Disgraced Cowboys (Lone Wolves of Shay Falls 3) [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour] (20 page)

“I acknowledge your claim on Seth, and his bond to you as alpha,” Kade went on, turning to Marcus. “And I strongly urge you to mark your female as soon as possible for her own protection. You’ll want to avoid the unpleasant consequences of awakenin’ her without makin’ the claim official. It can get ugly.”

“Too late,” she whispered, but her stomach was already heating up.

“Now would be preferable,” Kade added, and her eyes widened. “Before you leave.”

The very air around her tensed with need, and when Marcus turned to her, she saw two reasons for it. One was the way his intense stare was piercing her with a golden glow. The other was rising below his waist.

“What, here?” she asked in alarm. “Whatever you’re all assuming about my recent line of work, I’m not actually into exhibitionism.”

“I think Kade had something a bit more private in mind,” Lily said, stepping forward with the knowing smile. “We’ll just head down the hall for a while.”

“And straight into the bedroom,” Chaz murmured near Lily’s ear.

Brandi flicked him a look and saw that the aura of sensuality that was pulsing from her wolves was apparently infecting the entire room. She shot Lily a shy smile and gave a shiver when the hand Seth had draped around her shoulder slid suggestively down her arm.

“This room has some history with mate marking,” Chaz said, and he and Lily exchanged a glance so intimate that Brandi felt guilty just for having witnessed it.

Kade cleared his throat. “We’ll be goin’ now,” he said, his eyes fixed on Lily as well.

The trio was headed out the archway when Kade seemed to remember something and turned back. “Oh, and if you let yourselves out later, don’t stay scarce for long.” He smiled at the men. “You mentioned wishin’ you could get back to ranch work. Seems we’re a mite short-handed at the moment. If you’re interested, I’d be willin’ to share the secret on how werewolves can get near enough to certain horses to ride ’em.”

Seth actually flinched. “Are you serious?”

“Check with me first thing next week. Consider both of you hired.”

Seth let out a whoop. “Hot damn dog!”

Marcus nodded with a smile that warmed Brandi’s chest. “Thank you.”

“Least I can do. Meanwhile, I’m sure you’re ready for the three of us to make ourselves scarce.”

Brandi’s heart did a double skip as the others went down the hall. She stared after them, and the way their arms were entwined as they disappeared through a doorway she presumed was a bedroom. There was little doubt how close they were, or what they were planning to do next. Which was pretty much the exact same thing everyone was expecting her to do now.

And damn if she wasn’t considering it.

Chapter Eight


Brandi swallowed as she turned to Marcus and Seth, already knowing before she did that she would find them staring at her intensely. Both of their cocks were already half-erect and climbing, and their desire for her charged the air and tugged at her as though they were magnetized.

Everyone remained silent and still, save for the twitches below the men’s waists. They seemed to be waiting for her to make a move, though their tight-lipped, pained expressions made it obvious it was taxing their willpower to do so.

She was this close to letting a pair of wolves claim her permanently—and bite her to seal the deal. As frightening a thought as it was, she felt just the way Lily had said. Brandi wanted them down to her bones. She’d never wanted a man so completely. And she wanted to cement that connection with two men she’d just accused of being monsters.

She hadn’t wanted Lily to forgive and forget so easily, but as Brandi risked cracking open the steel band she’d wrapped around her heart, she weighed the truth of the men’s story. They’d been victimized every bit as much as she had. They’d been attacked, which had changed them into something they didn’t want to become. Held captive in the midst of a lifestyle they had no desire for, watching others act out sordid and twisted desires while they screamed in the back of their minds for it to be over.

If there was anyone who could truly and intimately understand that plight, it was her.

A new wash of moisture brimmed in her eyes, obscuring her view. That broke the spell the men seemed to be under.

“It’s all right, Brandi,” Seth said. “Don’t be afraid. We won’t hurt you.”

She sniffed. “It’s not that. I’m just so sorry.”

