Dream Kisses (Romance on the Ranch Series #1) (13 page)


Chapter 16

Calm before the Storm


sat on the buckboard beside Ned while he guided their mules on the last leg of
the wagon train adventure. "There's the Lazy M." He pointed.

laughed. "I am
happy to be back. I can't wait to get out of
pioneer clothes and soak in a tub. Never thought I'd be excited to wash my
hair." Behind her, she heard Jill and Flo agree.

rider on horseback pulled up beside them. Sarah looked at Sage and he tipped
his hat.

said, "Howdy, boss. Got any instructions?"

you know the routine."

grinned at Sarah. "And how are you today, Miss Sarah?"

turned scarlet.
You're fetching when you blush.
"Right as rain, Mr.

grin turned wicked, "Sure was a beautiful moon last night. Beautiful moons
make for
nights. Don't you agree, Miss Sarah?"

noticed Ned glancing back and forth between her and Sage. "I think every
night should be
Mr. Tanner."

laughed so hard he almost fell off his horse. Julie, Jill, and Flo were now
peeking around Sarah and watching the banter.

shook his head. "I think I missed something in the conversation, but it's
got me laughing anyway."

winked at Sarah and tipped his hat at the ladies before urging Jackel to the
next wagon. Flo whispered in Sarah's ear, "That man's got a thing for
you." Sarah almost squealed with delight.

* * *

rubbed Jackel and patted his flank. The last of the Triple T pioneers had been
bused back to Tommy's ranch and his own pioneers were back at the dorm. They
were a tired looking bunch and he knew from experience that tomorrow would be
geared toward rest and recuperation for the dudes staying on. The M twins, the Tullys,
and the Hackstetters were leaving. He knew Julie was sad about saying goodbye
to Jacob.  Unknown to his daughter, he had spied them kissing during the wagon
train. He sighed. His little girl was growing up.

a last pat on Jackel's hind quarter, he closed the stall and left the barn. He
wanted to see Sarah, but he wasn't sure how to go about it without raising
eyebrows. After showering, he knocked on Julie's door. "Hey, sweetie, you
in there?"

Dad." She opened her door.

handed her an envelope. "I want you to do something for me."


over to the dorm and give this to Sarah, but don't let anyone see you give it
to her."

is it?"

Sage tried to think of something convincing, she laughed, "Just kidding,
Dad. I don't want to know. I know you like her a lot."

that obvious?"


* * *

ran across the yard toward the dorm. She was glad her father had asked her to
deliver a note to Sarah. It would give her a chance to see Jacob again. When
she thought about him leaving the next day, she wanted to cry.

opened the door to the dorm. The great room was empty except for Jacob watching
a sci-fi flick. He jumped up when she came in. "Hi Julie. I'm glad you're
here. I almost walked over to ask if you wanted to watch a movie. But I figured
you were probably too tired."

love to watch a movie. Give me a minute and I'll call my dad and let him
know." She walked to the end of the hallway and knocked on Sarah's door.
When Sarah opened it she looked really happy to see her, and when Julie handed
her the envelope saying it was from her dad, she looked ecstatic.
Yep, they
definitely have the hots for each other.

performing her errand, she returned to the great room and then entered the
kitchen to call her dad and let him know she was watching movies with Jacob.
Jacob came in and they made microwave popcorn. He asked what movie she wanted to
watch and she said the one playing was fine. He started the movie over and when
the opening credits rolled, he reached for her hand and entwined his fingers
with hers.

* * *

read the note again.



love for you to come to the house after you receive this. However, if you feel
uncomfortable doing so, I certainly understand. Just so you know, tomorrow
night I intend to take you to dinner, come hell or high water."



stomach did a somersault. He wanted her to come to the house. Quickly, she
applied a little makeup, fluffed her hair, and changed into a calf length pink cotton
skirt and pretty pink peasant blouse. She'd figured out that Sage was fond of
her peasant tops.

a last glance in the mirror, she opened the door and ran smack into one of the
Uh oh.

woman didn't move.

me," said Sarah.

twin bent her knees until she was Sarah's height. "Don't think you're
gonna keep him. You're just a distraction. Yeah, you're just a mercy fu…"


looked at the other twin down the hall and then back at Mandy. Ann was right about
the girl having shifty eyes.

walked to stand next to Mandy. "I'm sorry for my sister's lack of manners,
Sarah. She's just a sore loser."

her!—chubby girl!
No way!" Mandy stormed down the hall. Mindy
gave Sarah an apologetic look and shook her head before following her sister.

waited until the twins had closed the door to their room before she walked to
the great room. Julie and Jacob were absorbed in a movie and didn't notice her
slip into the kitchen. The room was empty and she opened the back door,
thankful for the cool night. She just started walking while her mind punched
auto replay on the evil twin's hurtful words.
Chubby girl…chubby girl…chubby
How many times had she heard those words, or close approximations,
from her parents, her skinny sister, her ex-husband? She hated the words.

meanness had put her in a funk and she couldn't decide whether to knock on
Sage's door or go back to her room. She wanted to cry; something she'd been
doing a lot of lately.

