Diamond Dust (12 page)

Read Diamond Dust Online

Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #Werecats, #Shifters, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Werewolves, #Adult, #Werebears

“I, and my wife, cast our votes this afternoon.” Ainsworth made a big deal out of motioning across the room to someone. Tyler refused to take his eyes off the shifter—he couldn’t trust him to not pull a knife or something equally stupid.

And yes, there he went with the wife thing again. Playing up every advantage possible. Tyler looked forward to rubbing Ainsworth’s nose in his change of situation. “The ladies do enjoy these little get-togethers, don’t they?”

Ainsworth snorted. “Bachelor bears—what would you know of the joys of caring for the tender sex?”

Someone stood behind Tyler, probably someone Ainsworth was attempting to impress with his syrupy gag-worthy bullshit. While the taunting was ignorable, the chance to make an impression wasn’t to be lost. Tyler couldn’t afford to let any opportunity pass him by. “My personal relationship isn’t something I flaunt in public. Unlike some.”

The person behind him cleared his throat, and Tyler twisted, feigning surprise at the appearance of the head of Clan Nakusp.

The elderly shifter nodded politely. “Sounds as if you’ve got a woman hidden somewhere, sir. Why did I not know this?”

Because you failed to listen to the gossip this morning?
Tyler kept his mouth shut and held out a hand. “Nakusp. Good to see you again. And yes, there are times I feel it’s prudent to keep my lady out of the spotlight, so to speak.”

Ainsworth narrowed his eyes. “You’ll be bringing a woman to the event tonight, then, will you?”

Both feet forward, all barrels loaded. “Of course.” He turned to Nakusp, ignoring Ainsworth as if he were nothing more than a cub squalling on the floor. “Caroline will be delighted to meet you. And your wife.”

From pounding knuckles into rowdy bears to polite diplomacy in under two minutes. Bear politics were weird to the extreme. Even Tyler thought so as Justin rejoined him, and the two of them made their way back over the bodies struggling to find their feet.

“No one called the RCMP on us?”

“Head of the local division is sitting over there.” Justin pointed at one of the men holding an icepack to his head, a couple of his clan pulling him back to vertical.

Ahh, politics. The sweet scent of chaos couldn’t be finer.

Tyler tucked the black book under Justin’s arm. His friend looked at him questioningly, and Tyler smiled. “I won’t need it any longer. I’m meeting Caroline at the shop in an hour.”

The real thing would be so much better than any slicked-up, shiny magazine images.

He could hardly wait.



Caroline stared at the closet in front of her. There was a suitcase on the floor she should be filling as she debated her options, but she couldn’t seem to make herself move.

“You waiting for something to jump out and attack you?” Evan strolled in and tossed himself on the bed, all long lean limbs and relaxed shifter as he folded his hands behind his head. “Whatever you wear will be fine.”

“I wish I had more of a clue what’s happening tonight.” She pulled out a business suit, pausing as a furrow appeared between Evan’s brows. “What?”

“Not that. That’s a nice outfit for bailing the boys out when they get arrested. It’s not a ‘take notice, I am a woman with balls’ outfit.”

Caroline tossed it on the bed. “And I’m a woman with balls, am I? You make me sound so appealing.”

Evan stared her down. “Don’t go fishing for compliments. You know damn well you’re an attractive woman physically. Your power in the shifter world, though, is your fuck-it-all attitude. Don’t downplay it, or I’ll tell your new beau you need a spanking.”

That suggestion shouldn’t have caused a shiver to race along her spine. “Nasty boy.”

Evan winked. “You have your phone with you, right?”

“Of course.”

He sat up, paying far more attention than his seemingly off-the-cuff self would suggest. “I’ve assigned a wolf to follow you. He’ll stay out of sight—”

“No way.” Caroline ignored the dress clutched in her hands as her fists ended on her hips. “You are not babysitting me.”

“This isn’t up for discussion, Caro. You’re still pack as far as I’m concerned, and someone will be on hand if you need help. Argue if you’d like, it’s your breath you’re wasting.”

