Read Don't... Online

Authors: Jack L. Pyke

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Lgbt, #Gay, #Romantic Erotica

Don't... (26 page)

A stupid grin on my face, I eased up onto my elbows. “I’d say can I have that written on paper. But I guess I already have.”

I got a bite to my hip that made me yelp.

“Piss taker,” he said, then reached over for some paper towels. After running them under hot water, pulling off the condom and disposing of it, Jack used as much intensity to wipe me clean.

“You all right?” I said, watching him. He still had a lot of colour to his cheeks and every now and again his hard cock would brush an even harder cage against my leg.

“I need to fuck the hell out of you.” He tucked my cock back in, then zipped me up. His hand rested on the flat of my abs, and he watched, seemingly fascinated by the rise and fall of my breathing, the play of light in his grey eyes taking delight in hiding every thought going through his mind. “But if it pleases you,” he kissed where his hand had lain, “sir,” that wicked smile of his, “If I please you, sir.” More kisses and I groaned against them. “I’ll be let free from this cage tomorrow, and...”


“I’ll fuck you for as long as you can stand it.”

I chuckled, then let it fade to a moan remembering him up against me a few moments ago. “And if I say you’re mine to fuck for as long as you can stand it?”

A tug at my arm, Jack pulled me up to his lips and I tasted myself for long moments. “I’d say ‘yes, sir, please’ so fucking sweetly.”

My hands fisted his hair then. Crushing his lips on mine, teeth against teeth, tongue, groin pressed to groin, Jack bringing a little bump and grind and sending a thrill into me as rigid metal dug into my cock. Yeah, maybe there was something to this Dom/sub thing, because I swore I’d sell my mother, sisters, every damn possession I had just to hear him plead for me to fuck him.

“Off,” I breathed against him, “that thing’s coming off tomorrow. And I’m fucking you senseless, Jacky boy.”

Jack laughed against my lips and even added a soft purr before his stomach groaned.

“Guess we should go eat,” said Jack, barely taking a breather from my mouth.

“Guess we should,” I said, not wanting to lose the feel of his body against mine. “Just for the record...”

“Hmmmm,” said Jack.

“I luh-like you too.”

He pulled away, his face held between not knowing whether I was
taking the piss
, or talking straight. I hoped he’d settle on the latter.

Chapter 22
Play in Session

Jan was up and out before I got up the next morning. Padding around the kitchen getting ready for work, I smiled catching his scent as I passed through certain pockets. Yesterday had been intense, Jan driving me bloody nuts sat across the table from me at Artisan’s. He was like Gray in many ways, speaking more with his touches, and where Gray’s was a different dialect, and he knew exactly how to blend sentences together and keep me quiet, ease the ache in my head when it came to commands, Jan’s sang, making my body and mind either want to move in heat to the fast beat, or lie low, just chilling, listening. Gray knew exactly what his touch did, Jan, maybe not so aware and just beautiful with his soft ignorance, that brief touch at the consultant’s wiping away an entire night of shit.

Today he was just going for plain damn cheek. A to-do list was attached to the fridge, the end comment being:
if you want out, earn it

Obviously I hadn’t done enough in the restroom yesterday, and maybe it was time to show Jan the proper way to compile a “to-do list”. I bet good old ex-Rob had never fucked Jan into the land of dry-heaving cocks. Maybe Gray had some spare chloroform going? Catch Jan off guard, take him to Gray’s forty-acre or so of woodland, tie him between a couple of trees... mmmm. Second on the list was finding out Jan’s fantasies, when he’d recovered from a few of mine, of course.

For now Jan’s list would have to suffice, fitting some ceiling fans, installing a few extra sockets in the garage, the usual household stuff. The camera system installed by Mike’s obs team needed its weekly maintenance test, and it looked like I’d been delegated. Work came first, and I put the list to one side for later and had breakfast. After slipping some socks and boots on and cleaning the kitchen, I headed on out for my car. At least there were no slashed tyres this time. Gray had got back in touch last night to confirm there was nothing on the CCTV from Mike, so it looked like it had happened away from here. I shrugged; it wasn’t really a concern.

I climbed in and flicked the engine over. It wasn’t until I’d swung an arm over the back of my seat to reverse that I noticed the envelope on the back seat.

