Read Dream Valley Online

Authors: Paddy Cummins

Dream Valley (16 page)


Lure of Temptation

Ken rose early. It was Saturday and he had a long road ahead
of him. The Winter Medical Conference was on in Waterford. He had to be there at eleven o'clock representing the Belmont Clinic doctors. A one-day annual gathering, he had attended the last one in Galway and was re-appointed as a
delegate. It was usually an enjoyable affair, a mixture of serious deliberations, excellent dining, and a bit of socialising. Most delegates would bring their partners, stay overnight, and make an interesting and enjoyable weekend
of it.

Ken had intended doing that too, and was really annoyed that it hadn't worked out that way. Jenny couldn't go. She was heading down to that Dream Valley place again - the usual Saturday ritual. He was getting a bit fed
up of this carry-on now. Why she couldn't spare at least one Saturday was beyond him. This was an important occasion for him, and it would look much better if his wife was with him. But no, she couldn't give him that much. It wasn't a lot to ask. Though feeling bad about it, he was determined not to show
it. The last thing he wanted was another blazing row. He consoled himself:

Don't worry Ken - little apples will grow again - they'll be other occasions, other favours required - she'll be reminded of it then.


The journey was uneventful, and in fact enjoyable. Glen Miller's swinging jazz music helped to smooth his edginess, shorten the road, and entering The Tower Hotel, he was in the best of form.

The place was crammed with doctors. Waiting for the conference to begin some gathered in groups in the foyer, chatting, sharing greetings, and renewing old acquaintances. Others were in the bar wetting their
whistles, lubricating the voice boxes, before proceedings began.

He wondered if he would have a drink himself, could do with one, but felt awkward to be alone. He didn't want to gate-crash any groups, although he knew a lot of them from his student days. Sitting on a high stool
by the counter, he ordered a beer. He was behind a group of six and wasn't too conspicuous.

'Ken!' an excited voice rang out. He didn't respond immediately - wasn't sure it was for him. A slap on the back and a bear-hug
from behind assured him it was. He disentangled himself, turned, and there she was, large as life: Nancy Meyers, now Dr Nancy Meyers, according to her name-badge. They hugged again, from the front this time, leaned back, had a
good admiring look at each other.

'God, you look a picture, Ken ... where have you been all this time? What have you been doing with yourself? I'm absolutely thrilled to see you again.'

'I'm great Nancy ... but you're the one that looks the
picture ... still the bubbly beauty ... like a teenager ... and as flattering as ever.'

'Will yeh go 'way, Ken ... far from a teenager I am now.'

She did look great, beautifully attired in a black designer
suit, white and gold-trimmed silk blouse, brilliantly coifed ash blonde hair, big wide-set blue eyes, dazzling white smile. He saw a maturity about her that was lacking in her student days. She had furnished up, developed, blossomed. She
was now what he would describe as an elegant lady, oozing with quality, charm and personality - he was really impressed.

Sharing a beer with her, he learned that she now worked at the Waterford Regional Hospital, never got married, had her own apartment - just
a block from the hotel - played golf, travelled a lot, and still milked life for every drop of pleasure she could get out of it. 'That wouldn't change,' she assured him.

He had to go back through his last seven years, his career,
his love life, explain why his wife wasn't with him, and promise her he would make himself available to share a couple of drinks in the evening when the conference finished.

'That's a promise now, Ken ... don't let me down.' She knew
how elusive he was in the past - was taking no chances.

'Sure Nancy ... I'll be here, don't worry.' Meeting her was wonderful - he wasn't on his own now - he felt great.

The bell rang. It was time to take their seats. Nancy went back to her group. Ken admired her from behind as she joined two other doctors, whose wives seemed to be heading for the town and some shopping.

Two hundred delegates filed into the big ballroom, found
their seats and business began. There would be a one hour break at one o'clock for lunch, half an hour for coffee at three-thirty, and the chairman assured all that he would have the agenda completed by five at the latest. The young
doctor from Galway was true to his word, impressed the delegates with his firmness, fairness and efficiency.


