Dice (A Righteous Outlaws Novel #3) (6 page)


had lost my mind
. But, that happened every time Dice walked into a room. There was just something about him that made my thighs tingle and my mind turn to mush. Sleeping with him would complicate an already complicated situation, but I couldn’t resist him any longer. I wanted him from the moment I met him and, two weeks later, the desire had only grown. It was unbearable.

Maybe I just needed to get him out of my system. He didn’t seem like the type of guy that did relationships. It was just sex. If we kept it at that, then we could keep the complications out of it. He had danger written all over him, from the leather vest to the tattoos I could see poking out of his shirt. I didn’t do danger. I lived a carefree life filled with ease and happiness. I didn’t know how to do anything else. But, I didn’t know how to stop this either. I wanted it too much.

It had been years since I had sex.
. The desire outweighed all the reasons why I should stop this. So, I shut my brain off and let my head fall back as he kissed a fiery path back up my neck.

His hand went under my shirt, and splayed across my stomach. My body arched into him, wanting more. Needing to feel more of him on me.

I pushed his vest off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor, and then quickly added his shirt to the pile. I bit my lip as I took in the ink, the scars and the perfectly sculpted chest. He wasn’t big, like some meathead. Dice wasn’t that guy. He was slim and beautifully defined. He didn’t have muscles the size of melons, but I’m sure he could take on a guy who did and win.

A round scar, no larger than the top of a pen, sat just above a tattooed skull and I leaned forward, pressing a kiss to it. There were more, scattered around his chest and abs. I ran my fingers along the long jagged scar on his stomach.

“What happened here?”

“You don’t want to know.”

I pushed away from him, and glanced up into his melted chocolate gaze. “Don’t treat me like something that’s about to break. I can handle it.”

He moved his hand with mine across the ugly scar. “I was slashed during a brawl.”

“And, what about these?” I kissed a row of small circular scars across his chest.

“Those would be from one of my mom’s boyfriends. Cigarette burns.” I gasped. “He didn’t like me very much. The feeling was mutual.”

“How old were you?”

“Eight, maybe nine.”

My eyes widened, and my heart broke for the little boy who had to endure such pain. Such torture. “Why?”

“Why is the sky blue? Sometimes people don’t need an excuse to do asshole things.” He rested his fingers against my chin, and urged me to look at him. “But, let’s not talk about that right now. I can think of a million other things I’d rather be doing.”

I scooted forward ready to jump down. “What did you want to do? Fix the sink? Go for a walk? Eat some ice cream?”

“Not unless it involves you and me naked. Now, move your ass back on that counter.”

I smiled, wrapping my legs around him, and using my foot to push him closer. It brought his hardness directly in contact with my center, and I sucked in a breath at how big the bulge was.

“Feel something you like?”

I ran my hands up his chest and over his shoulders. “I feel a lot of things I like.”

He hooked his fingers into the hem of my shirt and tossed it with his clothes on the floor. “God, you’re fucking beautiful.” He dragged his tongue along the edge of my green satin bra, sending chills down my spine. “Take this off,” he mumbled against my skin as he pushed the strap off my shoulder.

My breast broke free from the material, and he dipped his head, taking my nipple between his teeth. The mix of pain and pleasure shot red hot heat to my core. I plunged my fingers into his hair, trying to hold onto the little bit of control I had left.

He moved to the other nipple: sucking, biting and stroking. Moans rumbled up my throat as my head fell back against the cabinet.

His hands spread across my stomach, inching down to the waistband of my shorts. In one motion, he ripped them off and threw them on the floor, leaving me only in my green satin thong.

He tugged the material aside and dropped to his knees, swiping his tongue against my folds. “Mmm, you taste so fucking good,” he said, before sucking my clit and sending waves of pleasure coursing through my body.

I slapped the edge of the counter and tightened my fingers on the granite, holding on for this delicious ride. His tongue swirled around my sensitive nub, and he slipped a finger into my wetness.

