Dragon Frost (32 page)

Read Dragon Frost Online

Authors: Kelvia-Lee Johnson

Tags: #assassin, #angels, #suspense, #dragons, #demons, #monsters, #actionadventure, #thrillermystery

in trouble!

action had begun several moments ago, and now they managed to
infiltrate the restaurant, I crouch down behind the counter my
crossbow firing energy arrows at our targets who fall down one by
one. Dante instead stood fully dressed in a silver suit of armour,
he fought off the men on the inside part of the restaurant off to
the side, he throws them around or plunges his blades within them
and I focus on trying to not let them shoot Dante. I have no idea
how long this crossfire has occurred for but I know that my energy
is depleting and we need to find a way out of here and quick.

say and cease fire occurs for but I know that my energy is
depleting and we need to find a way out of here and

I’m a little busy, Kal.’
 Several more bodies are flung over the counter and
land where I am, I slowly peep over the counter to see dark
lifeless eyes staring back at mine, and I slowly crouch back down.
That’s another thing that will haunt me for the rest of my
sleepless and nightmare filled nights. I fire from the side of the
counter since the body Dante casually sewn is now covering line of

I’m running low on ammo.’
 I say, he knew what I meant; my energy is
depleting and fast.

turn to him to see he flung his silver crossbow in the air and I
leap from out of the counter and catch it, I roll and kneel, firing
the arrows, repetitively. ‘
Keep, firing, I have enough energy to last us for
 I roll once
more and return to where I was previously, kneeling behind the
counter. I kneel behind the bench top and rest my arms on the
bench, firing the larger version of my crossbow which requires both
of my hands to shoot. The green energy arrows land into the chests
of the enemy forcing them back motionless on the ground before the
arrow disappears and returns to the crossbow—that’s true when they
say, energy is transferred. The arrows lodge themselves into the
counter and I’m not sure how much it can take before my only
defence is gone. My suit may be strong and my skin may be able to
regenerate but I’m sure they’ll find a way to kill us.

Dante and Altair, I don’t have access to my full energy levels so I
can’t call upon my battle-suit which heals faster and far more
durable under cross fire. It made us stronger and sturdier.
Explaining why Dante’s having the time of his life right now, he
knows they can’t hurt him. Isn’t he lucky? The ground quivers
under; extreme impact. The ceiling begins to cave in and I move out
of the way, landing not too far from a table, I flip it on its side
and arrows are immediately, lodged in it. I place the crossbow on
the table edge and fire, I take down two . . . three . . . four and
so on. They fall down one by one and slowly their numbers begin to
dwindle. The ground shakes again and this time it is a much larger
tremor. I glance at Altair, who stands now above motionless bodies.

I ask

Not too sure . . . ’
 His black faceplate contrasts against the silver
armour of his battle-suit. I take down the last remaining soldiers
and Dante’s form becomes a green cloud of smoke and appears beside
me. “They’ve got cannons.” I gape, cannons?

would they need cannons?” I ask, dumbly, feeling rather

We’ll we
aren’t exactly easy to take down.” I hear a click; something is
being lodged into place. “Looks like they’re ready to fire,” Dante
wraps his arms around me and I glare.

Hey?” We
warp out of the building. The green smoke surrounds my form and a
sky light beams down on us, as our teachers and mentors had said
“the Angels light our path” the swirling green vortex around us is
no more and I stand at the opposite end of the

I glance at

go.” I nod and follow him. Reaching the Sector was not easy, it is
like trying to find a needle in the haystack, but we manage to find
it by sunset. Passing the once again lifeless courtyard, I stop and
glance at where I saw that man and see nothing but large thick
stonewalls that fences the courtyard. I stride after Dante and he
forces open the doors to reveal men and women of the Order, each in
different uniforms—green, red, blue, silver, purple and white, each
colour representing the subdivision of the Order.

They are
at our doors!” bellows a man.

wouldn’t have happen if the government wasn’t threatened!” growls a

We are
being invaded!” cries another woman. I cannot find where the voices
ring from but know they call from all around the room and are
directed towards the man on the stairs. He stands on an even piece
of floor that is at each set of stairs. The man on the stairs is no
other than the Duke of Alland. What is he doing there?

mustn’t worry.” he says, I glance at Altair who makes his way
towards us through the crowd. He places a hand over his heart and
Dante does the same—a Nefaliem custom. Soon, he stops beside

going on?” I hear Dante ask.

Grattican.” he says. “They’re here in the city.”

they always here?” I add and he nods slowly, I turn my gaze from
Altair to the Duke who continues to talk to the crowd of the
Order’s finest.

were always here,” says Altair, “but they haven’t ever made their
presence known and people over time forgot they even

So then
why do they show up?” questions Dante.

I say and the two look at me. “I need to check on Varden.” They nod
and I force my way through the crowd of people. I make my way down
a hall and up a flight of stairs; I hear unfamiliar footsteps and
voices. I do not know what brought the urge on but I hid behind a
suit of armour, placed in a built-in cave, it was not too big but
it was not too small that a suit of armour was placed with a sword
and shield—it had enough room for me to move through. Two male
Security Barbs walk past and down the stairs I had ascended, I wait
a moment more until their voices are gone. I slip out of my hiding
spot and make my way towards Varden’s room. I force open his

He’s gone
. . .

I race
down the halls in search for him, passing the tapestries that drape
down the walls, the maids and butlers that wonder the Sector. I
glance around searching down corridors, empty rooms, and lifeless
staircases. Every one of those I seem to ask claims to have never
seen him or don’t know who he is. This is going to take forever. I
think with frustration. I cross my arms and legs, leaning against
the stone onyx walls when I hear footsteps approach me. “So,
distant as ever,” I hear a familiar voice say.

