Downs, Jana - Ravyn's Heart [Ravyn Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) (2 page)

Chapter Two

Ally wrapped his hand around his cock and jerked.
Oh yeah
. That felt good. He pressed the washcloth to his mouth to muffle the noises of need coming out of his mouth. He was always a noisy lover. He bit into cloth which was wet from the barrage of water from the shower head. He teased himself momentarily, running the hand that was pleasuring his cock down to his tight sack beneath. He rolled them in his palms, testing and teasing the weight.

Unbidden, an image ghosted up through his mind. Dageus’s father, Damian. The way he had looked at the airport. That mob guy attire. That fucking sexy smirk. He groaned and gnawed harder on the green washcloth. His hand returned to the head of his cock and rubbed in a circular motion. A fantasy slammed into his brain as his hips jerked into the movement.

* * * *

Damian was sitting behind a huge oak desk, his fingertips resting against one another like he was praying. A sinister smile turned his lips up at the corners and his fangs glinted in the silvery light of the moon. He was wearing his gangster uniform again. Pinstriped this time. Allasandro was cuffed on his knees, naked with a silk gag in his mouth. He was screaming obscenities in the mobster’s direction, but he knew it wouldn’t help his case.

“What are we going to do with you, you naughty boy?” His pert British accent was like a physical caress against Ally’s psyche. Damian reached into his inside jacket pocket and produced a pack of cigarettes and a Zippo lighter. He extracted a cancer stick and put it to his lips while his other hand snapped open the lighter, momentarily illuminating his face. He looked like an angel. Or the devil, depending on what side of the desk he was on. Damian inhaled the clove-smelling smoke and blew it out in a slow, controlled fashion. He snapped his fingers.

Men whose faces were cloaked in shadows dragged him to the other side of the desk and deposited him at Damian’s feet. One reached around and pulled the gag out, nearly losing his fingers as Ally snapped at his hand. Damian seized his chin and tsked.

“Now, now, none of that,” he chastised. He leaned in close, and Ally growled. His scent was so damn intoxicating. “What should your punishment be, eh, naughty boy? You stole from me. Now you have to pay the piper.”

The click of a gun being cocked made Allasandro bite back whatever smart-ass retort he was working on. He shuddered as he felt the familiar metallic hardness against his head. One of the men who’d taken out his gag was obviously going to shoot his stupid ass. But for some reason he wasn’t really worried. Staring into Damian’s face made his cock stand up and take attention, even with the gun at his head.

“You’re going to pay me back every cent you stole from me.” Damian’s voice was low, his tone a guttural rumble. Allasandro’s heart stuttered. There was no way he could pay all that back.

“How am I supposed to do that, man? I don’t even have any of the currency they use in this realm!” Ally protested. He was definitely getting shot.

The vampire fished out his own hard cock and bared it to Ally’s gaze. Ally’s mouth watered. Damian’s knowing gaze was lust-filled as he spoke. “You’re going to be my personal love slave until I feel like you’re paid up.” His big hand stroked up and down the turgid length. Ally watched, fascinated. He’d never seen another guy jerk his cock before. He leaned forward, away from the gun and closer to the object of his fascination. He inhaled sharply. He wanted to scent what Damian smelled like. His nose wasn’t nearly as good as Dageus’s. He was a demon after all.

“Don’t move, naughty boy,” Damian commanded now that Ally was a hairsbreadth away from touching. He groaned as he watched the vampire pleasure himself. His heart skipped a beat as the flurry of movement increased to a nearly impossible-to-follow speed. “Tell me you like it,” Damian bit out. The gun put pressure on Ally’s skull, but he didn’t need the encouragement.

“I like it. Gods, I like it.” He moaned as Damian’s cock twitched. Without warning, the sticky liquid that Allasandro was intimately familiar with shot from the purpled tip of Damian’s arousal and splashed Ally’s lips and face. He blinked as the spunk warmed his face. Tentatively, he reached his tongue out and licked some off his lips. In the fantasy, he all but purred at the flavor, but he didn’t really know what the taste would be. Damian cupped his cheek and stared into his eyes. Those blue-black orbs seemed to see to his soul.

“You’re mine now,” the vampire stated, running a finger down the sticky mess on the opposite cheek.

Ally closed his eyes demurely. “Yes.”

* * * *

Back in reality, Allasandro shuddered through an orgasm so intense that his balls ached from drawing up so hard. The washcloth dropped out of his mouth as his spunk shot in long pearly ropes onto the floor of the shower.

“Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God!” The loud litany echoed off the bare walls of Salvatore’s bathroom. He leaned helplessly against the shower stall, breathing heavily. “Shit,” he whispered. The best orgasm of his life had just occurred by fantasizing about his best friend’s father. He was such a freak. The loud banging on the bathroom door took him away from his self-chastisement.

“Stop masturbating in my bathroom, you pervert!” His prince’s amused voice punctuated the loud knocks. “I told you to take a shower, not drown your cock in my bathtub.”

“Yes, my prince!” Allasandro called back, shutting off the water. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his hips. He was never thinking of that vampire again. Never. Never. Never.

He quickly put on the fresh clothes he’d brought for his shift. He’d gotten back from his little trip with Dageus late last night or early this morning, depending on how he looked at it. Of course he would’ve been here earlier had he not left directly from dropping Damian and Dageus off at Damian’s penthouse apartment to go to the club since it was his one night off. He’d arrived back at Alex’s luxurious home just in time for his shift to start with Druas this morning. Alex’s house hosted not only the majority of the Entertainer line of vampires, with the exception of Damian, but a plethora of Jaguar shifters, some other vampires who were guests in Entertainer territory, and now the Ravyns, since Alex and Dageus’s joining. Salvatore had told him to shower when he’d gotten there. He hadn’t planned on getting busy with himself, but his mind had constantly returned to Damian. Not even the sweet honeys at the club had eased the ache that vampire had created. Which was ridiculous because
he was off-limits

“I think Dageus’s gay thing is rubbing off on me,” he admitted as he sat down to his lord’s game table to play chess.