Every nerve ending in my body exploded. I arched into him, and he grabbed my ass, hauling me closer and devouring me completely. My legs struggled against him, the pleasure too much to handle. But his grip tightened, and he drove me even farther over the edge until there was no fight left in me and I went limp against him.

He kissed his way up my stomach and smiled. His lips glistened with my juices, and I bent down, pressing my mouth to his.

“That was almost too easy,” he said, pulling away and running a finger across my folds.

“It’s been awhile.”

“Well, then, I’d say you have a lot of lost time to make up for.” He smiled then scooped me off the counter. A scream escaped my lips, and I wrapped my hands around his neck. Heat rolled off of him, and I rested my head against the hardness of his chest. “Let’s do this the right way.”

He carried me down the hallway to the bedroom and eased the door open. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “You like color,” he said, as his eyes scanned across the patchwork throw pillows and bedspread.

“There’s enough darkness in the world. I don’t want to add to it.”

He placed me on the mattress and climbed on top of me. “Then, what the hell are you doing with me?”

I reached up, running my fingers through his hair, and he closed his eyes against my touch. “There might be parts of you that are dark, but I can see the light in you. It’s bright and beautiful. Full of color and life.”

“You’re giving me far too much credit. Any light that was there disappeared a long time ago.”

I shook my head. “No. It’s there. You just have to stop hiding from it.” He brushed my hair off my face, and I pulled him to me, kissing him with all that I had. He sucked my tongue and I moaned into his mouth.

He pulled my panties off, and leaned back, looking down on me with so much want in his eyes that it nearly knocked the breath right out of me. He reached into his pocket, pulled out his wallet, retrieving a condom, and threw it on the bed before sliding his pants off.

I had never seen so many abs in my life, each one chiseled beautifully into his small build. His knee went between my legs, parting me open for him. He came down, holding his weight off of me on his braced arms, and crashed his lips to mine.

Our tongues met in an erotic dance, sliding and twirling against each other. Scorching hot desire shot to my core. Desperation took over, and I reached down, pushing the waistband of Dice’s boxer briefs off.

He smiled against my lips, and picked up the condom. “Let me,” I said, taking it out of his hands and ripping open the foil.

His body shuddered as I rolled the condom down his rock hard length. He kissed me, biting the bottom of my lip and eliciting another moan from deep inside me. Heat pooled between my legs, electric current coursed through my body, and, just when I didn’t think I could wait another minute, he thrust into me.

I cried out, digging my nails into the bare skin of his shoulders.

“Fuck, you’re so tight.”

He moved in slow luscious strokes, letting me adjust to his size.

My eyes slipped shut as I absorbed every caress, every kiss and every sensation consuming my body.

He dipped his head, taking my nipple in his mouth, sucking and licking and nipping at the sensitive peak. “Come on, baby, let me all the way in.” His tongue dragged across my chest, and swirled around my other nipple.

“Mmm,” I moaned as he filled me completely.

“There you go. Take all of me,” he groaned against my ear, sending a trail of goosebumps down my spine.

Pleasure moved through me, pushing me toward the edge. My fingers dug into the blanket as my body arched off the mattress. Dice grabbed my hips and leaned back, thrusting into me with hard, mind-numbing blows. His finger circled my swollen clit, working every nerve ending in my body, forcing me to plunge into the abyss.

My breaths came in short jagged gasps, and lights burst behind my eyes. Before I could even catch my breath, Dice lifted me up and sat down on the bed with me in his lap. He rocked into me, running his hands through my hair and holding my head against his.

“I want to see you. Open your eyes.”

Satiated and drained, I managed to find enough energy to force my lids up. My body was heavy and limp.

“That’s better.”

His eyes locked on mine, his hands tightening on my neck as he pumped into me. I didn’t think I could feel any more, but this position created new sensations. Chills ran up my arms as he dragged his hands down my sides.

“Fuck me, baby,” he said against my ear. “Ride my cock.”

“I can’t.” I didn’t have the energy; he sucked it right out of me.

He gripped my hips and plunged in and out of me, and like a shot of adrenaline my body came back to life. I wrapped my hands around his neck and grinded my hips against him. Rocking and swaying, we slid our slick bodies together.

