Read Dog Days of Summer Online

Authors: P. J. Fiala

Dog Days of Summer (14 page)

’s steps halted briefly, but Jeremiah kept pulling her along. As soon as they got to the garage door, Jeremiah unlocked the service door and they quickly slipped inside. He turned to her and looked her straight in the eyes. “Not true. I’ll never be with her. Understand?”

Joci slowly nodded.

Jeremiah strode quickly to the truck, Joci at his side, and opened the door for her to slide inside. He slid in right behind her and quickly turned the key in the ignition.

Joci smirked at him.
“You seem to be in a hurry, big guy.”

Jeremiah looked at her out of the corner of his eye and hit the garage door button.
“When my woman is wet and ready, I’m not wasting any time. Besides, I’ve been hard as a rock all evening, and I need to come in you, soon!”

Joci leaned back and looked at him,
“Sheesh, you came just a few hours ago. I’m the one who’s been waiting an eternity to come.”

Jeremiah smiled.
“I’ll make it worth your while, baby.”

He winked and started backing out of the garage.

A few minutes later, Jeremiah pulled into his garage and hit the button to close the door.

He turned to look at Joci.
“Go inside and undress. Take a bubble bath and relax. But in a half hour, I want you kneeling in the middle of the bed and waiting for me.”

Joci looked at Jeremiah and squirmed a little, which caused him to smile.
“Ahh, you like that.” She was his woman in so many ways. He got out of the truck and reached in to help her out.

As soon as she was on the ground, he swatted her on the ass.
“Thirty minutes, Joci. Don’t keep me waiting.”

Joci walked quickly to the bedroom, pulling her shirt out of her jeans as she walked. She had a huge smile on her face and was turned on as hell. She turned the water on in the tub and squirted some bath soap sitting on the counter into the water. Joci finished undressing while the tub filled.

As she slid into the warm, soothing, floral-scented water, the day floated over her. All in all, it had been a great day. She could have done without LuAnn, and she hoped Jeremiah would soon tell her why he kept her around. He certainly didn’t seem interested in LuAnn, and yet, he seemed to have a connection to her. Joci finished her bath, dried off, and climbed into the middle of the bed with a smile on her face.

She heard Jeremiah walking down the hall toward her, and her tummy did a little flip-flop. He opened the door and looked right at her with an intensity that made her gasp.

“Joci, you’re so fucking beautiful. You take my breath away,” he said in a voice cracking with emotion.

Actually, I was just thinking the same thing about you,” Joci said, her voice quivering.

Jeremiah smirked.
“Your voice is shaky. Are you excited, Joci?”

Joci nodded.

“Say it.”

Joci licked her lips.
“I’m excited, Jeremiah.”

Jeremiah took a couple of steps closer to her and leaned down until he was nose to nose with her.

“What are you excited for, Joci?” He was smiling, “I want to know what you want.”

Joci took a deep breath.
“I’m excited for you to touch me, to make me come, to slide inside of me.”

Jeremiah hissed out a breath.
“Yes, I’m going to do exactly that and more.”

Jeremiah stood up and started pulling his shirt out of his jeans. His eyes never left hers. He pulled his shirt off and then unbuttoned his jeans. Slowly he unzipped them and pushed them down his hips to fall on the floor. He wanted her so bad. She was so beautiful to him, in every way. She was physically beautiful, but also beautiful inside. She was smart, talented, creative, and sweet without being a pushover. He could tell she wasn
’t going to let him push her around. She was perfect for him.

Look at you, Joci. Your nipples just beaded up looking at my cock. I think you’re turned on. Are you?”

Joci couldn
’t stop looking at Jeremiah. When his jeans fell to the floor, she couldn’t stop looking at his cock. She sucked in a breath, and Jeremiah smirked at her.

Yes,” she said, her voice barely audible.

He purposely made her wait this evening, knowing she wanted him, needed him. He wanted her to think about that and not LuAnn. He wanted her so ready that the thought of walking away was far from her mind. Now he was going to make her a very happy woman.

“Turn around and come closer to the edge of the bed. Put your hands behind your back.” Jeremiah used a voice that was soft, yet commanding.

Joci turned around and scooted herself to the edge of the bed. She put her hands behind her back and held her breath. Jeremiah reached around and rolled her nipples between his thumbs and fingers. A breath escaped as Joci sighed. He pulled her against his hardness. Almost instantly her hands cupped around his balls, causing Jeremiah to suck in a breath.

“Jesus.” Jeremiah pulled away and leaned down so his mouth was next to her ear. “You’re a little vixen, Joci. But, we have some playing to do first.”

His warm breath floated over her shoulder and her ear causing Joci to shiver. Jeremiah chuckled.

She felt something soft wrap around her wrists. Jeremiah tied both hands together with a soft cord or cloth.

Now, turn back around and scoot to the middle of the bed.” Jeremiah’s voice was tight with his own need.

Joci scooted on her knees and moved to the center of the bed. She turned to face him and then sat on her legs. When she raised her eyes to look at him, he sucked in a breath.

“You’re stunning, Joci. I can hardly believe you’re finally here with me. All day today, I kept reminding myself it was real. I’ve waited so long for you, and dreamed about you so much.”

Joci had to blink back the tears. She was still amazed at the fact that he felt so strongly about her. That he was willing to voice those feelings was even more amazing.

Jeremiah leaned forward and ran his fingers along Joci’s jaw. He slid his fingers into her hair at her temple and cupped the back of her head. He ran his thumb over her bottom lip and then let his hands fall to her breasts.

Do you know what I like about you having your hands tied behind your back?”

