Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1) (8 page)

His hand slid further up her leg to find her panties wet. Reese groaned. This excited Clayton as he began to kiss her with passionate abandon. He was all over her. His tongue was thrusting deep into her mouth, choking her.
Nothing like Harrison,
she thought. She threw her head back as he kissed her neck, licking and biting at her. “Oh,” she whispered. His other hand was squeezing her left breast. Finally, he arrived at her cleavage. He ripped open her dress and pulled her breasts out of her red satin bra. Clayton’s lips found that her nipples were already hard. He kept flicking them back and forth between his teeth as Reese groaned with pleasure. He was squeezing her breasts together amazed at their size and firmness. He reached around and unhooked her bra. With her now completely topless, he could feast his eyes on her magnificent breasts.

“Damn, are these real?” he asked, kneading them in his hands.

“Of course.” She rolled her eyes. Everyone always asked her that.

“They feel real. They are just really big for such a petite girl. And so firm.” He kept massaging them as he sucked on her nipples.

“That feels so good,” she murmured, curling her fingers in his dark silky hair. Feeling his breath hot on her body, she couldn’t stop thinking of Harrison. This wasn’t anything like being with him. It felt so good to be held and caressed by a man, but this was just…

Suddenly, his mouth found her sex, and his tongue gently began probing her core.
No, this isn’t right. It’s not Harrison.
This was going too far. She began to push him off.

“Clayton, stop. Enough!” Sensing she was losing the mood, Clayton tried to get her out of the car.

“Let me take you upstairs, Reese. You are in no condition to make it into your building safely. I will leave as soon as I get you upstairs. Promise.” He grinned at her. Reese pulled her top up as he went around the car to sweep her up in his strong arms.

Just as he’d promised, he delivered Reese to her apartment. “Wow. What a place.” He whistled as he walked around.

Reese was getting herself a drink of water when he came up behind her.

Clayton’s hands began caressing her shoulders as he gently kissed her neck. He inhaled her sweet perfume. This girl was so beautiful. He felt her silky blonde hair against his cheek and he reached around to feel her full breasts. He felt her inhale sharply. Reese squirmed as she resisted the pleasure he was giving her. He rubbed her nipples until they tingled, and despite herself, she was quite aroused. Feeling his hardness against her ass, she tried to pull away. Suddenly, he pulled her red panties to the side in a quick, savage motion and shoved himself inside her.

“Stop!” she cried out and tried to push him away, but her efforts to resist him were ineffectual. As he began thrusting in and out, she reluctantly began to let her carnal desires overtake her.

Not like Harrison. Not at all


As the morning sunlight poured in, Reese felt like her head was being crushed. She rolled out of her bed and went to take ibuprofen. When she returned to her bed, she noticed she was completely nude and there was a business card on her pillow.

Clayton Goldman

Executive Vice President

TGI Software Development

It listed his phone number and email address. On the back he had written,
Thanks, beautiful, for a great time. Call me anytime. I would love to see you again.
Her head reeling, she sat down on her bed. What? She had slept with this guy? Oh, my God. How much had she drank last night? She hardly remembered getting home. Reese crushed the business card and threw it away. No matter who he was, she didn’t want to see him again.

Reese pulled on a tank top and shorts and returned to bed. Rubbing her temples, her phone rang. It was Ashley.

“Hey girl, thanks for leaving me last night!”

Ashley laughed. “So how was he? He was so hot!”

“You remember him? I don’t recall much.”

“Hell yes. Well, I remember what he looked like, but not much else. I woke up in my hotel room and had to go to that fucking meeting with a killer headache. Ugh. So did you fuck him?”

Typical Ashley. Tactless. “Yeah, I think I did. I woke up a while ago with his business card on my pillow.”

Ashley roared. “Too funny! So he said he had a great time, right? Call him. He’s hot.”

Reese laughed. “I don’t think so. I slept with this guy and hardly remember him. I do recall he had a Porsche of some kind though.”

