Read Divided: Brides of the Kindred 10 Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Divided: Brides of the Kindred 10 (9 page)

“I’m sorry, Master,” Maggie moaned as he
turned his attention to her other breast. “It’s just…I’m so sensitive. It’s
hard to hold still when your mouth on me is so…so

Kor stopped sucking her other ripe nipple
for a moment.

“Intense, hmm?” he growled. “I’ll show you
fucking intense, little slave girl. You think your nipples are sensitive? Wait
until I taste your little clit. And I want you to watch me do it.”

Maggie bit back a moan as Kor knelt before
her again. She could feel his hot breath against her open pussy and see how wet
her pink inner petals were, all spread out on display. Her clit throbbed for
attention but at the same time, she couldn’t help being a little afraid of the
intense sensation she knew was coming. It was incredibly hard to hold still but
somehow she managed, her hands clenched into fists above her head and her
breathing coming in short, uneven pants.

Kor ignored her agitation and simply
looked at her for a moment, an expression of almost reverent lust on his
chiseled features as he studied her open thighs.

“Gods, you have a beautiful pussy,
Maggie,” he murmured, tracing his long fingers gently down her bare hip. “Love
to see you all spread open for me like this. And I love to lick your hot little

“Kor…” she whispered, not sure what to

But no words were required. Kor was
already leaning closer, his large, warm hands resting on her spread thighs. He
looked up just once.

“Watch me,” he instructed sternly. “Watch me
tease your little clit, slave girl. Watch me lap your cunt.”

Maggie bit her lip and did as he ordered,
keeping her eyes fixed on what was happening between her legs. She half
expected him to start licking her at once but Kor, as always, surprised her.

Leaning forward he placed a gentle, almost
tender kiss on the throbbing button of her clit. Stimulated as she was, even
such a light touch was enough to send a lightning bolt of lust straight through
her. Maggie gasped and jerked involuntarily, prompting a low, warning growl
from Kor. His long fingers tightened on her thighs and he looked up again.

“You know better than that, blondie. Hold
still for your master’s tongue in your pussy or face the consequences.”

“Y-yes, Master,” she faltered. “I…I’ll

“You’d better do more than try if you
don’t want me to tan that lush little ass of yours,” he warned. “Now be a good
slave girl and I’ll give you one more chance.”

Maggie bit back a moan and did her best to
hold still as he leaned forward again.

This time he licked her. Maggie gave a
soft cry but somehow managed to hold still as he traced her engorged clit with
just the tip of his tongue, sending ticklish, overwhelmingly pleasurable
sensations through her helpless, open pussy.

“Master,” she whispered thickly. “Oh God,

“Please, what, Maggie? Please stop? Or do
you want me to keep it up?” Kor looked up at her teasingly and licked his lips.
“Gods, you’re delicious. I could eat your sweet cunt all day.”

“You’ve only tasted my clit, so far,”
Maggie pointed out bravely.

He grinned. “And that wasn’t enough to
drive you wild? Maybe I should fingerfuck you while I do it.”

Maggie bit her lip. “If…if my master
wishes,” she whispered.

“I do. Very much.” Kor gave her a lazy
smile. “Spread your legs a little wider, sweetheart. Spread your legs and let
your master in.”

Moaning, Maggie did as he said, shifting
on the bed until her thighs were spread wide for him.

“Good girl,” he murmured. “Such a good
little slave girl to open your pussy for your master. Do you find the ring
makes you more sensitive when I do this?”

He slid two long, thick fingers deep into
her cunt channel and began to thrust slowly in and out. With each thrust, the
heel of his hand pressed against her engorged clit, making Maggie cry out
elplessly as sharp, jagged bursts of pleasure coursed through her.

“Oh…oh, Kor!”

“That’s right.” He watched her hungrily.
“Just ride my fingers, little slave girl. Open your pussy and ride my fingers
until you come. Gods, I can’t wait to fuck you like this.” Then he leaned down
and lashed her sensitive bud with the tip of his tongue while he continued to
fingerfuck her with slow, steady strokes.