Pulling the handbrake on, I reached over and grabbed the A4-manila envelope. No name was written on the front, and I gave a frown as I turned it over. Maybe Jan had left it here? Nobody but Jan and Gray had access to this. Steve had a spare set of keys, but that was just in case I lost mine.

A shrug, I opened it up more to try and find out who to give it back to. A glossy feel met my touch, and sure enough the back of a photo was visible as I pulled it out.


The word had been scrawled in thick red ink across the top. A marker maybe? Below that was a picture of fresh come on a bed of red satin, then the remainder of the sentence:

...for me, Jack.

It was tacky, a little crude, but I stuffed it back in the envelope, now a little pissed. I’d been hoping for a little Friday morning normality, even more so knowing this cage was coming off. Ben and his head games I didn’t need.

All four roller-doors to the garage were rolled up by the time I got there, bays prepped, and (most importantly) the coffee machine bubbled in the maker as I made my way in. I think I even sighed a little easier despite having the photo tucked under my arm.

“Want one, boss?” Sam shook a mug in my direction, and I stopped, looked at my watch, then looked at Sam again. Either I was late, or, cast this place into hell, call it heaven, he was....

“He’s agreed to come in early and help me open up,” said Steve, adding a chuckle as he came over and patted my back. “You can close your mouth now.”

I did, only to have it fall back open again.

“Better call 999,” Steve shouted over to Sam, “He’s going into shock. We need a defib’.”

“Will a car battery and a few clips to the nips do instead?” said Sam, and I swore I swallowed a fly with my reaction. Good job I wasn’t drinking coffee, Steve would have had it all over his coveralls. That’s one I wouldn’t put in the suggestion box to the Masters.

“Here.” Sam put a mug of coffee in my hands.

“Thanks,” I said with a frown. “I think.”

Steve barely managed to control himself. “Poor lad’s been overdosing on porn, I think.”

“Not really an image I want in my head,” I said, and made it a deliberate act that I moved into reception to check the appointment book.

“He’s trying,” said Steve, coming over and pulling the book from under my nose. “And he’s actually been a big help with you and these part-time hours you’re putting in.” He tapped a name, job, and car and added, “This one’s yours for this morning.”

An 87 Range Rover with fuel pump problems
. Messy.
“Okay.” I glanced up at Steve who was already pencilling in the rest of the mechanics. “Thanks,” I said quietly, “for picking up my slack. I know I don’t say it often.”

Steve looked up and winked. “Anytime. Besides.” He glanced out of the reception window. Sam was using the compressor to clear the yard. Dumbass, they invented a broom for that. “The extra money is coming in handy,” said Steve.

I coughed dramatically. “Chelsea Bunny pulling his weight?”

Steve barely hid his smile. “Oh, a whole shit load full. Sue had him cleaning the toilets yesterday.”

With ten mechs, a handful of apprentices, three toilets... that couldn’t have been pretty. “He gag much?”

“Only about a dozen.”

I shouldn’t have laughed, because Steve seemed to be eyeing me suspiciously. “Cut out early on the Strachan project too, huh?” A thousand and one toilets flashed across his eyes, and I mumbled something about me being the boss, Steve being the manager, the toilets already being clean, then added very quickly about making a start. After giving Sam a sharp whistle to get his attention, I called over, “Get her pulled in, Sam. I need to get off on time today.”

By the time dinnertime came around at two, I’d finished on the Land Rover and had set up a few welding jobs for the apprentices to do. Okay so that was the art of delegation, but it also gave them more experience. I took lunch in my office, just a light sandwich, Danish pastry (which Sam had bought (scary)), and a coke, also carrying on with the presentation. Sue had been given orders to keep my appointment book clear for an hour, and I’d also asked her to make sure I wasn’t disturbed by any Staff. Which is why it annoyed the hell out of me when I heard a knock at my door.

“Sam,” it just had to be, “for goddsake, I said no....”

The door opened and, dark suit and long coat, Gray came in with Sue in full bloom, a second later.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Harrison, but Mr—”

“Gray. Jack and I have been acquaintances for a long time, it is only fair you call me as he would.” I shot him a warning glance. He ignored it as usual, making Sue his sole attention. That was his puller, making you seem like nothing else in the world mattered to him but you. Pity it was only a party trick.

