory workers, and walked around both inside and outside to see what he could see. By the time the yard closed down for the day, he was a little tired and a lot hungry, but he was pleased with the operation.

“Are you ready for dinner?” Lavinia asked.

“Yes, but do you want to go back to your house and check on your father first?”

“No. The nurse is there. I'm sure she has everything in hand. Do you have a room for the night?”

“Not yet, but I have the names of a few hotels. I'll seek them out after we're done with dinner.”

“You're welcome to stay with Father and me. We have the room.”

“No, thank you.”

“Are you afraid I'll slip in and ravish you in the middle of the night? I know you claim to be happily married, but I wouldn't mind playing the role of mistress, Noah.”

He sighed impatiently. “I don't need a mistress, Lavinia.”

“If you change your mind, let me know.”

“Let's go meet your man.” Would she never stop? How she could even think he'd want to share himself after meeting his beautiful wife was beyond him. He hoped this would be the end of the matter once and for all, because her constantly throwing herself at him was tiresome.

The restaurant was not a place where he'd eaten before but it was well appointed and clean.

“Ah, he's already here.”

Noah looked in the direction she indicated and swore his eyes were deceiving him. His surprise must have shown.

“What's wrong?”

“That's Martinez?”

“Yes. Have you met him before?”

“Oh yes, but not as Martinez. I know him as Victorio Gordonez.”

As they approached the table, Gordonez smiled at him through the white powder on his face. “Ah, Mr. Yates, we meet again.”

“Gordonez. I hear you're calling yourself Martinez now.”

“I'm known by many names. Please, have a seat. I hoped you enjoyed touring the shipyard with the lovely Senorita Douglas.”

“I did.”

Lavinia seemed taken aback, but no more than Noah. Knowing Walt Douglas, he'd taken one look at the man and turned down the offer flat. Noah didn't blame him.

“And did you ever find little Banderas?” he asked.

“I did,” but offered nothing else. He was fairly certain Lavinia had already told him about his unsuitable Cuban wife so unless Gordonez inquired further, Noah had no intentions of discussing Pilar.

As they reviewed the menu, Noah asked, “Why in the world are you looking to buy a shipyard here?”

“I have various interests all over the region, so why not? San Francisco is a thriving city. A shipyard would be a sound investment and having my own ships would facilitate the movement of some of the goods I deal in.”

“I see.”

The waiter appeared to take their order and afterwards departed.

“So,” Gordonez asked, “how much gold would it take for you to back away from her father's offer?”

“Pile it as high as the Great Pyramid in Giza and that still wouldn't be enough.”

“Suppose I dangle your wife's location under the nose of the Cuban authorities? I hear she's wanted for questioning.”

Noah raised his wineglass. “Then I will kill you.”

Gordonez stiffened. Lavinia gasped.

Noah added coolly, “It's been over ten years since I took a man's life, but endanger Pilar and I will happily send you to hell. Do not doubt me.”

“Such passion.”

“Such truth.”

“Then we are at impasse.”

“Yes, we are.”

Gordonez raised his glass. “To your health, Mr. Yates.”

It was yet another threat, but he chose to ignore it. Instead, he stood and tossed some bills on the table. “My portion of the meal. If you'll excuse me, I'm no longer hungry.”

Without a backwards glance, he walked out of the restaurant.

In his room at a small hotel later that evening, a weary Noah closed the ledgers he'd been evaluating and swiped his hands down his tired eyes. The Douglas accounts met with his approval but he was still thinking over the surprising confrontation with Gordonez. How did Lavinia meet him? was his first question, and was she aware of his sordid history? After witnessing what she had at dinner would she be so blinded by her quest to take possession of her father's business that she'd ignore it out of hand and continue to champion the Cuban? Noah had no answers and truthfully, they didn't matter. The only thing that did was the certainty of Gordonez's death should anything happen to Pilar.

The next morning Lavinia met his knock at the door of the Douglas home.

“Good morning, Noah. Interesting dinner last evening.”