Maggie moaned and clenched her hands
helplessly. God, she wished she could bury her fingers in his hair and urge him
on but tied as she was, she was utterly powerless. All she could do was spread
her legs wider and submit to her master’s tongue and fingers in her pussy. All
she could do was offer herself and let him do whatever he wanted.

She could feel her pleasure building,
pushing her higher and higher towards the jagged peak. But just as she was
about to reach it, Kor pulled back abruptly, licking his lips.

“Master?” Maggie couldn’t help sounding
frustrated. “Why did you stop? Please, I was so

“I know you were,” he gave her a
half-lidded, lustful smile. “But I don’t want you coming on my tongue or my
fingers—I want you to come all over my cock. Want to feel you squeezing my
shaft with that tight little pussy, slave girl.”

Maggie shifted on the bed, feeling excitement
and desire rush though her.

“Yes, Master,” she whispered submissively.
“And how does my master desire to…to take me?”

“To fuck you, you mean,” he growled
softly. “I think I’m going to take you from behind—and I want you to watch.”

Maggie bit her lip. “To watch? How?”

“The viewer.” He nodded at the tall,
oblong mirror like object as he climbed on the bed behind her. It stood at the
far end of the bed where Maggie usually used it for getting dressed. Of course,
she’d never imagined using it for this purpose but it seemed that Kor had.

“All right,” she whispered. “But…will you
let me down?” She nodded up at her hands, still cuffed over her head.

Kor looked at her speculatively. “Are you
in pain? Are the cuffs hurting you?”


“Good. Then we’ll leave you as you are. I
like the idea of fucking you from behind and having access to your pussy and
breasts like this—all spread out and open. Not to mention it makes a fucking
hot picture in the viewer.” He pulled her gently back to the center of the bed,
positioning her directly in front of the oblong, shiny surface. Then he untied
the flimsy pink lace ruffles and pulled them off, leaving her completely naked
for the first time.

Maggie bit her lip as she watched her naked
reflection. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes glassy with lust. Her honey
blonde curls were tousled but what drew her gaze most were the tight points of
her nipples and the dark pink bud of her clit. She had never seen herself
looking more vulnerable or more hot. She didn’t know whether to blush with
embarrassment or thrust out her breasts and spread her thighs wider for Kor’s

He positioned himself behind her and she
heard the rustling sound of his leather trousers being opened. Then something
hot and hard pressed against the back of her ass.

His cock,
she thought.
God, it feels so long and thick.
had him in her often lately but never before in this position and she couldn’t
help wondering how it would feel.

“Kor,” she begged softly. “Please…I need
you in me!”

“And I need to be in you, sweetheart. Bur
first I want to admire the view.” He pressed against her until the hard planes
of his chest were flush with her mostly bare back. His warm, spicy scent seemed
to fill her head, making it hard to breathe she wanted him so much. Kor leaned
forward and buried his face in her hair, inhaling deeply, breathing her in.
“Gods, you’re beautiful,” he muttered hoarsely. “I still can’t believe you’re

“I’m yours because you take me. Because
you make me yours,” Maggie whispered breathlessly. “Kor, please…make me yours

“With pleasure, blondie.” He ran his big
hands down her naked, shivering sides and then cupped her ass. “All right then,
spread your thighs for me. Open your pussy for your master’s cock.”

“Yes, Master.” Trembling, Maggie spread
her thighs submissively and pushed her pelvis back, trying to be open for the
massive shaft she felt rubbing against her bottom.

“Good girl.” Kor’s breath on the back of
her neck was hot and his voice was ragged. “Gods, I love sliding inside your
wet little cunt. And this is especially hot. Watch in the viewer—watch while I
fuck you.”

Maggie did as he said, keeping her eyes
glued to the silvery reflective surface of the viewer, watching as the broad
head of his cock pressed up between her thighs and breached her entrance.

