Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga) (50 page)

Cam seemed suspicious.

“How she escaped? You two can’t lie nor will you stand by and allow her to. How do you know we aren’t being watched right now?” He then asked.

Aon moved in closer to him, her pale white face was stern.
She was actually very pretty, appearing to be about eighteen or twenty in age, as well as Aliks.

“And how do you know who
it was who sent us? O ye of little faith, Cam`ael, former Chief Angel of all Powers. Who already knows all— and has allowed it? Morning Star gathers many daily. His newest creations have proven quite dangerous. How confusing for Morning Star to see an army of unlikely beings and allies such as the one we see before us now? Hmm?” She whispered.

I think I was beginning to understand a little of what she was saying.

Then, she went into some bizarre language that was completely foreign to me but Cam`ael understood it.

Was it demonic language?
Did she threaten him? I felt angry thinking of that possibility. I wanted to ask what she said but I wasn’t sure he’d tell me. Why did she feel the need to switch languages? That was rude.

m’s eyes grew wide for a moment, and then his face softened when he looked down at me with reverence and love in his eyes. His hand gently slid across my belly, hovering there for a moment, before his arms finally fell from me as he shifted his wing.

“What did she say to you?”
I wanted to know.

“We’ll talk later. We have the means now.”
He said.

I wasn’t satisfied with his answer.

Whatever it was, I knew it was something serious that he apparently was agreeing with, or giving in to. He appeared both…sentimental and humbled.

“Come, Starling.”
Aliks directed, as both he and Aon took places on either side of me.

I looked at Cam for a moment, searching his eyes as to what was going on. I know t
hey were angels but I was afraid that I’d never see him again…at least not in a way that didn’t involve possible fighting.

That terrified me.

His hand lingered on mine with an assuring squeeze before loosening his grip and finally letting go.

He nodded ever so slightly at me
with a slight smirk, tapping his forehead as a reminder.

pursed my lips and gave a barely nod of acknowledgement.

“I love you.”
I told him mentally.

“I love you more
He replied.

, his form began to fade away.




XXX: Starling:





missed Cam already, but at least I’ll be able to talk to him whenever I wanted. How in the world had that happened?

“I’ll always be
there when you need me.”
Cam’s voice entered my head.

My heart
raced. Hearing his voice made me feel better and reassured. Though he wasn’t physically here with me, he was mentally.

“I wish you could be with me when I get there.”

“Me too, believe me. Just remember, don’t make it obvious.”

“Where are you?”

“I’m not far. You’re in safe hands. They’re angels.”

“How can we communicate like this? Is it because we made love?”
I asked him.

He was quiet for a long time.

“We’ll talk later.”

I sighed internally.

I didn’t have a good feeling about any of this, b
ut there was one thing that Aon did say to Cam that struck me as, interesting.

‘Oh ye of little faith.’

She called him Chief Angel of all Powers. Had that been his title as an angel? That thought made me realize just why he felt so powerful when he was inside of me.

ently, I had no faith. I was sure that it registered with the both of them too. I was both worried and scared, more for Cam than myself. I knew that he could handle himself but I felt as if being with me, and me loving him in return, had put more of a target on his back now than simply being a fallen.

There was no need for my port
al gem. All three of us were apparently going to walk the rest of the way. I wanted to know what they said to him, but I remained silent.

“In all of my existence, I’ve never felt a love more powerful than what emanates from your heart
, and for a fallen at that.” Aliks spoke first me.

“Beware Starling. F
allen can be very deceptive. Incubus’ especially, are incredibly amorous, risky, extreme, possessive, and jealous.” Aon then said.

              With the exception of amorous, and maybe a little risky, none of that sounded like Cam to me, but he did say that they couldn’t lie. Why was she telling me this anyway?

“The heart
can be read and it never lies. Answer any questions truthfully.” Aliks then said.

Questions? So you guys are reporting me.” I replied, looking at the both of them.

You have options Starling, believe it or not. Transformation and change can be beneficial. In many instances, it is necessary in order to achieve transcendence. Whatever you do, do not let them examine you for injuries, and stay away from any earthbound seraphim.” Aon began.

I stopped and gaped at them. My heart racing.

“What? How come? What options do you mean?” I asked with wide, hopeful eyes.

They were both silent for a moment, driving me crazy as to what they were implying and what they already knew. Why were they telling me not to get examined
, let alone avoid Spencer? I wouldn’t be able to avoid or keep any of that from happening.

“This will be most difficult
but it has happened for a reason. As long as you are honest, you will have no worries or fears.” Aliks then said.

had no clue what he meant, or what he was talking about and that scared me. Hearing that this happened for a reason, out of the mouth of an angel, should have been comforting, but it wasn’t for me.

“All of those who have been taken, have never returned. At this point, they have all assumed
that you are either dead or are soon to be an enemy. If you continue on, you will have to face the firing squad, as they say. Of course, you will never be able to see or be with him again. If you choose to abandon the divine hall and veer off on your own, then you are free to see him whenever you wish. Choose wisely.” Aon explained.

