Dominic (34 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Amber

the floor.


“Give me your cock,” she begged softly, wrapping her hands at his nape. “Help me serve my purpose.”

He hesitated, wanting her. Yet wanting to make things right.

But her knees had already lifted her away just enough to al ow her nimble fingers to free the fastenings of his trousers. He groaned as she quickly

released al eleven inches of him. Need overrode thought. Words could wait.

She quickly settled close again, using her weight to flatten his shaft against his bel y. Resuming her ride but not yet inviting him inside her. Holding

his gaze, she stroked her flesh against his. Sliding soft, plush lips along his length in long, hot drags. A labyrinth of veins rose along his cock in her wake,

so abruptly he could almost feel the sensation of them popping forth.

“You’re dry,” he muttered against skin that was as fine and flawless as a baby’s.

“Make me wet,” she urged in that breathless voice that never failed to lure him toward climax. “Fuck me. Fil me, Vincent. Spil inside me and make

me wet again. Clean again. Please.”

Something was wrong. She sounded desperate, almost frightened. He held her away so he could examine her face.

The curtains at the carriage door swayed, and moonlight turned her violet eyes to jewels. Shaded with lambent desire, they were hungry for him.

And more beautiful than he’d ever seen them.

Simply because they were aware.

“Come inside me.”

“Gods, yes.” Slamming the soles of his boots wide on the edge of the opposite seat, he drew her higher against his chest with one hand wrapped

around her ass. She pushed upward with her knees, spreading her thighs, offering herself, begging him to pierce her.

Reaching between them, he took his cock and plowed its crown along the length of her slit, parting her. She quickly flowered for him, her velvet,

rose-colored petals opening, turning slick.

The carriage began to falter and its pace to decline, as if its driver had suddenly forgotten to steer. He wondered how Landon’s brawny frame

would fit were he to decide to join them inside the conveyance. It went without saying that when he entered her, Landon would know. His brothers would

know as wel . Satyr blood bound them al , and any carnal engagement one undertook stimulated the others’ need for such things, no matter how distant

their respective locations.

Though clucking over what he would consider an error in Vincent’s judgment, Marco would no doubt be lifting Mil icent’s skirts soon enough—a

consequence of Vincent’s current physical engagement with Cara. Anthony and Julius would likely be using their fists or conjuring Shimmerskins soon as

wel . Al benefitted when one experienced pleasure.

And if matters proceeded as he expected, Landon would benefit far more directly from this than would the others.

Cara sank over him, and he let gravity and the gentle sway of the carriage guide her lower. She seemed oddly smal er than he’d fashioned her to

be. But at his initial entry, she began to re-conform, her fit adjusting to him.

“Tel me if I hurt you,” he said.

“A good hurt,” she murmured, quickly caught up in her enjoyment.

He pressed his mouth to the hol ow of her throat as her body swal owed his crown and several inches in one gulp.

From outside the carriage, Landon’s sudden, terse cal to the horses reached him. And then they were off again, hurtling homeward at a furious


“Another wants to take me,” she whispered. The admission fel from her, and she ducked her head against the side of his face as though she

immediately wished it back.

“Yes,” he groaned, assuming she’d guessed she was meant for Landon as wel . He rocked himself deeper. Just a few more inches. “Are you

wil ing?”

“Wil ing?” she echoed, shaking her head. “Don’t send me back.”

“Send you back?”

Her eyes misted as they snagged his. Damn Marco. His talk of returning her to the ether had terrified her.

“I swear to you I have no intention of sending you back to your former situation. Or anywhere else.” As she took another inch of his length, it was the

furthest thing from his mind.

She looked dubious.

“Fucking is easily had, Cara. Even before, you were more to me than
.” In a wordless defining of his reference, he bucked his hips, sending

another inch inside her. “I want you, no other—in this and in my life. You were made for me.”

“Made for me.” She smiled into his eyes, appearing deeply affected. Then she turned her head slightly, angling her chin in the general direction of

Landon’s seat at the front of the carriage. “And.”