“See, there you go. He’s rich too! God, you have all the luck.”

“Nooooo. I’m not interested… maybe if I had been sober, and we hadn’t slept together already…”

“Oh, Reese, lighten up. Have some fun. What are you going to do with yourself?”

“I don’t know.” She sagged down in her bed.

“You are so beautiful and smart. Go back to work. Fuck Harrison. If he wants to stay with his old ball and chain that’s no reason for you to throw your life away. It’s his fucking loss.” Ashley’s voice was thick with frustration.

Reese nodded.

“I have to get back into that stupid meeting. I will call you later, girl. Go sleep it off. And then go out! Meet more guys!”

“Ok, okay…”

“Oh, and, Reese? One more thing…”


“Go over to that mantle right now and throw that picture away!”

Reese clicked the phone off. Crawling out of her bed, she walked over to the picture. She traced her long nails over it. They were so happy then. Damn him. Damn her. She threw the picture across the room with all her might where it crashed against the doorframe, shattering the glass.


A familiar buzzing sound alerted Harrison. Looking at his phone, he saw it was Reese texting again.
Can we just talk? Please?
Sitting at his desk, he looked at the phone for the longest time. He sighed. How he missed her. He didn’t just miss the sex – that
a huge part of it – but he missed laughing with her, being with her, just hearing her voice. Many times, he had driven by her building, seeing her car parked out front and wanting to go in and talk with her. Every time he drank his daily coffee, he thought of her drinking her lattes. He smiled to himself thinking of that.

Finally, he typed back
I’m sorry, Reese. Don’t think it’s a good idea. Please understand. Hope you are well.
Harrison bit his lip and leaned back in his chair.

Why are you so mean to me? You are such an asshole.

Reading her text, he tossed his phone on the floor. She just didn’t get it.

Chapter 12

Looking through Indeed for jobs, Reese applied for several positions. She was tired of living in this place if he wasn’t coming back. It had been almost four months since they had seen each other. Following Ashley and her mother’s advice, she was getting ready to move on, at least in her career. She had had several promising interviews. She had packed up all the pictures she’d had of him around her apartment and had put them in a box. Reese had also begun looking at other places to live as well, but before she could move on completely, there was one more thing she had to do.

Slipping on Harrison’s favorite red lacy bra and matching thong, she put on a pair of red five-inch Louboutin heels. Making sure her makeup was perfect, she brushed her long blonde hair into loose, soft curls. Reese then sprayed on his favorite perfume. Sliding on her gray fox coat, she walked out the door.

Walking down the corridor of the huge office building, Reese attracted many stares with her good looks and very high heels. She was so excited she could hardly breathe.

As the elevator stopped at the top floor, she opened a huge glass door that read
Grantham, Grantham, & Collier, PC

An attractive young brunette stopped her at the door. “May I help you?”

“Yes, I am here to see Harrison Grantham.”

“Who may I ask is here?”

She smiled. “Tell him an old friend.”

The receptionist went back into Harrison’s office. “He will see you now.”

Reese was almost giddy. Her high heels clicked as she walked back to see him. She marveled at the opulence of his office. She had never been here before.

She opened, stepped through and softly closed the door. Harrison didn’t even look up. He was reading something on his desk. “Yes, may I help you?”

She strode directly to his desk. Dropping her coat to the floor, she uttered “You could say that.”

Instantly, he looked up as he heard her voice. “Reese!”

Smiling, Reese stood before him wearing nothing but her red lacy, push-up bra, thong and high heels. Stunned, Harrison nearly fell out of his chair.

“Reese,” he said, standing up and going over to her.

Reese kept still, her breasts heaving with so much excitement they nearly popped out of her bra. “It’s really you…” Harrison’s hands felt like fire on her soft flesh. He stroked her shoulders and arms as shivers raced through her body. Her panties were instantly soaked at his touch.

“Harrison, I’ve missed you so much.” She reached up to stroke his cheek.

