Dominated: The Enforcers 2 (The Enforcers Series) (13 page)


Evangeline leaned back into Drake’s arms after disconnecting the call to her parents and sighed in contentment.

“They seemed excited,” Drake said indulgently.

“Oh, they are,” she said. “
excited, Drake! I still can’t believe you’re going to so much trouble to bring them here for Thanksgiving. Thank you.”

He smiled warmly at her. “It’s such a small thing, Angel. How could I not do something that brings you so much happiness? And I admit, I’m looking forward to meeting them.”

“They’re both dying to meet you,” Evangeline admitted. “I’ll warn you now. They’ll probably ask you a thousand questions. My dad will grill you as to your intentions toward his little girl, and my mother will be watching us both like a hawk.”

Drake looked amused at her chagrin. “I think I can handle a little interrogation. Don’t worry, Angel. Everything will be just fine.”

She snuggled further into his embrace and nuzzled her face into his chest.

“So tell me. Just how bad have I been and what’s my reward?” she asked innocently.

“It should be here anytime now.”

She pushed herself off him and stared down into his eyes. “What will be here anytime?”

He smiled. “Your punishment. My reward. Your reward as well.”

“What is it?” she demanded.

He captured one of her hands and brought it to his mouth, kissing her open palm.

“You remember Manuel?”

A warm buzz flooded her veins and she shivered without realizing it. She nodded, not trusting herself to speak at that exact moment.

“He will be paying us a visit tonight. I expect you to be a
good girl tonight and obey my commands without hesitation.”

“I would never shame you in front of another man,” she said quietly.

“I know that well, Angel. Now, go into the bedroom and prepare yourself. But hurry. He will be here shortly and I want you here, in the living room, on your knees, when he arrives.”

She immediately got up and hurried to the bathroom to brush her teeth and her hair and to clean up. Mindful of Drake’s instructions, she took only a few minutes and then hurried back to the living room to stand before Drake and await his command.

His eyes were full of approval as his gaze stroked over her naked body.

“Go and kneel on the carpet in the middle of the living room,” he said in a husky voice. “Manuel is on his way up now.”

Dutifully, she positioned herself where he’d directed and then slowly eased down to her knees so she faced the foyer and she would be the first thing Manuel saw when the doors opened.

She swallowed nervously, trying to recall as much as possible about that night. So much had been a pleasurable blur. She could barely recall Manuel’s features. How he looked. She seemed to recall placing him around Drake’s age. Perhaps a few years older.

He was a handsome man with midnight-black, short-cut hair with a
tinge of salt and pepper. Just enough to give him a distinguished look. He’d been well spoken and very solicitous of Evangeline that night. But her focus had been solely on Drake and his pleasure.

Just what did Drake plan for tonight? Would he want to watch her being dominated by another man as he had before, or would he want to participate more this time?

The doors slid open and Manuel saw her immediately. Desire and approval flickered in his dark eyes as he stepped forward into the apartment. Drake rose from the couch to greet Manuel and the two men shook hands.

“Evangeline, you remember Manuel,” Drake said.

“Yes,” Evangeline said in a hushed, submissive tone. “I hope you’ve been doing well, sir.”

“Such a sweet and respectful submissive you have, Drake,” Manuel said, his gaze unapologetically devouring Evangeline. “I count myself among the most fortunate of men to be given such a gift.”

“She is yours tonight,” Drake said simply. “I will watch and even participate but you will direct her, not me. As was the case the first night, the only thing you may not do is kiss her lips. Everything else is fair game.”

“What are her limits?” Manuel asked bluntly.

“She has none,” Drake replied.

Manuel lifted one eyebrow in surprise.

“You will use your judgment and I trust you to know how far is too far and as I trust you, so too then will Evangeline trust you. She knows I would never let her come to harm.”

Manuel turned his attention to Evangeline and her pulse accelerated. Her nostrils flared from the expulsion of air trapped in her chest.

“Tell me, Evangeline. How rough do you like it? How rough can you take it? I have no desire to hurt you. I want to make this as pleasurable for you as it is for me and Drake.”

“I want whatever you choose to do to me,” she said, meeting his gaze without hesitation. “I want it to be real. I don’t like fake.”