No.” Joci’s voice was so soft, her throat so dry watching him and listening to him, she couldn’t even hear herself. She cleared her throat and licked her lips.

No.” She said a little louder.

I like that your amazing breasts are thrust forward and just begging me to touch them, lick them. I like that I can do what I want to you and you can’t stop me with your hands, but you trust me enough to know that I won’t hurt you. Do you know what that means to me, Joci?”

No.” She said again, so softly.

Jeremiah looked into her stormy eyes. For long moments, they stared at each other. Jeremiah didn
’t even know if he had the words to tell her what this sight before him did to him. He had to pick the time right to tell her how he felt. He didn’t want to screw this up.

I don’t even have the words. I’ve never been speechless in my life. Right now, you render me speechless.”

’s lips tilted up on the sides. Jeremiah leaned forward and sucked one of her breasts in his mouth. He reached a hand up and cupped the other breast while he suckled the first in his mouth. He sucked hard and nipped at her nipple, and Joci moaned. Jeremiah pinched her other nipple between his thumb and forefinger and rolled it until it was hard and pointed. Then he pinched it. Joci groaned and squirmed a little. Jeremiah knew that went straight to her pussy. He smiled against her breast while he sucked and licked.

Do you like that, Joci?” He looked up at her. “Does that make you wet?”

Joci looked at him and nodded. At the same time, she sighed,

Really, how wet are you, baby?”

Jeremiah trailed kisses down her belly all the way down to her curls. He dipped his tongue a little lower. He licked her seam and found her clit and sucked it into his mouth.

Joci moaned again. Her legs were shaking.

Spread your legs wider for me, sweetheart. Show me your pretty pussy.”

Joci moved her legs apart a little more.

“Oh, so pretty. And, you taste so good.”

Jeremiah slid his tongue along her opening and sucked her into his mouth. Joci moaned. She
’d been waiting all friggin’ night. After she had sucked his cock in the garage and he told her what he would do to her, it was all she could think of. She wanted him in every way. He was like a drug to her. On some level, she felt like she shouldn’t want this so bad, but on another, she couldn’t stop herself.

This afternoon, when they came back to the house and she thought she would leave, she really couldn
’t bring herself to do it. All her bravado to Jeremiah that she would walk was just that. Bravado. She didn’t know if she could walk away. She couldn’t let him cheat on her either, but walking away from him would be the death of her.

Jeremiah continued to pleasure her with his thick, strong fingers. He knew just how to use them on her. In and out, slowly while he sucked and nipped at her clit. The rhythm he used was intoxicating and so hot. His mouth and tongue were like heaven.

“Jeremiah, can I come? Please tell me I can come.”

Jeremiah looked up at Joci.
“You never have to ask me if you can come, Joci. If I make you feel good enough to come, I want you to come. I want you to come on my face, on my fingers, on my cock. I want you to come everywhere.”

Joci whimpered. Jeremiah went back to licking and sucking her and then he slid a second finger inside of her and that was it. Joci cried out his name and came.

“I love watching your face when you come. I want to watch you come every day for the rest of my life. You’re so beautiful.”

Jeremiah reached around her to untie her hands. He massaged them to bring the circulation back into them. Then he gently pushed her back until she was lying down. He grabbed her ankles and pulled her to the edge of the bed. Jeremiah grabbed his cock in his hand and directed it to Joci
’s entrance. His eyes never left hers.

Joci felt the broad head at her entrance and braced herself for his entry. She still wasn
’t used to his size. Once he was in her, he felt amazing, but when he first entered her, she felt like she was going to break apart.

Breathe, baby. I won’t hurt you. I’ll never hurt you.”

Joci took a breath but never took her eyes away from his.

“Watch me, Joci.”

She lifted herself up on her elbows and watched him. First, he pushed in just a little so that only the head of his cock was in her. He gave her a couple of seconds and pushed in a little more. He slid out of her to the head and slowly pushed back into her a little more. Fuck, this was the most amazing feeling in the world.

Jeremiah pulled out and then slid in a little further. He leaned forward and lifted Joci’s legs up and spread her knees open so she was completely open to him.

All the way this time, baby,” he said with a ragged breath.

It took all of his willpower to go slowly with her. He was shaking and sweating, and he hadn
’t even started yet.

Are you with me, baby?”

Joci looked at Jeremiah and smiled at him. She heard him suck in a breath.

“I’m with you. You feel amazing, Jeremiah. I’ve never felt like this before. You fill me completely. It feels so right. It looks hot as hell.”

Jeremiah grunted,
“Damn right it feels right. I’ve never felt like this either, Joci. Never.”

He pushed himself into her all the way. Joci closed her eyes as a sigh escaped. He hit her good spots. He wouldn
’t even have to move and she could come again. Joci opened her eyes and watched him. He was so beautiful. Dammit, but she wanted this forever. Joci was afraid to think in terms of forever. She never had that sense of security before.

I want you to come very fast, Joci, because I won’t be able to hold off for long. I want to watch you come one more time, and then we’ll come together.”

Jeremiah reached down and started rubbing her clit while he moved in and out of her. Fuck, he wasn
’t going to make it long like this. She felt like nothing else in this world, but to stand here and look at her, so beautiful, so sweet, and then to watch his cock disappear into her sweet, tight little pussy, fuck. His skin became damp with sweat from the exertion of holding himself back. He put more pressure on her clit, and she moaned.

Fast, Joci. Come fast for me.”

Joci started breathing hard. She looked at Jeremiah. He started pushing into her faster. She was close.


He started pumping into her faster, straining to keep his own orgasm at bay. He added pressure to her clit and she came as she cried out his name.

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