“You'd do well to distance yourself from your new companion, Lavinia. He's more than he seems.”

“Father's waiting for you in his study.”

“Thank you.” He didn't plan to argue with her over the matter. If she wanted to dance with a viper, so be it.

His meeting with Walter and his lawyer went well. The papers were signed and dated and as soon as they were filed with the proper entities, Noah would become the owner. Contrary to what Lavinia believed Noah would be forking over a significant sum as his part of the deal, but it was money well spent. He'd now be able to provide a future for his wife and family. “Thank you again, Walt.”

“Thank you again, Noah. I can now go to my grave in peace.”

Noah was saddened by the thought of his imminent passage. He was a tough but fair man and the world would be a poorer place without him in it. He shook hands with the lawyer and they spent a few more moments talking business as the man showed him out. Noah didn't see Lavinia.

Chapter 23

he day Noah left for San Francisco, Pilar spent the morning with Titan. The stallion still remained wary of her presence but he protested less. He even deigned to eat from the feedbag of oats while she held it, but when she reached out to touch him he raced away. It was disappointing in some ways but she felt encouraged, too. They were making progress.

She was sitting on the patio having lunch with Alanza when Drew appeared. “Afternoon, ladies.”

He was greeted in return.

“Pilar. I want you to close your eyes.”


He shook his head. “I have a surprise.”

“What is it?”

He looked up to the sky as if seeking strength from the heavens. “Why are Yates women so hardheaded? Can you do what I ask please?”

Alanza interjected. “Go ahead, Pilar. He'll just whine until he gets his way.”

He shot his mother a look of amused censure.

“Okay, Drew,” Pilar said, “but if it's something that scares me, I will get you.”

“I'm terrified, little sister.”

She closed her eyes and waited.

“Now, you may open them.”

And on the patio stood her mother and sister. She jumped up with a scream and for the next few minutes there was much hugging, rapidly spoken Spanish, and tears of joy.

“Oh, it so wonderful to have you here,” Pilar proclaimed enjoying the feel of being embraced by her mother. “I've missed you and Doneta so.”

“We've missed you, too,” her mother whispered back. “So much.”

She and Doneta shared a hug and tears.

The elated Pilar finally remembered her manners. “Mama, this is Noah's mother, Alanza Rudd. Alanza, my mother, Desa Banderas, and my sister, Doneta.”

“Welcome to Rancho Destino. We're honored to have you here. Your daughter has given me much joy.”

“Thank you. We're honored to be here. She's been behaving herself?”

Drew tossed in, “Of course not.”

“May I punch him, Alanza?” Pilar asked laughing.

“Not now, let's get your family settled in first.”

But Pilar had a question for him, “How did you find them? Where did you find them?” She noted her mother's and sister's reserved manner upon meeting Alanza but told herself it was to be expected. They had no way of knowing how Pilar was being treated by Noah and his family. Later, once she was alone with them she'd reveal the truth because she dearly wanted them all to get along.

In response to her question, Drew explained: “The depot manager sent a messenger to the bank to alert me to tell Noah of their arrival. Since he's away, I drove to the depot to pick them up and—
—we're here.”

Pilar gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I take back wanting to punch you. Thank you.”

“You're welcome. Senora Banderas and Doneta, welcome to California. It's been a pleasure meeting you both. I'll see you tonight at dinner.”

He bowed and departed.

Alanza said, “Mrs. Banderas, give us a short while to ready your rooms. In the meantime, Pilar, why don't you take them up to your wing so they can relax and the three of you can talk. I'll send Bonnie up with refreshments.”

Pilar found that agreeable.

Winding their way through the hallways to her and Noah's suite, her mother said, “This house is very grand, Pilar.”

“Yes it is. His family has lived here for many years. They're old Spanish but not stuffy or formal at all.”

She opened the door and gestured them inside, and both women stared around in awe. Doneta asked, “These are your rooms?”

