Read Down the Shore Online

Authors: Kelly Mooney

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Teen & Young Adult

Down the Shore (22 page)

"Yeah, I guess so.” I let go of her hand. “That's why I'm with Colin so much, well actually that's only one of the reasons. He's afraid for me,” I told her, pausing briefly. “Nick came back, I don't know. I never saw him, Colin got to him first."

"Well, that explains a lot. Anthony mentioned something about Nick and Colin, but wouldn't go into detail. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

I smiled to ease her guilt and because I truly was fine, better than fine. I felt terrific.

I nodded. “I don't want to talk about Nick anymore. How about you tell me about you and Anthony?” I asked with complete sincerity.

We talked all day, walking around in the rain, going from store to store. We had an amazing day together, and I thought it was just what we both needed.

We made it to work just in time. Colin was already behind the bar, preparing for the night ahead. He looked up casually, grinning from ear to ear, relieved to see me. I didn't have time to talk to him so I just smiled back and went to work. I couldn't stop thinking about my conversation with Makenna. I felt bad that I hadn't told her earlier. She was worried about me, and how serious Colin and I were getting—deep-down I was, too. I couldn't even begin to imagine how I would be able to make it day after day without seeing him, holding him.

College loomed just around the corner and so did his flight back home. How could we make this work? I pushed on through the night, waiting on the tables like a zombie, not really interested in being there. My fears made me anxious. I wanted to run out of the restaurant, grab Colin and run away somewhere far away. I knew this wasn't possible, and I suspected our life together most likely wasn't possible. This is what we had, one summer. Work was soon over, Colin was on the boardwalk already, watching me walk toward him. He had a silly grin on his face, as he studied me. I laughed at his expression as he grabbed my hand.

His silly grin piqued my interest.

"What's the funny face for?"

He pressed his lips together trying not to laugh. “Just thinking, that's all,” he answered.

"What are you thinking about?” I was very curious.

"Oh, nothing that I'm ready to share,” he mused.

I needed to know. Curiosity was getting the best of me. I pulled him in, nestling my head under his chin.

"Please.” I looked up, giving him my best pout.

"No,” he said flatly.

As I lifted my face to meet his, I could see in his eyes that he was enjoying every minute. I slowly started to kiss his neck, his ears, his lips.

"Please, tell me,” I begged.

"You're good, but you're not that good. I'll tell you when I'm ready, so for now my answer is no.” He paused, pulling me back slightly, “If you want to still try to seduce me into telling you, well I wouldn't mind,” he chuckled, kissing me back. “Feel like going to listen to some music, tonight?"

"Sure, where?"

"The WindDrift, there's a grand band playing. Some of my lads will be there, and I thought it might be fun, something different.” He looked at me, waiting for my response.

"Let's go."

We drove slowly through Ocean City, heading south on Ocean Drive.

"I have to spend the day with my family tomorrow. It's their last day,” I said.

He smiled, not looking disappointed.

"Grand, I've got to work lunch tomorrow, anyway.” He picked up my hand, kissing it gently.

"Oh, you're not working tomorrow night?” I asked, disappointed.

"No, but don't worry. I'll pick you up after, as always,” he promised.

The WindDrift was absolutely packed. The band was playing, people were dancing, his friends all sat together around a large table. There were ten in all, and girls I didn't even recognize acted as if they were my best friends.

Colin's friends were all there, beers in hand, and arms around their prospective dates. The girls were all dressed like they just stepped off Hollywood's red carpet. I quickly felt underdressed still in my uniform. They laughed at jokes that weren't funny, they never stopped talking, completely enthralled with their foreign dates. Throughout the evening, I felt their stares, trying to figure out why Colin couldn't seem to keep his hands off me. I saw the jealousy in their eyes, judging every move, every touch he gave me.

I enjoyed his friends from home, and I liked being around them. I could tell Colin felt the same, as he always seemed relaxed when they were around. Colin was quite aware of the other girls’ looks, and how uncomfortable they made me.

He quickly gave me a subtle kiss. Holding out his hand, he asked, “Let's dance?"

