Destiny's Detour (10 page)

Read Destiny's Detour Online

Authors: Mari Brown

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

The next morning, I wake up and realize that Troy and I are completely intertwined with one another. I really don’t want to move from our position. The night before had been spent making love to each other. Not sex, but making love. We took everything nice and slow. Truly exploring each other and becoming one. I will forever treasure that night with him, no matter what happens in the future. As I continue to lie there, it all of a sudden hits me that today is Friday. We have our first pep rally to perform. I am excited all of a sudden and start wiggling around in the bed.

I would have probably kept moving if I hadn’t heard a groan escape from Troy and his husky words. “Baby, careful, you are awakening the beast.”

That sends me into giggles. He pulls me on top of him and I can feel just how excited I have made his beast. This makes me pause and then I lightly grind my hips into him. Troy moans again and captures me in a passionate kiss. I am enjoying our morning wake up.

I find myself thinking as we lay next to each other after our morning love session. I really like sharing everything with Troy. I love waking up to him every morning. I could do this every day for the rest of my life.

“What are you thinking about, Princess?”

“I was thinking how I like waking up next to you each morning.”

“Mmm, me, too.” He nuzzles my neck.

Finally, we have to get up and start our day. I have to get ready for dancing and he has to get ready for the pep rally, also.

Amy and I leave the house together to meet up with the dance team to go over our routine one last time before we perform. I think we are going to kick ass at the rally today. Our routine is hot and we look sexy in our uniforms. Buffy is even being nice today or I should say nicer than normal. We make our way out to the field and meet up with the cheerleaders and you can feel the excitement thick in the air. The football players start to make their way out on the field. All of them look super sexy in their jerseys with blue jeans. However, one player stands out to me more than any of the others. My Troy! He is wearing low-slung jeans with his jersey and I heat up at the sight of him. Will this intense feeling ever leave me? I really hope it doesn’t because I love that he makes me feel this way. Troy looks up, and as his eyes met mine, a huge grin spreads across his face. He makes his way toward me and doesn’t even say a word when he bends me over in a body-melting kiss. I faintly hear cheers from those standing around us.

Our kiss finally breaks when David says, “Dude, really, that’s my sister.”

I start laughing. “David, can’t you say something else when you catch us kissing? It’s always “dude, that’s my sister’.”

David smirks at me and says, “No. Just because I am cool with y’all being together does not mean I want to see my baby sister making out with my best friend.”

I think I hear a couple girls swooning in the background.

“Hey, Little Sis, did you know Mom and Dad are here for the whole weekend?”

“Um, no, they are?”

“Yes, Dad texted me a little while ago and said they came up for the pep rally and would be staying through Sunday.”

“Please tell me they are staying at a hotel and not our house.”

“Yes, they’re staying at the hotel. He said they don’t want their private time interrupted.”

“Eww, now that’s just gross,” I say with a shudder yet I can’t hide my big grin because I secretly love how my parents are still so into each other. David gives his own shudder. I laugh again at my brother.

It comes time for the rally to start and we all have to get in our designated spots. The football players are all sitting front and center. The rally starts with the cheerleaders performing a couple of cheers. Then the dean speaks, followed by Coach Coleman, the head coach. After him, it is my man’s turn. Can I just say that it is sexy as hell watching him as he gets the crowd fired up about the game tomorrow? After he sits down, it is our turn to perform. Our routine is a hit with the crowd. After we dance, the band comes up and plays the fight song and the cheerleaders lead the crowd in a few more cheers. It is by far the greatest experience I have had since starting college. I can’t believe how different the college experience is compared to high school. It is a whole other level. I am talking with the girls on the dance team when I am suddenly picked up and I scream. Troy just starts laughing and he lets me slide down his body as he turns me to face him.

“Hey, Princess, I told your brother I would get you and Amy. We have to meet your parents. They want to take us out for food.”

“Well, let’s not keep my parents waiting. They have the privilege of taking you and my brother out in public.”

“Come on, Brat, before I show you just how awesome I am.”

“Amy, Girl, come on. My parents are taking us out.”

“Hell ya, free food!” Amy shouts back at me as she runs off, then stops, and says, “Which way do I need to run?”

Crazy bitch, but I love her something fierce. The three of us walk over to where David is waiting and we ride with him to meet my parents at the restaurant.

We get lots of looks as we enter the restaurant. It’s probably because the guys are in their football jerseys, and Amy and I are in our dance costumes. Some young boys talk excitedly at their table about the football players. It is cute. I am dating a local celebrity. That causes a smirk to come across my face. Troy looks at me and I nod towards the young boys and say, “Your fan club.”

“Aw, are you jealous? You will always be my #1 fan, Baby."