“You look perfect,” he whispered as he softly kissed her lips.

Harrison’s hands roamed to her breasts where he ran his fingers lightly over her cleavage. “I’ve missed you too,” he said.

He looked so handsome in his dark-blue suit with light pinstripes. His hair was neatly combed, and he was clean shaven. His eyes looked a bit tired, like he had been working too much, but other than that, he looked amazing to her.

Harrison held her in his arms, feeling her soft beautiful body next to him. He inhaled the scent of her perfume, her silky hair and sighed. She felt his immense hardness pressing against her.

“I want you, baby,” she said, reaching down to rub him.

“Reese… you look so beautiful,” he groaned as she continued to stroke him through his pants. He thought he would burst.

“Fuck me, Harrison. Right here.” She slipped off her panties and grabbed his hand. Feeling her saturated with desire, he groaned out loud.

Suddenly, he remembered where he was. His office door was unlocked. He pushed her back. “No, baby. Not here. I can’t. I’m so sorry. You look perfect, Reese. Really you do... I just can’t…” He picked up her panties and coat from the floor.

Stunned, Reese simply stood nailed to the floor. Her heart broke inside her chest. Physically, she could feel the agonizing pain as her heart shattered like glass.

“Why not? Why the fuck not, Harrison? Why am I not good enough for you?” she asked, choking out her words.

“Baby, it’s not that at all. You’re a trophy. You are perfect. But I told you why. I am unavailable, like it or not. And I don’t, but we have discussed this before. Please, Reese.” He felt a sharp pain in his heart too.

Reese began shaking as she pulled her panties on. She threw her coat over her body. “Fuck you, Harrison. You have broken my heart. This is your loss, not mine. You know what we had. She will NEVER give you what I can. NEVER. I am SICK of you. You think your money makes you so special, but it doesn’t. Your money can’t give you what I can. I loved you with all my heart, but you have shattered me. You think that bitch is so great, fucking HAVE her! Enjoy her flat chest pressed against yours; her frigid body lying next to you at night. Go live your emotionally-constipated suburban life! I have had enough. I can do SO much better than you, and I will too. NEVER speak to me again. I would have done ANYTHING to be with you, but you just threw me away. So put me in your spank-bank, asshole, because I am MOVING ON!” With that, Reese stormed out of his office, slamming the door.

Harrison stood there, lifeless. He had no words. Every word she had screamed was true. He was shattered. What heart he had, she had stolen.



A few months had passed and Harrison had driven by the apartment building where Reese used to live several times. She hadn’t texted him once since that day in his office. She’d left the car he had given her there in his office parking lot. He hadn’t heard anything from her at all since that day. It was as though she had simply vanished. After she had moved out of the penthouse, he had gone up there to find a few articles of clothing she had left behind. A box with a few pairs of panties, a bra and other personal items like old makeup, perfume bottles, etc. He had pressed them to his chest and taken them with him. He hadn’t been able to bear to see them swept away in the trash. A shattered picture frame had been on the floor with a torn picture of the two of them. His heart had sunk. What had he done?

Today, as he passed the building, he thought of how miserable his life had become. Everything that Reese had, Lisa didn’t. Her beauty only highlighted how unattractive Lisa was to him. Lisa was a good mother, but that was all he could say of her. Physically, she had terrible scars from a botched breast implant surgery. Her chest was completely flat like a boy’s. She had no curves, no ass. She was covered in terrible stretch marks as well. Her brown hair hung dull and lifeless. She was the least sexy woman he had ever known. Where Reese was hot, sensual, and full of passion, Lisa was unfeeling… frigid almost.

Lisa never made him laugh or feel alive. Reese had always been so lively, so fun to be with not just sexually, but just a genuinely interesting person. She was so intelligent as well. He had never been one to be interested in a woman’s intelligence, but he had truly admired her intellect and her quick wit. Immersed in his memories of Reese, he nearly ran off the road. Feeling defeated, he decided to head home.