It was incredibly hot watching him fill
her in the viewer but even better was the feeling of him entering her. She bit
her lip as he stretched her open, pressing his thick shaft deep into her wet,
slippery pussy. God, would she ever get used to this feeling? Would she ever
get used to feeling so filled, so helplessly open for him?

Before she could answer the question, she
felt the broad head of his cock kiss the mouth of her womb and knew he was all
the way inside her.

“There we are, sweetheart,” he growled
softly in her ear. “Feel that? Feel your master’s cock deep in your hot little

Maggie’s heart was beating so hard she
could barely answer.

“Y-yes, Master,” she stammered. “Are…are you
going to fuck me now?”

“Damn right, I’m going to fuck you. But
I’m going to be fingering your sweet, wet little pussy the whole time,” he
murmured. “And I want you to watch, Maggie. Want you to watch your breasts
jiggle every time I thrust into your cunt. Want you to see my fingers tracing
your clit while I fill you, while I make you mine.”

“I’m yours, you know I am,”
she whispered through their link as he pulled out and
thrust up into her again with one long, deep movement. Just as he had said, her
breasts jiggled with the thrust and at the same time, she saw his large hand
come down to cup her pussy and stroke her swollen clit. While it did, his
stroked her nipples, teasing their hard tips mercilessly.

“That’s right—you’re mine.”
Kor thrust again, hard, as though to emphasize his point.
“And I’m going to leave a load of cum in your hot little pussy to prove it.
Is that what you want, slave girl? Want to feel your master fucking you and
coming in your pussy?”

“Yes, God, yes!” Maggie couldn’t help
moaning aloud, pressing her hips back to give him better access. She watched as
the girl in the viewer did the same, begging and crying shamelessly, her full
breasts shaking with each deep thrust of the cock in her pussy. Was that really
her? That wanton, out of control creature made half crazy with lust? The girl
with golden wires wound around her naked nipples and her bare clit? The one who
was moaning and begging to be fucked?

Maggie supposed it was but she didn’t care
anymore—didn’t care how she looked in the viewer as long as Kor didn’t stop. As
long as he let her come. And God, she was so close…
so close.

With every deep thrust she felt herself
being pushed higher and harder. She knew soon she was going to lose it
completely and that was what she wanted—to come all over Kor’s thick shaft just
as he had commanded.

Kor must have felt her nearing her orgasm,
because he began to speed up his fucking.

“Good girl,” Maggie heard him mutter as he
thrust even deeper into her spread pussy. “Such a good little slave girl to
spread your pussy open and let your master fuck you.”

“Master,” Maggie heard herself beg.
“Please, Master, please—I need to come!”

“Of course you do.” His deep voice was
filled with rough tenderness. “And I’m going to see that you do, sweetheart.”
Up until now he’d been stroking gently over her swollen bud. Now he increased
his intensity, his fingertips circling her sensitive clit as he fucked up into
her until Maggie thought she would scream with the intensity of it.

Suddenly she couldn’t stand anymore. The
combination of his thick shaft filling her and the intense sensation of him
stroking her clit was too much. With a low cry that was almost a sob, she felt
her orgasm wash over her like a wave, pushing her out to sea as her inner
muscles tightened around the invading shaft and bolt after bolt of pure
pleasure arched through her.

“That’s right, blondie,” she heard Kor
rumble in her ear. “Come for me. Let me feel you coming all over my cock.
Goddess, I love you. Love you so fucking much.”

“I…I love you too,” she gasped out. And
then he was pressing up hard inside her and filling her with spurt after hot
spurt of his seed, planting it deep in her pussy, making her his, claiming her
all over again.


When it was over, Kor unfastened the soft
leather cuffs from her wrists and Maggie collapsed, utterly spent from the
intense sex.

“Sweetheart—you okay?” Kor bent over her,
his face anxious.

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