Dragon Frost (25 page)

Read Dragon Frost Online

Authors: Kelvia-Lee Johnson

Tags: #assassin, #angels, #suspense, #dragons, #demons, #monsters, #actionadventure, #thrillermystery

It’s not
something I’ve 
.” I


Something I’ve 

what have you 
?” he asks
and I lie on my back and stare at the ceiling. My helmet makes it
slightly uncomfortable but I didn’t mind. I would take it off when
Altair leaves. His words echo in my head and I’m unsure how to
answer his question and I can tell he feels my hesitation. “I won’t
judge.” What a liar. This is something people judge. Betrayal. I
turn to him as he glances at me from where he sits his face devoid
of emotion. When he gets like that sometimes I think of him as an
organic machine—with no emotions.

can’t promise that.” He sighs. He knew I was avoiding the

right. I can’t promise that but I’m trying to get something stable
between us. Is that so bad?” he asks and I don’t say anything, he
continues, “I know you don’t trust people and I know I’ve hurt you,
by keeping things from you which you know, is probably the right
thing to do, even though you won’t say it. However, you and I are
of the 
 species regardless of what the Zylarians or the
Humans or even the Persians think. I won’t judge otherwise I’ll
have to find a new mate.” I smile. At least he’s true to his

luck with that.”

rub it in; you’ll have to find a new mate too. We’re hard to come
by. You know that.” I nod. “You can trust me.” He finally says
after a longer pause.

already do.” I say. Knowing that I’m not exactly lying but I’m not
exactly being honest either.

don’t I believe that?”

When do
you believe what I say?” He’s silent and I stare back at the

I always
do, as a Knight I’m guided by rules.” he says before adding, “I
trust you but it’s the Order whose trust you need to regain. I know
you don’t do anything without a reason. Since you’re choosing to
keep this from me, I won’t force you to tell me.” He moves from my
bed and quits the room.

The peace
and quiet of the silent forest helps me think as Altair’s words
filter through my mind but I can’t help but feel hesitant. I wonder
if is because I’m being paranoid. Varden had returned my cloak to
me the next morning I had left the Inn his lips were purged into
such a smile which caused me stare a moment longer before accepting
my cloak. Hearing the sound of a snapping twig I draw my dagger
from its sheath on the side of my calf and hold it against my
forearm. Lifet stands with his hands up, “I’m not going to kill
you. I thought I made 
 clear.” I relax.

did.” I return my blade back and place it in its sheath. I turn my
back on him and he moves to sit down beside me on a log that sits
on a hill at the edge of the meadow, the white blanket of snow is
unmoving as it helps my mind relax.

Why are
you here?”


Do you
want me to leave?” I glance at him and he appears

No. It’s
okay.” I say as I return my gaze to the layout of the town. Its
snow covered buildings and brown brick walls make it camouflage
against its surroundings. The tall buildings of the church and the
town hall is what makes, it different. I can still hear them but I
try not to focus on it. I need peace. Something that appears hard
to come by. The mountains in the distance; only adds to the
stillness around me.

Do you
hide things from your friends?” I ask him and he turns to me with
raised brows and I sigh. “You know . . .
?” His face is firm and I turn from him not being
able to stand the look of utter disappointment. That look really
pisses me off more than people who looked at me with

You hid
things from that other Nefaliem and the Prince?” I nod he sighs and
over exaggerated sigh. “What exactly didn’t you tell

That I,
um, made a pact with Golgotha.” I manage the last part quickly. For
some reason, I wanted to get that off my chest. I never really
realised how much it burdened me until I had finally said it. He
remains quiet for some time. I don’t blame him though, he is a
strange man. Still, he did save my life at least this is my way of
paying him back—he now has something he can use against me. I hate
being in this position more than anything else in the world and yet
there are something’s that I cannot completely disagree with. I
agree that he deserves this much.

kind of a 
?” he asks
his voice even. For some unknown reason I feel uneasy at that tone
yet I feel as though I can now trust him. Odd I never really been
the one to trust people. How can this be?

I told
her I would take Varden, to a man with a golden dragon tattoo in
Midra.” I confess. It feels so much better to have that out in the
open—I wonder if this how it feels for those who finally confess
things to their spouses, parents or loved ones. It is difficult
“yes”, they may 
you “yes” but it’s better than keeping it all bottled up inside
might I add.

you?” he asks.

I pause
for a long moment. “Yes.”

expression is unbearable but he just nods. “Okay, what’s the plan?”
I blink at his words. Did he just say he is going to help me? Why
would he do that?

can’t do that.”

His brows
rise, “Why not?” I have no answer. I just stare. He begins to
laugh. I look at him confused and he stops before looking at me
with a straight face before laughing again. I frown and cross my
arms. He is laughing at me and I can’t help but frown. He composes
himself and clears his throat. “I haven’t laughed like that in a
long time.” he confesses.

