Do It Gorgeously: How to Make Less Toxic, Less Expensive, and More Beautiful Products (64 page)

buying at thrift/consignment stores, 83

citrus polish for, 308

refinishing, 250–52

upholstery deodorizer for, 310–11


garden, 261–95

cold frame for, 268–69, 276

companion planting in, 281–83

compost bin for, 270–72

cuttings for, 284–89

EarthBoxes for, 284

herb, 57, 262, 289–95

mulching, 278

pesticides for, 279–81

planning, 283–84

planting seasons for, 262–63

planting seedlings, 276–78

planting seeds, 276

raised beds for, 263–65, 267, 268

resources for, 385–86

soil for, 266, 267, 268

sunlight and, 263

watering, 278

weeding, 278

worm bin for, 273–75

garlic and Parmesan potato chips, 202–3

geranium and apricot moisturizer, 29–30

germ-busting spray, 300

glue, homemade, 68–69

glutes, exercises for, 350–54

granola, nutty, 208

grocery bag keeper, 220–22

grocery tote, recycled “I
a plastic bag,” 223–26

grout cleaner, 302

grouting tub and shower, 247–49



children’s, how to cut, 113–16

shampoos for babies and children, 121, 124

hair conditioner:

for children, 124–25

uses for, 318

hand sanitizer, 118

best, 63–64

head lice treatment, 125–26

headlight bulb, changing, 256–57

heating vents, 240

hemming pants and dresses, 140–43

herbal balms, 294

baby, 122–23

cold sore, 294

regenerative floral beauty, 41–42

herbal infusions, 19–20, 293

herbal tinctures, 293

herb garden, 57, 262

medicinal, 289–95

herb-infused oils, 214–15, 293

herb salt, gourmet, 215

home, 235–59

air-drying laundry, 254–56

bathroom repairs, 244–50

car maintenance, 256–59

refinishing furniture, 250–52

resources for, 384–85

saving energy in, 235–44

hot flash reliever, 67

hummus, white bean and edamame, 197

hydrogen peroxide, 321–22

hyssop, 290


infusions, herbal, 19–20, 293

insect repellent spray, 64

insulation, 238–39

draft stopper, 242–43


jeans diaper bag, 95–98


low-sugar strawberry, 212–14

mint, 190–91

jewelry, cleaning, 314–15

jojoba oil, 15


ketchup, tomato, 186–87

kitchen, 217–33

beautiful beeswax candles, 227–30

cleaning, 299–305

designer terrarium, 232–33

grocery bag keeper, 220–22

recycled “I
a plastic bag” grocery tote, 223–26

resources for, 383–84

sassy little apron, 217–20

tablecloths and napkins, 230–32

wine cork kitchen board, 226–27

see also


labels, making, 21, 67–70, 381–82

laundry, 305–7

air-drying, 254–56

green goddess washing powder, 306

laundry bag, pillowcase, 93–95


cashmere comfort bear, 91–93

pillow, sweet dreams, 87–89

and rosemary moisturizer, 25–26

leather protector, 117–18

leg lifts, 347

lemon balm, 290

lemons, 319

lice, head, 125–26

lightbulbs, compact fluorescent, 244

line drying laundry, 254–56

linen spray, 312

lingerie bag, 153–56

living room, 307–11

low-flow aerators and showerheads, 241

lunge exercise, 354

lymphatic system, 44


manicure, 53


AHA skin-lightening, 39

gorgeously green purifying clay, 38–39

massage, 368–73

oil for reflexology, 375

preparation for, 372–73

mattress, 86

mayonnaise, 182–83

medicinal herb garden, 289–95

medicinal remedies, 57–67

for babies and children, 125–27

resources for, 381

medicinal salad, 295

meditation, 363–67

blanket for, 365

chakra balancing, 365–67

cushion for, 363

milk cartons, 320

milk paint, 73–75

milk thistle, 290

mind/body/spirit, 345–75

alternative therapies, 362–75


massage, 368–73

meditation, 363–67

reflexology, 373–75


double, foot lotion, 51–52

foot scrub, 50–51

jelly, 190–91

peppermint, 290

whitening peppermint toothpaste, 55–56

zinger mouthwash, 56–57

mittens, boiled wool, 106–8

mobile, baby, 100–102


geranium and apricot, 29–30

history of, 10

lavender and rosemary, 25–26

moths, clothes, 180

mouthwash, mint zinger, 56–57

muffin trays, 320

mulch, 278

muscles, achy, soak for, 66

mustard, organic, 187–88

musty closets, 311–12


nail and cuticle conditioning oil, 55

nail care, 53–55

napkins and tablecloths, 230–32

needles, 136

nightgown, pillowcase, 102–5

nursery, 72–102

deodorizer, 89

drapes, 79–82

flooring, 79

furniture, 82–86

jeans diaper bag, 95–98

mattress and bedding, 86–87

mobile, 100–102

painting, 73–78

patchwork comforter cover, 109–12

pillowcase laundry bag, 93–95

resources for, 382


oils, 10

after-shower spritzing, 46

balancing, for clogged pores, 26

cellulite, 45–46

