Don't Label Me! (18 page)

Read Don't Label Me! Online

Authors: Arwen Jayne

Tags: #scifi, #spiritual, #conspiracy, #angel, #fairy, #bdsm, #metaphysical, #dolphin, #transcendence, #malakim

Yes, but like any garden she
appreciates a drop of water, a gentle breeze or the warmth of the
sun. We’re all that to her.”

Empathy for their joy flowed through her
being. It sounded beautiful. It was like she participated in it by
just knowing them.

Arion smiled at her knowingly. “Come. An
emissary of the Delphines is nearly here. I feel his approach.
Let’s sit and wait.”

I’m more than half naked.”



Ang watched from her rock as a patch of
ocean began to brighten. It was almost like a beam of light was
streaking through the water. She caught her breath as, nearing the
shore, the light suddenly blinked out. A shape appeared. For a
moment she thought it was a dolphin or whale she was seeing but
then its shaped blurred, morphing into a man. A tall, attractively
and absolutely hairless man who rose from the waves like some sea
god. She watched mesmerised as trickles of water ran from his arms
and legs as he strode determinedly through the shallows towards
them. She couldn’t help it, she gaped. He was glorious in his
nakedness and quite exotic to look at. The skin on his front was
almost alabaster white but the skin on his back, the tops of his
legs and the outer sides of his arms was a slate blue grey. Of
course she tried very hard not to look at his cock, unfortunately
noticing that he didn’t seem to have one, not that she could tell
anyway. Damn!

Arion stood and offered a hand. The other
man looked quizzically at Arion’s gesture, frowned, then extended
his arm to clasp the other’s hand. “Calm seas be with you, Arion,
son of the sea goddess.”

Greetings, Emissary. May I present to
you Angela de Silva?”

Angela stood, feeling almost like she should
bow. Instead she shyly looked at the surf that was splashing at her
feet, anywhere but his soul piercing gaze. The firm but gentle
caress of a large masculine hand raised her chin so that she had no
choice but to meet his sea blue eyes. She could lose herself in
their depths. “Um, Hi.”

Do not be shy my angel.” His hand
gently raked through her wet tresses and stroked the line of her
nose and cheeks. “You are of the Lusitani I see.”

Honestly I don’t know who my people
are. I was left on the steps of church in a seemly abandoned
village in rural Portugal. I was adopted by the loving tourist
couple who found me and they brought me back to their home

There is no doubt Angela. The
heritage of your ancestors is written in your face. The Lusus were
a celtic people, worshippers of the god of light, Lugh. They
migrated from an area near the Swiss Alps and came to settle by the
sea. They called their lands the Tain but the Romans renamed it
Lusitania. Your people were great friends of my kin. Be welcome.”
He continued to study her with his intense gaze. “ There is
something of the Fae in you too. There is magic in your blood is
there not?”

So I am told. I have an ability to
see energy, auras, shades of color others can’t.” She didn’t see
any harm in being honest with him about that but she wondered what
dolphins and whales saw.” Do you see in color?”

Sadly not well. Our sight is quite
good in both dim and bright light but our color vision is limited.
As for our sense of smell, it is non-existent. We are creatures of
sound mostly. I hear frequencies your kind can only theorise about.
We are also very, how should I say, tactile.”

You like to touch?”

Very much. Especially with my other

She ran her eyes briskly over him but saw no
strange appendages. “I don’t understand.”

I could show you but it may startle
you. I know you two legs can be prudish at times, at least compared
to my kind.”

Ah?” Shit he didn’t mean the part of
him she thought he did he. Her mouth went dry. Her mother had
always commented that she must have the lives of a cat because her
curiosity had never killed her, yet. “I’m game, how about you show

Brave heart, I like you.”

His words warmed her soul but it wasn’t that
that stole her breath away. She looked down as she felt something
stroking her leg. His penis had to be about a good foot or more in
length. Where had that come from? She looked back up at him
somewhat amazed. “You feel with your penis?”

Very much so. In my Delphine form I
don’t have arms and legs. My penis is useful for touching things I
couldn’t otherwise reach. When I’m swimming or fighting off sharks
it stays retracted within me.”

Arion coughed politely to attract their
attention. He made a joke of covering his eyes. “Maybe if you could
put that thing away for a second we could get back discussing our

The Delphine shrugged. “I think this is our
discussion. This human you have brought to meet me is obviously
very open minded and unfazed by our kind. We would be pleased if
she became our go between.”

She would be acceptable to you then?”
Arion seemed relieved

Emissary turned his gaze back to Ang,
assessing her once more. “Would you consider this my angel?
Swimming with us from time to time. Seeing our world and our issues
so you could report back to our allies in Boswell.”

Ang was rather taken aback but at the same
time overwhelmed by the surprise honor. After all, Arion had said
that the Delphines didn’t trust what they disparagingly called
two-legs. She turned to Arion in question. “This is why you brought
me here?”

Arion nodded. “We had hoped. Simon, who
you’ve met, had a hunch they might like you. What about it? It’s
not something you’d have to do all the time. We really do need your
skills in Boswell to sort out our waste problems but since you love
the sea, maybe this would not be an onerous extra task.”

Task? It would be a pleasure.” She
beamed. “But I don’t see how I could do more than meet with you
like this. I’m an airbreathing, shark fearing, two leg after all.”
She tried to make a joke of it. “I don’t even know what to call you
other than Emissary.”

You will find our males are very
protective. You would have nothing to fear from our natural
enemies. Names, well that’s a problem as we don’t have any. Having
individual names is something peculiarly human. Our identity is
with our kind. Perhaps at a more intimate level it is also with our
pod. My title Emissary is just my function. However, I notice that
you shorten your name from Angela to Ang. If Emissary is too long I
would be okay with you calling me Em.”

