Devil Disguised (11 page)

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Authors: Karolyn Howard

“Lord Cavanaugh,” she whispered. His name an unanswered question.

He cupped her sex while he continued kissing her neck and fondling her breast. All thoughts left her while she leaned against him, her movement an invitation. He began to rub and tease her sex moving his fingers in wicked ways.

“What did I ask you to call me?” he asked, huskily.

His hand teased where her desire pooled uncontrollably.

Mindless now, her voice sounded distant and ethereal as she replied, “Duncan.”

Her knees felt weak, but somehow his arms were wrapped around her, holding her upright. Suddenly, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. He placed her down on the bed and moved next to her as he began to undo the simple ties on the front of her robe and nightgown. Pulling the material down, she saw his eyes darken with desire as his gaze travelled over her before he began to kiss the tops of her breasts. Threading her hands through his hair, she was lost to the sensations invading her body.

He licked each nipple and then trailed kisses up her neck before his lips found hers again. Opening her mouth, she allowed his tongue to slide over hers as he deepened the kiss. He shifted above her and pressed himself over her sex. The prominences of his manhood strained against
his trousers as he began rubbing himself over her apex. It was erotic and frightening at the same time. She had never gone this far with a man before and as if sensing her hesitation, he shifted to lie next to her again. His hand travelled along her thigh as he lifted up her nightgown while he kissed her neck. She tried to form words, but only incoherent sounds escaped her lips.

His fingers touched her swollen and sensitive flesh as he whispered in her ear, “Say my name again.”


The instant she spoke his name, she felt his finger enter her and she moaned in raw pleasure. She felt the smile on his lips before his thumb began to move quickly outside her apex as another finger entered her. It was the most intimate of touches and she felt her hips rise as he continued the movement with his fingers. Moaning, she gripped his shoulders enraptured by the sensation as her breath came in quick gasps. Her head fell back while his fingers pressed further into her and his thumb circled her sex. Crying out shamelessly, a quiver went through her as her sex pulsed with the new sensation she had just experienced.

Coming back to her senses as she inhaled deeply, she realized Duncan had moved above her again and she opened her eyes to meet his gaze. His huge arousal was pressing against her sex. She tried to smile, but fear returned as she realized his intention. A strange expression crossed over his handsome features before he shifted his weight off of her. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked back at her, his expression impossible to read. She exhaled in surprise. He was still fully clothed.

He leaned over and kissed her lightly on the cheek before moving off the bed. He met her gaze and said, “Now, I may need your forgiveness. I will not touch you again.”

She exhaled sharply, but could not form any words. He nodded briefly before he opened the door and left the room.

Lily rose quickly and went to the door. She called out, “Duncan, wait.”

The door was shut and he was gone. Her fingers touched the wood of the door and she rested her forehead against it. Her body was still on fire and vaguely she thought the door was solid, cool, and hard, just like the man who had just given her pleasure a few moments ago.

What had just happened? Shaking her head, she went to lay down again in the comfort of the bed. Before she could even grasp what had just occurred between her and the earl, she fell asleep instantly.

the door seemed to be getting louder. Lily woke and barely mumbled, “Enter.” Dot entered the room quickly and said, “My lady, I have been knocking for some time. I was worried you may be ill.”

“No, no. I did not mean to worry you. Apparently, I slept very well last night.”

Dot shifted, looking nervous. “Of course, my lady. I do not mean to rush you, but the earl requests that you go with him into town today, but he would like to leave very soon.”

“Oh, I see.” Perplexed, Lily stayed in the bed. Duncan had never wanted to take her anywhere before and she had wanted to go into town for some time.

Moving off the bed Lily said, “Please pull my green day dress and get me some fresh water for a bath.”

Nodding, Dot skipped away to do as she was bidden. Lily bathed and dressed quickly.

She went downstairs and found Duncan in the dining room, cup in hand. Taking a brief moment, she pushed away the images of the man before her not dressed in his finery. Knowing what was under his clothes was still on her mind as she took a deep breath to say, “Good morning.”

Waving the cup in a mock toast, he replied, “Good morning, Lily.”

He gestured in the direction of the sideboard, but did not meet her gaze. “Please get something for breakfast and then we will be off to Brentwood.”

“What is the occasion?” She did her best to sound nonchalant as she placed food on her plate. Focusing on her task, she tried not to blush as she recalled what had happened between them just a few hours earlier.

“The occasion is the opening of two new businesses in town. One is a bookstore and the other is a seamstress shop. I thought you might enjoy getting to see some new fabrics on the first day the shop is opened. Also, apparently, the couple that owns the dress shop recently moved here from that city where the Queen has a tower. Meeting them and selecting some fabrics brought in from your favorite place may ease any homesickness you may be experiencing.”

Lily turned plate in hand, and gaped. Who was the kind, thoughtful gentleman now before her? She had no idea.

He grinned. “I thought I would hear a squeal of delight, but stunned silence will have to do.” He stood and placed his napkin on the table. “Take your time eating. I will be in the library when you are ready to go.”

Lily watched him as he left the room. Still in utter disbelief, she stood holding her plate and could not seem to move.

Simon entered carrying a tray of hot tea and warm biscuits. “Good morning, Lady Montgomery. Are you feeling well?”

