Dreaming in Hindi (47 page)

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Authors: Katherine Russell Rich

I still had no idea because, in fact, I'd asked him every question I might have thought of except one.

We gave up on the list and discussed the day, all the hilarity and jubilation. One kid had held up a toy I'd brought, a bank shaped like a car, and performed some improv that brought down the house. His gestures had been beautifully supple, the way I recalled the boys' had been when they'd described the Australian cricket team's impending trouncing. Hey, I asked, what had that boy said?

"I do not know," Anukul said with a shrug, and I was surprised. When we'd spent Friday afternoons together, he'd nearly always been able to translate conversations for me on the spot, except for occasionally, when he'd gotten thrown by a word. But those Friday afternoons had been structured and under his control, I was forgetting that. Anukul had been leading the discussions then.

"You don't know?" I said.


"You don't?"

"Maybe something about a car."

"But why not?" I finally thought to ask.

"Oh," Anukul said pleasantly, casually, "because the children have a whole other language, one even we do not understand."

by Nand Chaturvedi

One of these days
I'll look at your face and find
The sad detailed imprints
Of the festival days

Now those days
Are useless,
Those days which, like thieves,
Steal residual memory

Who will come for the festival:
Vasantsena, Vasavdutta,
Michael Jackson, Chidambaram,
Or a wild boar?
Won't she come that
Miss World,
What is her name?

In the festival's terror
The village
Has become impoverished, indifferent
Like trees in fall.
On women's shoulders
Naked boys sit,
A little shy,
Hiding their members in their thighs

Where is this Delhi,
Where the festival is?
The nation's president is here,
But where's the nation?
In his eyes are the sun and the moon,
Elongated sad shadows on fields,
A nation in the shape of roti,
Festival of remnant desires

They have become tired
A day before the festival,
On the road, they found the village girl's body
Still clutching the child to her breast.
The day before,
The girls were loaded into the truck
Like young goats
To be taken to the slaughterhouse.

From which festival have you come,
Which one is taking place
These days
In the capital of this darkness?

Darling, walk slowly,
For only if you walk
Slow will you see
What walks beside you
In the background,
In this cruel festival time.

Translated by Katherine Russell Rich
and Vidhu Shekhar Chaturvedi


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