I like that. It suits you. But I
still don’t see how I can roam the oceans with your pod. Unless I
go out and take scuba diving lessons.”

Em made a dismissive gesture with his
moderately webbed hand. “There is no need. Arion has told me of a
number of ways we can solve this problem. It really comes down to
what you’re most comfortable with.”

Ang looked to Arion, hoping he’d divulge
what the two of them had obviously already discussed, probably
using their telepathic communication thingy. “Which are?”

It involves ingesting part of his
essence. Blood or cum. Saliva has been known to work but only on
one occasion we know of. He might be able to use the force of his
will to insert a piece of his light into you but there is no
knowing if it would do what is needed.”

Which is?” She felt the guys were
reticent to tell her something.

Making you part delphine, giving you
the ability to shift into our form. I gather from Arion that you
are already immortal so you might view this as just another new

A shapeshifter?” They wanted her to
become a shapeshifter. How cool was that. She thought through the
options for a moment “So blood or cum. Well I have to be honest
with you, I faint at the sight of blood so that’s out and I’m quite
sure you wouldn’t fit your, um, ‘hand’ inside me. Give me a way to
make this work?”

As Arion said, you merely need to
ingest my essence. I would need to become aroused enough to
ejaculate. You would need to drink that down.”

Oh.” Could she arouse him? Was this
even just some ruse to get his jollies off? Yet there was nothing
joking or leery about him. “I know this is me being a very human
female but I would need to know that you in some small way wanted
me. That you wouldn’t just see it as cumbersome necessity. That you
don’t despise me as a ‘two leg’.”


No Ang, I don’t despise you. I find
you refreshing. Is it true what Arion says? That you will help with
their waste management. That impresses me greatly. My ocean home is
facing grave problems because of the waste humans dump in it. Such
knowledge would give you much status among my kind.”

Yeah but do you like me? Do you find
me in the least bit attractive? I’m not vain. I just don’t do sex
for sex’s sake. I’d like to know we had at least some potential for
affection between us.”

Em smiled. “I am glad you want this
affection, as you call it. It pleases me. Maybe when you are able
to shapeshift you would consider me as one of your potential mates.
Does that shock you my angel?”

Mates plural?”

Certainly. You have such a beauty of
soul that I suspect many of the males in my pod would be distressed
if they could not have a chance to enjoy you as well. We are social
beings. Sex and play are what bond us as a whole. Polyamory is
normal for us.”

Gods she had much to learn but she’d never
been so fascinated or so turned on. Most human males usually ran
the other way when they saw her bulky well muscled form, let alone
when they found out she drove a rubbish truck for a living. “I
don’t suppose you could leave us for a little while Arion, go for a
swim or something?”

You’re sure about this Ang. We’re not
forcing you into this?”

She blushed as she felt Em make another pass
at touching her leg with his appendage. “No, no forcing going on

Em and Ang heard a splash as Arion answered
them by returning to explore the sea. Ang felt a moment’s nerves.
“So how do I arouse you?”

Oh I’m already aroused my angel but
maybe if you stroke me with your tongue that will make me even more
so. Make me very very wet. We delphines like to be wet.”

It made sense, that being a creature of the
ocean, he’d like it that way. Ang had only done this particular act
a time or two but enough to know she’d choke on the size of him if
she tried to swallow even part of him down her throat. She opted
instead to let her mouth fill with moisture, swirled it around her
tongue and then knelt down in the shallow tidal surge to caress his
prehensile tip. Her lips firmly pressed around it, pulling softly
to let him know she’d taken possession. She was rewarded with not a
groan as she’d expected but a series of clicking sounds that
sounded awfully happy. Okay that worked.

Licking along the sides of his long
shaft elicited more happy sounds. A plea of
more please
resounded in her head, the telepathy
startling her. Yet she didn’t stop to wonder at it, she was intent
on her task. A task that was made infinitely pleasurable by her
fascination with this man, err, male. A weight of responsibility
also rested on her shoulders. Their roles had somewhat reversed.
She was now the ambassador, representing her kind and she damned
well wanted to make a good impression on him. If she stuffed this
up it might reflect badly on all her kind.

Less worrying and more
came the reprimand in her head.
That feels so damned good.

So she licked and sucked and nibbled, edging
his arousal ever higher. When she paused for breath his ‘hand’
swiveled to stroke her face. She laughed with surprise and joy at
the fun of it, nuzzling him back in return. Then she took the whole
tip of him in her mouth, slurping, driving him over the edge of
whatever precipe he’d been hanging onto.

Great goddess!” He swore.

Ang nearly got caught unawares, almost
drowning in the gush that flowed down her throat, escaping her lips
and dribbling down onto her boobs.


Strong arms swept around her, raising her up
and nearly crushing her against him. His lips took hers and licked
the excess from her face.

Come swim with me in the shallows my
angel. Don’t try to transform yet. Just be with me, just as you
are. I want to savor being with you for a moment or two before
Arion returns.”

Ang smiled, delightedly taking his offered
hand as he walked her into slightly deeper water. Then she took a
deep breath and dove beneath the surface, to once again enjoy the
beauty there. Only this time she enjoyed the shared experience of
seeing it with her lover who swam beside her, playfully nudging and
bumping her as they fossicked through the shallows together.


Later that day Arion strolled into Jnarn’s
laboratory, sitting down on a spare stool near where the amiable
but reclusive scientist was peering down his microscope.

Jnarn looked up, puzzled. “I sense reprimand
in your thoughts.”

Arion side. “You’re healing people with this
antivirus of yours.”

I am, I don’t see the harm in that.
When is healing ever wrong?”

Not wrong but you must know our
highest law is free will. We must tell people the healing will make
them live longer, potentially give them extra powers and so

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