Read Double Coverage Online

Authors: Meghan Quinn

Double Coverage (29 page)

He shook his head and thought about what a coincidence it was that he would be playing the Stallions for their first pre-season game. Jake had spent the last couple of months really getting ready for the season and when he was on the field with the rookies, he made sure he worked them and they understood his way of passing. He did that because it was the only way they were going to meld well together. If he wanted a winning season, then he needed to learn how to work with what he was dealt and, after weeks of training, he felt good about the season and their chances.

Lexi kissed his jaw. “Earth to big guy, what did Ryker want?”

“Sorry. You make me forget everything when you wiggle around like that.” She wiggled again, making him even harder, if possible. He gripped her hips to keep her still. “You are such a tease.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “You like it. Now tell me what Ryker wanted.”

“He called to talk about Mason and a new campaign he’ll be a part of.”

“Really? That’s exciting, what kind of campaign?”

“Some bedroom line with C.C. Morris.”

Lexi screeched. “C.C. Morris…seriously?”

“Yeah, what’s the big deal?”

“Jake, you know that black garter you like me to wear with the light pink bows on it?”

Jake thought back to the other night when Lexi came out of their bedroom wearing one of the smallest bras he had ever seen with a matching panty-less garter belt, he nearly exploded on the spot.

“How could I forget? You were so fucking hot in that.”

“Well, that’s from C.C. Morris. It’s a new line they’re starting. I got a free sample the other day. I can’t believe Ryker is going to be a part of their campaign. I heard they are really trying to amp up the sex appeal and steer away from the preppy look. He has a great body for it.”

“Excuse me?” Jake said in a joking tone.

“Oh please. You have the best body I have ever seen…ever, but Ryker has a good body too and he could totally pull off their style.”

“Yeah, well guess who he’ll be working with?” Lexi shrugged, not even trying to guess. “Ashlin Harris.”

“Shut up! Holy crap. That is going to be one hot ad. I can’t wait to see it.”

“It will be nice to look at Ashlin,” Jake said jokingly.

“Watch it, big guy. I can very easily go into our bedroom and change into sweats and a ratty old shirt.”

“I would still want to fuck you up against a wall.”

“Jake!” Lexi squealed. “You dirty man. So what about Mason? Is he alright? I worry about him.”

“Ryker was inviting us out the night before the game to a bar him and Mason frequent often; Ryker thinks it might be good for Mason, since he just found out Piper, who he’s been obsessed with, is dating and in love with, get this, their offensive coordinator.”

Lexi’s mouth dropped in shock. “So the man Piper has been raving about to me is Mason’s coach? Doesn’t Mason hate his coach?”

“Despises,” Jake said, while playing with the strings to Lexi’s top, slowly loosening them.

“How does Mason feel about it?”

Jake shrugged his shoulders as he finally released Lexi’s top from her breasts and reveled in the sight in front of him. God, she was so perfect. He moved his hands up her tight body and gripped her breasts, slowly massaging them so her nipples got hard.

“Jacob Taylor!” Lexi swatted his hands away. “Focus.”

“I am focusing,” he said with a wry grin, while taking her breasts back into his hands.

“I’m concerned about Mason,” Lexi said, while flying off his lap and putting his erection on display.

“Not so fast.” He grabbed her, spun her around and sat her on his lap so her back was leaning against his chest. He peeked over her shoulder and nuzzled her neck, right in the sweet spot that he knew drove her crazy.

“Mason will be okay,” he said, while moving one hand across her breasts, tweaking her nipples while the other one traveled down to her skimpy bottoms.

“You don’t know that,” Lexi said breathless. “He’s had a rough year.”

“I know baby and I will make sure I talk to him. Please tell me you are going to go with us.”

“I don’t know…” Jake slipped his finger under her bottoms and found how wet and ready she was for him, making her groan.

“Are you sure you don’t know?” he whispered in her ear, while playing with her sensitive spot. “I can make it worth your while.” Jake grabbed one of her breasts and stroked her at the same time he applied pressure to her nipple. He brought his mouth down on her neck and licked the groove where her neck met her shoulder.

“Um…what was the question?” she asked, while moaning at the same time.

“Tell me you’re coming with me to my first pre-season game.”

“I, uh don’t….ahh, Jake.” He stopped his hands and didn’t move them, making her squirm. “Damn you Taylor, finish what you started.”

“Not until you answer me, sweet thing.”

“I’ll go. I was always going, now please, finish…”

Jake went to town on his wife, stroking her, licking her, feeling every last part of her body until she literally exploded in his hands. Even though he wasn’t inside her and she was reaping all the benefits of his hard work, he still enjoyed it just as much as she did. He was one of the luckiest men to be married to such a gorgeous and sweet woman who cared, not only about them, but about his friends as well.

“I love you,” he whispered in her ear.

Grinding her hips into him, she turned and shimmied down his body, pulling his pants down. She looked up at him and gave him a devious grin.

“I love you too, big guy.” She put her lips around his eager cock, making his head fall back. She started working him up and down, making him ready to shoot off in three seconds.

“Damn, I really fucking love you.” She giggled at his sex-induced proclamation and made him scream for more.


After Lexi was done having some fun with her husband, she decided to get to the bottom of the little love triangle that was going on between her friends. She still couldn’t believe Piper was dating Mason’s coach. She asked Jake about the age difference, because NFL coaches were usually older gentlemen, but apparently Jax Ryan was an up and comer in the football scene who had a lot to prove, but a bunch of talent.

After doing a little research on the internet, she found out that there was only a seven year age difference between Jax and Piper, which wasn’t terrible. She also found out that he lost his wife a year ago and he was quite the hunky southern gentleman. She watched an interview he gave and Lexi felt her cheeks go red from his accent. His voice was so smooth. She could see why Piper was crazy about him.