He leans over and gives me a quick kiss. Like he thinks that makes up for his cockiness. Well if I am honest, it does. I enjoy these dinners with my parents. It reminds me of so many other times my parents have taken the four of us out to eat.

I excuse myself to the restroom, and when I’m walking back to the table, some guys start catcalling and making rude comments to get my attention. The guys look like they are high school students, maybe seniors, and I can almost guarantee they play football. I walked up to their table. "Now boys, didn't your mamas teach you any manners? That is not the way to speak to a lady." One of them makes some cocky remark and I can tell he is the leader of the group.

I smile sweetly at them and point to my table. “You see those guys over there? You don't want me to have to call them over here so they can teach how to respect a lady?”

All eyes travel to our table and one of the boys exclaims, “Holy shit! That’s Steve Williams? Troy Daniels, the quarterback for NU, and David Williams, too? Holy shit! Who are you?”

“I take it y’all are fans?” I receive several eager nods. “I can hook you up with photo ops and autographs, but first, you apologize. Then you promise that you will think twice before speaking to another girl like that.”

I receive agreements all around and motion for the four boys to follow me back to the table. All three of my guys raise eyebrows at me. I introduce everyone around. The boys get pictures and autographs, and very politely thank my dad, brother, and boyfriend before heading back to their table. The rest of our dinner is nothing but good family fun. We decide to head home so we can all rest for our busy day tomorrow.




I always love game day! Nothing can quite explain how exciting game day is at the college level. I am not sure I can even try to describe it because I don’t have words to do it justice. I can’t imagine how David and Troy feel as football players, but for me as a member of the dance team, the excitement I get preparing to perform on the sidelines and then in the halftime show is off the charts. Neither Amy nor I have ever performed in front of an audience this large, and the frenzied energy of the crowd is out of this world.

I expected to be more nervous than I am, but I’m in my element and on top of the world as we perform routine after routine. I try to watch Troy and David play as much as I can while staying focused on my dancing. My parents are sitting right on the field in the special VIP section. I have been waiting for this my whole life. It is my moment to shine.

When we finish the halftime performance, we have a small break, so I head to the VIP section to say hello to my parents. It’s then that I get to see Troy up close, and while he can’t talk to me, he does send me a wink that my parents catch and tease me about mercilessly. I have strange parents. After that, I join back up with the dance team to finish performing for the rest of the game.

When the game is over and we head back into our dressing room, the girls are all on a high. The energy level is so thick that you can feel it in the air around us. We know we kicked ass on the field today, and our football team has won their first game. It has been a thrilling afternoon.

I strip out of my sweaty uniform tossing it into my dance bag to drop off at the dry cleaners. I hop in the shower and take my time getting clean because my parents once again have dinner plans for us. Wrapping myself in a towel, I walk back out to the vanity, sit down, and start working on my make-up. After finishing my make-up and blow-drying my hair, I move back over to my locker where I have a simple silk black dress waiting for me. The dress is completely backless and stops just short of the top of my butt. A bra and underwear are not an option with this dress. I can't wait to see Troy's reaction when he sees me. Amy is standing at her locker and smiles at me. She is wearing a simple royal blue dress that hugs her in all the right places. The color brings out her beautiful eyes. I slide the dress over my head loving the feel of the silk material against my skin. I slip on a pair of black heels pack up all my belongings into my dance bag. We are going to some fancy French place for an elegant dinner, so we are more dressed up than normal. We finish packing up our stuff and start to head out to meet everyone else.

I am loving college life, and enjoying dance team and my classes. My roommates are easy to live with, and the parties are amazing. I realize that I am right where I want to be, and don’t see how anything could bring me down from this high I am feeling.

Until Buffy decides to open her mouth.

“So why you all dressed up? Working the streets tonight?”

“Only if I get to work your corner, Sweetie.” I give a sarcastic laugh.

“You think you are so special, don't you? Daddy’s a big celebrity. Your brother and your boyfriend are stars of our football team. You think you can do whatever you want.”

“Buffy, I don’t know what your problem is with me, but I don’t feel any of that makes me special. But it is who I am. It’s my life. I didn’t choose it. It’s just how it happened. I’m sorry if you feel like I stole Troy from you, but let’s face it. Troy and I grew up together. I was always going to be a part of his life. In the end, I am always going to come first whether he’s with you or not.”

Buffy and I are in a stare off at this point and finally she screams, “Whatever,” and stomps away. I look over at Amy, shrug my shoulders, and finish getting ready

A beautiful modern building with floor to ceiling windows greets us upon our arrival at the restaurant. Seeing my brother and boyfriend waiting out front surprises me. As soon as we reach them, Troy pulls me into his arms and greets me with a deep kiss, right in front of the beautiful French doors that lead into the building.

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