“Gay thing? Rubbing off?” Salvatore’s red irises were practically dancing with amusement. He moved his knight and put his hands back in his lap. Druas stood by the door, pretending not to hear what Allasandro had said. There were no secrets between the Ravyns since it enabled the channel in which they shared energies to stay unblocked so that they could share power, but it was nice that Dru was trying to be polite.

“Yeah. I just had the most homoerotic fantasy I’ve ever had.” He moved his castle. It was his favorite piece. Allasandro patterned his life the same way the piece moved. Backward. Forward. Sideways. Always in a straight line. He was a straightforward sort of guy. It was something the Demon Prince respected about him.

“Fantasies don’t mean anything, Allasandro. They’re just tools to increase pleasure.” Allasandro frowned at Salvatore’s words and directed his concentration on the Prince’s hand as it moved another pawn in direct line of one of his piece’s attack range. Allasandro knew there was a trap there somewhere. He just didn’t know where it was.

“But don’t fantasies mean that you want something? I mean, like a subconscious yearning or something?” He avoided Salvatore’s trap but stumbled into another by moving an adjacent piece. Salvatore took his queen.

“Check,” Salvatore murmured, referring to the game. “Well, it seems like you’ve already made up your mind on the subject. I just find it hard to believe that you go from seducing hordes of women to wanting men over one fantasy you had in my bath chambers.” He paused, something awful occurring to him. “Oh god, it wasn’t about one of us was it?” he asked, horrified.

Allasandro burst out laughing. “Hell no! You’re all family, for gods’ sake!” Big guffaws of laughter filled the room. Druas even joined in. They sat there and laughed until tears ran down their collective faces.

Salvatore wiped his eyes. “Wow. I needed that. Now, back to your fantasy. Was it anyone we know?”

The laughter died off Allasandro’s face. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Both Druas and Salvatore blinked. That was not like the carefree man that they all knew. Normally, he would make a joke out of the seriousness of any situation or something equally amusing. He looked downright solemn. Druas opened his mouth to demand an explanation, but Salvatore held up his hand for silence. He wasn’t ready.

“Very well,” Salvatore said. He winked at his surfer-blond Ravyn. “Checkmate.”

Chapter Three

Damian stared at the well-muscled warrior in front of him, searching for a hint of his son beneath the hardened exterior. Kalel, no, his name was Dageus now. Dageus was not the boy Damian had known six years previously. He’d truly become one of those elemental beings from the parallel universe of Demontia known as demons.

“You’re looking at me strangely.” The warrior’s voice was soft, unsure of his welcome. It was so at odds with the tough exterior. He looked like he was stronger than Alex now.

Damian’s office did not have the homey feeling of a living room, but Damian hadn’t really had a suitable alternative. The cool gray walls and ultramodern furniture made the whole space look sterile and professional. Not exactly the room he wanted to have a heart-to-heart with his missing child after six years, but Damian wasn’t ready to go into the softer part of the house yet. The bedrooms were too close to the living room and he didn’t want to explain the shrine he’d made to his son in that space. Not until he knew this man’s heart.

Like most grieving parents, he’d sectioned off a part of his penthouse just to Kal’s memory. Kal’s bedroom was untouched, everything exactly as he had left it. Vampire businessman extraordinaire he may be, but Damian wasn’t willing to chance this new Kalel saying something unkind about the way he’d allowed the house to turn into a tomb. It hurt too much to think about.

“You look different. When you were eighteen, you looked more like a child, but now…you’re all man,” Damian replied to Kal’s earlier words, sipping his teacup of Earl Grey. He was British, and he didn’t care how long he lived around the whole lot of French and Italian vampires, he wasn’t giving up his tea. The mere thought of coffee made him want to sniff in disdain.

“You were supposed to come home weeks ago.” Kal’s green-and-gold eyes were filled with deep longing, but Damian didn’t know for what. “I wanted to see you.”

“I was busy doing some work and arranging a lineup of acts for the vampire Council’s entertainment in France this winter,” he lied smoothly. He wasn’t lying about the work he’d done. He was just lying about the reason he’d stayed away. He’d been hiding in New York.

At first, Kalel’s return had made him want to race to his adopted son’s side, but there had been so much drama surrounding him and Alex the first few days he’d been back in this realm, and then Damian’s insecurities had bubbled to the surface. What if Kal blamed him for the kidnapping? What if he didn’t care about Damian anymore? What if he’d only returned to be with Alex and still wanted Damian out of his life? When Maddy, his and Alex’s Maker, had suggested that he go to New York until things were settled and do some much-needed field work there, he’d jumped at the opportunity.

“It was very important work,” Damian added at the stunned look on Kal’s face. The warrior looked like he’d been slapped.

“More important than me?” That softly spoken question was Damian’s undoing. The words were choked. The tears that shimmered in his adopted son’s eyes broke his heart.

He set his cup down and stood, reaching for his son across the small glass coffee table that separated them. He pulled him into the circle of his arms and into the first hug they’d shared in six years.

“Nothing is more important than you.” Damian’s deep voice cracked, and he was forced to clear it. He kissed Kal’s forehead as his son squeezed him so tightly that his sides groaned from the pressure. His son had definitely grown strong in their time apart.

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