Read Double Heat [Twin Ties: 3] Online

Authors: Lynn Kelling

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance

Double Heat [Twin Ties: 3] (21 page)

He climbed the steps. When he reached the landing, they could see the huge package in his arms.

“It’s addressed to Brennan, from Hailey.”

“Your stuff,” Luka guessed, looking around at them.

“You’re probably right,” Alek agreed. He found a box cutter and sliced through the tape. The box had a big Express Mail, Overnight Delivery sticker on it. Alek lifted the flaps. Inside was Brennan’s suitcase and everything else they’d seen him pack into his car when he’d left them.

Brennan didn’t say anything. He didn’t even look at the box very long before turning his focus inward and cuddling back up to Evan.

Evan watched as Alek went through everything in the box, just to make sure, but there was nothing else, nothing suspicious. He did find a piece of paper. On it, in looped, rounded, bubbly letters, were the words, ‘Brennan, I’m so sorry. June told me everything. Please forgive me for being so stupid and for not being there for you. I hope you’re okay. Love, Hailey.’ Alek held it up for them to read, then tucked it back into the box, which he slid over against the wall, out of the way.

When it was late enough to go to bed, for the first time, Brennan spoke up loudly enough for all of them to hear.

“Can I sleep with Evan?” he asked.

“Of course,” Alek answered.

“Whatever you need,” Luka echoed.

“Thanks. Sorry for being such a hassle.”

“Hey, we love you. We just want to help. You’re not a hassle,” Luka told him.

Then Brennan started to cry, not in a loud way, but in a painful, small way that he tried to hide by covering his mouth with a hand and bowing his head, which made Evan start to cry.

“Let’s go to bed, okay?” Evan whispered to him.


Alek and Luka helped them get up. After hesitating, Brennan went to Luka, walking right up to him and laying his head against Luka’s chest. His arms came up to loosely embrace Luka’s larger frame. With a heavy sigh, Luka blinked rapidly, chin tilted up as he stared at the ceiling and gently embraced Brennan in return. Next, Brennan went to Alek, letting himself be hugged just as carefully. Evan watched the intense frown on Alek’s face while he stood there, his arms encircling Evan’s double. In that moment, Evan understood the level of his commitment to Brennan. Everything about Alek’s expression and his body language spoke of ensuring the safety of the younger, smaller set of twins.

They went to bed, climbing under the covers. Evan let Brennan spoon up behind him, but wasn’t able to fall asleep, even after Brennan began snoring softly. There was too much around the edges of things, beginning again to feed Evan’s worry and unease now that Brennan was safely asleep at his side. And, whenever Evan felt ill at ease, he had always tended to look for physical relief and tangible displays of love.

Even if it was unfair to Brennan, or the wrong time to want for himself, Evan knew what he needed to do.

So, when Brennan rolled over to face the other way, letting go of Evan and falling back to sleep, Evan got out of bed.

He used the bathroom, knowing what he wanted, and deciding to go after it. He crept from the room, crossing the hall.

Alek and Luka were there, awake and speaking softly to each other as they lay in bed.

“Everything okay?” Alek asked, looking surprised. The conversation came to an abrupt halt as soon as they saw him there.

Walking farther into the room, Evan closed the door soundlessly behind him.

It wasn’t just because of what had happened to Brennan; it was about Drew, too, and all of Evan’s closely guarded secrets threatening to becoming unearthed at last. He felt raw, exposed, and the safest place he knew was with the strong, beautiful men who loved him out of no sense of obligation, only devotion. They were his light in the dark, so he sought them, wanting to feel the warmth of hope they gave him when so much else felt cold and hostile. Submitting to sex was the main way he knew to feel less alone.

He pulled his shirt over his head, and let it fall to the floor. Bare-chested and barefoot, he pushed his pajama pants down as well, letting them puddle at his feet. Then, he stepped out of them and climbed, naked onto the bed, already starting to get hard just from seeing in the twins expressions how much they needed him there with them, if only for a little while.

“C’mere,” Alek coaxed. At first his gaze fixed onto Evan’s erection, then shifted up to Evan’s eyes, dark with need. Opening his arms as Evan climbed Alek’s body, Alek lay back and invited him in. Straddling Alek’s hips, Evan hovered there, atop him. Luka was on his side, watching everything. Evan leaned down so that he was near enough to kiss Alek, and guided Alek’s hands to his hips. He heard Alek exhale heavily with relief and his hands held on to Evan like he wanted to keep Evan there, in his arms.

