Read Destiny's Path Online

Authors: Kimberly Hunter

Destiny's Path (24 page)

“The majority are shallow, like the ones on her hands. But a few will need stitches.” He brought the blankets up to cover her. “I don’t want to start sewing those up until she’s asleep, though. She’s been through enough already.”

“So it’s over? Jenna’s finally dead?” Charlie looked hopeful and scared all at once.

“Yes Mother, it’s over,” Flynn replied as he brushed back Sasha’s hair.

She cracked open her eyes, looking around the room, like she was searching for something, then her gaze zeroed in on Dillon’s small form at the foot of the bed. She smiled wanly at him. “The Pack is safe.”

He smiled back. “Yes, they’re safe. You finally can rest now.”

She closed her eyes, a smile on her lips as her breath evened out in sleep.

Flynn sat next to her, watching her for a while before getting the supplies he needed. With each stitch to her body, a tear rolled down his cheek. He had let this happen, let that crazy bitch hurt his Mate. The guilt of that was a burning ball in his gut.

“Brother.” Roan laid a comforting hand on his shoulder after he had finished. Thankfully, everyone had left when he started.

“I let this happen, Roan. She’s my True Mate. What Lupus worth his salt would allow his Mate to be hurt in such a way?”

Roan let out a deep sigh. “I know how you feel, but there was nothing we could have done.”

Flynn jumped up, his anger rolling. “Nothing? Of course we could have.”

“No, my brother, we couldn’t.” His smile was sad as he looked at Sasha’s battered form lying in a peaceful sleep. He then turned to Flynn. “We all have a path to follow; you know that as well I do. Father told us enough times over the course of our lives. This was her path. Don’t let guilt for her sacrifice eat at you.”

His shoulders slumped, the anger draining away. He was right, of course. Still, it didn’t make him feel any better.

“I know how you feel, brother.”

Hearing the pain of that made him look up. For the first time since they were kids, Roan had tears in his eyes. “Ro.”

That got a half smile from him. It had been a while since he had used the childhood name.

“She is your Mate, yet…I feel…”

Flynn came to him, wrapping him in a tight embrace. “I know, Ro, I know.”

His brother was also in love in with Sasha. How could he not? She was strong, beautiful, sensual, smart, and witty. All traits both of them had looked for in a woman.

“You know I would never…”

Flynn stopped him before he could finish. “I know you wouldn’t.” He smiled. That was one thing about his brother; the man was honorable to a fault. He might be in love with Sasha, but he would do nothing about it. “You are the best man I know.”

Roan gave him a watery grin. “And you’re the most stubborn.”

Flynn chuckled. “Someone has to be.”

Roan just shook his head and brought him for another rib-cracking hug. “I love you, brother.”

“I love you too.”

They held each other a little longer; then Roan pulled back. “I’m going to get a shower. Do you need me to relieve you when I’m done?”

They both looked over at Sasha. “Yeah. She she’ll be fine for now. I’ve cleaned and dressed the wounds. All she needs now is sleep.”

“All right.” Roan patted his shoulder. “I won’t be long.” He then stopped before opening the door. “I’ll have Mikeal and his team remove the bodies, get everything cleaned up.”

Flynn gave him a grateful smile. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Then he was gone.

Flynn sat beside Sasha after Roan left, taking his Mate’s hand in his. “I love you, baby.”




A feeling of safety and warmth surrounded Sasha as she floated at the edge of wakefulness. The sounds of familiar and much-loved voices filled her with peace and happiness, making her content to just float as their caring and love washed over her.

“Are you sure she’s all right, Flynn? She’s been asleep too long,” Charlie said with worry in her tone.

“I’m sure, Mother. Going through the First Transformation then battling two Lupa’s and getting injured took a lot out of her. Her body just needs to regroup and repair itself. Sleep is the best medicine.” Flynn sounded tired as he answered his mother.

“But she’s been asleep for two days. Surely she should be coming around by now.” Charlie’s voice was close.

Flynn chuckled softly. “I promise you, Sasha is fine. I would know otherwise if there was something wrong, okay?”

Her breath huffed out. “All right. I’m going to get lunch started. Now that we have all these extra mouths to feed, I find myself cooking more.”

“You don’t have to run yourself ragged, Mother.”

“Bah, I enjoy having everyone here. Besides, if it gets too bad, I’ll have Angel make a few calls to that caterer friend of hers.”

“Good thinking.”

“Call me when she wakes?”

“I will. Don’t worry.”

Sasha dimly heard footsteps, then the door opening and closing with a click.

She must have drifted off again, because the next she knew, Flynn was beside her, stroking her cheek.

“Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty.”

