Double Time (12 page)

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Authors: Julie Prestsater

Tags: #High School

As we get closer to the house, we can hear the chatter of people coming from all directions. I can’t make out anything in particular, but the voices are plenty.

all these people?” Steph whispers in my ear. Clearly, they don’t all go to our school. Some look younger, some older. Some look sweet and innocent, others look downright rough and dangerous.

Josh and Travis give each other a nervous look that I’m fairly sure I wasn’t supposed to notice. They sandwich us girls between them as we walk into the party. Cute. They’re protective.

The music isn’t my favorite. When I go out, I want to dance. Shake it with my girls, get playful and dirty sometimes. Or if I’m dancing with a guy, I want to feel the rhythm of his body moving next to mine. I sure as heck don’t want to be jumping all over the place, shuffling all night. It’s fun for like two seconds but gets old real quick.

When we make it to the backyard, or should I say gigantic meadow, that’s what these fools are doing. A bunch of guys are stomping all over the patio, sliding from one side to the next, bouncing on their knees and back up again. Girls are holding drinks, just watching. A few girls join them.

When did this become the fad? Last year, we were all bumpin’ and grindin’ and practically dry humping on the dance floor. This year, it’s like a game to see who can bust a kneecap the fastest pounding on the ground. No offense to these expert shufflers, but I’d rather take my boys out there and get busy.

I’m not going to stand here all night and watch this,” I tell them when we finally come to a stop.

Me neither,” Keesh says. “I wanna dance too.”

You mean you don’t want to watch these guys play ‘my dick is bigger than yours’ with all their tricks?” Travis asks, making us all laugh.

How are you supposed to get any action dancing like that?” Josh adds.

True. Yet we all bolt ourselves to the ground and continue to be entranced by this fish-out-of-water skipping routine.

I’m waiting for them to play
I’m Sexy and I Know It
so I can at least sing along.

This isn’t what I had in mind,” Steph grumbles.

Come on,” Travis tells her. “Let’s go find some drinks.”

Surprisingly, she follows him. Maybe tonight’s the night. She’s finally going to let her hair down and have the same kind of fun Keesh and I have been having for the last two years.

I thought Travis was driving,” I say to Josh.

His eyes go wide. “Oh, he is.”


Steph and Travis come back with a red plastic cup for each of us.

They’re charging three bucks a beer. Shots are five,” Steph mutters.

So beer it is,” I tell them.

Travis and Steph nod.

Keesh and I each take one and toast each other. “To beer breath,” I shout.

I toss back the stinky brew as quickly as possible. No need to nurse the thing. If I want a buzz, it has to come quick because I’m not dishing out a lot of money for this dirty water and I sure as heck am not going to keep tasting the mud. I don’t know how Josh does it.

He finishes his first beer with a loud burp.

Nice, Joshie,” Keesh tells him. “Very sexy.”

Not trying to be. It’s just us tonight, remember. None of you are gonna put out so I can let it rip all night.”

Just don’t let it rip from the other end, all right?” Steph snaps at him.

I’ll try,” he says, throwing an arm around her. Steph fights him at first but eventually settles in next to him.


Two beers later, the music finally changes from techno to hip-hop. I’m relieved. Without saying a thing, I grab Travis by his shirt and drag him to the patio to dance. The others follow, tossing empty cups in a trash bin along the way.

Steph takes the lead and parts the crowd so we have a little space. The patio went from just a few stomping fools to a can of packed sardines. I keep getting bumped by the person behind me. I turn around and all I see is a big mess of blonde hair. It smells burnt. Someone’s flat iron was too hot.

The crowd lets up and we carve out a bit more space to move around in. But the bumping still continues. I try backing up into this chick to give her a hint.

What’s wrong?” Josh asks.

I gesture behind me, just as this beeyotch bumps me again.

Josh puts his hand over his mouth, and Travis pulls me closer to him.

As tempting as it is to turn around and say something, I haven’t had that much to drink yet and I’ve never been one to start anything.

Apparently, Steph has had enough because she pushes me out of the way and taps the girl on the shoulder.

You need to back the fuck up and stop pushing my friend,” she shouts.

Oh shit.

The girl turns, whipping her long yellow hair around and slapping Steph in the face with a few strands.

Bite me, Stephanie. Are you Meggie’s bodyguard now?” Amy shouts back.

She should’ve kicked your ass a long time ago but since she didn’t, I’ll do it for her.” Steph flips a scrunchie off her wrists and starts tying up her hair.

Whoa, Steph, just chill,” Keesh says.

I jump in front of her. “Thanks, Stephie, but this really isn’t necessary. She’s not worth our time.” And she’s really not. I don’t know why she continues to insert herself into our lives in any way she can. It’s pathetic.

Oh god, Meg, you’re such a wimp. ‘She’s not worth it,’” Amy squeals, mocking me. She’s obviously drunk. Her eyes are glazed over and her nose is all rosy.

Yeah, well, you’re a bad drunk,” I tell her. Thankfully, I’m sober as hell now, or I might just sock her.

Fuck you,” Amy slurs, and then pulls back an arm to swing at me.

Whoa. Shit. Is she kidding me?

Before her fist connects with the side of my face, Josh catches her by the wrist, and Steph punches her in the jaw.

Oh shit. Oh shit.