I glance
up, “Hazlitt.” I say not in the mood to talk. Hazlitt being here is
no surprise, he travels everywhere and all the time he I’m sure has
no breaks which I’m sure he’ll need but when you’re on the road
that’s plenty when it comes to a break. He moves and stops before
me as he from what I can feel eyes me with confusion the air is
silent and I can hear his breathing which is distracting me at the
moment. I glance out the glass window and into the courtyard

with you?” he asks. I regard him for a moment.

Nothing,” I say.

peasants and merchants wonder through the courtyard and towards a
Priest who appears to give his blessing to the travelers while
monks move in disciplinary lines their hands clumped together. I
sigh, I have no idea where he is or what has happened to him.

Mialo is asking for you.” he declares, of course he is. I promised
to meet with him once I returned to the city. I nod and leave him
standing in the hall without another glance and without another

I step
along the gravel stone just on the grounds around the courtyard; I
walk beside Father Mialo in his black purple and red robe, a
crucifix above his torso held by a beaded lace. “You know God’s
forgiven you.” he says.

The sound
of snow crushing enters my sensitive ears in a way it’s comforting
to know that those footsteps aren’t out for my blood. I know that
in the world I live, trust and mercy is a luxury I can’t afford but
if I could, I would give it willingly and if I had a choice to stay
home and raise a family I would. It in my eyes would be a much
better way to live—it would be a haven for me, to raise and protect
something innocent, something pure from the eyes of war, greed and
desperation. I know one day my child will have to carry on the
duties of my family name but until then, I’ll ensure he or she will
never have to lift a sword until I’m sure they’ll be mentally
prepared for the worst. That’s all I can hope for.

I nod.

are things you can do and only you. After all, you are Nefaliem.
You are both a demon and an angel. Don’t ever forget that and also
don’t always pry to your sins. Your confession is now with God.” I
nod once more, knowing that it’s not with him but with the father
beside me.

Is it
always, blood and death?” I ask. He stops and so do I. It’s a
question I’ve been meaning to ask for some time but I couldn’t
bring myself to say it until now.

what you do best.” I stare at him confused. Did he know who I was?
As if he’s read my mind a smile stretches across his youthful

Do you
know who I am?” I hope not.

course I do, you are 
I raise a brow and he laughs before we continue our stride towards
the lake. Passing through the garden is a rare sight for me but I
have one on Nephelia, I have gardeners that help me out same with
the Chefs when I cook but there are some things (some hands on
things) that a person like me needs to do; in order to quell my
traumatized mind. “You’ve come to me many times when you were in
this city.”

That is
true,” I stop in under the large open garden house, a breeze blows
in and fusses my hair about. My helmet I left in the Father’s keep
since I was told that I couldn’t confess without an identity, his
exact words were, “A person without an identity doesn’t have any
sins.” I honestly was taken aback by that a bit and realised it
made sense but I know our god of a father keeps us in his mind. He
has to right? We practically aid the angels not that I like to but
I can’t exactly deny them either but we can’t exactly defy the

That in itself
proves I have a bounty on my head.

You know
the world is your oyster, should you want It.” says the

I know
but like you say should I want it that I have to say I don’t.”
That’s how the day went me spending time alone, far away from any
other form of living being or animal, my mind is filled with the
most recent killings and I lay now on the snow staring at the still
grey sky while the frost icicles fall towards me—still and
unmoving. I can’t help but feel the need to crush them with my bare
hands but don’t bother. I have no energy at the moment and I have
no idea where Varden is but at the same time, Father Mialo
convinced me that Varden is fine and safe within the walls of
Contuse. Still now the information that floods my mind and the fear
that the other members of the Order had when the Grattican wonder
the streets.

They told
me to be wary and stay within the walls, that’s not just me but
Dante and Altair since where the only Nefaliem here and I wonder if
Nerelda will come back for me, she told me years ago that a portal
will arrive to return me home but I had to turn down her recent
offer. I honestly hope I don’t be stuck on this world forever but
at the same time I really don’t mind. At that moment, Varden’s face
flashes in my mind, his smile and his voice that always sounds two
octaves deeper around me, I have to admit I find very alluring but
I can’t help but feel anxious for him. 
He is the prince.
 I try to tell myself. The sight of
the Grattican, the enemies that continuously attack us because they
don’t want him to regain his rights and I know they won’t

Kalverya,” I hear Varden’s voice below me and I sit up.
There he stands in red sweater and overcoat, a scarf is draped
around his neck as his brown breeches are kept within his black
knee high leather boots. His clothes of a white tunic, brown
breeches and boots with an a thick overcoat and scarf is now gone
but it would makes sense he’s been wearing it for a while and
probably felt dirty in it when at times I would stumble upon him
using the ice to clean his skin as well using to keep himself

What are
you doing here?” I ask.

been looking everywhere for you.” I’m taken back by that statement
but I try not to show it but allow a small smile to pull at my

have?” I was looking for you too, until I was told I need not to

Yeah, I
was told you were looking for me too.” I nod and pat the snow
beside me. He smiles and moves over to sit down beside me, we gaze
out into the frozen forest, and nothing is in sight, nothing other
than several winter birds. Beyond the forest are the large walls of
the Contuse Sector, placed all around their three hundred acre
land. This is the smallest of sectors since it’s in the largest
city and weren’t given much land.

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