Read DirtyBeautiful Online

Authors: Jodie Becker

DirtyBeautiful (16 page)

“I’m here on business. Did you get my flowers?”

Beside her, Dylan tensed, a question in his stare. Erica
wanted to disappear. “Yes I did, and they’re in the garbage. I’ve nothing to
say to you.”

Dark brows shot down, his lips thinned to a small line. She
never noticed how small his mouth was until now. “Is this the guy Mom is
talking about?”

His angry gaze flicked from her to settle on Dylan. Shock
dropped his mouth open and Erica smirked. Dylan was by far more attractive than
Greg. A beta knew when faced with an alpha and she expected him to slink off
like the rat he was. Instead his furious gaze shot to her.

“What the hell are you doing with
? Are you that
desperate to get back at me you’d fuck this guy?”

Erica straightened even as Dylan propelled himself out of
the booth. Dylan had Greg by the scruff of his shirt and pushed him from the
table. The restaurant fell silent as patrons watched the drama unfold. Erica
dropped her napkin and started to slide out of the booth.

Greg jerked on his jacket. “What are you going to do,

Dylan’s expression turned thunderous, his nostrils flared in
anger. “What the fuck did you just call me?”

“Drake Van Wulf. I fucking know who you are.”

Erica frowned. Before she could even question the mistake,
Dylan spoke. “You better tread carefully. I don’t like what you’re

“I don’t insinuate anything, you degenerate. Erica doesn’t
go for perverts like you.”

Dylan took another step closer until they were almost nose
to nose. “She does now. Whatever you were to her, you’re not anymore. You can’t
compete here.”

“You think a woman like her is blinded by the size of your

Dylan chuckled. “All women are and I can tell you, I’ve
given her the best fuck of her life. Several times.”

Erica’s mouth dropped in shock even as Greg’s eyes bulged
out and he took a swipe at Dylan. Dylan dodged back and threw a punch of his
own. Chaos ensued as both men threw wild fists. Flesh hit flesh and patrons
made sounds of distress. Erica screamed at the top of her lungs for them to
stop, but to no avail. They continued like wild dogs. Dylan pushed Greg back
and threw a haymaker. It slammed into Greg’s exposed jaw and he tumbled
sideways into the next table before tumbling to the ground. Shrieks of surprise
and glass breaking shattered the air. Waiters came from all sides and Erica
pushed at Dylan.

“What are you doing? Are you mad?”

Dylan back-stepped with every shove, his attention focused
over her shoulder. “I don’t like the way he talked to you.”

God save her from testosterone-filled preening. “It doesn’t
matter, I could’ve handled it.”

A stout little man approached, his lips disappeared beneath
his moustache in displeasure. “I don’t want any trouble here.”

“Don’t worry, we’re leaving,” Dylan said. “I’ll pay for the

The man didn’t object as they paid for their meals and the
man took down both Dylan’s driver’s license and credit card information. Dylan
held on to her hand and walked her back to the truck, almost dragging her from
the restaurant as she struggled to keep up with his pace. Sensing his need for
silence, she sat in the passenger seat and watched him pull out into traffic.
He held the wheel in a white-knuckled grip, his features forbidding. A storm
raged beneath the surface and she wondered when she should broach what happened
in the restaurant.

After fifteen minutes and no change, Erica spoke. “This
fight didn’t have anything to do with me.”

Dylan slanted his head toward her. “Like hell it didn’t. He
shouldn’t have said what he did.”

“Well, you certainly made your point clear. I’ve never been
so mortified in my life. You made blatant references to our personal life in a
roomful of strangers!”

Dylan rolled his grip over the wheel and sighed. “I’m sorry.
I shouldn’t have. Who is he to you?”

“An ex-boyfriend. Who is Drake?”

If possible he tensed even more. A muffled curse slipped
past stiff, unmoving lips. But he didn’t answer.


He sighed and rubbed his forehead. “I…I did a photo shoot
for a pornography magazine once.”

Erica’s jaw dropped. “What? You posed
for a

He shrugged without looking at her. “I needed the money.”

In her teenage years, she’d been curious enough about the
male body she and her then best friend had snuck a magazine from her mother’s
stash. Men lay exposed to their curious stares, each with cut abs and a large
dick. They blushed and snickered often. A giggle broke past her lips and Dylan
glowered at her.