Dinner was served, and from where she sat with her friends,
Nancy had a direct view of Ken. Observing him keenly, she figured he felt a bit lost on his own. He didn't chat much to those around him - they all had their partners; he didn't. She knew he was always a bit shy, would feel odd in a situation like that. She kept an eye on him in case he did anything silly - like going to
the loo and not coming back - stealing away stealthily. He hadn't changed a bit, looked as stunning as ever, even more so now with maturity. God t'was great to see him again after all those years. She would endeavour to make his
visit to her native city as memorable as possible.

She excused herself for leaving her company. 'an old collage friend I haven't seen for years.' They understood. Nancy had the knack of finding old friends everywhere. Passing Ken's table, she winked, jerked her head in the direction of the bar - he got the message. She was waiting on the high stool when he arrived.

'Now, what will it be?'

'I'll get it,' he protested.

'No, no, no ... you're in my city now ... I have the honour.'

'Okay, thanks ... let me see ... not beer anyway, I'm stuffed.'

'So am I. I think we should have a little scotch on the

'Perfect ... which scotch do you like?'

'Did you ever drink 'The Famous Grouse'?

'I didn't actually.'

Don't know what you're missing, Ken ... the very best ...
large Grouse on the rocks, please'

'Coming up, Madam,' the bar staff were quick and efficient.

With warm affectionate smiles, they clicked glasses, and drank.

'Tastes good ... great body ... nice flavour,' Ken was impressed.

'Yeah, I was introduced to it when I was in Edinburgh two years ago. It'll grow on you, I promise ... you won't drink anything else.'

'Wouldn't want to get too fond of it, dangerous stuff.'

'I know, but you're the one that can handle it, Ken.'

She was reminding him of his drinking prowess during their collage days - he could drink most of them under the table.'


They settled down for a long trip down memory lane, reminiscing, recalling old mates, now scattered around the world, and looked back nostalgically at the incredible things they got up to. The more 'Grouse'
they consumed, the more vivid the memories. Ken's face was getting flushed, his cheeks shining red, his forehead hot and moist. He wasn't used to so much spirits recently - this was strong stuff. He opened the neck button of his shirt,
loosened his tie. There wasn't a shake out of Nancy - she was just getting started. She was in her element, giving him a synopsis of her lifestyle, her work, her friends, her travelling, her golf. He was all ears especially for her golf. They revisited many famous courses that they both played and he proudly
gave her a report on Florida.

'We'll just have to get together next summer for a little golfing break, Ken ... would you come if I arranged it?'

'Of course I would ... you book it and I'll be there,' he
was now in the humour to agree to anything she might suggest.

'Last drinks please!'
The barman's voice rang out.

Ken was startled.

'Christ, is it that time already?'

Nancy smiled that wicked smile.

'Never mind, Ken, you were enjoying yourself ... don't worry about the time ... you're not going back to-night anyway.'

'Oh God no ... I'm well over the limit now ... not sure where I'm going to stay though ...could stay here, I suppose.'

Although fairly tipsy, he could still drop a hint. This was music to Nancy's ears.

'No need to stay here, Ken ... my apartment is just around the corner ... plenty of room there.'

Laying his hand on her knee, he smiled. It was a fine big sexy knee, crossed over the other one, teasing him all night as they faced each
other on the high stools.

' Do you know what, Nancy? You're as sumptuous and alluring as ever ... would there be any chance of a little bit of stretch therapy?'

'Why not? But is my little tipsy pet up to it?'

'Try me, Nancy ... just try me.'

The 'Grouse had done its job. She was beginning to simmer too. The anticipation was thrilling her already - she couldn't wait.

'Come on, let's go.'

Outside it was raining heavily. The street lights cast their amber glow through the downpour as the midnight traffic splashed along the mall, around the ancient Regionals Tower, and on to the quay.

'Shit, we'll be drowned!' Ken was running towards the car
park. Nancy pulled him back.

'Are you crazy? You can't drive ... this place is swarming with Guards ... do you want to be in the barracks all night? The apartment is
only a block away ... come on.'

Taking her arm, he gave her the sexiest smile as they marched off in the rain.

'Thought you said one block!' The rain was pouring down. The water was dropping off his hair, trickling down his face.

