Dirty Trick (19 page)

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Authors: Christine Bell

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Holidays, #Series

Subject of the interview?

Chuck Stanhope.

Finding love as a single successful guy might seem easy, but Chuck Stanhope says he’s living proof that it’s not. Enter Serena Finch with her effervescent personality and fresh, savvy sales techniques, and Grace Love—yes, that’s her real name—with her eerie ability to pinpoint the issue and get to the heart of the matter. Chuck claims that after just one meeting, he already feels like there’s been a change in him, one he hopes will help him find the woman of his dreams.

The interview went on to talk about Chuck’s business and other aspects of his personal life, but he closed with another plug for Love Will Find A Way, going on to say how comfortable Grace and Serena had made him feel and that he was looking forward to hosting some Love Will Find a Way mixers at his estate.

“Holy shit!” Grace whispered, the first bubbling of joy she’d felt in days creeping up on her like fine champagne. “This is huge.”

“Huge!” Serena crowed and held up her hand for a fist bump. “We are going to be the talk of the town. You must have really charmed him.”

“No, no.” Grace shook her head furiously. “He wouldn’t have even come in if it wasn’t for you. This is our win. Together.” They grinned stupidly at each other for a second, reveling in the happy news. She couldn’t wait to tell—


The gray cloud of sadness that had been hanging over her started to move back in. Nope. Enough was enough. She needed to try to get back to some kind of normal here, and today’s paper was a great start. Someday, maybe not tomorrow, or even next month, but someday she’d be back to good again. Baby steps.

Serena cleared her throat and launched into a business discussion on how to capitalize on this recent coup. Then they brainstormed some possible dates for Chaz—Chuck—with some of their nicer, low key, non-high maintenance clients.

After they’d made their list, Serena stood and gestured to the DVD on the desk between them. “That’s today’s newest videos. There are four total new clients, and each made two prospective videos for you to pick from. Just jot down your preference, and I’ll add them to their folders.”

Grace peeked at her watch and snagged the disk. She had just enough time to whip through the five minute introduction videos and get back home before she ran the risk of running into Trick pulling into his driveway from work. Although, the last few days she’d started to wonder who was avoiding whom. Her bruised heart gave a whimper, and she sighed.

“Sounds good. You can cut out early if you want. We don’t have any more appointments today.”

“Holla,” Serena said and raised the roof. “I’ll call you tomorrow, and you can let me know if you want to get mani-pedis on Sunday.”

She sailed out of the room, likely flipping through her contact list to see what lucky guy was going to get the pleasure of her company on a Friday night.

Grace turned her attention to work, sliding the disk into her laptop and waiting while it whirred to life. The first video came onto the screen, and she adjusted the volume. An attractive man in his early thirties wearing glasses filled the screen. He smiled in a way that lit up his face, and Grace froze. The tingles hit her hard and she looked around the room. Tingles? There was no one else with her. She was never falling in love again. Surely, he wasn’t meant for her—

Serena charged back into the room and scooped up the sunglasses she’d left on the table. “Forgot these,” she called breathlessly and then glanced at the screen. “Ouch, good luck with him. He looks like a real tight-ass.”

Tight-ass indeed. She watched Serena exit the room, and push through the glass doors of the building before looking back at the video. Son of a bitch. The tingles were gone, which could only mean one thing.

Serena and—she glanced at the stats in the corner of the screen—Dr. Bryan Metcalf were soul-mates.

Wasn’t that special? He was the exact opposite of any guy she’d ever be with. Grace watched both of his videos and made a few notes, liking the guy more and more with every passing second. She’d have to put that one aside until she decided how to handle this with Serena. She couldn’t possibly tell her the truth about the tingles, or she’d never even agree to meet him.

Guilt pricked at her, and she sat back. Here she was, miss high and mighty, ready to trick someone so she could do “what was best for them.” How very droll. Maybe it was time to stop waiting to see if Trick was going to apologize and to start asking if maybe they could sit and talk. She’d made mistakes, too. Like not even giving him a chance because of his past relationships despite the fact that he made so many changes, which had apparently been for her sake.

She clicked on the next file, determined to finish her work so she could go home and think with a glass of wine and a giant bowl of soup to help fuel her on.

The screen stayed black, but a voice poured from the tiny speakers of her computer. Tingles assailed her again, and she frantically adjusted the screen to no avail, then froze as the words registered.

“I got you this way that night. Face hidden, with nothing but my words. Only this time, I’m going to tell you the truth. My name is Trick Mathews. I’m thirty years old, and I’ve never been in love before.”

Her pulse went wild, and she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood. What the hell was going on?

“I’d been in lust plenty, though. Always thought that was enough. Come to find out, it’s not. I want more than that. I want someone who makes me laugh all the time. I want someone who looks even more beautiful to me when they wake up in the morning than they do in the fanciest dress.” The screen filled with Trick’s face—the face that made her heart ache so badly she wished she could look away. Not likely.

“I want a woman who can have as much fun throwing darts and playing beer pong as she does going to the spa or shopping.”

