Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga) (26 page)

I was speechless in my admiration of them. They were absolutely, beautiful.

“Oh wow.” Lira said in amazement.

urien…you did an incredible job.” Lorelei whispered.

“Nice work.
” Anthony nodded with approval.

“Not bad
at all, D.” Spencer commented, pulling the last of the bandages away.

              You would have thought I was showing off a newborn baby with the way everyone ‘oohed’ and ‘ahhed’ over them.

“Let’s all ha
ve dinner out in the courtyard. Then maybe we can help Starling with her aura sensory, and see if she can wield them tonight.” Scarlet suggested.

Durien yawned again,
“You guys go on ahead. I need to clean up a bit here and I may just get a snack and turn in early. I’m exhausted.”

“Do you need some help?” I asked him.

“Nah, I got it. I’ll see what you’re made of in the morning,” He smirked at me.

“Shall we, beautiful?” Spencer offered with his elbow out f
or me to hook my arm through.

“Oh please!” Crystal shook her head.

Scarlet sighed and snickered, and they all began to parade out ahead of us.

              I wanted to take Spencer’s arm, but I didn’t want to give him the idea that I was easily wooed by his charms either.

“I can
manage thanks.” I gave a half smile.

Your swagga is failing, man.” Durien teased with a chuckle.






              Well, trying to wield my weapons had been a complete and epic fail. After we all ate, I tried several times, but to no avail. Such pretty brandings…yet totally useless to my lack of skill and ability to grasp handling them. I just wasn’t getting it and it was frustrating.

I did finally
manage to control seeing auras though. That turned out to be as simple as tuning into background colors instead of the person. My eyes thanked me for that.

              It was late. Everyone dispersed to either sleep, head back to their homes in the mortal realm, get in a few games, or read a few books, before turning in. I was tired too, but secretly, I really wanted some alone time with Spencer. I was more fascinated with the idea that he was a heavenly Angel at one time and I had many questions.

Lorelei quickly pulled me to the side
before I took off with him.

“FYI, Spencer can’t read your mind
, but he can read your biorhythms, hormones, and emotions to a ‘T’. He’ll be drawn to them like damned magnet, meaning if you’re even thinking about kissing or sleeping with him, he’ll know it…and he’ll more than likely try to act on it. If he tries anything, you have the strength to beat the crap out of him, remember that. I mean it.” She whispered and pointed at me.

I couldn’t help but find humor
at that revelation and her blunt advice, though I was sure she was completely serious.

“Got it.” I chuckled.



Spencer and I walked the outer garden courtyard. Like a gentleman, he offered to walk me back to my room. We walked through an open, wide breezeway. The night air was warm, and the perfumed aroma of both fruit and flowers, wafted in sweetly from the expansive field of the gardens. The moon was full and bright, pale lavender and yellow in its magnificence.

It was hard not to think about what Lorelei told me about him. It made me nervous because I was physically attracted to him. I had to think of something else, quickly.

Spencer spoke first,
“Don’t worry, you’ll get it. It takes time. Nothing of greatness comes with ease.” He smiled.

“I hope so. It would be a travesty to be blessed with these and not be able to use them right.” I replied.

He laughed. “You will. They chose you for a reason.”

“Hey, what would have happened if I hadn’
t caught them?” I suddenly had a thought.

“Hmm, we’d more than likely be cleaning up a really big mess back there right now.” He chuckled.

I looked up at him in surprise. He was grinning.

“I’m just joking. Actually, if you didn’t realize it, you automatically moved to catch them without even thinking
about it, didn’t you?”

raised a brow and nodded.

“When a weapon chooses you, you become like a magnet to it. That’s how it works.”

I still didn’t really understand.

He turned
to look down at me while we walked. “There’s something about you, Starling. You’re different, and I’m not just saying that to get you to change your mind and spend the evening with me in my room. Although…” He trailed off.             

I shook
my head with a wry smirk. Deep down, I wondered just how skilled of a lover he had to be by default— not that I had any experience to compare it to, not one that I remembered anyway. The thought alone shot pulses of arousal throughout my body. I had no control over that.

I felt somewhat…dirty,
still being able to feel turned on by the opposite sex. I guess immortal or not —I was still a woman with human flesh. If I could feel anger and pain, and I’ve definitely had enough of that already, then why wouldn’t I be able to feel sadness, happiness, or passion?

I sighed and fo
rcefully stopped those thoughts. I glanced up at Spencer, who in turn, was looking down at me with a single raised brow. He was grinning devilishly with a twinkle in his captivating eyes.

crap. My heart was pounding. I blushed and turned away from him.             

I watched h
im out of my periphery. He was smiling broadly to himself. A momentary silence lingered between us. I did notice that he had closed the gap between us just a little, so that our arms brushed against one another every now and then.

Lorelei was right about him.

Nice. A gorgeous, noble, ex-angel, who was basically a womanizing playboy.

“How come you chose to become earthbound? I mean, heaven has to be way better
and less dangerous than this, right?” I suddenly asked.