Lexi pulled out her phone and sent Piper a text, she wanted to feel her friend out, see where she stood with the two men and the only way she could do that is if she tricked her friend a little. At the wedding, she saw there was a spark between Mason and Piper…whether it was pure hatred or lust, there was a spark nonetheless, so Lexi wanted to see if Piper had feelings for the dark and handsome wide receiver as well.

Lexi: Hey girl. So, you and Mason, huh?”

That would get Piper going, Lexi thought and just like that, before Lexi could take another breath, her phone started ringing with Piper on the other line.

“Hey Piper. How are you doing, girl?”

“I cannot believe Mason told you two!” Piper practically screamed in the phone. “Who else has he told? Oh my God, please tell me you have not talked to anyone about this.”

Yikes, bad idea, Lexi thought. She should have started this conversation a completely different way, but it was too late. She would just have to do damage control, not to save her own ass, but to save Mason’s.

“Slow down, girl. Mason didn’t say anything to us. I don’t think Jake has talked to him in a while.”

“It was Ryker, wasn’t it?”

Even though Ryker was a good scapegoat, she could not do that to him. He could be dramatically annoying at times, but she still liked the guy; he always made their outings together fun. The panic coming through Piper’s voice warned Lexi to tread lightly. Obviously, her situation with Mason and Jax was wearing her thin.

“No, I just had an inkling. I heard Mason was having a hard time and I haven’t heard from you in a while, I guess it was best friend intuition.”

Piper blew out an exaggerated breath. “God, L, where do I even start?”

“What about from the beginning?”

“Well, you know all about Jax and how things are amazing with him and how much I love him.”

“Of course. You two seem perfect for each other.”

“Right? So everything is great with him, but then Mason has to come in and ruin everything. He is hell-bent on making me his…his words, not mine. He has absolutely no respect for boundaries or that I have a boyfriend and he is very free and willing to touch me wherever and whenever. I mean, he made out with me right in front of Jax’s office. Jax could have seen us. And then he goes and has sex with me on the pool table, well that was before the make out session in front of Jax’s office, but still. We had sex like freaking horny teenagers, I mean everywhere all over his apartment. I don’t think I have ever had that many orgasms in my life. He just won’t leave me alone and, I swear, anytime he is near me, my body knows and starts reaching out to him. I can’t help it. But I love Jax, I love Jax so much.”

Piper stopped rambling for a second, so Lexi was able to throw in a quick question, even though her mind was reeling from what Piper just spat out. “Do you love Mason?”

“GOD, NO! Oh sweet Lord, wouldn’t that be something. The man is infuriating most of the time, acting all macho and puffing out his chest. He doesn’t know how to be a decent human, but then he’ll lay in bed with you, caress your forehead, and listen to your stories about your father and kiss away your worries. Ugh, no, the man is so beyond irritating; no, I don’t love him.”

Lexi was smirking on the other side of the phone. Piper was so in love with Mason and she had no clue, but this caused Lexi to worry about Piper because her friend was also very much in love with Jax.

“So then, leave him alone. Let him off easily.”

“Like I haven’t tried already. The man won’t take no for an answer, ever. He told me the other day after our make-out session that I better show up at his house dressed in my best lingerie so he could fuck me and, if I didn’t, then I wouldn’t like the consequences.”

“Did you go?” Lexi was intrigued by this new development, this new Mason.

“Of course not! I fucked Jax that night, a couple of times just out of spite.”

“Well good. See that’s all you need to do. Just ignore him.”

“That’s what I thought too, but then I got a text message from him the next morning and it wasn’t good.”

“What did it say?” Lexi felt like she was watching her own romantic drama unfold. She loved her life with Jake, but she missed the first months with a budding relationship, trying to figure everything out.

“He said, and I quote, ‘I’m very disappointed in you Piper. You will receive your punishment Friday. Get ready to beg for forgiveness.’ I mean, who says that?”

A shiver went up Lexi’s spine. “That’s kind of hot.”

“Lexi! That’s not helping.”

“I’m sorry, but it is.”

There was silence on the other side, but then Piper spoke softly. “It is kind of hot.” Lexi burst out in laughter.

“Listen, don’t fret about it too much. I’m coming out with Jake for the pre-season game. I don’t have to work just yet, only the regular season games, so I’ll be there Friday night. I guess everyone is getting together. I’ll make sure everyone is on their best behavior.”

“Thank you. Oh, do you know if Brooke will be there?”

“Yeah, she texted me earlier and said she can’t wait to see me. Why?” Then it dawned on Lexi. “Oh shit. Does she know about Mason?”

“Well…I don’t know how much she knows, but she did give me a pretty good warning the other night to stay away from him.”

“Sounds like her. Don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure she doesn’t hurt you. I’ll see you Friday, alright?”

They said their goodbyes and Lexi got off the phone, not believing everything her best friend just told her. She would not want to be in Piper’s shoes right now because when Mason put his mind to it, he could be a very persuasive person.

Jake came up behind her and placed a grilled cheese sandwich in front of her as well as a bowl of soup. “Eat up, baby.”

“You’re such a good man.” She grabbed his head and pulled him down to show him how much she appreciated him. She ran her tongue across his lips and then dipped it into his mouth.

“Wow. I’ll make you grilled cheese every night if this is the kind of thanks I get.”

“I’m just grateful that we found each other.”

“You didn’t make it easy on a guy. I swear you tore my gut out a few hundred times.”

Lexi winced a little from the accurate depiction of what they went through to finally get to where they were today, but it was worth it. Every heartbreak, break-up and fight was worth it because she would never trade anything for what she had now.

“It was worth it, big guy.”

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