Intuitively she seemed to understand her purpose. At least the one he’d original y intended her for. As a mate for him. And for Landon.

The notion had him pul ing her higher on him and then ramming her down the final inches of his shaft. At last, at last her passage took al of him.

“Gods, Cara.” The feeling of being thoroughly sequestered inside her was indescribable. Addictive. A momentous homecoming. Pleasure crested

at this affirmation that she could stil encompass al of him in spite the fact that she was no longer ful y a Shimmerskin. Real or unreal. At the moment, he

didn’t care what species she was.

His hands slid under her skirts, up her thighs. Shaping the rounds of her ass, he worked the delicate clasp of her up and down his length, using her

body on him as he might have his own fist.

Their lips clung, their moans and breath twining. Her fingers threaded into his hair.

The pace of the carriage increased dramatical y, rocking them together and apart with its rol ing gait. The fucking became almost effortless as the

conveyance’s momentum alternately drew her away and then buried him in her to the hilt again.

“Oh, Vincent.” Her voice was pure anguished need. Her head fel back, and he gazed at her smooth white throat. At the heave of breasts quivering

within her bodice. And then he felt her channel begin to squeeze him in a shuddering rhythm that milked him from groin to cockslit. Once. Twice. Never in

al their prior joinings had she come first. Another sign she was changing, for a Shimmerskin’s release could only be triggered after her partner’s had


His head fel back and every muscle in his body clenched taut as a tremendous orgasm rol ed over him, surprising him with its ferocity. He spurted

deep, deep inside her, each coming of semen matching that of thunderous, driving hoofbeats.

And then the carriage was slowing. Lurching, it came to a halt so abrupt that, had his boots not been braced on the opposite seat, he and his

delectable rider might’ve both been pitched to the floor. He heard Landon cal out to a night servant with curt instructions to unhitch and stable the horses.

They were home.

The carriage door was peremptorily flung open, and a pair of heavily muscled, masculine arms reached inside. Cara’s eyes widened at Landon’s

ravaged expression, but she nevertheless loosened her hold on him.

Vincent considered it the height of self-sacrifice when he al owed Landon to take her, hoisting her over one shoulder without a word. He watched

through the half-open door as Landon’s long stride ate up the distance across the courtyard. He took the marble steps two at a time, and then he was

inside their

He and Cara had both stil been coming when she’d been so decisively wrenched off him, so he remained in the carriage briefly, finishing himself

off by the use of his own hand. With the last pump of seed, he was already sliding a few buttons home to seal his trousers. Then he jumped from the

conveyance, fol owing in Landon’s wake and cal ing out to the servant to see to the bag of clothing Cara had brought.

The front door had been left open, and inside he found Landon had pinned Cara to the wal behind it with his body. His mouth was on hers, his legs

between hers, and his hand was working at the fastenings of his trousers.

“In the study, Landon, for Gods’ sake,” chided Vincent, nodding toward the bevy of night servants who’d gathered to stare.

Landon only snarled at him, but he didn’t react in kind, likely because he’d just climaxed and Landon had yet to. It had been a long time since he’d

seen this man so desperately at the mercy of his cock. Some thought Landon cold, but he was warm enough, given the right circumstances.

“Fuck me,” Cara coaxed, her eyes seducing Landon’s. She slipped her hand to his groin and boldly cupped him. With a randy grunt, he ripped the

front of his trousers open, popping buttons.

“Landon! Not here!” Coming between them, Vincent swung Cara into his arms and carried her into the study. Hard on their heels, Landon was

swearing ripely. He kicked the door shut behind them, fairly growling with need.

Taking Cara from Vincent, Landon set her on the edge of the desk, flipping up the front of her skirts and shoving his trousers just low enough to

expose himself.

“You shouldn’t have waited so long,” Vincent told him, propping a shoulder against the door to watch.

“Waited so long,” he heard Cara murmur against Landon’s throat. Her eyes found his over the other man’s shoulder, and he saw them darken as

Landon breached her.

