Dirty Deeds (Paranormal Erotic Romance) (4 page)

“Unless you want me to blindfold and strap you down, you will stay face down unless I tell you otherwise. Do you understand?”

She understood all right. Understood that the leather stroking her bottom was driving her mad, and the command in his voice turned the ache between her legs into a throb. More. She wanted more.

Drake's hands gripped the silky strip of her thong and peeled it slowly down below her buttocks. The touch of his hands disappeared and was quickly replaced by the leather tip of the crop sliding through the crease of her ass and skimming the outside of her sex.

“Oh yesss.” Her moans filled the space around them as her desire grew. Her clit pulsed as blood coursed through her veins and a rush of hot liquid flooded her pussy, creating a near violent ache for Drake to get on with it.

He taunted and teased her to the point of mindless need. “Please, Drake. More. Please.”

“I am Sir,” he reminded her.

“Please, Sir. I need more.” She would call him anything if he would just do more. The pulsing ache climbed high, making it difficult to breathe. When the touch of leather left her backside, she whimpered in protest. He somehow knew just how to touch her to bring her to the edge and when to stop, drawing out the buildup. Her muscles clenched as she waited for his next move. She expected the sharp slap of leather to land; instead the heated touch of Drake's hand rubbed her cheeks. She groaned. He was planning to drive her mad. She wiggled her bottom against his hand and he removed it.

“Please, Sir.” She begged, too far gone to think about pride or control. All she could focus on was the delicious desire coursing through her, the dying need for him to push her, test her limits. Master her.


The sensation of Drake's hand slapping her right butt cheek burned into her body. Her pussy tingled.

Whaap. Whaap.

Two successive blows to the same spot and she cried out. Each time he spanked her, he increased the force. He continued on and on, one smack right after the other. The increasing pain mingled with the pleasure building in her clit. Every so often, he stopped and rubbed her flaming cheeks. Soothing, comforting her. As the blows continued, she humped the horse, trying to rub herself to relief. Her pussy dripped at the prospect. He drove her to the edge but never enough to let her go over. Her body tensed with pleasure and pain.
Please God. Please let me come
. Oh what the hell was she thinking?
I'm a demon. God doesn't answer to demons.

On the verge of jumping the cliff to bliss, Drake stopped. Her ass still burned, but he'd withdrawn the force needed to push her to climax. Little pleas and whimpers escaped her lips as she begged Drake to finish her.

“You want to come for me, sweetheart?” His hoarse words rumbled from him, giving her the only indication how much the scene affected him too.

“Yes, Sir. Please, Sir,” she gasped.

“Please what? You have to say it, Melody.”

“Please, Sir. Please make me come, fuck me, anything…”

An ice-cold wand slid into her pussy. Shocked, she nearly shot off the bench as a scream tore from her throat. The sharp contrast of freezing cold to her heat hurt like hell. Well, maybe not hell; nothing hurts like hell.

“That's a good girl. Show me how much you need it.” Drake pumped the cold rod in and out of her sex, one hand rubbing her sore butt as she rode it and the pain. Ice gave way to heat, but it charged up her tissues to a new level of sensitivity like never before.

On the next stroke, her muscles clenched around the toy, setting off the explosion she could no longer hold back as her climax engulfed her, a sensation far beyond her previous expectations. Her scream ripped through the club, letting everyone there know that she had given in and none other than Drake had mastered her this night.


Drake watched in awe as her muscles contracted under his hand and around the no longer cold glass dildo he'd used on her. She was more a sub than he’d thought. Her responses and resulting climax proved that. When she'd started screaming, the blood had rushed through his dick, and he'd expected to come in his pants. Even the wave of dizziness he'd experienced hadn't completely subsided. Now with his muscles flexed tight and everything aching, he wanted nothing more than to fuck her right here and right now. It wouldn't be the first time he'd publicly taken a sub. But no, he was more skilled as a master than that, and besides, he sensed this one was more important than a one-time fuck in a public club. He might want to keep her a while. Everything about her reached out and grabbed him by the throat. Her skin, her smell and that sassy attitude. She had real potential.

When she recovered, he would have to make sure she was okay. She might be a little sore, but that's not what worried him. He wondered if her head was in the right place. Anyone new to the scene could crash pretty hard after their first BDSM experience.

He removed the dildo from her still quaking pussy and leaned over to smooth her gorgeous hair and plant soft kisses on her neck. He wanted to comfort her in the aftermath, make sure she understood what happened. 'Cause he needed more of her. This was just a sample of what they could do together, and he couldn't wait to show her the rest.

“Melody, baby, are you all right?” He kept his voice low while he lifted her from her position across the sawhorse. When she tried to stand, her legs gave out, and Drake grabbed around her waist and hauled her up against him to steady her.

“Yes…yes, I'm fine.” She smoothed her skirt back down over her hips and wriggled out of his arms. Her breasts bounced and their hard tips poked at her shirt. He longed to strip her bare, in more ways than one, and explore every inch of her. Her gaze darted around the alcove and surrounding areas. No doubt looking to see if anyone had witnessed her delicious experience. He smiled when her cheeks turned red.