Drake’s eyes glowed with pride and that gave her an infusion of confidence.

“You and I will get along quite well then,” Manuel said with a smile. “I’m not into games either. But since this is only our second time together and this time I, not Drake, will be in control, I want you to come up with a safe word and use it if you need me to stop.”

“I won’t need you to stop,” she said calmly. “Drake would know long before I ever did if you needed to stop. He won’t allow you to go too far. I trust him completely.”

“It’s a very cherished gift indeed for a dominant for his submissive to have such faith in him. Drake is a very lucky man.”

“It is I who is the lucky one,” she whispered.

Drake walked forward and rested his palm against her cheek. “On that we will just have to agree to disagree, my angel. I am well aware of who is the fortunate one. But you are right. I will never let anyone take things too far with you and hurt you. But at the same time, if at any time, for any reason, you want Manuel to stop, then you say the words. You got me?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

Drake turned back to Manuel. “She is yours,” he said, gesturing toward where Evangeline knelt.

Manuel stood for a moment, staring, his hungry gaze roving possessively over Evangeline’s nude body. She shivered in response, her nipples puckering into taut buds. Her vagina clenched and her clit throbbed, pulsing. She was excited. More excited than she’d been the first time Drake had invited Manuel over because now she knew the pleasures that awaited her. The first time, she’d been nervous and unsure, apprehensive and worried that Drake would be angry if she responded to another man. But he’d reveled in watching her response to a man he’d
handpicked for her and when she’d seen that, recognized it, she’d relaxed and let go, immersing herself in the wickedly decadent ecstasy Manuel—and Drake—had given her.

And judging by the gleam in Manuel’s eyes, that had only been the tip of the iceberg. She had a feeling that the first night had been a test of sorts, one that she’d passed, and that tonight there would be no holding back.

She couldn’t wait.

Manuel unzipped his slacks and pulled out his huge erection, pumping it to further rigidity with his hand. Then he closed the distance between them until his cock bobbed deliciously before her lips.

“Suck my dick, Evangeline,” he said, using coarse language that excited her. “I hope you’re prepared because I’m going to deep-throat you. I’m going to fuck your throat until all you can taste, feel and smell is me. But first, I’m going to ask Drake to restrain you because I want you completely at my mercy so I can exert my will on you and there’ll be nothing you can do about it except take what I give you.”

She moaned softly, her body twitching and tingling as her desire heightened. Unconsciously, she arched forward, thrusting her breasts outward, her nipples so hard that it bordered on pain.

As Manuel stood there, slowly sliding his hand up and down his length, teasing her with what was to come, Drake roughly pulled her arms behind her and tied her wrists tightly together. Then to her shock, Drake thrust his hands into her hair, yanking her head back and then palming the sides with his hands, holding her firmly in place as Manuel planted his feet on either side of her thighs so that he was straddling her while she was in a kneeling position.

“Open,” Manuel commanded tersely.

She obeyed instantly and he slowly slid the underside of his erection over her tongue, rubbing back and forth with a grunt of satisfaction.

“Hold her,” he directed Drake in a rough voice.

It was all the warning she got before he plunged hard all the way to the back of her throat. Her gasp was cut off by his enormous girth, as was her breath. It took all her discipline not to choke and fight the invasion, but she forced herself to relax and lean into Drake’s grasp, trusting him to take care of her.

Manuel paused and glanced down with a tender smile that told her that her nearly imperceptible move hadn’t gone unnoticed. He sighed.

“This is one I would steal from you, my friend,” he said to Drake. “Never before have I been tempted to take another man’s woman, but I would take her away and never suffer an ounce of remorse. She is a priceless treasure.”

“You’re welcome to try,” Drake said in an icy tone. “I would kill the man who ever tried to take her from me.”

“As you should,” Manuel said approvingly. “As would I.” The last was said ruefully and he dropped his hand to caress Evangeline’s cheek in a gentle, intimate manner as he thrust more slowly, gaining more depth with every stroke. “You have what every man like us dreams of. I hope to hell you know that and safeguard her appropriately.”

Manuel’s cock slid from her mouth, the head resting on her lips as he stared down at her, lust and something altogether different glittering in his eyes. Sadness?