She waved her hand at him. “I’m not laughing at you. I’m
just thinking about the first dirty magazine I saw. I was both mortified and

He glanced at her with a cocked brow. “You looked at naked

Erica bristled at the astonishment in his tone. “Yes. You
might be surprised to find that I have a libido.”

Dylan’s shoulders drooped. “Oh peaches, I’m not surprised
about that at all. You have me intrigued. When did your path to deviant
behavior start?”

“How old were you when you posed for this magazine?”



“As I said, I needed the money.”

“Do you still have the picture?” She shifted her body toward

“You haven’t told me when you opened your first porno mag,”
he said with a tiny pout.

He looked adorable miffed and she didn’t feel the
inclination to oblige him. “Aw, are you sulking?”

He frowned at her. “Men don’t sulk.”

She snickered and fingered his lower lip. “They do too.” She
leaned into him and kissed the edge of his mouth. “It’s adorable on you.”

He turned his head and kissed her full on the mouth, eyes
still on the road. She opened and suckled on his tongue. Dylan groaned and
broke off. “Shit, I can’t concentrate on the road when you do that.”

Erica’s eyes dropped to the erection straining against his
jeans. Boldly she stroked him and his hips rocked into her touch. His hiss
filled the cab and she tested his girth. “You know, you are right. You do have
a big cock.”

“Oh Jesus.”

She pulled her hand away and settled back. “I get to see
your picture and I tell you how old I was when I saw my first penis.”

They drove home in a tight sexual silence. Warmth suffused
her body and her pussy throbbed with the idea of being with Dylan again. Before
long, they pulled into Dylan’s drive and he turned to stab her with a look rife
with desire before stepping from the cab. Erica opened her side and the chill
air cooled her hot flesh. Her heart raced as Dylan crossed over to her and took
her hand, his intentions made clear by the lust in his eyes. She knew the
minute she crossed the threshold of his house she wouldn’t leave for a long

She mounted the steps and stopped under the darkened porch.
Dylan pushed her into the corner between the door and wall. Caged in, she felt
surrounded by him. His mouth fell over hers and he plied her with the sensual
slide of his tongue against hers. Before she lost all sense of place, Dylan
pulled back.

“I couldn’t resist.”

He turned and opened the door and flicked the lights on. A
strange nervousness overcame her as she scanned the living room. Walls were
painted a mocha color and accented with white wooden cornices. Dylan led her up
the stairs into his room. She sat on the bed, hands in her lap as he receded
into a small en suite. Moments later he returned with a piece of paper. She
stared down at the much younger features of Dylan. In his eyes she could see
the arrogance that came with the age. There were two shots. One with him leaning
against a doorframe, his knee cocked to conveniently cover his penis. The other
wasn’t so shy. He lay on an elegant stone staircase, one leg braced on the
floor to expose his member, his head canted back in a look of ecstasy.

“Wow.” She fingered the ripped abs and muscular thigh.

Dylan snatched it from her and placed it on the bedside
table. “Now tell me. How old were you?”


His eyes glimmered with interest. “Did you get wet?”

Heat marched up her neck. “Not really. I was looking at it
with my best friend. We spent most of the time giggling.”

He ran a finger over her arm. Goose bumps rose and she
shivered. Dylan leaned forward and pulled a strap down to kiss her shoulder.

“Do I make you wet?” he asked against her.

Erica trembled. “Yes.”

He nibbled on her ear while his other arm wrapped over the
top of her dress and pulled it down past her rib cage to expose her breasts.
His warm hand cupped her heavy bosom and flicked at her nipple with the blunt
edge of his nail. Erica gasped, her body aquiver with anticipation. He bent
forward and circled the tip of his tongue around the areola and her nerves went
on high alert. He suckled one breast while his finger rolled the other
sensitive nipple. Pleasure roiled through her and she cupped the back of his
head to hold him to her.

He grazed the hills of her breasts with his fingers as he
flicked his tongue over a hardened tip. She whimpered, his hot breath
moistening her skin. With a free hand he pinched a nipple to the point of pain.
Erica moaned and he released her. The rush of blood made her nipple tingle. A
wicked grin curved his mouth before he licked the sensitive flesh. The touch so
blazingly sexual, she groaned. She didn’t realize pain made pleasure acute.