She slowly opened her eyes, blinking them to bring Flynn’s handsome face into focus. “Hey.” She swallowed noisily, her throat a bit scratchy.

“Hey yourself.” He leaned down to kiss her gently. “How do you feel?”

She yawned, then stretched a little. “Mmm, not too bad actually. A little sore, but otherwise okay.”

“Good.” His tone was stiff as he got off the bed and walked to the windows.

She sat up, pulling the covers with her. Something was wrong with Flynn; she could feel his anger but didn’t know why. With her being out of it, well, it had no doubt built up.

“What’s wrong, Flynn? I can feel you’re upset about something.”

He was leaning against the sill, arms outstretched and head hanging between them.

“That’s twice. Twice that I almost lost you. And both times, I was unable to stop it.”

Ah, he was angry at himself. Typical male reaction. Typical Flynn too. Men!
Gotta love ‘em,
she thought.

“Flynn, come here, please.” She patted the space where he had been sitting next to her.

He looked at her, hesitated, but came to her side anyway. He couldn’t do otherwise. He was her True Mate; he would go to her no matter what.

When he sat down, she took his face in both her hands and kissed him. “I love you more than I ever dreamed possible. And I know that letting me do what needed to be done went against a lot of your personal values. If you were Alpha and I was not, I know I would feel the same.”

“I feel a
in there.” He grinned ruefully, taking her hands and kissing them.

“Our roles aren’t reversed. This is who I’m supposed to be, Flynn. And I don’t want that to be a problem between us.”

He took a deep breath and let it out. “It’s not a problem, sweetheart. In fact, I’m proud my True Mate is Alpha.” He then chuckled. “Roan and I also had this conversation, of course. His reply was the same.”


“But it tears me up to see you hurt when I can do nothing about it. I’m driven to protect you and make sure you’re safe.” He brushed her hair back and cupped her cheek. She leaned into his warmth, soaking up his love like a flower did sunlight.

“I’m sorry you had to go against your instinct to protect me. And if it’s any consolation, I’ll try my utmost to avoid those situations in the future.”

“And I’ll try not to lose it if those situations arise. Deal?”


They sealed that promise with a kiss. A very steamy kiss that threatened to steal her senses. And if Roan hadn’t interrupted, that kiss could have led to a whole lot more.
Note to self, use the locks on the doors

She drew back from Flynn reluctantly. “Hello, Roan.”

“I see you’re feeling better.” His glacier-colored eyes twinkled.

“Much, thank you.” She tried not to blush. Well, not much when she was naked under the blankets and aroused for Flynn.

“So, all of her wounds are healed?”

Flynn nodded. “I took out all the stitches yesterday. And with the exception of a few pale red marks, she’s completely healed.”

“Good, good.”

She ran fingers over her neck, chest, and ribs as best she could under the covers, confirming what Flynn said. She felt only smooth skin under her fingertips. Amazing what Lupus genetics could do.

“Flynn, could I have a moment with Sasha? Alone?” Roan asked.

Flynn and Sasha looked at each other. Her expression was kind of shocked at Roan’s request. Flynn wasn’t, though. Seems he and his brother had talked about more than her battle. She didn’t see a problem with it. She shrugged to let Flynn know.

“Sure. I’ll go down and let Mother know that Sasha’s awake.” He kissed her, then left, closing the door behind him.

“All right, Roan, what’s up?” Sasha settled more comfortably under the covers.

“May I?” He indicated the spot beside her where Flynn had been.


This was a new side of Roan that she hadn’t seen before. He acted almost hesitant, as if he wasn’t sure of himself. Not at all the Roan she knew. Not the Alpha Roan, anyway.

He sat down beside her, a gentle smile on his lips. “I’m not sure I know how to start.”

She took his hand, trying to put him at ease. “Start anywhere you like.”

He took a deep breath and let it out. It was so like his brother that she had to smile. He didn’t notice, though. He seemed to be having an internal debate on how and where to begin.

“Okay, Roan, spill it. You know how I dislike mysteries.”

He chuckled. “I am aware of that, yes.”

“So…” She motioned as best she could while trying to keep her dignity. Yeah, he had seen her in all her glory. Didn’t mean he needed a repeat performance. She was trying to be more easygoing, but the nude thing in front of others would take time.

“I came here to apologize,” he blurted out, as if he was afraid he would lose his nerve. Roan, afraid? Hmm, something was up here, she thought.

She blinked in confusion. “Apologize? For what?”

“For using you and putting you in harm’s way.” He would not look at her.

“Roan, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

He got up and started to pace. “It’s been my job since taking over as Pack Alpha to make sure that everyone is safe, especially those closest to me.”


“Please.” He cut her off, raising a hand to stop her and looking at her for the first time. “Let me finish.”