Sage called her name.

jerked around. She'd walked almost to his house. He was leaning against the
side of it, but straightened and strode toward her. Her heart tried to
jackhammer through her ribs.

he was in front of her, he said, "I was hoping you'd come."

felt tongue-tied.

got your tongue?"


reached for her hand. "Will you come to the house with me?"

found her voice. "Okay." No power on earth could have made her say

walked with him up the back porch steps and into the kitchen. "Can I get
you some iced tea?" he asked.


like your top."

heart did a triple somersault.

moved away.


turned around.

don't want tea."

do you want, Sarah?"


smile was slow and meaningful. "Just what I wanted to hear."

the next two hours, if Sage had any misgivings about her weight, he didn't show
it. When he urged her into the shower with him, any trepidation was soon
dissolved in the steam coming from the water and from them.

asked her to stay the entire night, but she refused. Instinctively, he knew the
reason for her refusal and told her Julie was a big girl and could handle him
being with a woman, but he respected her wishes. When he walked her back to the
dorm shortly before midnight, Jacob and Julie approached.

Mr. Tanner," said Jacob. He sounded nervous.

Jacob. I guess you're leaving tomorrow."


you enjoyed your stay?"


seem a little nervous. Is there something you want to say?"


You can say it."


waited and finally said, "Jacob, just spit it out."

I like Julie…a lot. And I want to call her on the phone and come to see her
when I can. Maybe I could get a job here during the summer. You could teach me
to be a ranch hand."

added, "Yeah, Dad. Jacob would work really hard for you."

asked, "Son, have you mentioned this to your parents?"

not yet. I wanted to talk to you first."

tell you what, I don't have any openings this summer, but if you're still
interested next summer, and your parents say okay, I'll hire you for a few

looked at Julie and grinned. "That'd be great!"

hugged her father. "Thanks, Dad."

welcome. Now you two should call it a night. We've had a long three days."

and Sarah watched Jacob walk Julie toward the house. Sage chuckled. "We'll
see if their long-distance budding romance lasts until next summer; if so, he's
got a job."

the door to the dorm, Sage lifted Sarah's hand and kissed it. "Remember,
dinner tomorrow night." Sarah saw the promise of passion in his eyes. She
wouldn't mind skipping dinner so she could spend more time in his arms.

I dress fancy or casual?"



Chapter 17



felt Sage's hand on her elbow as he guided her to a table in a romantic, dimly
lit corner of the upscale Italian restaurant,
Sizzling Sicily.
"Sizzling" described exactly how she felt. A smile tilted the corners
of her mouth and when Sage pulled out her chair he bent and whispered,
"Sarah, you keep smiling like that and we're not going to be here
long." Sarah looked down and tried to make a straight face. She couldn't.

chuckled and sat across from her. "Bet you didn't think this town had such
a fancy restaurant."

true. After experiencing Boot Bustin' Barn, I am a little surprised."

waiter handed them menus and took drink orders. Sage said, tongue-in-cheek,
"Would you like an imported beer?"

blushed. "I think I'll keep all my faculties intact tonight."

special look and quirky smile Sage flashed made her blood rush to her head.

about a glass of wine," he suggested.


asked the waiter for recommendations and then selected a red wine grown in
Temecula Valley in California. The waiter left and they perused their menus.
"I've had the Tortellini Ricotta and Spinach and it's very good," he

wonder how many women he's brought here.

looked at her over the top of the tall menu. "Julie's favorite is
Spaghetti Marinara."

maybe he hasn't brought any dates here—yeah, right.

an appetizer they decided on Porta Bella Mushrooms Smothered with Mozzarella.
For her main dish, Sarah ordered Julie's favorite and Sage ordered Grilled
Shrimp Caprese.

the next hour, Sage captured her attention with funny stories of situations
involving "dudes" and "dudettes." He laughed, "So,
here's this greenhorn wanting to show off for his girlfriend. Only been on a
horse twice and he thinks he's ready to ride Demon."

laughed. "Demon?"

A horse spawned by the devil himself. His eyes turn red when anyone comes near.
We were boarding him for another rancher for a few weeks. Anyway, the dude
actually climbs bareback on Demon and the horse doesn't do anything."


poor man couldn't get the horse to move."

was hooked. "Why not?"

leaned in. "What the man didn't know was Demon had just been tranquilized
so the vet could get close. Needless to say, the girlfriend wasn't impressed.
The man actually asked for a refund."


sipped his wine. "No kidding. Hey, I've been talking for an hour about the
ranch. I want to talk about you. Tell me about your writing. How did you get
started? Have you always wanted to be a writer?"

sipped her wine, stalling for time. Setting her glass down, she twirled her
finger around the lip. She looked up to see Sage watching her finger. His look
sent goose flesh up her spine and she lost her train of thought. He looked up
with smoldering eyes. Sarah chewed on her bottom lip.

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