“Sorry for what?” Marcus asked, and she heard what could almost be called fear. The man who’d faced down his alpha without flinching was scared of her rejection.

The thought melted the rest of the steel around her heart.

“For running away,” she said, willing herself not to let the tears take over again. “And for accusing you of all those things. I of anyone should have known better than to tell a victim they were responsible for what happened to them.”

“It’s not important,” Marcus said tightly. “You were upset. Confused.”

“Yes, it is important.” She took a deep breath. “If we’re going to be mates, we need to be able to trust one another.”

He took a tentative step forward, then another when she didn’t move back. When he got near enough, he took her hands. “Mates?”

She nodded, blinking back the tears. “There’s no use running away from what I want more than anything. And that’s you, Marcus. You and Seth. I need you.” Three more words sat on her tongue, but she felt too awkward about it to let the sentiment spill out.

“I love you,” Marcus said, as though he knew what she’d been thinking. “From the moment you couldn’t resist struttin’ up to me on that stage and called me cowboy.”

Her heart wobbled erratically as he stared deep down into her.

“She had me as soon as I saw her crouched outside that Dumpster,” Seth said, coming up beside them. “Those sharp eyes of hers were wide with panic, and she looked so vulnerable.” He smiled. “Yet you followed us out because you felt that pull between us. You knew deep down that you belonged with us.”

“You’re right,” she said, feeling a bit dizzy standing between two such virile, erect males who were openly declaring their love to her. “I felt the pull from the moment I saw you both. I still feel it, more than ever. And I know it has to be love. I’ve never experienced anything stronger.”

“You will,” Marcus said, placing his hands on her shoulders. “As soon as I make the bond official.”

Seth actually growled now, and it was a throaty, erotic sound that stood her hair on end.

“Do it,” she whispered. “Make me yours.”

In silence, the men each took her by the hand and led her over to the large leather sofa. Marcus gestured to Seth, who lay down with his cock stiff and pointing straight up along his rippling, taut abdomen. Draped over the couch that way, he looked every bit like a male centerfold model. She licked her lips as she stood over him, wanting very much to taste his cock. But the men had other plans.

“Sit on him, darlin’,” Marcus crooned into her ear, running his hands lightly along her arms. “After we get rid of your clothes.”

She helped him undress her as she faced Seth, and he stroked his red, throbbing erection while he stared at her, his fiercely golden eyes tinged orange-red around the edges.

Her breath came in shallow, rapid gasps once she stood bare in front of them, ungluing rapidly as Marcus pressed his cock to her back and ran his hands along her chest. He lightly grazed her nipples as he stroked downward, sending sharp jolts of lust between her legs. She leaned her head back against his chest with a whimper of arousal. Seth was actually letting out little growls with each exhalation now, and the pure, feral hunger in it sent a wet trickle from her cunt.

Marcus’s fingers pushed through her pussy curls, and she parted her legs to let him toy with her clit. Her legs began weaving in a dance that had more to do with trying to keep them under her than enticing her partners, and to further steady herself she reached behind her head to wrap her arms around Marcus’s neck. That brought Seth upright, and he circled her breasts with his hands and tugged her hard, sensitive nipples while Marcus fingered her clit. She held onto his neck firmly, her legs weakening more with each step her arousal climbed. Marcus pressed his hard cock against her backside as the men pleasured her into madness, until she began moaning and squirming.

“Please,” she begged. “I need you inside me.”

Marcus plunged a finger into her wet cunt, which wasn’t quite what she had in mind. Still, she stiffened and couldn’t even try to hold back. An orgasm blasted through her violently, and the legs she’d been fighting to keep under her buckled. Both men bore her up, luckily, while she rode out the intense spasms of pleasure. Only when she’d stopped moaning rhythmically did Seth lie down again, and Marcus withdrew his finger.

“Now,” he whispered to her, “put that hot cock of his inside you and lie flat on his chest.”

