Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (24 page)

Read Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four Online

Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 134

eyes, a gentle smile tugging at his lips, “You know me better than

that, Jake. It’s a rare day when I have first thoughts.”

He studied Dylan’s gaze carefully, but there wasn’t a trace of

uncertainty in it—a fact that reassured his doubts as well. This would

work or they’d give it hell trying, just like they’d always done

everything, together. He let his gaze wander from those bottle-green

eyes over the handsome face that had filled his dreams for so long, to

Dylan’s shoulders and torso, more slender than his own stocky build

but still muscular, his chest hairless and deeply tanned. He looked like

an angel, or how Jake had always imagined one would look with his

golden hair highlighted by the sun. There was the matter of a very

irritating towel wrapped around his hips, which Jake tugged at

throwing it to the ground, as he pulled Dylan down and rolled them

both over until he was lying atop the slender body, his own towel

lying in a heap next to Dylan’s. Mouths sought each other as hands

roamed freely over naked skin, lips and teeth and tongues tangled

together in hungry kisses too long denied. Fingers searched out and

found all of the interesting places that caused the best noises.

Kissing his way down Dylan’s neck, he nibbled briefly at his

collar bone before continuing down his chest to capture one dusky

nipple between his teeth. Dylan’s back arched as Jake applied a slight

pressure and flicked it with his tongue. He found the other, repeating

the process, eliciting a groan from the blonde as fingers threaded into

his hair, pulling just slightly and pressing his mouth closer, inviting

more attention to the small, dusky pebble. Jake grinned speaking

against the skin of Dylan’s chest, “You like that, do you?”

“Fuck yes! God. More.” And Jake was happy to oblige,

alternating between one nipple and the other his hands sliding down

Dylan’s ribcage, finding the hardness of his erection and wrapping his

hand around the shaft, teasing it with gentle strokes guaranteed to

drive him mad. As he writhed under the onslaught of Jake’s skilled

mouth and hand, a small whine escaped Dylan’s throat, “Fucking

don’t tease! God
it, Jake!”

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 135

Jake looked up at that, a feral smile on his stubble-covered face,

“Trust me?”

Dylan met his intent look, swallowed whatever else he might’ve

said and nodded, his voice barely above a whisper, “I do, Jake. I

always have.”

Jake kissed his way down Dylan’s well-defined abdomen nipping

lightly at the ridge of muscle covering his hip-bones, pressing his

thighs apart. Settling himself between Dylan’s spread legs, Jake licked

the shaft of his beautiful cock from root to tip, flicked the bundle of

nerves under the head with his tongue, pressing up into it, eliciting a

satisfying moan.

Dylan fisted his hands in the sheets trying to hold on to

something, desperate to keep from flying to pieces as Jake’s mouth

closed around the head of his cock sheathing it in slick, moist heat, his

tongue pressing against the tendon on the underside as he slid down

the length, just managing to get the entirety of it in his mouth. Slowly

he suckled, savoring the taste of Dylan’s skin as the blonde’s breath

hitched in his throat. He laughed knowing the vibrations would only

add to the sensations Dylan was feeling.

When Dylan’s hips bucked up, forcing his length deeper into

Jake’s willing mouth, Jake withdrew tonguing at the slit in the head,

enjoying the small whimpers of pleasure coming from Dylan.

Emboldened by those sounds, he planted a kiss on either side of

Dylan’s balls and then underneath, until he found the treasure he was

looking for. Using his thumbs to spread the cheeks of Dylan’s well-

muscled ass apart, Jake gazed at the small puckered opening for a

moment, before placing the flat of his tongue just below it and licking

up over the sensitive flesh, ending just below Dylan’s scrotum.

Dylan went wild at the feeling of Jake’s hot, wet tongue against

his anus, “Jake…what….fuck!”

A low, throaty chuckle was his only answer before the tongue

came again, this time the tip teasing the small pink rosebud, easing its

way inside. As Jake’s tongue began to thrust slowly in and out, Dylan

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 136

cried out wordlessly, unsure whether it was supposed to be

encouragement, or a plea for him to stop this sweet torture.

When Dylan opened his eyes he saw Jake smiling at him from

where he lay. The larger man raked his naked form with a gaze that

practically sizzled everywhere it touched his skin, and then swept

back to his eyes, never losing contact as he knelt up and reached into

the drawer of the bedside table, pulling out a small bottle and a foil

packet. Dylan watched with heated eyes, as Jake tore open the

condom package and rolled it onto his own rock-hard erection, then

popped the cap on the lubricant, drizzled it on his hand, and slicked

the rubber.

Carefully he applied a small amount to his fingers, rubbing it

slightly to warm it. And then he was there, kissing Dylan who tasted

the slight musk of himself on Jake’s lips. He gasped against Jake’s

lips as he felt the other man run lube-slicked fingers over his entrance

and then slide the tip of one finger inside, working the lube around

slightly. Jake nipped kisses along his jaw-line as he continued to

carefully slick Dylan’s anus, intent on making it good for him. He

fully inserted his first finger, and crooked it ever-so-slightly, applying

the barest pressure against Dylan’s prostate, causing him to arch and

cry out.