Alek asked, “What do you need?”

“Tired of being scared,” he said. “Make love to me.” Evan turned toward Luka slightly and reached out, taking his hand, weaving their fingers together. While Evan’s attention was on Luka, Alek scraped his teeth gently along the ridge of Evan’s jaw. Then, Evan felt him reach sideways. Seconds later, he heard the lube opened. Closing his eyes, Evan wasn’t sure who was touching him, though it was probably Luka caressing up his inner thigh, and Alek lightly tickling through the hollow of his hipbone. Evan’s cock grew more swollen. Two fingers rubbed over his opening, teasing it. Evan sighed as the fingers entered him, filling his rim, stretching it out. Stuffed, feeling pressure as the fingers pushed further inward, he moaned softly with need. Pressing down onto the hand, Evan rocked backward and forward again, taking his pleasure, loving the tender way Alek and Luka were touching him. It made him feel cared for, which was a feeling he chased, desperate for more.

His fingers were still intertwined with Luka’s and Luka was kissing Evan’s knuckles. The ache inside him drove Evan to hold Luka tighter. A moment later, Evan pulled Luka’s hand over to his mouth, kissing the backs of Luka’s fingers too. Then Alek pushed deeper into Evan’s ass. A third finger was added, making him whimper. Evan caught Luka’s thumb with his lips. Kissing the tip of Luka’s thumb, teasing it with the tip of his tongue, Evan then took it into his mouth, sucking on it while riding the thrusting hand stuffing his ass full. Soon, Evan was fully hard and hot for it. He kept his eyes shut after glimpsing the effect he was having on Alek and Luka, sucking Luka’s thumb and shamelessly humping those fingers.

He was quickly ready for more—a lot more. So, once Alek’s and Luka’s fingers slipped free, Evan moved. Lying on his stomach, he spread his legs and bent them slightly at the knees so that he could push his ass up off the bed to receive.

While Alek got in position behind Evan, slicking lube over his own cock, Evan pulled Luka in close again. Luka lay down beside Evan, facing him, caressing over his short hair and sending shivers shooting down Evan’s spine. He felt Alek align the thickness of his cock with Evan’s fingered-loose opening. Panting already with need, Evan held Luka’s hand, bringing it to his mouth again. He took the thumb back into his mouth to the hilt, sucking it hard as he was entered.

“Evan,” Luka sighed, caressing the back of Evan’s head, then leaning in to kiss his temple.

Vocalizing his cries behind lips sealed tight around Luka’s thumb, Evan pushed back against Alek’s thrust and palmed himself, tugging to relieve pressure.

Alek moaned as he sunk in deeply and Evan’s ass pulled him in. Alek’s hands were everywhere, caressing Evan’s thighs, his back, and his hips. Folding himself forward over Evan once he was fully seated, Alek moved in slow, long thrusts, working his length in the vise of Evan’s lean body.

The bedroom door opened. Evan heard it just as Alek bottomed out again.

“Bren,” Luka said, surprised. “Everything okay?”

“It’s easier to sleep when I’m with Ev,” Brennan replied drowsily.

Evan let Luka go. He hid his face as Luka got up, off the bed. When Alek stopped moving within him, Evan began moving instead, not letting him stop. Pushing back onto Alek, pulling forward, doing it again and again, Evan moaned Alek’s name. Alek’s cock felt so good, sliding easily, hitting Evan just right. It made goosebumps rise all over Evan’s body.

He knew Brennan understood, without needing to ask, or wonder. It was there, between them, the craving for comfort, unquenchable and massive.

The bed shifted. Evan reached out and took Brennan’s hand without even having to open his eyes, just moving by feel and instinct. His hand was a perfect fit inside Evan’s grasp, the same exact size.

“Should we stop?” Alek asked.

“No,” Brennan murmured.

“You in the mood to join in?”


He caressed the side of Evan’s thumb as if trying to draw Evan’s attention. Evan managed to glance at his brother, though he felt bashful of how horny he was. What he saw was Brennan, just lying beside them, his head on the pillow, his eyes shut and expression peaceful. Luka was standing by the bed, standing watch over the other three. He leaned down and placed a light kiss to the top of Brennan’s head. Brennan held Evan’s hand and looked like he was about to fall back asleep.