“You're a natural, babe.” She swung her head around to look up at him.

“It was fun. No big deal.”

His mouth twitched with amusement as she tried to play off what just happened between them.

“You know what they say, Melody, don't you?” He leaned in to her placing his lips next to her ear. “Once you've had a taste of the lifestyle, you can never go back,” he whispered, watching a shiver travel down her body.

“That's just silly.”

He ignored her glib response. “You'll crave it, sweetheart. You can fight it for a while, but not forever.” To his chagrin, the huskiness in his voice lingered.

“Drake, honey, I came to play and that's what we did. We had a great time. Plain and simple.”

He pulled back, giving her some space. Her tone worried him.

“I'm so thirsty now. How about you? I think I'm going to wander back over to the bar and get myself a fruity little cocktail.” She checked her clothing one more time, making sure everything was in its proper place.

Drake held himself back. He wanted to grab her and demand she obey him.
. He needed to pull himself together. He could spare her a few minutes to pull her thoughts together, it would do them both some good.

“Sure thing, sweetheart.” As she retreated from their encounter, he noticed the way every man in the place turned to watch her. White-hot anger built inside him as he thought about staking his claim again right at the bar in front of all the assholes watching her.

Whoa. Get yourself under control, buddy. Give her time. She’ll be back.

“You can come out now, Randy.” From the corner of his eye, he saw the horned demon step from the camouflage of the lone potted plant in the alcove.

“Did you know I was here the whole time, boss?”

He sent the demon a hard glance.

“Of course you did. What was I thinking?”

As Randy moved into the light, his green skin faded, the horns receded, and his hair turned red. Red leather pants and a red tank top materialized around him. Here on earth, it took a lot of strength to hold their demon form, and most couldn't do it for long. But Randy, well, he was always trying. Fighting the laws of nature as long as he could. He held a weird fascination with dominating a human woman in his true form. But here in the Dungeon, he didn't push it. It wouldn't serve Drake's purpose to expose demons and their true selves to every Tom, Dick and Harry. And every demon who entered the Dungeon knew better than to cross Drake.

“Was that her, boss?”

“Yeah, that was her.” A weight settled on his shoulders as he was forced to think about something other than fucking her.

“Gonna be a shame to see her gone. She seems like the perfect sub for you. Took to her first spanking like a demon on fire.”

Drake reached out and grabbed the demon by the throat. “You'd better remember your place here, sludge. Next time I catch you watching me or mine without my permission is the day your black soul disintegrates.”

“Sorry, boss,” Randy managed to croak around the chokehold. “I was just saying.”

Drake released the little bastard and laughed. “Maybe you should learn to keep your thoughts to yourself.”

“You know boss, if I didn't know better, I might think you have it bad for her.”

Drake ignored the crazy demon with an obvious death wish. He couldn't afford to think like that. The last time he let his emotions rule his head he'd broken the heart of a beautiful soul. A woman who'd deserved a human mate.

Stop. No going back down that road.

He shook his head and cleared his thoughts. As for Melody, gorgeous sub or not, he had a job to do here and do it he would.

“There's still another way, boss. A way to keep her.”

He gritted his teeth, attempting to bank down the violence storming under the surface. “You know damn well I want nothing to do with that job. You think I want to become like that bastard? Use my demons that way?”

“It doesn't—”

“Enough. I don't want it mentioned again. You hear me?”

Melody's voice carried from across the room, reminding him of her unsupervised status. He turned to see her surrounded by a group of Doms and Dom wannabes. The mask of aggression he'd spanked out of her had slipped back into place as she taunted and teased the men and women around her. Some of the men she spoke to were pretty twisted. She had no idea that she was poking caged tigers who were likely to break free at any moment if she wasn’t careful.

A couple of the wannabes reached out, caressed her arms and legs, and she easily pushed them away. But one, Master Dan, was touching her, attempting to draw her in. Dan's hand slid up her leg from her slim ankle toward her shapely thigh. Her focus was split with so many trying to get her attention, and if Dan's fingers went one inch higher he was going to die tonight. Because Drake would kill him.

His heart pounded as the blood drained from his head to pool in his already straining cock. His need was on him, and with that single-minded focus he needed her under him right now. Where he'd bury himself in her slick heat, listening to her whimpers and moans as she pleaded for more.

Melody took a tiny step of retreat backing into the bar. The other Dom's hand dropped, and Drake decided to put a stop to this scenario now. He strode toward her as the crowds between them parted for him to get through, either out of respect or fear, he didn't care.

* * *


Normally this much attention from the male of the species would make Melody's night. But her encounter with Drake had shaken her more than she wanted to admit. Her plan to use him for pleasure and then quickly grab his soul had turned out to be a joke. Ten minutes into her new D/s adventure, she'd given up control and lost all conscious thought of her mission.

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