Temporarily forgetting herself, and, well, she
impulsive by nature, she couldn’t halt the question before it formed.

“Did you lose someone important to you, Manuel?” she asked in a soft, gentle tone. “Do you not have a woman to see to your needs?”

As soon as she asked, she flushed with mortification, every part of her body and expression displaying her dismay.

She stared at him utterly stricken. “I’m so sorry,” she said, horrified. “Please forgive me, Manuel.” She turned to Drake in panic. “Forgive me,
Drake. I overstepped. I shouldn’t have said—asked—anything. It isn’t my place to question you. It is my duty to see to your needs and to heed your orders, to be what you need. Not to pry into your personal affairs.
forgive me,” she repeated, her distress radiating like a beacon.

“Evangeline, look at me,” Manuel said in a tender but firm voice. Said gently but an order nonetheless.

She looked up at him in dread, sorrow over failing him but most of all failing
crushing her chest.

“Don’t look like that, my sweet, loving Evangeline,” he said with a tender smile. “How could I possibly find fault with a woman who shines with such beauty and compassion. You have a giving heart, one that captures every single person around you. Yes, I lost someone and no, I don’t have a permanent woman. I haven’t wanted one. Not since . . .”

He trailed off, his expression somber.

“No one has spoken to the heart of me in a long time. Not until you. It is why I teased Drake by telling him that if he weren’t such a good friend I’d spirit you away and suffer no guilt or remorse whatsoever. But your heart lies with him. Any fool can see that. You’d never be happy with any other man.”

“No,” she whispered. “Only Drake.”

Drake’s hands tightened in her hair, his body trembling against her back. He stroked his fingers through the long strands and then bent to kiss the top of her head.

Evangeline looked intently up at Manuel, never once breaking from his gaze. “I know your heart lies with another as does mine, but I would like it very much if I could be the woman to give you at least one night of peace. And pleasure. Take me, Manuel. It’s all right to pretend. Do to me as you will. Do
me as you will. I won’t break. I can take anything you give me. I want it and you need it. Let me give you solace tonight.”

“I would never seek to break you, little one,” Manuel said, affection and
respect softening his gaze. “I want to give you pleasure, and for a moment I want to touch the sun again.”

He slid his cock to the back of her throat as Drake held her head firmly in place, though it wasn’t necessary. Even though this night was for her, at Drake’s instigation, she sensed Manuel’s desperate need of comfort. And she ached to chase the shadows from the big man’s eyes.

Dutifully, she remained in place as Manuel stopped, lodged at full depth, and he remained there, head thrown back, harsh lines of pleasure carved into his sensual features.

“What would you say if we both took you, possessed you, over and over this night?” Manuel asked in a sexy, passion-laced voice. “Drake and I.”

She shivered delicately, closing her eyes at the sudden, nearly violent wash of desire and edgy need that splintered through her body.

Manuel chuckled. “I’d say we have our answer, Drake.”

“Indeed we do,” Drake murmured, kissing her neck as his fingers tangled more deeply into her hair. “My angel can take a lot and I want to give her the world. Tonight is merely the icing on the cake.”

She moaned softly, absorbing his loving words like an addict in desperate need of a fix.

Manuel withdrew and Evangeline turned ever so slightly so she could stare up at Drake. She knew she was disobeying. That she was to answer to Manuel. That her focus was to be on Manuel. But she simply couldn’t deny the words hovering on her lips.

“Don’t you know, Drake? You are my world,” she said softly.

The fire in his eyes blazed into an inferno and he bent to crush his lips to hers, devouring her mouth, uncaring that another man’s cock had just been inside it. Somehow that made it even more sexy and her clit pulsed, her nipples becoming more rigid.

“You have the spanking stool still?” Manuel asked Drake.

Drake gave a clipped nod and then walked away from Evangeline, and she felt the loss of his warmth keenly. Manuel cupped her chin, directing her gaze to him.

“I had thought to flog you tonight,” he murmured. “To mark your beautiful skin. To take you beyond the limits of your control. To push you to your breaking point. But I find I haven’t the stomach to do it. There are many more uses for a spanking stool, as you’ll soon discover.”

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