“Cam`ael isn’t a demon by definition.”

“Shhh. Do not mention or repeat his given name in this realm from here on out, understood?” Aon quickly cut in and pointed at me.

I slowly nodded, confused.
Why not?

Suddenly, we all stopped. I was cau
ght in the middle of two angels. Two serious angels that appeared wiser and older that just a few moments ago.

The pressure was on. Why was I being given a choice at all?

“We aren’t debating what he is or isn’t. We are merely offering you a choice.” Aliks explained.

“If I’m no longer a part of the divine hall, will I still be a divine warrior?” I asked.

“There are no grays. Only darkness and light. Choosing anything other than the divine hall will leave you an open vessel but it won’t change who you are on the inside. That part will be left solely up to you.” Aon said.

She did
n’t answer my question directly but I don’t think she had to. Diana had explained that already during my oath, so there was no excuse for me. I already knew.

I felt an invisible
weight, pressing into my chest and constricting my heartbeat. I swallowed, and it hurt because my mouth had gone dry.

Aon and Aliks’ eyes were
both a cool shade of light pink and purple. The celestial swirling became more intense the harder they stared at me, waiting for my response.

heart was shredding in my chest. I felt the swell of hot tears begin to burn my eyes.

Aon and Aliks exchanged glances.

“No.” I shook my head adamantly, looking at the both of them in defiance.

Aliks raised his
‘barely there’ eyebrows. “No?” He repeated in question, as if my answer surprised him.

“If choosing the divine
hall means that I can’t ever see him again. Then I won’t go back.” I told them firmly.

I don’t know what my fate, pun
ishment or the outcome would be but I was certain of one thing.

I love Cam
and I was not about to give him up, or give up on him. He certainly never did when it came to me.

They both
studied me for what seemed like several minutes in silence.

“She speaks truth
from the heart.” Aon said to Aliks.

He nodd
ed with an examining gaze at me. “Noted, little one.” He said with an affirming grin.

that, they both essentially evaporated away; leaving me standing in the middle of the forest by myself. I was stunned.

Wait! Where was I supposed to go now? What was I supposed to do?
I had given up the divine hall, so I was unable to return there.

I was stranded.

“Bad choice.” I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

I whirled
around in surprise.

I was about to call out to him telepathically.
Had he been here all this time?

              I didn’t think or ask anything just yet. I simply ran into his arms.

He held me firmly against him. I inhaled his scent
of fresh rain, cinnamon, and earth as he stroked my hair.

When I looked up at him, he
caressed my cheek.

“What do you
mean bad choice?” I asked him.

“I told you
not to sacrifice yourself for me anymore. You promised me.” He said, pushing a curl away from my face.

“This doesn’t count
.” I told him.

“Of course it does, this is major.”

“So is how I feel about you.”

He sighed
but I could tell that my words meant the world to him to hear.

Was this all a set-up?” I asked him.

He smirked sheepishly.
“Sort of.”

“So, they knew?”

“They knew what? What was already in your heart? Of course they knew. They’re angels, Starling. They wanted your honest answer and you gave it to them.”

“Are you guys cool with each ot
her? What did Aon say to you in that weird language?” I asked.

He raised a single, dark brow.
“Cool? Not quite. As for what was said, it’s Angelic and it was meant for me. It’s nothing you need to worry about.” He soothed.

It annoyed me when people did that.

“So, what about the fact that we can…”

He silenced me with a finger to my lips, knowing what I was about to ask.

“Too many ears out here. Remember?” He smirked.

I sighed.
“Well, what does this mean for us now? I gave up the hall.”

“No, not yet. There’s still a chance for you.” His hand went to my belly again with a gentle caress.

I found his action strange but very comforting.

“We’ll talk tomorrow. Meet me at the
shoreline of the Eternal waters at dusk if you can get away. If not, let me know.” He said.

              He then took a step away from me, tossing a white portal gem in the air for me to see, and then catching it. How the hell did he get that? I felt in my jacket pocket quickly for my pouch.

“For now
—this is going to hurt me way more than it will hurt you but I have my reasons.”


My arm was twisted, dislocated at the shoulder, and cracked at the elbow. The sudden, white-hot pain made me scream out loud.

If I thought being attacked by Jamie was bad
and unfair, being attacked by Cam was worse. It was like being hit by the wind, with the force and power of a steel tornado, spinning at the speed of light. I was grabbed roughly by the shirt, which tore it even more, and then jerked around wildly. I was shoved to the ground, and dragged through the jagged, rough underbrush. Then, Cam slammed me into the trunk bases of two large trees. The final blow to my jaw was unexpected, and clearly the worst of all.

I was dizzy. T
he impact made me stumble and collapse to the ground on all fours. I instantly tasted blood on my tongue as it began to fill my mouth.

was really, really hard for me to have to do. Believe it or not, I was careful and I held back a great deal for several reasons.” Cam said while smearing some disgusting, vile smelling dirt across my cheek, chest, arms, and hands.

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