“Oh, sure. Gray.” Sue gave it a second go, seeming to like the roll of that off her tongue, and that got Gray smiling. As far as I knew, Gray was one-hundred percent gay. But just because I hadn’t seen him with a woman, it didn’t mean he turned them away from his bed. In fact I’d only known Gray to turn me away from his bed.

“Jack,” she threw Gray a smile. “Gray said he was expected.”

He hadn’t been, not until tonight with Jan and removing the cage, but with Gray, you lapped at his hand when he offered it. Gray nodded his thanks and approval, and, damn, if Sue didn’t turn a darker shade of
Fuck me now, please, sir.
Had he asked her?

“He is,” I said, getting to my feet and moving around my desk. I nodded a welcome at Gray as I rested against the front of my desk, then asked Sue if she’d get us some coffee.

Gray declined. “I’ve just had one, thank you,” then to Sue, “but thank you for the kind thought, Miss—”

She coughed. “Sue.” She looked over at me, then tucked long black hair behind her ears. “Everyone here just calls me Sue.”

“I doubt you’re
Sue,” said Gray, and Sue seemed to stumble. “I know Jack here never picks a just Sue in anything.”

“Yeah, well.” Her hand fell from her hair across the top of her chest, not guarding, just using the action to draw Gray down to her other attributes. “He’s—he’s a good man.”

It carried on for a few more minutes, both using signals I knew hands down, until I reminded Sue I only had an hour for dinner. Looking like she’d pass out from embarrassment, she quickly disappeared. “Wouldn’t be so bad if you were actually into women.”

Gray flashed a smile and came over to rest next to me on the desk. “I called the meeting with Jan ahead of schedule because I have business to attend to in Nottingham tonight. I need to get away early.”

Ah. That meant code for business outside of the MC circle, and I nodded. “No problem.”

Gray’s blue eyes sparkled deeply and it worried me how much of an affect it still had on my body. “You’re looking a lot more relaxed.”

I smiled down to my feet.

“No worries?” he said.

“With Jan? No.”

“No complaints.”

I fell quiet for a minute. “No. No complaints.”

“Looks good on you, Jack.”

I gave him a sideways glance.

“A little happiness. Although what changed between you two is beyond me. Reports last night said you both came home, went to separate beds, then left for work.”


“Care to fill in the blanks? What went on after you both left the clinic?”

“Oh.” That got my attention. “And you know we left together how?”

Gray just winked as another knock came at the door. Sue came in with my coffee, and Jan followed her in. “Found this gentleman downstairs,” said Sue. She came over, handed me my coffee, and gave me one of those deep and meaningful looks that only women could give. The dumbass grin I know I had on my face probably helped her loads with putting two and two together.

“Jan.” Not an acknowledgement, just a breathe of his name. I tried to shake his haunting off. “Thanks, Sue. Could you get Jan a coffee too, please?”

“I’m fine.” As Sue left, Jan stood eyeing me and Gray, and I didn’t recognise the look until I noticed he hadn’t taken a step toward us.

“Jan.” Gray eased off the desk and went over to stand by my filing cabinet. “Good to see you looking... well.” I frowned at Gray’s pause and use of first name. His body language had altered slightly as he stood watching Jan. He looked interested. Less professional, distant, in no way a defensive
Jack’s mine
stance, which pissed me off, I think, more of an
I bet I can fuck you before you reach him
ready-to-pounce stance, which also pissed me off. I think. Ben’s head fuck was easier to deal with. That I

Jan seemed to eye Gray with the same
you still here
coldness, one of Gray’s looks if ever I saw it. But Gray was right; he looked well. Stood there in a suit, one hand casually in his pocket, hair still windswept, okay so his smile wasn’t as easy today, but—

“I asked—”

Jan’s phone broke through Gray’s words, and Jan took himself outside the door to answer it. Gray was looking at me. I know that rubbed him up the wrong way, but there was nothing I could do. Jan had a business to run, Gray usually respected that rule above any other. Maybe it was more that Jan had dismissed him so casually.

“In your own time, Mr. Richards,” he shouted at the door. A moment later Jan came back in and I eased off the desk. Something had changed in his eyes. All emotion was back in them, but the sort more associated to breakdown-look of gutting proportions. Jan kept looking back at the door like he’d left his mind back out there, only he couldn’t remember where or how exactly.

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