The band had just started playing a beautiful song, and the man of everyone's dreams had his eyes set on me. He pulled me out onto the dance floor. It was crowded, with couples young and old, holding each other, swaying to the soft beat of the music. He kept one hand around my waist, the other cupping the back of my head. He slowly guided me around the dance floor, kissing me gently here and there. I could have stayed in his arms, dancing forever. The music stopped, but we didn't. We were the only two people left on the dance floor, holding each other, dancing to his humming in my ear.

"Christ, lad, get off the floor, you're making us look bad!” his friend, Liam, yelled.

We both glanced over our shoulders to notice the entire table staring at us. Neither one of us cared. He pulled my face toward his, pinching my chin between his fingers, and kissed my lips softly. We stayed on the dance floor for a little longer, barely able to control ourselves.

"Geez, why don't you guys get a room already?” the brunette named Lisa said out loud.

We ignored her. Liam's date obviously was not happy with us and how her night was going. As much as I liked Liam, he was nothing like Colin. Liam was here enjoying his summer to the fullest. I think I had seen him with at least ten different girls already. It was a wonderful night. The dancing, the talking, everything was perfect. When the bar closed, we all made our way out and back to Ocean City separately.

We pulled up to my driveway, and he pulled in slowly. I had so many thoughts going through my head at once. I was wondering if he could read my mind. Did he know what I was thinking, what I wanted? Would it be tonight? Yes, I thought to myself. It would be tonight.

He kissed me tenderly.

"Let's get inside,” he grinned.

I grabbed two beers that had been left in the fridge, asking him to wait for me in my room. Makenna had left a note on the refrigerator, informing me that she was spending the night upstairs with Anthony. We were all alone. Perfect. I frantically brushed my teeth, washed my face, threw my clothes off, leaving only my black lacy bra and matching bikini panties on. I wanted to be with him. I was hoping seeing me half-naked would be enough to entice him. A flash of fear took over. I had tried before and it hadn't worked. I prayed to get it right tonight.

I slowly crept around, peering into my room, and saw him sprawled across my bed with my book in one hand, beer in the other. I bit down softly on my bottom lip and walked straight toward the bed, toward him. My body trembled and I hoped he wouldn't notice. He looked up, studying every inch of my body. He leaped off the bed at full tilt, scooping me up into his arms, tossing my legs around his waist. He gently pulled the straps to my bra down to expose my bare shoulders, and his lips lingered there for several minutes.

"Abigail, I might not be able to stop when you attack me like this, love."

Part of me was terrified, I knew we were heading straight for it, love and everything that went with it. There would be no turning back once I said yes.

"That's the point, or don't they teach you Irish boys anything?” I teased.

He snickered, shifting his eyes down to my chest. One minute I was wrapped around his warm body, the next he playfully tossed me onto the bed, studying every inch of my body. He carefully placed himself on top of me, looking down with a huge smile on his face. Even though my underwear and bra were still in place, I felt completely naked. He never took his eyes off me, grinning, like he had expected this tonight. I pulled him down hard this time, our kiss more potent than ever. He pulled back suddenly, tracing every line on my face with his finger, then gave in. We were going so fast I could barely breathe. His hands ran down my bare back, and worked their way toward my breasts. I flinched when he touched them. He paused momentarily, but I pulled his lips back onto my mouth. I ran my hands over his stomach, around to his back. He hands lingered at the rim of my panties before he slowly pulled them down. My hand now found its way to unbuttoning his jeans. I fumbled too long, and he had to help.

"Ya sure, love?” he asked, between kisses.

I bit his ear playfully, then whispered, “Yes."

His body hovered over mine as his fingers grazed my stomach and then it happened. Everything was slow, the way he kissed me, the way his body moved in unison with mine. I moaned in ecstasy as he continued.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” he whispered.

"I'm fine. Was I not supposed to make any noise?” I asked, nervously.

He laughed.

"You're doing everything right. I just never heard you moan before,” he laughed softly into my ear.

Right then, I knew I had to stop that noise from happening again, but two minutes later I couldn't help myself. Nor could he.

