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Authors: Liliana Hart

Dirty Deeds (9 page)

Her lips pursed together and tears filled her eyes. She nodded her head and didn’t waver. “He delighted in telling me. And when my girls came of age I sent them to boarding school until they were too old for him to have any interest in. He deserved to die.” She said the last words on a whisper.

Jack nodded and I could see the compassion and respect in his gaze for this woman. A woman who’d shown years of patience and had sacrificed her own life and happiness for something better for her children and the place she loved. All because she’d had the misfortune of being married to a monster.

There were sniffles in the audience and I saw more than one person dab their eyes at her words. These were the people who loved her. Loved her enough to sin against the church that was their foundation and ask forgiveness later.

“How did you find out about the reward money?”

“He never told me his real name,” she said. “I knew what he did and where he was and the acts he committed. But never his name. And when I walked inside that locked storage room it was like a shrine to the man he was. He had newspaper clippings and flyers and letters written by government officials trying to find him. His reward was higher than all the others because he killed the most.” She shook her head and looked away. “Do you know how it sickens me that I shared a home and a bed with that monster for more than seventy years?”

“You did what you had to do to survive,” Jack said. “No one blames you for that. It was a clever plan. And I would’ve never figured it out if anything else had made sense. But everything was too perfect. Everyone’s alibi’s and stories were the same. And I kept thinking that one of your priests might be dirty. It was the only thing that made sense. That he might forsake everything and lie, or commit the crime himself. But not all three would condemn their souls to hell.

“So there was only one other alternative. You all devised a plan to get rid of Leon. You did it for Maria, so she would be vindicated after all these years and know peace in her last years. And you did it for your entire community. Because the reward money from killing and turning in Friedrich Durst would keep your island yours and the way it’s always been. You protected your priests from compromising their vows.

“I couldn’t believe how many people came to Mass on a Saturday afternoon. And then I started checking the attendance of prior Saturdays. Service was well attended, but never that well attended. And then I remembered pieces of conversation about confession. Everyone was irritated in their statements that Leon took so long in his confession, because the lines were long that day. Because you all knew Leon was going to die and needed to confess the knowledge.”

Jack looked at Father Fernando, and the old man had taken a seat by Maria. He took her hand and patted it gently.

“And your priests were bound by the rules of confession. Your secret was safe with them. And when they found Leon’s body they could say truthfully that they didn’t see anyone in the courtyard or know who killed him. Because the killer didn’t go to confession that day. Isn’t that right, Doctor Hizumi?”

I’d only seen a picture of Lee Hizumi, but he looked very much like his son, Will. He sat a couple rows back from Maria next to a pretty woman I assumed was Joe’s sister.

“Who would know better how to kill?” Jack asked. “Than the man’s own doctor. You knew he’d had open-heart surgery. And you knew the best way to deliver the blow. Maria had taken the officer’s dagger from the storage unit, so it was symbolic to use it.

“And Leon never left the church on his bicycle, despite the statements some of you gave to the contrary. The timeline was just too tight for what had to be accomplished. He was ushered right out the back doors and directly into the courtyard where he was told to meet someone. You killed him and left.

“He never even rode his bike to services that day. He played dominoes every day at the café. He’d leave his bike there and walk to Mass. And then he’d walk back to the café for more dominoes until it was time to leave for dinner. The only thing you didn’t anticipate was that Father DeCosta would be so quick to call Joe before you could tell him. And you sure didn’t plan on Joe bringing us in on the matter.”

“So what?” Will asked, sitting next to his father. “What can you do?”

“Not a thing,” Jack asked. “You’ll probably be overrun with several government officials from several countries wanting to verify Leon’s identity. And if all goes according to plan, you’ll get the reward money and be able to pay off Sunshine, Inc. This isn’t my battle to fight. It’s not me Leon or any of you have to answer to.

“A life was taken. And I don’t care whose life it was, how horrible he was, or if he deserved it. Taking a life is something that weighs on the soul forever. And no amount of prayers or confessions will make you forget it. Now if you’ll excuse me, my wife and I are going to salvage what’s left of our trip.”


t was a
bittersweet exit from the island. Sometimes the bad guys did get away with it. And sometimes the really bad guys got what they deserved. Jack and I agreed on both accounts.

We watched the island get smaller as the boat took us toward the mainland so we could catch an early flight. It was still dark and the water was choppy. Jack sat still and silent next to me. He hadn’t said much of anything since the gathering at the church the day before, but he took my hand and squeezed it.

“Some honeymoon, huh?” I said over the engine.

“Very memorable. What do you say we extend it for another couple of weeks?”

“You can do that?”

“Honey, I have so much vacation time saved up we could honeymoon until you walked like John Wayne.”

“Very romantic, Lawson.”

“Thank you. The department is in good hands, and I’m not quite ready to share you with everyone once we get back home. We didn’t get the relaxing vacation we’d hoped for.”

“Parts of it were very relaxing,” I said, winking. “You don’t owe me anything, Jack. I didn’t miss out on anything. And with the exception of the dead man and the dozens of people that conspired to kill him, it was the most perfect trip I’ve ever had.”

Jack laughed softly and squeezed my hand again. “It is what it is. And it was never ours to begin with. I’ve accepted that. It’s always the ethical cases that are the toughest. And I get questions from cops all the time. Why isn’t it okay to kill the child molester ourselves instead of making a clean arrest? And I know the cops that ask those questions will never last. They don’t have the spine for the job or the strength of character it takes to do what we’re sworn to do. I don’t have to agree with the law or my own wishes to uphold it.”

Jack might have accepted the outcome of Doctor Hizumi getting away with murder, but I knew it would be one of those things that weighed heavy on his heart for the rest of his life.

I squeezed his hand and held on tight. “Where do you want to go?” I asked on impulse.

I wasn’t ready for our time together to be over either—to go back to the funeral home and serving the dead. To the erratic and sometimes long hours.

“How about a cabin in the mountains?” he said. “And this time I say we lock ourselves in until it’s time to fly back home. The only adventures I want are the ones happening in our bedroom.”

“You make a convincing argument, Sheriff Lawson. You can count me in.”

“I always do, Doc. I always do.”

He twined his fingers with mine and I leaned against him for the rest of the ride. Our adventures were just beginning.

About the Author

Liliana Hart is the
New York Times
USA Today
bestselling author of more than a thirty books. She lives in Texas in a big rambling house with her laptop and cats, and she spends way too much time on Twitter. She loves hearing from her readers.

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Links to My Other Books
The MacKenzie Series


A Christmas Wish: Dane


To Catch A Cupid: Thomas


Fireworks: Riley


A MacKenzie Christmas

MacKenzie Box Set
(includes the 5 books listed above)


Shadows and Silk

Secrets and Satin

Sins and Scarlet Lace

The MacKenzie Security Series (includes the 3 books listed above)



The Collective Series

Kill Shot

The Rena Drake Series

Breath of Fire

Addison Holmes Mysteries

Whiskey Rebellion

Whiskey Sour

Whiskey For Breakfast

Whiskey, You’re The Devil

JJ Graves Mysteries

Dirty Little Secrets

A Dirty Shame

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel

Down and Dirty

Standalone Novels / Novellas

All About Eve

Paradise Disguised

Catch Me If You Can

Who’s Riding Red?

Goldilocks and the Three Behrs

Strangers in the Night

Naughty or Nice

Table of Contents


Title Page

Copyright Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten


About the Author

Links to My Other Books

Other books

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