As Harrison was longing for her, Reese was settling into her new apartment on the North Shore. It wasn’t nearly as lavish as the penthouse Harrison had provided for her, but it was hers. She had a great new job as an assistant marketing director at an up and coming multimedia company, but she still missed Harrison terribly. She thought of him often and still longed for him so much she ached, but she was trying to move on.

Tonight, she didn’t have time to think of Harrison. She had another date with an amazing new guy she had met through work. Coincidentally, he was an attorney as well, working for a prominent law firm downtown. Noah was the best guy she had met since Harrison. He was in his early thirties, an Ivy League graduate, with light-brown hair and brown eyes. Noah was debonair and suave like Harrison, although, not as arrogant, and most importantly, not married!

Slipping into a little black dress, she sprayed her long blonde hair with a touch of hair spray and waited for Noah to arrive. He was running a bit late, which was usual for him. Occasionally, Reese got rather irritated by his inability to notice what time it was. Harrison had always been prompt.

Just as she was about to text Noah, he arrived at her door. She opened the door, and he was holding an exquisite bouquet of red roses. “Hello, gorgeous,” he said, kissing her softly. As she melted into his kiss, she quickly forgot her irritation.

“Thank you. These are so beautiful.” She went to put the flowers in a vase.

Noah followed her into the kitchen. He slipped his hands around her waist and spun her around. “You look amazing, Reese.”

His lips met hers again as passion began to overtake them. Reese curled her long fingernails into his thick hair. He looked so handsome in his dark-blue shirt and dress pants. Noah softly kissed her parted lips again and again; his tongue briefly touching hers. He could kiss sweetly, but nothing like Harrison.

Noah scooped her up and sat her on the countertop. His lips traveled down her neck, kissing her collarbone lightly. He inhaled her sweet perfume and ran his hands over her silky hair. “Mmmm,” he moaned.

Reese felt herself becoming very aroused. She wrapped her long legs around his waist. She rubbed herself against his growing hardness. “I want you, Noah,” she moaned, pulling him to her.

Noah licked at her deep cleavage. Her breath was coming hard and fast. Her breasts were popping out of her bra. Reaching around her back, he undid the clasp. As her bra fell away from her breasts, his lips brushed her erect nipples.

Noah was good, but he wasn’t Harrison. He took his time and made each second deliciously long. He languished over her body, playing her softly. He was very gentle and never got rough and demanding with her like Harrison, but she craved Harrison’s strong hands guiding her, disciplining her and dominating her. Reese hadn’t known just how much she needed a strong, powerful male hand on her until Harrison.

Noah fell to his knees as he slowly pulled her soaking wet panties off. He lightly ran his tongue along the inside of her velvety thighs. She was already pulsating with light orgasms as he brought his tongue to her soft folds.

Noah stood back up and began kissing her hard. She could taste her arousal all over his lips. The air was thick with the musky scent of her sex. His hardness was about to erupt out of his pants.

“Reese,” he whispered, “I want to be inside you.” She caressed him through his pants, tugging the zipper down.

She felt him with her hands. He was adequate but nowhere near the impressive size Harrison was.

He eased himself deep inside her, churning her liquid insides until she melted. Noah was always astounded at how tight she felt inside. He thrust deeply in and out of her, jerking violently as he came. “Oh, God, Reese, you are so amazing… so perfect…”

As always, he left her wanting more, yearning for a strong hand to force her like Harrison’s. She slowly slid off the counter to retrieve her wet panties. She went to change them, but Noah grabbed her arm.

“No, Reese. Wear them like that tonight, please.” Noah smiled at her.

Reese smiled back and kissed him. “Anything you like, baby.” Pulling up her soaked panties, she pulled them tight between her legs.

“Wear them like that all night and give them to me when I drop you off later.” Noah flashed his eyes at her.

Reese giggled. “Sure.”

Noah slapped her lightly on her ass as they left.

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