Shaking her head out of her stupor, she replied, “I am wonderful, Simon. Thank you for your concern. Lord Cavanaugh simply surprised me this morning.”

Simon poured hot tea in a cup and placed it down for her. “I am glad it was a pleasant surprise. He can be unpredictable at times. Enjoy your day, my lady.”

With a bow, he left her alone. She did her best to eat all the food on her plate even though excitement made it difficult to keep her appetite.

She walked down the hall and saw Duncan step out of the library. He looked in her direction and said, “Good timing, my lady. Are you ready to go?”

She nodded and followed him to the foyer. The carriage was waiting for them and Duncan assisted her into the coach. He sat across from her and tapped his hand on the roof to signal the driver they could depart.

The carriage rolled forward and suddenly Lily felt it was far too small for the two of them.

Duncan gazed out the window seeming to sense the same claustrophobia. She realized she had hardly seen him in the light of day. Candle or firelight had so often lit their encounters that she felt like she was seeing him again for the first time. His brown hair was cut just above his collar bringing attention to the sharp angle of his jawline. His classical features where highlighted by high cheekbones
and a straight nose, but the natural wave of his hair as it fell over his forehead and the cleft in his chin gave him a roguish charm. The brown color of his eyes could add to the softening of his strong appearance, but could also darken his look to a very menacing stare that she knew very well. Altogether, he was devastating.

He continued to face the window, but his eyes shifted to look at her. “Did you sleep well after all the excitement of last night?”

Despite the possible innuendo of his words, his expression was neutral. There was no outward sign of him even recalling how intimately he had touched her just a few hours earlier. She flushed and looked down before she cleared her throat and replied, “Yes. Thank you. Did you?”

He turned to look at her fully. “Not exactly. I helped Simon search the grounds as best we could in the dark of night, but then we searched again at dawn’s light. The intruder appears to have entered and exited the home from the balcony. We lost the trail of the horse on the main road. It appears the intruder took nothing from the house, except the picture of you.”

Somehow, she maintained eye contact with his intense stare. “I do not know the person who entered your home.”

He nodded and turned his head to gaze out the window again. They rode in silence the remainder of the distance to the town. As he helped her descend from the carriage, Lily immediately noticed all eyes were on them. With his family’s crest engraved on the carriage door, anyone nearby would know the Earl of Westbrook had just arrived. The town was far busier and larger than she expected. She looked around in wonder.

Duncan said, “It is a typical busy day here. This is a main stop for the post and many travelers stay here before continuing on their prospective journeys.” He gestured towards the far corner of the street. “There is the new bookstore. I have some business to attend to and can meet you back at the carriage at quarter past three.”

Lily nodded and watched Duncan move down the street. Nearly everyone noticed him as he moved through the crowd. She turned and went to the dress shop. She felt many eyes on her and was certain her arrival with the earl did not go unnoticed.

There were a few women in the shop as she entered. Fabrics lined a wall and she noticed new colors of materials she had not seen before. She held a silky swatch of fabric with the most unusual lavender color in a soft silk cloth.

“That color will look simply divine on you.”

She turned towards the soft feminine voice that she recognized and looked at Charlotte. Charlotte’s dark hair was pinned up and her blue eyes glimmered with mischief.

“Lady Livingston, what a pleasure! It is nice to see you.” She hoped her tone was not too sarcastic.

Charlotte grinned. “It is lovely to see you as well, my dear. Tell me; is Lord Cavanaugh here with you?”

“We traveled here together. He is attending to some business.”

“Oh. I will have to find him and ask about his health. I have not seen him this week and he has not contacted me.” She paused as if debating her next words, but then said, “I am sure you have guessed that I have become quite fond of the earl.”

Lily was surprised by the bluntness of Charlotte’s comment. “Well, he has been very busy.”

“It seems he has become more so since you have arrived. Do your friends in London truly know how much time you are spending with the earl? I am sure the gossips would have a wonderful time speculating as to how you spend your time while living in the same house with him.” Charlotte looked pointedly at Lily.

Lily unconsciously clenched her fists and said, “I have enjoyed my time in the safety and comfort of Lord Cavanaugh’s home. As I indicated at dinner many nights ago, he has been more than a gracious host and has been the perfect gentleman. My friends in London are well aware of my current location. They also know that I have been helping his sister and that I have become very close to her.”

Charlotte narrowed her eyes and lowered her voice. “I think you wish to become very close to the earl as well. I see the way he looks at you and I find it hard to believe he has only been the perfect gentleman with you. He has needs like any man, but there are few women that can satisfy his appetite. I tell you this because I would hate for you to have any delusions where he is concerned. I have seen many women capture his attention, but he never stays with them.” She straightened. “However, he does always come back to me. I can handle him and eventually he will realize I am the only one who truly satisfies him.”

Lily stepped closer to the other woman and kept her voice low. “You are correct. The earl has not been the perfect gentleman with me. However, I do not plan to capture or hold his attention, but I will enjoy my time
here before I return to London. I am sure after I leave you will be back in his good graces and able to satisfy him, as you say. But, you must know that you are only a temporary amusement for him. After all that you have done with him, he has not secured his position with you. I am not the one who has delusions of being with the earl, but perhaps you do.”

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