essential, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18

herb-infused, 214–15, 293

India rose luxurious, for dry/mature skin, 31–32

nail and cuticle conditioning, 55

plant, 13–14

restorative facial, 40–41

omega-3 fatty acids, 30


and apricot body cream for dry skin, 47–49

bath bomb, fizzy, 121–22

outdoor furniture, refinishing, 250–52

oven cleaner, 303–4


paint, 73

milk, 73–75

painting a room, 75–78

pancakes, coconut banana protein, 210


hemming, 140–43

T-shirt yoga, 161–63

parabens, 10

pasta salad, tricolore, 199

pedicure, 53–54

pens, 69

peppermint, 290

double mint foot lotion, 51–52

minty foot scrub, 50–51

mint zinger mouthwash, 56–57

toothpaste, whitening, 55–56

period pain soothing pack, 65–66

perlite, 266

pesticides, 279–81, 298

fruit and veggie wash to remove, 304–5

smelly pest spray, 280

smothering spray, 281


classic Italian, 200–201

toasted almond, 201

pets, 325–44

bathing your dog, 325–27

crackle and crunch big dog toy, 342–43

dog biscuits/treats, 339–40

doggie placemat day coat, 332–36

fleece doggie/kitty bed, 328–32

food for, 337–40

fur spritz, 327

jumping cat toy, 343–44

kitty bonding sock, 342

kitty litter, 341

kitty treats, 340

natural flea treatment program for dogs, 336–37

toys for, 342–44

yummy dog dinner, 338

pickles, 191–92

pillowcases, 321

laundry bag, 93–95

nightgown, 102–5

pillows, 86–87, 382

sweet dreams lavender, 87–89

pine floor cleaner, 300–301

pita bread, homemade, 199–200

plant oils, 13–14

plastic, 298

plastic bags, resealable, 317

PMS reliever, 65

polyunsaturated fatty acids, 12

pomegranate eye serum, 35


apple and walnut, 131

apricot and banana, 130

potato chips, garlic and Parmesan, 202–3

powder, baby, 123

preservatives, 8, 9, 10


bars, crispy coconut and chocolate, 203–4

pancakes, coconut banana, 210


raised bed, 263–65, 267, 268

cold frame for, 268–69, 276

raspberry leaf, 291

reach back exercise, 348–49

recaulking tub and shower, 247–50

reflexology, 373–75

massage oil, 375

refrigerator coils, 240–41

regrouting tub and shower, 247–49

remedies for common ailments, 57–67

for babies and children, 125–27

resources, 379–86

for baby supplies, 383

for gardening, 385–86

for home DIY projects, 384–85

for kitchen and food supplies, 383–84

for medicinal remedies, 381

for nursery, 382

for skincare products, 13, 379–82

for sewing, 382

retinol, 19

ricotta cheese, 204–5


and aloe softening toner, 28–29

luxurious oil for dry/mature skin, India, 31–32

rosehip seed oil, 14

rosemary and lavender moisturizer, 25–26

rubber bands, 321


sage, 291


classic three-bean, 198

Greek, 195–96

medicinal, 295

old-fashioned egg, 193

tabbouleh, 195–96

tricolore pasta, 199

tuna, 194

Waldorf, 196

salsa, fresh garden, 202


gourmet herb, 215

uses for, 322

scissors, 70

scouring paste, 302


gentle facial exfoliating, 31

minty foot, 50–51

spicy holiday sugar, 49

seeds and seedlings, planting, 276–78

sesame oil, 14

sunscreen, 33

sewing, 3, 5–6, 133–68

cute cover-up, 163–68

darning, 176–78

gathered skirt, 105, 146–49

hemming pants and dresses, 140–43

lingerie bag, 153–56

needles and thread, 136

recycled cashmere sweaters, 158–60

resources for, 382

romantic chemise, 150–53

sewing on buttons by hand, 138–39

stitches in, 136–37

transforming old clothes and fabrics into something new, 143–45

T-shirt yoga pants, 161–63

sewing basket/box, 137–38

sewing machine, 5–6, 135–37

shampoos for babies and children, 121, 124

shoe polish, 118, 175

shoes, 117–18

leather protector for, 117–18

taking care of, 174–75

tennis, cleaning, 118

shoe trees, 174

shoulder exercises, 359–61


cleaner for, 313–14

regrouting and recaulking, 247–50

shower curtain, 89–90, 314

showerhead, low-flow, 241

silver, cleaning, 314–15

skin brushing, dry, 30, 44–45, 380

skin care:

acupressure face lift, 42–43

dry skin brushing, 30, 44–45, 380

manicure and pedicure, 53–54

skincare products, 7–70

after-shower spritzing oil, 46

AHA skin-lightening mask, 39

anti-aging ingredients in, 15–19, 30, 379–80

for babies,
baby skincare products balancing oil for clogged pores, 26

basics of, 9

body care, 44–52

bottles and jars for, 14, 20, 22, 380

cellulite oil, 45–46

chamomile and aloe cleansing cream, 27–28

citrus cleansing cream, 23–24

commercial, chemicals in, 8, 9

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