“Just like that,” he said, leaning back and watching me.

His eyes on me made me feel beautiful and alive. Made me want to give him as much pleasure as he gave me. I reached beneath us, and cupped his balls, as I continued to rock and slide.

“Oh, fuck, baby. I’m going to come.”

I rubbed my thumb against the sensitive skin of his sack, and his body tensed as he erupted. I moved back and forth, up and down, milking him dry of every last drip and sending myself spiraling over the edge again.

I went limp against him, panting and gasping for air.

His fingers trailed up and down against my back before he collapsed backward on the bed, taking me with him.

“That was fun,” he said, brushing my hair off my face.

“Fun and unexpected.”

“Did you not expect this when I showed up tonight?”

I bit my lip, and thought about my answer. I might have daydreamed about what would happen. It was like my own personal porno where hot, scary motorcycle boy showed up to fix my sink and wound up snaking me instead.

I pushed up on my elbow, and rested my hand on his chest. “I might have thought about it.”

“Did I live up to your expectations?”

“No,” I said with a smile.


“You surpassed them.”

A smile touched his lips and then slipped away. “You know we shouldn’t do this. Sienna told me to stay away from you. She’s going to be pissed.”

“You two are close.”

“She’s my sister, just not blood related.”

It was a bond I envied. Mom was all I had and with her gone…well it had been lonely until tonight. “So, why didn’t you listen to her? If you knew it would piss her off, why are we here?”

He reached up, tucking my hair behind my ear, and looking deep into my eyes, so deep I swore he penetrated my soul. “For whatever reason, I can’t seem to stay away from you. I don’t want to.”

“Then, don’t.”

“I wish it were that easy. The world that I live in… It’s not safe for you, and I wouldn’t want to drag you into that.”

If he only knew the truth… that I was Kade’s sister and, as soon as I found the courage to tell him, I would be linked to his world whether I wanted to be or not.

“I work for Sienna and Kade. I might not be a part of whatever world you are, but I’m just on the outside.”

“And you should stay there. There are things you don’t, and can never, know.”

I knew that was true. I had done my research. Motorcycle clubs were private in all their affairs. People on the outside were kept in the dark, even the old ladies. They were only told on a need to know basis. However, there was one thing I didn’t know, but needed to.

“What’s your real name?”

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips, and he brought his hand under his head. I rested my chin on his chest and looked up at him, waiting.

“Dice can’t be your real name.”

He was quiet for a moment and I didn’t think he’d ever tell me. Not that I would blame him. He barely knew me. Though, now we knew each other much more intimately.



“And now you know why I don’t go by that. Nobody calls me that except for my mother.”

“Why? There’s nothing wrong with that name. It’s kind of sexy actually.”

He laughed. “Please, you don’t have to try and make me feel better about it.”

“I’m not.” I bit my lip, trying to conceal my smile. “It’s distinguished, and you shouldn’t be ashamed of it. So, why Dice?”

“Has anyone ever told you, you ask a lot of questions?”

“I’m just trying to get to know you. Understand you.”

He ran a hand over his face and then scooched up on the headboard. “In high school, I didn’t have a car, so I got stuck driving around my mom’s Trans Am.”

“That’s a pretty cool car for a high school guy.”

“Oh, it was. It was a
fucking car, except for the pink fuzzy dice hanging from the rearview mirror.”

My attempt at stifling my laugh failed miserably, and it burst out even louder than I expected.

“Go ahead. Laugh it up.”

“I’m sorry.” I smacked my hand against my mouth, but it was no use.

“The car eventually got totaled, and it was gone along with the dice, but the damage was already done.”

“So here I thought you were some bad boy with a name like Dice and, really, you’re just a fuzzy pink loving man.”

He grabbed my sides and flipped me under him, tickling me with vengeance. His fingers slowed, turning into a sweet caress. “Don’t let that fool you. I’m still very bad. And all wrong for you.”

“Then, why does it feel so right?”

He didn’t answer. Instead, he kissed me deep and slow, showing me how right it really was.

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