Pilar nodded. “When his mother became wealthy enough to afford it, she added this wing so that Noah and his two brothers could have their own space away from the main house. Noah said they made too much noise and monopolized the lone bathing room.”

Doneta went to the verandah doors, while Desa continued to stare around. Her gaze rested on the piano. “Who plays?” she asked curiously, “or is it simply for show?”

“Noah does, and extremely well. He also paints and composes music.”


She chuckled in response to her mother's unmasked surprise. “Here, sit. Or do you wish to sit out on the verandah? You can see the mountains from there.”

Doneta made the decision by opening the doors, so they followed her lead.

“This is lovely,” she said, standing at the railing and looking out. “And his family owns all this?”

Pilar nodded. “There's cattle and chickens and orchards and grapevines. Noah's father died when he was very young and Alanza built all this practically with her own hands. She's an amazingly wonderful woman, Mama. Reminds me of you in many ways. She's been incredibly kind to me.”

“And Noah?” her mother asked pointedly.

Pilar thought about the wonderful man she'd married and her heart soared.

Doneta laughed. “Look at her smile, Mama. Pilar, are you in love?”

Pilar beamed.

Doneta cried, “You are, aren't you! I am so jealous.”

They all laughed.

“We get along far better than I ever dreamed we would. He's been incredibly kind, too.”

Doneta held out her hand. “Pay up, Mama.”

Pilar eyed the exchange curiously.

Doneta explained, “I told Mama the night you left that he was in love with you and that she wouldn't have to worry about how he'd treat you.”

Desa chuckled and fished around in her handbag for her coin purse. Extracting one, she placed it on her daughter's open palm. “You know extorting your mother is a sin.”

Doneta turned to Pilar. “Where is he?”

“In San Francisco on business. I'm expecting him later today, unless something's detained him.”

“Drew is very handsome. I know you said both his brothers are married. Does he have any unmarried cousins?”

Pilar laughed. She was so happy to be with them again, especially her sister. “I haven't been here long enough to meet any cousins yet, but I will keep an eye out for you.”

Bonnie arrived a short time later bearing a tray with tea and sandwiches. As they ate, they caught Pilar up on things in Florida.

“Our cousins have
” Doneta informed her excitedly. “A set of twins who are only a few years older. Tio Miguel and Tia Simona are ecstatic.”

Pilar was pleased to hear that. She hoped they'd be as happy as she and Noah.

The talk moved to the house Desa had been considering buying when Pilar left Florida. “We moved in last week. It has three acres of land and the house is in need of some repairs but Miguel will take care of that and promises everything will be ready by the time we return.”

“How long are you planning to stay?”

“Our tickets give us two weeks. Would that be an imposition?”

“Of course not. In fact, I hope you will decide to stay longer. I love it here and I know you will, too.” Pilar couldn't stop grinning. She couldn't believe they were truly there.

Alanza came in a short while later to let them know their rooms were ready. “I'll see you at dinner,” she said.

They were given the wing that Billie and Drew once called home and the visitors again marveled at the suite's size and scope.

Doneta took a seat on the settee and declared, “That's it. I'm not going back to Florida, Mama. I'm finding a husband and living right here for the rest of my days. This is exquisite,” she added, looking around the well-appointed space.

Pilar and Desa chuckled.

“Good afternoon, ladies.”

“Noah!” Pilar shrieked. She ran to him and he caught her up and they held on to each other as if they'd been apart for a lifetime.

“How are you?”

“Wonderful, now that you're here. Mama and Doneta are here, too.”

“So I see. Welcome to California. I hope you plan to stay with us for some time. How was your trip?”

As Pilar settled in beside her husband, she doubted there was another woman in the world happier than she.

Eventually the talk came to an end, and Pilar and Noah stood to leave so Desa and Doneta could rest up for dinner. Pilar shared a parting hug with her mother and again whispered, “I'm so glad to be with you again.”

“I feel the same way.”

She shared a hug with Doneta as well. Wiping at her happy tears, Pilar and Noah departed.