She leaned over Seth eagerly, her juices smearing their thighs as she straddled him. Climbing on top proved easier than she’d thought, since the couch was oversized and wide. Just perfect for sex. She sat on his thighs and stared at his tousled, golden waves and sculpted perfection. A smile curved her lips when she thought back to their first night in the cave.

“Thor,” she said, and she raised her ass up to position the tip of his cock against her cunt. “God of Thunder.”

His smile at her reference quickly turned dead serious as she sank down over him, inch by inch. She buried him to the hilt, hitting bottom with a soft moan. She closed her eyes and sat there for a moment, feeling the walls that were still clenching from her orgasm contract around his cock. The shaft pulsed pleasantly and repeatedly in response.

“If he’s Thor,” Marcus said, “then who am I?”

When her head turned, she found his cock in tantalizing proximity.

“You are most definitely and every inch a god,” she said, licking her lips. “And you’re mine.”

Unable to help herself, she flicked out her tongue to taste the salty musk of it, then moaned and sucked in the tip. He hissed out a clearly surprised breath, and she greedily sucked in as much of his length as she could manage.

“This wasn’t what in my plan,” he said hoarsely.

“Finger-fucking me wasn’t in my plan, either,” she said, releasing his cock barely long enough to get the words out.

He indulged her with a groan, tugging her by the hair to pull her mouth more deeply over him. Seth’s cock jerked furiously inside her now, and she rocked her hips in his lap. He gripped her thighs and stiffened, pushing his pelvis up to grind against her. She was just getting a rhythm going when Marcus pulled himself out of her hungry lips.

“Not like this,” he said. “You wanted me inside you. That’s where I’m gonna come.”

“I’m full up at the moment,” she replied teasingly.

“Not yet, you ain’t.”

She shuddered at that, and both men pulled at her until she was more or less flat against Seth’s chest. She felt Marcus kneel on the couch behind them, and she knew he was going to sink deep between her ass cheeks again.

“Hurry, Marcus. I want to feel your cock in my ass.”

“That ain’t where it’s goin’, darlin’.”

She frowned a bit, wondering where else it could possibly go. When he pushed himself closer, she felt him position himself and knew he’d gone completely mad.

“It’s not going to fit there!” she exclaimed as she felt him prodding and poking at the entrance already full of Seth’s stiff rod.

“Yes, it will. You were made for us.”

Seth lay still beneath her, stroking her back while Marcus pushed himself into her already occupied cunt. By God, if he didn’t manage it, too, and Seth’s growls resumed as another cock slid in along the length of his.

“Jesus, your cock is on fire,” Seth said through clenched teeth.

“Oh, yes,” she murmured, her mouth open.

They all froze like that, waiting for her body to adjust.

Both her mates’ cocks in her pussy together filled her to overflowing, yet it didn’t hurt. It felt incredible. Life-altering. Her clit began to throb beneath her, and she pressed her hips against Seth’s to give it some relief. The pulsing merely grew more frantic.

Marcus gripped the back of the couch and began to thrust, and she gasped. His cock rubbing another man’s dick while they both rubbed her walls drove her insane, and she tried to wriggle beneath him to fuck him back. Sandwiched this way, however, left both her and Seth able to do little more than hang onto each other and ride out the unbelievable sensations Marcus was giving them.

“Oh, God,” quickly became a mantra she couldn’t stop repeating, and Seth was too far gone as he gripped her arms to make any joking remarks about it being a chant to him.

Life as she knew it was quickly fading, and about to turn around a sharp corner when Marcus leaned closer to murmur in her ear.

“We recognize you as our mate,” he said in a gruff tone, and the formality in the words sent a shiver through her. “Do you take us for your own? Accept our love and bond as rightful, beyond fuckin’ fully compatible mates?”

Something odd changed in his voice, deepening and distorting the words. She heard a popping sound in his jaw that she recognized. It was really happening, wasn’t it? She was giving herself to a werewolf pack. Forever.

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