She glared, but she understood too well what he was saying. A huge sigh escaped. “Okay, I won’t argue, but what are you going to tell my watcher about us? Because you know damn well if your spy spots another man acting…solicitous toward me, there will be hell to pay.”

Evan nodded slowly. “Tonight, it’s Shaun, so there’s no explanation needed.”

Lordy. “This is one for the diary. I’ve got the pack Beta acting as a mother hen.”

“Be nice, or I’ll make him stick to your side like a burr. Which could make Tyler acting…
toward you awkward.”

Asshole. Caroline stuck her tongue out at him. Then she ignored him and got dressed.

The limo was waiting as promised, and Evan handed her into the back with far more grace than she expected. “Hey—whatever is up tonight, remember what I said. Trust your gut. You’ve got a way with people. Don’t ignore your first reaction. And don’t hesitate to call if you feel uncomfortable.”

She settled into the plush leather and waved as Evan closed the door. It wasn’t her usual tumbled-down jeep, that’s for sure. She relaxed, enjoying the contrast.

She could get to like this kind of lifestyle far too easily.

“Where are we headed?”

The driver tilted his head a touch. “To the central mall. Mr. Harrison will meet you there.”


Distances being as small as they were in Whitehorse, it was only moments later they pulled to a stop in front of the building. The area wasn’t one Caroline usually frequented, and she glanced around with curiosity. The door opened, and an immaculately dressed female attendant waited for her to crawl out. “Ms. Bradley?”


“Mr. Harrison has been delayed. If you’ll come with me, we’ll get started.”

Caroline followed the girl, wondering exactly what she’d gotten herself into. And when they slipped into an elevator, she waited on pins and needles. Having the doors slide open on a room full of mirrors didn’t answer many questions, either.

A lean gentleman with a trimmed goatee stepped forward, hands open in greeting. “
, Ms. Bradley. So good to meet you. I have heard much about you.”

She was captured before she could respond, his elegant whiskers teasing her as he kissed both cheeks. “Umm, hello.”

He straightened, every inch of him screaming high fashion. “I am, of course, Monsieur Stephan. I will be assisting you this evening, and any time you return to us in the future.”

Had she stepped into some kind of transportation device and landed in Paris? “Well, that’s lovely. But, what are we doing, again?”

He held out a soft terry robe. “Strip, please.”

Her forehead cramped, her brows shot upward so fast. “Excuse me?”

Monsieur Stephan wiggled his hand at her. “To your underthings, so I can measure you properly. Come…” he clapped his hands together sharply, “…we have a deadline to meet.”

Caroline held up a finger to motion him to wait as she dug in her pocket and pulled out her phone.

Tyler’s number went to his voice mail, which might not have been a bad thing because who knows what she would have shouted at him at that moment. She switched instead to more feminine help.


“Yes, darling. Have you gotten in trouble already? Shall I alert Shaun?”

“Oh, ye of little faith. No, I don’t need Shaun. I need your diplomacy.” Caroline turned her back on the stripper man and lowered her voice. “I was supposed to meet Tyler, yada, yada…you know this. But instead of the furry brute, I’ve got some guy with a French accent telling me to strip to my skivvies so he can measure me. Is there any part of this that makes sense to you?”

Gem laughed. “How you get involved in these situations, I’ll never understand. You are seriously talented. But yes, I can reassure you on at least one point. You must be in Boutique Boulanger. That was Monsieur Stephan who freaked you out, right?”

Caroline eyed the man who had his arms folded, his foot tapping. “You know him.”

“He’s safe. One of the finest distributors of lingerie and evening gowns in the world, but he’s a mink, and fond of the Yukon, so we managed to score him.”

The temptation to make some comment about Gem being a pampered princess was tempting, but Caroline made a point of not pissing off the people who were helping her. At least not while they were in the process.

Still she wondered. “How is it that you know this, and I don’t? You’ve only lived in town for two months.”