His hand left her nipple to press on her rib cage and force
her down on the bed. He hovered above her, his eyes raking across her. He
flattened his palm over her racing heart, fingers spread between the valleys of
her breasts. His palm moved downward to skim the underside of her breasts. With
steady glides along her sides and stomach, he set off mini fireworks inside
her, teasing her body with the promise of a full-body orgasm.

Erica gasped as Dylan brushed nails over the left side of
her stomach, making her quake. He bent down and breathed against the point
below her ear before placing an open-mouthed kiss there. Her pussy pulsed and
she longed for him to touch her. As though he heard her, he grasped the band of
clothing around her waist and pulled the skirt off. Now only in her panties,
she was exposed to his hot stare.

Dylan straightened, his lips pressed together as he cupped
her waist and pulled her until her ass rested on the edge of the mattress. The
soles of her feet brushed against the rug as his hand moved to her thigh and he
spread her. Cool air touched her skin and she shivered, her pussy aching for
him. She fisted the sheets, her breasts heavy with need. He knelt between her
legs, his warm hands holding her apart.

“You have
a beautiful pussy,” he

No one had ever said that to her and she didn’t know whether
to be pleased or mortified. The thought evaporated when his mouth settled over
her. Bliss circled her clitoris with a warm thrum that made her gasp. The tip
of his tongue flittered at the bundle of nerves. Moisture gathered and her sex quivered.
Teeth raked over her clit and sent a sharp shot of rapture through her. He
soothed the sensual sting with an appreciative lap. Erica trembled, hand
cupping the crown of his head as he flicked at her labia. He suckled each lip
and shoved his tongue into her wet core. Her gasp caught in the back of her
throat as a bolt of lightning sensuality struck her core. The sexual thrum as
her pussy tightened with desire pushed the breath from her. Erica moaned as he
lapped at her juices. Delicious clouds of desire unfolded inside her. She
hooked a leg over his shoulder, the sole of her foot pressing against his
shirt. She wanted him naked. To feel the play of muscles along his back on her

Dylan circled the sensitive nub in ever tightening rotations
with his thumb then spread her wide, exposing her to his gaze. Her pussy pulsed
with desperate need and he answered it by suckling. Small orgasms rocked her
body in concentrated bursts. Fireworks exploded behind her eyelids. Dylan
licked her long and hard, the flat of his tongue so smooth and hot it sent a
ripple of ecstasy over her skin. Erica’s legs moved restlessly, trying to find
leverage and yet too weak to do so.

Dylan pressed one hand over her stomach while his fingers
thrust into her. Her gasp became a cry of delight. He pushed so deep, she felt
the knuckles of his fist against her labia. He caressed her G-spot and sent
white-hot joy into her being. He brought her close with hard and fast
movements, pounding her relentlessly until she knew nothing but the insurgence
of pleasure. It gathered in her womb and fired her veins.

Suddenly he switched pace and lapped at the edges of her
pussy lips. The orgasm that’d risen with such violence stuttered to a halt. The
ache was both exquisite and frustrating. She warbled a sound of protest but was
greeted by a chuckle.

“Don’t, Dylan,” she pouted.

Dylan shook his head, never breaking a beat as he slowly
thrust into her. “I like watching you. Do you know how damn hot you look?”

She didn’t, but it was the least of her worries. Her whole
body thrummed with the desperate need for release. She wanted to come. Dylan
kissed the crown of hair and visited pleasure on her body in a steady rhythm.
She writhed into his touch, seeking release. Her body hummed with the slow boil
of pleasure as he scissored his fingers inside. He tongued and sucked her
clitoris while his fingers tortured her, bringing her to the precipice of
release. She raced toward it, rocking into his hand as she gripped his head to
her vagina.

“Suck me. Oh Dylan.”

Teeth scraped her clit and his tongue swirled in deliriously
beautiful circles. Her body drew taut, her nerve endings ready to catch fire.
And yet she hovered there. One step beyond pure bliss. Erica undulated against
him, but his hand over her stomach held her still. Flames licked at her body,
teased her with what she couldn’t have. That dark hunger rode over her flesh,
her body a slave to its will. She hurt with it. Wanted it. Pleasure rolled up
and down her but it wasn’t enough. She wanted more.

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