People start to gather as Amy and Steph start swinging for the fences. Voices get louder, but I can’t make out what anyone is saying. I try to stick myself between them, and Travis tries to get a hold of Steph. Arms are still flying. Amy has a fistful of Steph’s hair. So much for putting it up. Then, one of Amy’s friends grabs Steph. Oh, hell no. Keesh jumps in before I can and starts pushing that bitch back. Amy scratches my neck while I continue to try and part these ultimate fighters.

Come on, knock it off,” I scream at them.

Ow. Ouch. Son of a fucking bitch, she’s pulling my hair. She’s seriously pulling my hair. My scalp burns and my eyes start to water. So I do what any other girl would do. I grab a handful of her precious hair and yank on it with as much force as I can.

Amy falls to the floor, and I stand there with a row of blonde extensions in my hand. It’s like time freezes. Keesh and the other chick stop fighting. Steph is right next to me breathing hard, huffing and puffing. And all eyes are on Amy.

I toss the horse hair at her. “Who’s the wimp now, bitch?” I yell at her.

Roars of laughter belt out. Travis whisks me away, with Josh and my girls not too far behind.


We’re back in the car driving away before anyone speaks.

Do me a favor, ladies. Next time you start a brawl, wait for me to get the mud ready,” Josh says through giggles.

Omigod, we just got in a fight,” I say.

Steph is shaking her head. “I know. That was crazy. I’m sorry, ya’ll.”

Don’t be sorry,” Travis tells her, looking in his rearview mirror. “That was the most fun we’ve had all year.”

Right,” Keesh says.

Are you guys okay?” he asks.

Josh turns around to inspect us. The goofy grin on his face makes me laugh inside. I know he’s concerned but he’s even more amused.

Steph, you have a little scratch on your cheek,” he tells her, reaching out his hand.

She slaps it away. “Don’t touch it. I swear, if it scars, I’m gonna kick her ass again.” She pauses. “I did kick her ass, right?” She flits her eyes to each of us quickly.

Hell yes,” Travis shouts. Keesh pats her leg, nodding.

Not a scratch on you, Keesh,” Josh tells her. “You either, Megster.”

My head hurts though.” I rub the side of my head where Amy pulled on a handful of hair. “And my neck stings.” I pull my hair to the side.

Eew,” Keesh mutters. “Looks like a really long paper cut. She got you good.”

Well, it burns like one too.”

Travis tosses me a cool bottled water. “Try putting that on it. It might help.”

I do as I’m told and relax into the seat.


Just as I’m about to get under my covers, my phone chimes.

Ha. It’s Alex.

What up Mike Tyson?

I can’t help but laugh out loud.

News travels fast and far

Sure does. U okay?

Besides feeling like a total dumb ass, yes.


I got in a fight. How stupid is that?

Sounds like she started it. You had to defend yourself.

Stl doesn’t make it any better. Wish she wld just cut the bullshit already

This is Amy. Probably NOT gonna happen.

Its ur fault, U know

Me? Why? I’m 400 miles away

U picked her first :(

My mistake but wont happen again

Uh oh…we knw where this convo is goin

U started it

Oops. My bad.

No worries. Happy 2 tlk abt US anytime


Miss you Meggie

Miss you too

Sometimes, I have to stop myself from typing
Love you
. I bet he does the same. Instead, we always sign off with
Miss you
. It works. For now.





Fortunately, I was able to keep this long gash on my neck hidden from my parents yesterday. I spent the entire day hanging out with my mom but I left my hair down and wore a hoodie, so she never noticed. I really have no interest in hashing out Saturday’s main event with my mom or dad.

When I left this morning, my mom was so engrossed in her magazine and listening to Seacrest, I didn’t have to worry. For the most part, the scratch isn’t visible. You have to look pretty close to see it since my shirt has a high neckline.

First period is almost over when an office aide flies in with about as much grace as an elephant. We all watch as she passes a call slip to our English teacher.

Meg, get your things together. This is for you,” she says, peering at me through her reading glasses.

I glance at Steph and Eric, shrugging.

After shoving my binder in my bag, I get the slip and take a look.

On my way out, I mouth the words “Mrs. Flores” to Steph. Her eyes widen and my heart beats a little faster.

There’s only one reason I’d be on my way to see our conflict resolution counselor. Someone spilled the beans. Immediately, I tug on my shirt and bring my hair forward, trying to fluff it up a bit so my neck doesn’t show.

If Amy’s in her office, I won’t be surprised. I’m going to see her next period anyway. May as well get it over with.

I step into the doorway of Mrs. Flores’s newly decorated office. She has a lot more photos on her desk than I remembered. And now, she has dozens of college pennants posted on her wall.

Hey, Megan, come on in,” she says.

I get closer to the banners, scanning them from the ceiling to the floor, and wonder if she’s visited all of these college campuses. “Hi, Mrs. Flores. This looks cool,” I tell her, gesturing to the wall. “Have you been to all of these places?”

She smiles. “Most of them. But some I got from students who came by to visit me after graduation. Those are the most special.”

When I decide where I want to go to school, I’m going to bring in my college flag for you.”

She smiles again, and this time her eyes soften. “I’d be honored to have your university represented in my office.” I can sense the sincerity in her voice. I really like her. I just wish I wasn’t called to her office. I’d much rather just stop by to say hello every once and a while.

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