Part of Evan wanted to have the willpower to stop and bring Brennan back to the other bed whether or not Brennan had asked them to. The rest of him was getting off too hard on getting fucked, and knew there was no stopping yet. Then, Alek started moving again, changing his angle slightly. His thick cock dragged right against Evan’s prostate and Evan cried out, muffling it in the bed, shuddering hard. Alek did it again and again, milking Evan’s gland. With one hand braced on the bed and the other in Brennan’s hold, Evan couldn’t stroke himself. Then, Evan felt Brennan kiss his hand and Evan wondered, somewhat deliriously, if Brennan could feel how good it was, and how Alek was taking him apart.

Leaning in to kiss along the side of Evan’s face, Alek took him with long, lazy strokes, using every inch of his cock, and came with a groan.

He pulled out, got up and off the bed.

“Luka,” Evan called, aching with need, and not nearly finished yet.

“Roll over,” Luka said gruffly.

Brennan let go as Evan rolled, then took his hand again once he was settled. Luka hooked his arms under Evan’s knees, folding Evan’s legs back and driving easily into him with one push that stole Evan’s breath. Arching his back, gasping, Evan felt Luka kissing along his jaw. Luka started to move, going so deep on each push, it made Evan quake at the barrage of stimulation. He was wet with lube and Alek’s come, so each push and tug of Luka’s cock created soft squelching sounds which slightly embarrassed Evan. He stayed relaxed, though, and open for Luka. There was no pain, just slight soreness from the constant friction that grew the longer it went on. His blood pulsed just under his skin, his dripping cock straining up against his belly and desperate for relief.

Just when he became certain he couldn’t take any more, Evan felt Luka wrap his cock in a tight fist and begin stroking, wringing pleasure from him. Evan quivered and cried out, gripping Brennan’s hand. Coming with a broken, swallowed purr, Evan snapped his hips up into Luka’s fist, riding out the aftershocks, funneling everything out through the end of his cock. Luka pushed into Evan’s tensed body to the hilt and held there as Evan clenched in pulses. They kissed. Evan sucked on Luka’s lower lip and wrapped his free hand in Luka’s hair. Luke pulled back all the way. Evan tried to clench up again as a trickle of come leaked from his hole. Luka pushed slowly back in with a hum of pleasure, causing a shiver to race up Evan’s spine.

It was deliciously unhurried, gentle and thorough, the way Luka took him. He came with a sigh.

Exhausted and pleasantly sore, Evan was carried back to the other bed by Luka and kissed by both twins, who murmured their goodnights. Alek had carried in Brennan, who cuddled right up to Evan’s side and smiled slightly when he received his own pair of kisses on his cheek. They left them there, closing the door on their way out.

“Sorry,” Evan murmured into the dark. “I needed it.”

“I know,” Brennan answered. He spooned up against Evan’s back again, and Evan smiled. “Missed you.”

Circling an arm around Evan’s chest, Brennan held him and they both fell asleep a little while later.

Chapter 17
The Trouble with Being Identical

While Alek continued to get ready, Luka came out of the bedroom and saw right away that Evan and Brennan weren’t in bed anymore. The door was open, the bed empty. Someone was in the bathroom, showering, but there was a light on in the living room, too. He walked toward it.

It was just the one lamp that was on. It didn’t do much to brighten the large space, since the curtains were still closed. Someone was sitting on the ottoman, wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a sweatshirt with the hood pulled up over their head. A phone was in their hands and they were staring at it.

Luka hadn’t the faintest clue if it was Evan or Brennan.

He tried to look at the bridge of the nose, to check for the slight bump from when Evan had broken his nose, or for signs of the injury around Brennan’s eye, but the lighting was bad and the shadow cast by the hood hid a lot.

“Morning,” Luka said experimentally.

Whoever was on the chair glanced up, his expression unreadable. It could be Evan, thinking over everything he’d talked about with Jimmy in front of Alek, but had not yet explained to them. It could be Brennan, thinking about Tommy. Luka didn’t know which it was, and it killed him.

“Want some coffee?”

“Sure,” he answered. “Thanks.”


“Um...” Were they doing it on purpose? Evan was the early riser, but Evan was also the one most in need of a morning shower.

Did it make Luka a terrible boyfriend for not being able to tell who he was talking to?

Then, it occurred to him that Evan and Brennan each had their own favorite mug for coffee, and Luka would be extra fucked if he assumed and used the wrong one.

God, why did so much awful shit have to happen? Weren’t he and Alek trying to save them from all of the world’s bad influences and bad luck rather than standing there, helpless, while terrible things continued to happen?

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