She nodded, more than confused at Roan’s odd behavior.

“In the short amount of time you have been here, you have shown great courage in handling every obstacle thrown at you,” he continued, resuming his pacing as well. “In fact, most would have gone insane at the very least, but you have embraced your new life and new family. I admire that, and to be honest, I have come to care about you. More than I should.”

Oh boy, not this. She thought they went over this in the clearing. But she guessed that traumatic experiences made a person think about the deeper things in life.

He looked at her as she was about to say something.

“No, I have to get this out.” She wisely kept her mouth shut as his eyes stared into hers. “You are my brother’s True Mate, his match in every way. He loves you more than even I thought he was capable of. And during your battle with Jenna, I saw the depths of that love.” He came to her side again and took both her hands. “If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have met Jenna so soon, nor would you have lost a piece of your innocence having to kill her and her mother. As Alpha, I had to make a decision for the safety of the Pack, as your brother and someone who cares about you. I deeply apologize for using you in any way, no matter how much you have accepted your new life.”

“Oh, Roan. You have nothing to apologize for.”


She put her finger to his lips, her turn to silence him. “No, let me finish.”

He smiled at that under her finger, then took her hand and kissed it. And yes, it did give her a small thrill. Yes, Flynn was her True Mate, and she loved him, but Roan and he shared more than just looks—they shared a soul. In a small way, they were almost the same person. Almost.

“It’s the reason I have accepted and embraced my new life that I don’t feel remorse or guilt at killing Rhonda and Jenna. The cycle had to end. And we both agree, this is who I’m meant to be. It’s the life I was supposed to have. So don’t apologize, Roan. There’s nothing to be sorry for.”

He laughed softly. “You are a constant surprise, but wonderfully so.”

“So Flynn tells me.”

She saw a brief flash of sadness pass in his glacier eyes, and then it was quickly gone. She hated that she had even seen it at all, but she did, and there was nothing she could do to change the fact that Flynn was her True Mate and Roan was not. And even though she couldn’t offer more to Roan, what she could give him was friendship and sisterly love. Small consolation that it was, it would have to be enough. If not, well, they would just have to find his True Mate a lot sooner.

“From the sound of footsteps coming this way, I believe our little interlude has come to an end.” He stood, the old Roan coming back.

“Roan—” She stopped him, wrapping her arms about his neck in a fierce hug. Her modesty was all but forgotten in the face of comforting him. “She’s out there, big brother, and she’s all yours.”

He returned the hug, holding her tight. “I know. But she could never be you.”

She pulled back, looking into his eyes. “Roan…”

“No, don’t say anything. I’m aware of all the arguments and the answers.” He smiled ruefully. “You two belong together; I know that. But a small part of me feels tied to you as well.” He brushed her hair behind her ear. “For years, Flynn and I have shared many things, women among them. But you are the first woman we haven’t shared, nor would either of us ask it of the other. A love like yours could never be shared. It shouldn’t be shared.”

She couldn’t help what she did next, nor would she change it or stop it. It was her gift to Roan.

“Oh Roan.” She leaned in and kissed him.

It started out as a gentle press of lips but turned into a dueling match of tongues as she tried to give him a small taste of the passion Flynn and she have shared. And Roan was no novice at passion. His cool facade was a mask for a very passionate man. And an expert kisser as well. Roan’s True Mate was going to be one lucky and very satisfied Lupa.

He broke the kiss, his breathing ragged. “Thank you,” he rasped, leaning his forehead against hers.

She chuckled huskily. “No problem.”

After they got their hearts back to normal, Roan drew back, still holding both her hands. “My brother is luckier than I thought.” He grinned mischievously as she blushed, and Flynn walked through the door.

Flynn looked at them both, a knowing light in his eyes. But there was no jealousy or anger there, only love. “I always thought so. But then, I’ve always been the better-looking twin,” he joked, winking at her.

“You’re identical, you mutt. You both look good. Now move. I would like to see my sister.” Angel came up behind Flynn, trying to bully her way past him. Roan, Flynn, and Sasha looked at each other, an unspoken agreement between them. What just transpired between Roan and her would never leave this room, nor would it ever happen again. They all nodded, and Roan kissed her hand and got up to stand beside Flynn. They talked briefly, then hugged each other tightly. They pulled back, clapping each other on the shoulder and grinning radiantly. It was brotherly love at its best, and Sasha was glad she was there to witness it.

“How you feeling?” Angel asked, jolting her back as she sat beside Sasha on the bed.

“Uh, pretty good, actually. Starved too.” Her stomach growled, and she grinned.

“Not a problem. Mom’s got lunch ready, so if you feel up to it, you can come down to eat with us.”

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