Her ankles rose to clasp behind him, catching atop the bunching of trousers slung low at his hips. With a mighty shove, Landon slid ful y inside her,

his way paved by an erotic blend of Vincent’s seed and her natural cream.

Her dark lashes fel shut, and her head fel back. Her arms locked straight behind her, hands braced on the desktop.

Sleek muscles at the sides of Landon’s buttocks clenched as he thrust inside her, hard, his big hands anchoring her ass for his taking. The

immense desk lurched several inches across the floor. Papers, books, and pens scattered. A dozen violent pumps later, his massive frame was

shuddering over hers.

Gods, he’d known Landon to go an hour before final y coming if he set his mind to drawing out the task. How the hel long
it been for him?

Without glancing his way, Landon moved from the desk, taking Cara with him and sinking to his knees on the plush carpet. Lifting her away, he

turned her and set her on her knees before him, her back to his chest and his calves between hers. Shoving his trousers lower on his thighs and rucking

the back of her skirt up, he quickly retook the same passage he’d just enjoyed.

Her back arched as he speared up into her. Her fingers rose to brush his jaw, and his lips turned into her palm as he began to rock her again,

every bit as hungrily as before. His broad hands came over her breasts in a massage that matched the rhythm of his stroke. Though Landon didn’t

acknowledge him in any way, he’d settled them facing him so that Vincent could observe what they did this time. And so he could easily join in.

Cara smiled in his direction, issuing the overt invitation Landon would not. Vincent’s cock twitched, demanding he attend to it. Unclasping his

trousers again, he discovered he’d misbuttoned them, inadvertently showcasing more of himself than decorum dictated for anyone who’d cared to look as

he’d made his way into the house.

Going to the couple on the rug, he knelt before Cara. Landon’s hands released her, grasping the bones of her hips as she went down on al fours.

Licking her lips, she encircled Vincent’s root with a fist and led him closer.

Al three of them groaned in a salacious harmony as he entered her mouth and began to ride her tongue, even as Landon plowed on in her furrow.

“This ought to put Marco in a severe snit,” Landon said an hour later as he drew on his trousers. Seeming only then to realize he’d ruined their

fastenings beyond repair in the vestibule, he gave up and let the front placket of his pants lie open to expose him in a lurid vee.

“He knew to expect exactly this, as did Mil icent. Why else do you imagine they sought to confine Cara in their home?” Vincent countered as he

attempted to refasten his own trousers, using his sole available hand. Cara was leaning against him, and his other arm was curved around her waist.

“He may have expected this of
,” said Landon. “But he knows I have more restraint.”

“Oh, real y?” Vincent glanced pointedly at the destruction his friend had wreaked on his desk in his rush to plunder their woman.

Cara yawned.

“May I suggest we adjourn to my bedchamber?” Vincent offered.

“Bed,” Cara echoed. With her head on Vincent’s shoulder, she smiled sleepily at Landon and lifted her hand toward him, beckoning him to join


When he didn’t respond, Vincent swung her in his arms and turned to go. After a long moment, Landon fol owed them.

Much later, as dawn approached, Landon stood from the bed and made to leave them. Distant again and brooding, he stared at Cara where she

stil lay draped over Vincent’s body. His hand was rubbing her back, and his cock was stil buried in her, leisurely pumping the last of its semen. Though

she was stil coming as wel , she was already half asleep.

“I’m glad this happened,” Vincent told him.

Gray eyes shot to his.

Something had damaged Landon in Else World, though Vincent never expected to learn exactly what it was. He’d always been withdrawn, but now

there was a raw look in his eyes, as if witnessing so much kil ing in the war had wounded him internal y where his injuries could not be seen or mended.

“I didn’t create her only for me. Didn’t you guess?” Vincent went on, softly so as not to wake Cara. “Didn’t it strike you as odd that her body was

specifical y designed to harbor my dimensions as wel as yours? How many females, even Shimmerskins, could do that?”

The two men stared at each other across the bed, across the woman both wanted. The woman that tonight both had tacitly agreed to share.

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