“Caroline, you tend toward the boy’s department of MEC and the thrift shop for your clothes. Do I really need to explain why we don’t go shopping together?”

Not really. The one time they had tried, Caroline had wanted to stab her eyes out with forks before they were done. Gem took on shopping like a professional sport.

“So…I strip?”

“Why not?”

Caroline caught herself growling and made a mental note to stop hanging out with so many shifters. Their bad habits were growing on her. “Because Tyler asked me to join him for some conclave events, right? If he thinks getting the human to wander around in her underwear will be part of the program, I don’t care what Evan said about bears being aggressive. They ain’t never seen me livid.”

Gem made soothing sounds over the phone. “I wouldn’t rip his arms off just yet. I assume there’s a formal event happening, and if he’s any kind of a host, Tyler wouldn’t expect you to splurge for the correct attire. Does that make sense?”

“I suppose.”

“And if he’s buying you a dress at Boutique Boulanger, you are not wearing your Walmart sports bra under it. Trust me on this.”

Blah. Logic. It did make sense. “Okay, he can keep his arms. Thanks, girl.”

“No problem. And now that I know you’ve met Monsieur Stephan, I’ll invite you along the next time I go. We’ll have a blast.”

“Oh, wow. That would be peachy.” Caroline bit back the final words, but it was too late. Gem laughed, then hung up.

Caroline turned to face her soon-to-be-far-too-intimately-acquainted-with-her-anatomy tape-measure-wielding foe. “Hi.”

His long-suffering expression turned more hopeful. “And now, you strip?”

Caroline shuffled forward. “Yes, I suppose. Where should I put my clothes and purse?”

Monsieur Stephan sniffed. Caroline wasn’t entirely sure, but he seemed to have muttered
in the trash
before pointing to a basket.

There were a hell of a lot of mirrors in the room. Caroline didn’t have much time to feel self-conscious, though. She was tugged here and there, twisted in circles on her raised platform as not only Stephan but his assistant measured and pinched, announcing numbers that were noted down by the woman who’d first greeted her.

A few moments later she was wrapped in the extraordinary soft robe, a warm cup of tea in her hands. “Well, that wasn’t so bad.”

Stephan smiled at her, indulgent now that he’d gotten his way. “I’m so glad to hear it. Please remove the rest of your garments. I’ll have what you need to try on brought—”

“Is there a change room?” Caroline broke in. “Because, I’m kind of used to dressing myself.”

The mink’s lip quivered.

“It’s not that you’re doing anything wrong, it’s all me. You know us humans. Strange habits, things like that.”

“But how can I be sure the items fit?”

Caroline had a brilliant solution to that issue as well, she was sure she did, only the door opened behind them, and Tyler burst in. Any thought of talking sense into Stephan vanished as she took in Tyler’s appearance. “Holy cow, what happened to you?”

She hurried across the room, brushing his hair off his forehead and away from a bleeding gash.

He caught her wrist. “I’ll be fine. Some of the less considerate bears voted after the polls closed, only they used baseballs bats and hockey sticks.”

Caroline snapped out orders. “Stephan, get someone to fetch a wet cloth. And another cup of tea, with extra sugar.”

“Caroline, don’t fuss. I’m fine.” Tyler’s gaze trickled over her, appreciation in his eyes, and her current wardrobe choice snapped back to mind.

She tightened her belt. “You can’t bleed all over the boutique. It’s inconsiderate.”

Tyler smiled, the right side of his mouth hitching upward faster than the left. “Are you having fun?”

Snapping her fist into his gut would be inconsiderate as well, so she kept her hands to herself. “I would have appreciated a heads-up what you were doing. I had no idea why I was here.”

His nose wrinkled in this totally adorable manner, and Caroline glanced away in self-preservation. He was sexy enough without adding adorable to the list of his charms.

She changed the topic. “Is Justin okay?”

Tyler nodded. “He’s headed to the Takhini pack house to get patched up. Your guard is taking a momentary leave of absence to escort him.”

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