I wonder
why?” I mutter under my breath, I know he’s heard it but he ignores
it and I’m grateful for it but did he have to laugh like a
Geez he reminds me of the ‘Joker’.

you’re positive your boyfriend doesn’t know?” he teases and I glare
at him.

boyfriend!” I snap. He holds up his hands.

your friend who’s a boy.” he says before adding, “Or in this
still, what are you guys?” he asks with curiosity and a smile at
the corner of his lips. I shrug and turn my gaze back to the snow
covered meadow. My mind seems to drift a bit and by the time it
returns Lifet is standing up; his gaze is locked into a particular
direction. Something is wrong. I stand. “Something’s coming this
way and fast.” The sound of thick snapping wood resonances in my
ears a moment after a whistling sound booms and I bring up my
forearm blade, the slight glisten stood out against the frozen

confirmed my thought, 
throwing knives.

ground trembles around us, I glance at Lifet and his expression is
masked but his eyes speak the words that flood through my mind: an
‘Ogre’. Its speed is unbearable as not just one but three large
dark green crusty skin monsters race towards us. Their bulky arms
protrude stiffly, radiating the damage that they can cause. No
matter how strong Lifet maybe as a man of his species—we need
Altair and now. I try not allowing the fear I feel, to flood
through my system as I know, I won’t go down without a fight but
they are much stronger and more powerful than Trolls. Their one
objective when given is: ‘Search and Destroy’.

We are
their targets. They turn their attention from us and race towards
the town. I glance at Lifet he’s just as puzzled as I am. A voice
vibrates from behind us. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about
slowly turn over my shoulder unsheathing my blade and there stands
a large Ogre, its dark brown slightly green cracked skin covers its
features. I stand tall. He doesn’t intimidate me; I’ve been
surrounded by an army of men but he does have a very dominating
atmosphere that I analyze him to be the alpha male of this pack. He
smiles a, lop sided smile, where his sharp fangs glare down at me.
I gulp. “You know we have a rule, if I find the woman first. She’s
mine.” I glare. I belong to no man—yet!

Help the
others.” I say to Lifet.


Help the
others.” I repeat, and he hesitates. “Now!” His form scurries away.
At present, I’m left alone with a seven foot four Ogre.

That was
brave of you. You should fear me, you know that right?” I don’t say
anything. “Why don’t you just give yourself to me willingly and I
promise I won’t hurt you that much.”

Go jump
off a cliff.” He smiles before he charges at me. The ground pounds
under each step and I turn to the side and slip in between the
branches. He snaps the tree branch and I claw my way to the top
before gliding from one branch to the other and to the other. The
trees seem to give way as he crashes into them. Right about now,
I’m actually wishing for Altair or Dante. I just may die—a brutal
violating death.

I pull
out my crossbow and fire. Several arrows embed themselves in the
thick wooden armour he has wrapped around his torso. “Run, run, as
fast as you can. I’ll catch you in the end.” His voice is taunting
and I continue to plan out my escape route but conclude it’s no
use; I’ll have to kill him. To do that; I’ll have to get in close.
I stop once I realise I’m standing on the last branch that dangles
over a large frozen gorge. The sight of it wasn’t pleasant and I
know that if I fall I will die. The last bit of trees tumble as a
loud snapping and creaking sound makes its way to my ears. I turn
back over my shoulder to see the Ogre staring up at me. The sight
of it is not unnerving but at that point I questioned his mental
Is he insane?
 I leap down from the tree as it tumbles over before
falling off into the ravine. I glance at the Ogre.

So, you
want to stop this game of chase?” he taunts and I
What I wouldn’t give to make him my
 I think.
“No? Fine, I’ll be sure to make you suffer.” he states and I wonder
what it is I’m supposed to suffer for? Taking all the lives like
his and making the universe safer. Killing a few to save many is
something that is done; we knights I guess are similar to Assassins
in that sense. Never kill those innocent. The corrupt must perish.
He stalk towards me and stands, towering over me. I look up. He
smiles down. At that moment—I’m not scared. I’m not even
intimidated. At times like this, I wonder if I’m decent but that is
all gone. When he grasps my wrist his voice returns to my mind.
“Did you hear what I said 

Yes, I
heard you,” I say as I lock a small gadget to his wrist.
Electricity shoots through his body my suit isn’t a conduct of heat
nor electricity—I’m untouched and unharmed. His body soon lights up
on fire before its scorched. I draw my forearm blade and arch it
around slicing off his wrist. With the way he held my wrist only
made it the easier. He stumbles back clutching his wrist. He throws
curses my way and I brush them off. “I didn’t give you permission
to touch me, now did I?” I ask and he glares at me, I repeat, “Did
I?” He pulls out his large iron hammer he had strapped to his waist
and I sigh. 
He’s bleeding and he still has the energy to fight—doesn’t
his body scream out pain? Or has his way of primitive living
shriveled his brain?

charges for me and I drop down before he brings his hammer down and
jolt my blade through his scrotum before slicing him in half—our
blades are sharp but not as sharp as our fangs and claws, our
forearm blades were forged from the strongest metal on our world
and pulsate with our power making it an indestructible weapon.
“That’s what happens when you touch me without my permission.” I
say before turning my heel and walking away.

I walk
through the silent forest when I hear a voice call out. “Kal!” I
turn to see Altair slowly floating down to me, where he stops
before abruptly pulling me into an embrace. He pulls me away from
him as his eyes scan me. “Are you okay, that bastard didn’t touch
you did he?” His eyes are full of concern and I felt almost happy
to have someone care about me like that. Living your whole life
when it was just you, kind of puts you into survival

over there.” I nod my head to the side, Altair glances and I know
he sees the slit meat of the Ogre. “Yes, he did touch me but paid
for it in the end.” I say.

him right,” I shrug.

everyone all right?” I ask. He nods.

they were pretty easy to take on.” he states proudly and I raise my
brows. He took them all on and walked out unscathed. Now I’m
beginning to wonder how strong this man is but then again it only
makes sense Tylif wouldn’t partner me with a weaker man. Still,
he’s nowhere near my father’s power. He smiles a small smile and I
return the gesture which only makes him smile more.

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