'She was being soaked too but it didn't bother her. She stepped into a big puddle, splashing water up her legs.

'Jasus, I'm drowned,' she exclaimed, bursting into loud laughter.

'We should have taken a taxi,' Ken wasn't amused.

'Not at all ... sure we're home now.'

Inside the hallway, Nancy kicked off her wet shoes, shook her head in quick semi-circles, flicking the drops widely, catching Ken with
most of them. It was his cue to grab her, squeeze her tightly in a bear hug, and kiss her passionately. She responded immediately in an intense yielding that they both knew was only the start of a long night of exquisite pleasure.
Relaxing their grip of each other, they moved into the luxurious lounge. Ken was impressed. It had everything, typical of Nancy, never short of luxury, her rich father always saw to that.

She wriggled out of her damp clothes, abandoning them in a
heap on the carpet. He watched her beautiful full figure being unveiled before his eyes. He struggled to keep his lust at bay, but was failing. Kissing ravenously again, as her hands were busy undressing him, opening his jacket, his tie, shirt, belt and zip; the trousers and underpants slid to the floor.
She was an expert, he submitted willingly, his erection growing larger and harder with every deft movement of her sexy hands.

Kissing more urgently now, he lowered her to the carpet in
the centre of the lounge. On her back, her wet hair spread out, her face glowing in the beams of dim light from the little wall lamps, she looked like a big beautiful mermaid. Gazing on her, naked and sumptuous, her mature cuddly figure, gorgeous full breasts, big smiling eyes, alluring grin; he wanted her madly. He knew it was wrong. Jenny flashed through his mind. He couldn't let that distract him now. He didn't feel guilt. This wasn't planned, it just happened, a once-off thing. How could he refuse this immense pleasure? He
wasn't strong enough to resist someone like Nancy - no one could - she was irresistible.

Sensing his hesitation, she sprang into action. Grabbing him, she pulled him on to her. Opening her legs wide, she fed him into her. He
was ready and willing. Arching her wonderful hips and lunging upwards to clamp him tighter, the chill of sheer bliss overwhelmed him. Deeper and deeper he shafted into her steaming body, her long legs wrapped tightly around him now,
they were ravenous, wriggling, surging in a delirious frenzy. He tried to make it last but there was no chance of that. Her agility and passion was just too much for him. Their frantic crazy bucking had them soaring to new heights and with one massive wild push they reached the glorious summit. It was magic,
almost painful, but bliss, sheer bliss, ecstasy.

They lay tangled together for a while. Recovered, but not cured, they rose. She pointed to the stairs.

'Come on pet ... I want to show you a few new tricks.'

'Oh yeah? Like the ones you taught me in Monte Carlo?'

'Ah, they're old ... I have much better ones now.'

'I bet you have.'

They hugged and staggered their way up the stairs to further blissful passion that lasted most of the night.


As he exited the Tower Hotel car park, Ken could see Nancy
in his mirror. She had driven him down in her Mazda sports, was still waving after him. He waved back with his right arm while his left manoeuvred the Honda out on to the Mall that would take him along the quay, over the bridge, and on to the Dublin road. The motor traffic was light but the footpaths were busy
with lots of people making their way to church for Sunday Mass.

He didn't feel like joining them. He went to Church occasionally, believed in God, or whoever was responsible for all this
wonderful creation. He was no saint - but he wasn't a hypocrite either - wouldn't pretend to be perfect. Still, he believed he more than made up for his failings with his dedication to his profession, and his commitment to those entrusted to his care. His patients would testify that he served them well,
relieving them of their pain, restoring them in times of crisis, curing them of their ailments. He did his best - gave it his all. If he undid all that by the occasional indiscretion, then so be it. He didn't believe so - the 'Man Above'
couldn't be that unjust or unreasonable.

Nancy wasn't bad either, that's for sure. She liked what she liked, was built like that - she wouldn't change. She too would make up for her shortcomings in other ways. She's probably a devoted, caring doctor who would
give her heart to anyone who needed it. She was a generous, loving, kind person. What you saw was what you got. She was genuine and honest - more than could be said for a lot of people.

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