Satisfied that he’d done all he could to ease the way, Jake knelt

between Dylan’s spread legs and risked another look at his friend who

was staring back at him, wide-eyed. Cocking his head to one side Jake

offered what he hoped was a reassuring smile, “Last chance to say no,

D. Are you sure?”

Dylan propped himself up on both elbows and kissed him, smiling

as he pulled back, “Never been more certain Jake. Want you.

That was all the coaxing Jake needed. Pulling one of his friend’s

long, tanned legs up to rest on his shoulder, the other bent off to the

side, he carefully positioned the head of his penis at Dylan’s entrance.

Slowly he pressed in reveling in the feel of the slick heat that engulfed

the head of his cock. He allowed Dylan a moment to adjust to the

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 137

burning, full feeling, barely daring to breathe until he felt the tight

ring of muscle relax. Gingerly, he thrust further inside until he was

balls-deep in the finest ass he’d ever seen.

Meeting Dylan’s eyes he began to thrust, slowly at first until D

began thrusting in counter-point. He picked up speed, taking long,

deep strokes, canting his hips to rub the head of his cock against the

blonde’s sensitive prostate, murmuring endearments and hearing

Dylan’s moans, interspersed with muttered curses, as their movements

became frantic. Jake fisted Dylan’s cock, stroking it only a few times,

and then they were crying out, voices chorusing in pleasure as they

climaxed, bodies stiffening and then collapsing in an exhausted,

boneless heap.

“I think you broke me.” Dylan’s voice was thick, lethargic, but he

couldn’t hide his satisfied “cat that ate the cream” smile. Jake leaned

down, claiming Dylan’s lips in a tender kiss as he carefully eased out

of his body.

Sitting up and disposing of the used condom in the waste-basket

beside the bed, Jake laughed softly, his own voice raspy, “I think

you’ll probably be okay.”

“Yeah, after about two days’ sleep.” Dylan complained, an

enormous yawn emphasizing his professed exhaustion. As Jake kissed

his cheek and stood, Dylan turned concerned eyes his way, “Where

d’you think you’re going? You’re not leaving me here all alone, are


“Gonna’ go get something to clean your sticky ass up. I’ll be right

back, D.” Jake padded naked to the bathroom, thankful that the water

that came from the faucet was still mostly warm so he didn’t have to

wait long for it to run hot. He carried the warm washcloth, soaked

with water and small amount of witch-hazel, back to his bedroom and

gently cleaned Dylan’s slightly swollen entrance, making sure to wash

away the small traces of lube that remained. He then cleaned the

semen from Dylan’s abdomen, and his own. Taking the soiled cloth

back to the bathroom, he tossed it into the hamper.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 138

Returning to the bedroom once more, he crawled into bed and

wrapped his strong arms around Dylan, who spooned closer, and

quickly drifted to sleep. Jake wasn’t far behind, after planting a kiss

softly on Dylan’s shoulder.


The late afternoon sun slanted through the sheer curtains, casting

the room in a soft, golden glow, as Jake stretched feeling lazy, and

sated. And
, he realized. The warm press of Dylan’s skin against

his felt better, more right than he’d ever allowed himself to imagine.

His stomach rumbled, reminding him that he’d not eaten since

breakfast, and here it was nearly supper time. He risked a gentle kiss

on Dylan’s shoulder, before sitting up, and carefully climbing out of

bed, so he didn’t disturb the lovely man still deeply asleep.

It would have been better,
he mused,
if this had been morning.

Breakfast in bed would have been a great surprise.
But there was

always tomorrow. Wasn’t there? They hadn’t discussed the

Maybe this was a one-shot deal? Jake slipped on some flannel sleep

pants, making his way to the kitchen where he did his best thinking.

He heated the cook-top grill, placing two T-Bones on to sear. He

chewed over what might happen when Dylan awoke, as he worked at

his marble-topped kitchen counter, slicing a variety of mushrooms, to

dress the steaks with. Baked potatoes and spinach salad with raspberry

vinaigrette would finish out the meal.

He was washing the baby spinach leaves when he felt two warm,

strong arms wrap around his waist, soft lips placing a kiss just behind

his left ear. Jake turned in the circle of Dylan’s arms and pulled him in

for a leisurely kiss, fingers threading through the blonde curls on his


The smiled against each other’s lips, Dylan leaning back slightly

to look Jake in the eye as he spoke in that slow drawl that sent chills

down Jake’s spine. “Good afternoon, cowboy. Whatever’s for supper

smells delicious.”

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 139

“You keep talking like that cowboy, it may be a wasted effort.”

He grinned wolfishly, causing Dylan to chuckle, before giving him

another quick peck, and returning to the spinach leaves he was

rinsing, “If you wanted to set the table, this is nearly done.”

Jake carefully shook the excess water from the spinach, and

placed it in a bowl, topping it with fresh sliced strawberries, bacon

crumbles, and a hand full of shredded Monterey Jack cheese, tossing

it all together, and placing the bowl on the table, along with the home-

made raspberry vinaigrette dressing. He removed the steaks (medium

rare) from the grill, placing them on a warm plate to rest, and pulled

the foil wrapped potatoes from the oven, checking to see that they

were done.

Dylan, in the meantime, placed two plates next to each other on

the table, along with silverware and two tall, cold glasses of raspberry

sweet tea, with a wedge of lime in each glass. As he seated himself at

the table, and waited for Jake to carry the food over, he smirked,

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