We completely and recklessly lost ourselves. We spent hours wrapped around each other, our hands feeling our way, discovering one another.

I had no idea what to expect, but it was way better than anything I ever imagined or experienced. If he weren't real, lying next to me, I would have had to make him up. He was that perfect. It was hours later when we finally let go of one another and drifted off to sleep. I know I had a smile on my face.

I dreaded waking up, as my day would be spent with my family. I wouldn't see Colin until after work. The sun peeked in through the open blinds, and as I reached out to pull him closer, I realized I was alone. I opened my eyes scanning the room, and saw that he had left a note on the pillow next to me.

Be back soon, went for coffee and sweets.



I had no idea how long he head been gone. I fumbled out of bed, half asleep and tried to make my way to the bathroom. I quickly made myself presentable, but he was back before I finished brushing my teeth. I heard the front door open, the crinkling of paper and the aroma of coffee floating through the air. He came up behind me, and before I could turn around, he softly brushed the hair behind my neck, kissing the outside of my ear.

He took a quick breath in.

"Mmm, good morning! Sleep well?” he asked. I loved the way he would breathe me in.

I turned to face him.

"Amazing and you?” I teased, as I kissed him playfully and softly bit his lower lip.

He closed his eyes and sighed. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen.

"I didn't know what you'd like, so I picked out several different kinds of sweets.” He pointed to the bag on the table. I grabbed it from his hand and ripped it open. I was hungry, and my stomach was growling. There were cinnamon buns and crumb cake to choose from. It was an easy pick for me: I grabbed the cinnamon bun, took a bite and teased him with a kiss.

"Thanks, it's delicious,” I said.

He tasted the flavor lingering on my lips.

"I hate when you leave.” I put on my best pouty face.

"Ah, I'll see you later, no worries. Go have fun with your family,” he said, grinning. “It's their last day."

He grabbed my waist, propping me up onto the countertop, so my face was even with his. I wasn't going to complain. He gazed deep into my eyes, his hands wrapped loosely around my waist, and gave me one last deep passionate kiss goodbye. I was lost in his lips. His mouth was warm and inviting this morning, tasting slightly like cinnamon. I never imagined I would be the seducer, but here I was. He pulled back and gave me his cute little Irish smirk, and laughed at me. I had never wanted anything or anyone more in my entire life. I wanted to take him back into my room and rediscover him all over again.

I was sure he could read my mind, because his smile said it all.

"I gotta run, love. That is, unless you want your folks to catch your horrible boyfriend here so early in the mornin',” he reminded me. “I love you. We'll see each other later. I promise.” It was then that we both heard a small noise outside. We turned in unison to look. My parents glared at us through the window in the door. My racing heart suddenly went silent. What were they doing here so early? How would I explain Colin? He must have felt my tension; he glanced at me.

"No worries, Abigail, remember?” he reassured me with a wink.

I felt stuck to the counter and couldn't move. He picked me up and put me down on the floor, facing the front door. A look of surprise on my face, I opened the door. “Hey, what are you guys doing here? It's so early."

They both just stared at me, completely shocked and disgusted at what they were witnessing.

"Abigail, we thought you might like to join us for breakfast,” my mother said.

My father looked over my shoulder, glaring at Colin. I couldn't imagine how Colin felt at this moment. I knew how I felt—scared, scared to death. I heard him sigh as he outstretched his hand toward my father.

"Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, it's a pleasure to see you again.” Colin paused, looking briefly in my direction. “Sorry, if I had known you were coming, I wouldn't have dropped off the sweets for Abigail this morning.” He pulled his hand back, never having received my father's hand, and placed it on the small of my back.

He pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed my fingers “I'll see ya later, love.” He turned, intending to leave.

My father blocked the door.

"Don't count on it, young man.” My dad moved aside allowing Colin to walk past him. Colin put his head down, stepping around him.

My father couldn't even look at me as he stood outside on the porch with Mike.

My mother's glare never left me.

"Abby, how could you do this? You're
!” Her face tightened with anger and disbelief.

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