The camera pulled in closer, and she couldn’t blame it one bit. His eyes were so gorgeous, so sincere and full of need. She was trapped by them and his words. “I want a girl who can pick out a match from a mile away. A girl with a big, dumb dog, and an even bigger heart.”

Her heart had been pounding so hard just a second before, but it seemed to stop altogether as he stood.

“Grace,” Trick said from the screen of her laptop. “I love—”

Her breath caught in her throat as the screen went dead. “No!” She clicked the mouse on the play buttons furiously. That’s what she got for being cheap and buying a—


She froze, tingles so strong she could hardly breathe, afraid to do anything to make it stop again.

“Turn around, love.”

She released the mouse and swiveled slowly in her chair to face the doorway where Trick stood, dressed in his SWAT uniform. Her mouth went completely devoid of moisture, and her brain drained of coherent thought. “W-what are you doing?”

“I know I fucked up.”

His eyes were just as hollow as they’d been that day at the bank, and she wished he were closer so she could touch his face.

“I betrayed your trust, and I’ll never forgive myself for that. But I’m asking—” he crossed the room and dropped to his knees in front of her “—for you to try to forgive me. I know it might take a while, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to regain your trust again. Just tell me you’ll give me one more chance.” He took her hand in his and stared up at her, his eyes shining with regret tempered by hope. “I love you so fucking much.”

He loved her.
She tried to stop her hand from shaking, but it was a no go. “When I saw you at the bank, with the ambulance and…” She trailed off and bit her lip to keep from crying. “I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t okay.”

He stood and moved to pull her into his arms, but she stopped him, fear and doubt coming back to cloud her mind.

“Wait. I need to understand. Why? Why did you do it, Trick? Why not just tell me how you felt?”

“What would you have said? If, a year ago, I came to you and told you that I loved you?”

She shook her head, “I don’t know, but you never even gave me the chance to—”

“That’s bullshit, Gracie.” His words were harsh, but his tone was still loving and sweet. “You would have thought about it for two seconds, recalled every time another woman left my house, and shot me down because you thought I was a player. Then things would’ve been weird between us and we wouldn’t even have our friendship. I decided to show you first. To put up or shut up. No sleepovers. Hell, no real dates even, but you didn’t even notice.”

He was right about that. At least, on the surface. “It wasn’t just that I thought you were a player. It was that I thought I could never hold a guy like you. I couldn’t even hang onto a guy like Victor.”

“Fuck Victor,” he bit out, taking her chin in his hand. “He was weak and pathetic. And you?” His angry eyes went soft again, and she resisted the urge to melt into him. “You’re everything.”

“But I felt like nothing.”

“And that’s why I did what I did.” He ran his thumb over her cheek. “You weren’t willing to accept it or even hear it from me, but somehow I had to make you understand how special and amazing and sexy you were. To give you back the confidence he’d taken from you so you could see what was right in front of you. The man who loves you.”

And it was. The truth of his words stared her right in the face. One man’s lies and betrayal had been about tearing her down, making her weak, while another had been about building her up and making her stronger. “You loved me,” she whispered, the words still so surreal she could hardly wrap her head around them.

“I did.” He leaned in and yanked her close. “I do. And I know now I fucked this up and did everything the wrong way, but if you give me a chance, I’ll never let you down like that again.”

She wriggled back to meet his gaze. “Why did you wait so long to tell me this?”

“I forced the situation enough. More than I should have. I wanted you to have the time and space to figure out what you really felt and wanted without me influencing you. But when I saw you at the bank…I didn’t know if it was wishful thinking or real, but I thought I saw it there on your face. That maybe you loved me too?”

What would Gram say? Probably,
“What the hell are you doing standing there like a ninny? Grab onto that hunk a’ man and don’t let go.”

Trick seemed to hold his breath until she let her arms slide around his waist and sank against him.

“I do. I love you so much. I don’t know why I didn’t see it. The second we touched and the tingles started, I knew. But I was so blind…so afraid of getting hurt again. Then, you were in danger, and I was so afraid. I want to try, Trick. I want to try with you.”

His arms clamped around her tight, and he blew a sigh into her hair. “Jesus, Gracie, I know I don’t deserve that. We don’t have to rush it. I’ll wait as long as it takes. I’m going to spend the rest of my life making sure you don’t regret it.”

He pulled back and bent low to kiss her. The taste of him mixed with the salt of her happy tears, and she laughed. “You’ve been making me cry like it’s your job lately.”

He wiped her eyes with his thumbs and shook his head. “Nope. That’s the last thing I ever wanted to do and it stops today. I swear it. My new job is to make you the happiest woman in the world. And I’m going to start right now.”


Huge thanks, as always, to Kerri-Leigh Grady. There is no amount of credit I could possibly give you that would be sufficient to call it “enough”. Please know that I’ve appreciated every single idea, email, phone call and, at RT 2013, the wake-up call and hangover assistance that you have provided. You’re the Spongebob to my Patrick, the bacon in my BLT, the Florence of my Machine, and I heart you.

Also big thanks to my writing and exercise biffle, Alli Sullivan. It’s all so much easier with you around, sweetpea.


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