In their room, they shared a welcome home kiss. “I missed you,” he said holding her tightly against his heart.

“I missed you as well.”

When they finally parted, they walked out to the verandah and took seats. “How was the trip?” she asked and then listened as he told the story. “So you now own a shipyard.”

“I do and sometime soon you and I need to go to San Francisco and begin the search for that house we talked about. I'm letting you tell Mama we're moving.”



“This is all very exciting.”

“Yes it is. There was a fly in the ointment though.”


He told her about Gordonez.

She stared. “He was in San Francisco?”

“Yes and he wants to buy Walt's shipyard. Lavinia wanted him to be the owner.”

“Is she out of her mind to be on the same side of a snake like him?”

“My sentiments exactly. He asked if I'd back out of the deal. When I told him no, he threatened to reveal your location to the Spanish authorities.”

Her heart stopped. “Would he really do that?”

“I promised to kill him if he did.”

The cold truth in his eyes raised the hair on the back of her neck. She realized he was not kidding. She also realized there was a man beneath the surface of Noah Yates that she didn't know and that gave her pause. Was he the man who had the nightmares? She sensed that questions about that would open a Pandora's box, so she let it be. “Let's hope it doesn't come to that.”

They talked about his trip for a short while longer and then he asked, “How's your horse?”

Her worries about Gordonez negatively impacting her life momentarily faded and she smiled. “He's coming along rather well. I want to take him with us when we move.”

“That means we'll need a place with some acreage.”

“Will we be able to find something that has water, too?”

“I don't know but we'll certainly try our best.”

That filled her heart. “You are so kind to me, Noah Yates.”

“I don't ever want you to regret marrying me, Pilar. I want us to be happy.”

“As do I.”

His arm across her shoulders drew her closer, and as she rested her head against his chest, she wondered if this was how it felt to be in love.

That evening at dinner, Pilar introduced her family to her in-laws and the babies, and Alanza declared, “Next weekend will be the party to celebrate Noah and Pilar's marriage, and to let our neighbors and friends meet Desa and Doneta. All in favor say aye!”

The answering ayes could be heard in Denver.

Rancho Destino spent the next week gearing up for the party. A small army of hired workers retrieved tables and chairs from the warehouses, along with linens, china, and tableware. Food orders were placed with local providers like Eli's Naomi, now happily working out of her brand-new restaurant, while fresh fruit was gathered and stored for the gallons of sangria that would be consumed. Alanza and Pilar, accompanied by Desa and Doneta, drove all over the valley to find the peppers, yams, and other vegetables needed for the Cuban dishes Pilar planned to prepare as her contribution to the festivities. And Pilar finally learned why Mariah had taken her measurements during that initial visit to her shop. It was for a gown.

Mariah presented it to her one evening at dinner and the deep red gown was so beautiful, Pilar cried.

“I wanted it to match your rubies. You are planning to wear them, correct?”

“I will now. Thank you, Mariah.”

Mariah kissed her cheek. “You're welcome.”

Later as she and her mother and sister viewed the gown her mother asked, “What was that about rubies?”

Pilar explained.

Doneta stared shocked. “You have rubies?”

She nodded. “You'll see them at the party. They're in the safe now.”

Desa said, “I'm getting jealous of your mother-in-law. There's no way I can compete with that.”

Pilar gave her a hug, “There's no way my love for her will ever surpass my love for you, so please don't be. She's my mother-in-law and I adore her, but you're my mother. Okay?”

Desa nodded and smiled.

The party was yet another grand Alanza affair. There were no juggler or dancing bears but the people of the valley turned out in droves to meet and greet the newest Yates wife and her family. Only a few of Alanza's many relatives were able to attend due to the short notice but those who did come were as pleased to meet her as she was to meet them and they were ecstatic that she had Spanish roots and spoke the language. Wearing her beautiful gown and the rubies around her neck, she felt like a queen. And her king, decked out like a Spanish grandee in his well-cut black suit and snow-white ruffled shirt, was so handsome and elegant he looked good enough to eat.

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