He gave me a
n affronted look of surprise. “Less dangerous? What do you think angels do around the clock? Lay around on clouds with halos and strum harps? People are constantly in need of protection, guarding, healing, and restoration of faith. We’ve been battling the fallen and darkness since the beginning of time. They outnumber all of us by so many that it’s insane. People in the human realm remain unaware and clueless. The only exception now, is that the battle will spill over onto earth soon. Mortals who have no idea what’s coming, are going to be caught in the middle and used as pons. Whether I remained in heaven or not, doesn’t change which side I fight for. In my personal opinion, the big guy wanted to level the playing field a little. He began choosing his own divine warriors many, many centuries ago. What’s his criteria in who he chooses? I have no clue, but I can take a few guesses. Like with you, he’s definitely got an ace up his sleeve.” He explained.

I was shocked. Were
any of those original chosen still alive today? They were immortal after all. Hearing this version of Spencer speaking, was gradually pulling me in to his supernatural charms.

I quirked a brow.
“What do you mean by an ace up his sleeve with me?” I asked.

We stopped
and faced each other.

aura for one, is very telling. Wielding deific blades is rare if at all, but they chose you.” He continued on, “Morning Star is still after you too, and from what I’ve heard, he isn’t the only one.” He finished with a serious expression.

told me that very same thing.

his was piquing my curiosity once again, and Spencer was going to give me some answers.

“What do you mean by that? Who or what is this
other being that wants me?” I asked him.

He eyed me for a moment and then flas
hed his gorgeous, playboy smile. “I didn’t say who in particular. They
want you. Female divine warriors are especially popular, because they can be impregnated, among many other things.” He ogled me from head to toe.

Now that thought gave me chills and made my stomach turn.
I felt my face flush when his eyes held mine.

sking, ‘why me’ was a natural response, but there was no point. They why didn’t matter and it wouldn’t change the fact.

I shivered at the thought.

Satan was after me. If that isn’t frightening, I don’t know what is. Me, out of all beings, humans, and divine warriors, both in this realm and the human world.

, I want to know who this other one is. Is that why some people have been giving me strange looks?” I demanded.

He sighed and pursed his lips.
“Do you remember anything about your mortal life?” he then asked.

I wasn’t going to tell him that I was randomly seeing bits and pieces of it.

“No. I thought we weren’t supposed to.” I bit my lip.

“Good. Then that’s how it will remain
. Just know that while I’m around, you’ll always be protected.” He stated plainly.

I was becoming agitated all over again.
I pouted internally.

“I’d like to think
that I can handle myself once I’m trained, but I appreciate the knight in shining armor mentality.” I replied.

He turned t
o me with another serious stare. “This has nothing to do with being a knight in shining armor. I have a duty to protect, just as you do. I made a similar oath on a completely different level than you guys, which now includes guarding you specifically, so deal with it.” He said.

I was surprised, flattered
, and annoyed, all at the same time.

I sighed.

“Did the fallen take that girl Devlin recently, too?” I then asked.

He appear
ed inquisitive. “Devlin?” He repeated, turning his attention out into the dark distance beyond. He appeared to concentrate, as if trying to remember her or her face.

“The others said
that some girl named Devlin was taken recently, and that it happens often.”

He pointed
at me to affirm my statement. “It does happen a lot. You have to be careful out there. Just remember, trust nothing of darkness…especially the fallen ones.” He warned.

I felt bad for her. I could only imagine
what her fate had become in their hands, divine warrior or not. She didn’t stand a chance against all of them on her own.

finally began to walk once again.

Again, he was practically melded to the side of my arm. I gazed over my brandings again, loving the way they shone and sparkled in the moonlight.

“So, how come none of the others tried to rescue her or something? I mean, I know if it were me, I’d expect, or at least hope that the others would come.” I then said.

Trust me; she’s as good as dead. Once you’re airborne, you’re gone.” He said.

I snapped my eyes up at him in a glare.

He looked down at me. “I know that sounds harsh, but it’s the reality of where you are now and what we’re up against. Trust nothing and no one out there, especially if it’s been exposed to the darkness and those in Morning Stars dominion.” He clarified.

I still didn
’t appreciate his callous, nonchalant reply.


“You’re right. I guess I’m just still trying to grasp it all. I’m sorry for insinuating that angels had it easy in heaven.” I replied.

“No apologies necessary.
You’re certainly not the only one who’s ever thought that. Anyway, you’re going to learn many things as you experience them. There’s only so much you can learn in the texts.” He smiled.

I believed him. In fact, he was beginning
to remind me of someone, but I shouldn’t be reminded of anyone. I had no idea who I knew when I was alive, and I may never know them again. That thought saddened me. We began to walk once again.

s heaven like?” I finally asked him.

I heard him inhale deeply,
“Actually, I no longer have any memories or insight into the vast heavens. I forfeited all of that when I made the choice, and it was for the very reason that you’re asking me this now. Humans naturally want to know, which is why we’re not allowed to retain any memories or information about it. There are always…not so pleasant consequences, for every choice that we make. It doesn’t mean that those choices shouldn’t be made though. Often times, the good far outweighs the bad. For me, I felt as if I would be more beneficial down here, given the pending circumstances and what’s to come.” He explained.

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